English Proverbs: Every student is given one proverb to ...

English Proverbs: Every student is given one proverb to memorize. They should memorize the proverb word for word, but they can explain the meaning of the proverb in their own words.

|Proverb: | |Proverb: | |Proverb: |

|Absence makes the heart grow fonder. | |Don't put all your eggs in one basket. | |There is more than one way to skin a cat. |

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|Meaning: | |Meaning: | |Meaning: |

|If you spend time away from someone you love, you | |You should not depend on just one thing for success. | |There is more than one way to solve a problem. In |

|will love them even more. In other words, you realize| |Instead, you should diversify your risks. For example, | |other words, if one solution doesn't work, try to |

|how much you love something when you are spend time | |don't invest all your money in one thing because you | |find another way to solve the problem. |

|away from it. | |might lose everything if it fails. | | |

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|Proverb: | |Proverb: | |Proverb: |

|You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it | |What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. | |Necessity is the mother of invention. |

|drink. | | | | |

| | |Meaning: | |Meaning: |

|Meaning: | |People become tougher and wiser by facing hardships. | |If you really need to do something you will find a |

|You can tell somebody what the best thing to do is, | |For example, if someone cheats you out of money, the | |way. In other words, people can be very creative when|

|but you can't make them do it. In other words, even | |experience will make you wiser so that you | |they have to be. |

|if you give somebody good advice, they might not | | | | |

|follow it. | | | | |

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|Proverb: | |Proverb: | |Proverb: |

|The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. | |Don't count your chickens before they hatch. | |That's the pot calling the kettle black. |

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|Meaning: | |Meaning: | |Meaning: |

|Children grow up to be similar to their parents. For | |Don't rely on something that hasn't happened yet. For | |You shouldn't criticize other people's faults if you |

|example, if the parents are bad then the child will | |example, you shouldn't spend money that you haven't | |have those same faults. For example, if you are lazy |

|be bad as well. | |earned yet. | |you shouldn't complain when other people are lazy. |

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|Proverb: | |Proverb: | |Proverb: |

|Every cloud has a silver lining. | |When it rains, it pours. | |A leopard cannot change its spots. |

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|Meaning: | |Meaning: | |Meaning: |

|There is a positive side to every bad situation. In | |When bad* things happen, they happen all at once. In | |People cannot change their personality or nature. For|

|other words, bad things also produce some good. | |other words, if you have some bad luck, more bad luck | |example, if someone is bad then they will always be |

| | |will follow shortly. | |bad (so don't believe people who say they've |

| | |(*It is also sometimes used for good things as well.) | |changed). |

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|Proverb: | |Proverb: | |Proverb: |

|You shouldn't judge a book by its cover. | |Look before you leap. | |Too many cooks spoil the broth. |

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|Meaning: | |Meaning: | |Meaning: |

|Outward appearances can be deceiving. In other words,| |You should carefully plan things before you do | |If too many people are managing something, it will |

|you should look at something closely before deciding | |anything. In other words, don't be hasty because If you| |fail. In other words, it's better to have one person |

|if it is good or bad. | |act rashly, you might get hurt. | |directing a project than many people. |


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