Can't change pdf default program windows 10

Can't change pdf default program windows 10

Recently, Microsoft stepped up its campaign against its rival browser Google Chrome as the Edge started to display new prompts whenever a user visited the Chrome browser download page. These prompts were not like any other pop-ups that are usually seen on various websites. The new prompts were rendered natively by Edge and were quite different from the ones that users see when they open Google Search or Gmail on the native browser.Here are the messages that the new prompts read: "Microsoft Edge runs on the same technology as Chrome, with the added trust of Microsoft.", "That browser is so 2008! Do you know what's new? Microsoft Edge." and others.The tech giant later stepped back from the campaign and stopped showing those prompts. The company also made it easier to change your default web browser on Windows 11. As first spotted by reverse engineer Rafael Rivera, Windows build 22509 comes with a new `Set Default Browser' button. But you still have to set default apps according to the type of file or link type instead of a single switch. This means that for changing the default browser, you have to change the default file type for FTP, HTTPS, HTTP, HTML, HTM, PDF, SHTML, SVG, WEBP, XHT and XHTML. If you want to change the default browser on Windows 11, you can follow these steps.1.Go to Settings on your PC.2.Find the App section and click on it.3.From the panel at the left side of the screen, tap on Default apps.4.At the top of the page, you can find the option to select your default browser but as mentioned above you still have to change the default app for various extensions such as HTTP, HTTPS, HTML and others.5.Option to change the default app for various extensions can be found on the same page. You just have to click on the default browser option below the extension type.FacebookTwitterLinkedin Windows 11 makes it much more difficult to change your default web browser, while also outright ignoring the browser default settings you adjusted. Microsoft really wants its Edge web browser to be popular, to the point that it's actively making it a challenge to set other browsers as the default in Windows 11. The Verge explains that, while changing defaults is still possible, if you miss the "Always use this app" toggle when starting up a new browser, you'll have to start digging into menus. The process now involves changing individual file or link type defaults one-by-one for the browser you want to use. It's a much longer and more confusing process than Windows 10's Default Apps menu approach. In addition, Windows 11 has been ignoring new default settings entirely. Performing a search in Windows 11 will still open Microsoft Edge, regardless of which browser you have set as your default. A new dedicated widgets area in the new operating system flat-out ignores alternate browser defaults as well. Jetta Productions Inc / Getty Images The Verge also points out how Windows 10 has a habit of prompting users to switch back to Edge every time there's a Windows update, and Windows 11 could do the same. While Microsoft claims to be listening to customer feedback to improve the user experience, these developments imply it's far more interested in pushing its web browser. Thanks for letting us know! Get the Latest Tech News Delivered Every Day Subscribe Tell us why! Windows 11 is officially rolling out, and with it Microsoft has implemented a host of changes to how we use Windows. One of the more frustrating differences is how much more work it now takes to make anything other than Microsoft Edge your default web browser.So if you don't want to use Edge on your new Windows 11 PC, get ready to dig through menus to change a bunch of finicky settings, because whereas you could simply change your default browser in Windows 10 by swapping out Edge for whatever you wanted, Windows 11 requires you to change the default application for each file type.Here we'll walk you through the process of reconfiguring Windows 11 so Microsoft Edge isn't the default browser for every web-related link and application you try to launch. And after you've read this guide, check out our Windows 11 review to see if we recommend downloading it right now ... or waiting.How to change your default browser in Windows 111. Open the "default apps" section of your Windows 11 Settings menu. You can get there by opening the Settings menu, clicking the Apps section and then selecting Default apps, but it's faster to just hit the Start key to open the Start menu and start typing "default apps", then clicking on the link to the Default apps menu when it appears.(Image credit: Future)2. Scroll down the list of apps until you find the browser you want to set as your default, then select it. For the purposes of this how-to I'll be showing you how to set Google Chrome as your default browser, but you could select any competing browser here: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.(Image credit: Future)3. Scroll down to the HTTPS section and click on it to change the default app from Microsoft Edge to your browser of choice. As you can see, once you click on an app in the Default apps menu you're presented with a list of relevant file types, each of which has an app listed as the default one to open it.The first time you do this, everything web-related should default to Microsoft Edge. To start changing that, scroll down to the HTTPS section and click the icon below it (which should be Edge) to select a new default app. Windows 11 may pop up a window urging you to check out Edge before you stop using it -- feel free to hit "Switch anyway" and ignore that warning. Pick the browser you want to be your default, and that should change both HTTPS and HTTP defaults to your browser of choice.(Image credit: Future)4. Repeat step 3 for .htm, .html, and any other web-related file types you use. Now comes the laborious part -- you'll have to do the same reassignment for every file type you want your browser of choice to open. For starters, make sure both HTTP and HTTPS did in fact change from Edge to the browser you chose. If the default app for opening HTTP links didn't change automatically, you'll have to do it manually. (Image credit: Future)We also recommend you change your default app for opening .HTM, .HTML, .PDF, .SHTML, and .XHTML. These last two are pretty obscure so it's rare that you'll ever click on one, but when you do you'll be greeted by your browser of choice instead of Edge.And that's it, you've done it! Now that you know how you can also follow the same process to set your own default apps for other file types in Windows 11, from video files to music. For more Windows 11 tips, check out our guides on how to customize the Windows 11 Start menu, how to enable Dark Mode in Windows 11, how to see your Wi-Fi password in Windows 11, how to boot into Windows 11 safe mode, how to set up multiple desktops in Windows 11, and how to enable God Mode in Windows 11 or 10.Today's best Apple iPhone 12 deals Get instant access to breaking news, the hottest reviews, great deals and helpful tips. When you open Windows Explorer in Windows 10, the default folder that opens is either Quick Access or This PC, depending on your settings. But what if you want Explorer to open a different folder? Here's a way to open your preferred folder every time.[explorer.png]1. Right-click on the desktop and choose New > Shortcut.2. In the location field, enter C:\Windows\explorer.exe3. Click Next.4. Name the shortcut or leave it as explorer.exe5. Click Finish.6. Right-click on the shortcut and choose Properties.7. Change the target to C:\Windows\explorer.exe /n, /e, [location of your folder]. For example, to make Explorer open the C:\ drive folder, it would look like this:You can use a subfolder too, such as C:\Users8. Click OK.Now, whenever you click that shortcut, your desired folder will open instead of the default. You can do this with as many folders as you wish.Windows File Explorer Tips Change default location for downloads: Open the Download folder's Properties > Move. Pick a new location.You can choose any location you like, including the desktop.When you click Apply, it may ask you to move your existing files. This guide will teach you how to change the default download location for Windows 11, so you can download files directly to wherever you like. This method also works for Windows 10, though the operating system looks a little different. The easiest way to change the default download location in Windows 11, is to use the Move command within the Download folder's Properties menu. Select the File Explorer folder icon in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen to open the File Explorer window. Right-click or tap and hold on the Downloads folder and select Properties from its pop-out menu. Select the Location tab, then select the Move button. Navigate through File Explorer to choose your preferred download location, then click Select Folder. It can be almost any folder you want, and on any drive you want. Choose a folder on the main drive, the Desktop, or a location on an entirely different drive if you prefer to keep your downloads off the boot drive. You can even choose an external drive. After you choose a location, select Apply. Windows 11 will then ask you if you want to move all files from the old location to the new one. If you currently have nothing of importance in your Windows 11 Downloads folder, choose No. If you have downloaded applications or folders previously that may be a necessary component of some applications, or you just want to play it safe, select Yes. When you select Yes, none of your applications will stop working due to losing the path to necessary files or folders. Select OK after Windows 11 moves your files. The above method of moving the Windows 11 Downloads folder will create a new default download location for any files you download from the internet. You can change it multiple times if you want to find the right spot. Yes, you can change the download folder location for all recent Windows operating systems. The above method works in both Windows 10 and 11 and only takes a couple of minutes to complete. FAQ How do I change the download location in Windows 7? If you're running Windows 7 and want to change the download location, click Start > Computer, open the C drive, then open the Users folder. Open your username folder, then right-click on the Downloads folder and select Properties. Click the Location tab, then click the Move button and select the new download location. Click Select Folder > Apply > OK. How do I change the Windows Store download location? To change the Microsoft Store apps and games download location, open Settings and go to System > Storage > Advanced storage settings. Choose Where new content is saved and then click the drop-down arrow next to New apps will save to. How do I change the download location on a Mac? To change the download location on a Mac from the default Downloads folder, you'll change your browser's settings. Press Command + , (comma) to bring up your browser's Preferences screen; the rest of the steps will depend on your browser, In Chrome, select Advanced, go to the Downloads section, and, next to Location, select Change, then select the folder you want downloads to go. How do I change the download location on Steam? To change your Steam games' installation location, open Settings, click the Downloads tab, and select Steam Library Folder. Select Add Library Folder and create a new default installation path. Future installations will go to the new location. Thanks for letting us know! Get the Latest Tech News Delivered Every Day Subscribe Tell us why!

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