Okta – How to reset my password?

Okta ? How to reset my password? Note: Before you can use the steps outlined here to reset or change your password you need to have registered with the system. Please follow instruction in the document titled "Okta - How to Register" first There are two situations where you may need to reset your password ? one, if you forget your password or if it has expired and need to reset it, and second when you wish to change it voluntarily is case the password is about to expire or you feel it has been compromised. Steps to recover a forgotten password Navigate your web browser to . You will be presented with a login page similar to the one below:

Click on the "Forgot Password" link. When prompted, you can enter your Freeman email (example: John.Doe@) and then select either email or Text Message (SMS) as the method to receive the password reset instructions. Note: Username will not work and it has to be your Freeman email or alternate email (if one was setup during registration)

If you selected SMS, you will receive a TXT message with a verification code to you registered mobile phone. Scroll down for a screenshot of what the message looks like. Screen shot of verification message to your cell sent by the system

If you selected email as the option, the system will send emails to both your freemanco and alternate email addresses. If you make a mistake in typing your email at the Rest Password screen, the system will NOT correct you. This is a security measure. If you don't receive an email in about 5 minutes, repeat the process making sure your address is correct.

Example of email with the password reset link sent to the email address that has previously registered within the system. Once again, note the emails have been sent to both freeman and your alternate email address. You can use either to reset your password

After entering the verification code received on your cell or clicking the link in your email, you will be presented with a challenge question by the system. Note: This question and answer is the same as that was previously selected by you when you registered with the system.

After answering the challenge question correctly, the system will prompt you to enter the new password as in the screen below

Note, the new password must meet the minimum security requirments which is: - Must not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters - Be at least eight characters in length - Contain characters from three of the following four categories: English uppercase characters (A through Z), English lowercase characters (a through z), numerals 0 through 9, Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %) - Cannot use a previous password

Steps to voluntarily change your password Once logged in to Okta, click on the down arrow next to your name, and select Settings

Use the Change Password section to change your password. You will notice this section lets you change some of the other settings such as secondary email, mobile phone numer, security questions and so on.

If the process is not working or if you need help, please contact the Help Desk or submit your request by clicking on the Help link (on the sign-in screen, next to the Forgot Password link) and filling out the details. In the message please provide an alternate email and phone number where you can be reached. See next page for screen shots.


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