Bloodhounds Incorporated

Gustation and OlfactionName: _____________________________Effects of Saliva on TasteSupplies:Weight boat filled with sugarPaper towelsExperiment:During this experiment your tongue needs to stick out of your mouth the entire time. I know feel like you look silly but look around so does everyone else in the class!Use the paper towels to completely dry out your mouth. There should be no saliva left in your mouth or on your tongue.Place a pinch of the sugar on the tip of your tongue. You should not be able to taste it.Now time how long it takes for you to actually taste the sweet sugar. ____________secQuestion: Explain the reason(s) why you can’t taste the sugar at first and then why you can after a period of time. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Distribution of Taste BudsSupplies:Beakers labelled 1 – 4. These beakers each contain a salty, sweet, sour and bitter solution(4) cotton tipped applicatorsExperiment:Dip an applicator into the beaker labelled 1 and paint the solution over the surface of your tongue.Draw a picture of your tongue and place on the drawing the region where you taste this first solution.Repeat the steps using the solutions in beakers 2, 3 and 4 and draw the areas of your tongue where you taste each.Make sure to use a fresh swab with each beaker and NO double dipping please.You should also rinse your mouth with fresh water between each solution.Questions:Were there any tastes you could not detect? If so, which one? ____________________Were there any areas of your tongue where you could not detect any taste? If so, where? ________________________________________________________Draw a picture of your tongue mapping below.Effects of Temperature on TasteSupplies:Weight boat of sugarIceExperiment:Place some ice in your mouth and hold it there until your tongue becomes very cold.Once your tongue is nice and cold then put a pinch of sugar on the tip of your tongue.You do not have to hold your tongue out of your mouth during this experiment!Does the ice enhance the taste of the sugar or cause the sugar to have less taste? ______________________. Why do you think this difference occurs? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Effects of Smell, Taste and Texture on the Foods We EatSupplies:(1) Container of various foods per tableToothpicksExperiment:Your partner will have to keep their eyes closed throughout this entire experiment.Have your partner also pinch their nose at the start of the experiment.Take a toothpick and place one of the food items into your partner’s mouth. With their eyes closed and nose plugged have your partner roll the food around in their mouth. After a time as your partner to attempt to identify the item of food in their mouth.Next, have your partner chew the food, but keep their eyes closed and nose plugged.Do they think it is the same food they’ve already identified or have they changed their mind and think it’s some other type of food?Finally, have your partner unplugged his/her nose and identify the food. What do they think it is now? Repeat these steps with each item of food in the container and mark your answers in the table below.Effects of Smell, Taste and Texture on FoodFood ItemTextureChewing but no smellChewing with smellNot able to identify foodOlfactory AdaptationSupplies:A vial of either wintergreen, peppermint or clovesCotton ballExperiment:Place a drop of your chosen oil on a cotton ball.Hold one nostril shut and hold the cotton ball under the open nostril.Record how long it takes for you to no longer smell the odor. ________________secOnce you no longer smell the odor then open the other nostril and close off the nostril you had been using to smell the oil. Can you smell the oil in the nostril that was closed off or has it also adapted? ________ Is olfactory adaptation consensual? _______Olfactory StimulationSupplies:Cotton ballVial of either wintergreen, peppermint or clovesDropper Approximately 10 ml of lemon juice per tableExperiment:Place a drop of oil on a cotton ball to hold under your nose.Place two drops of lemon juice on your tongue.While smelling the oil and tasting the lemon juice at the same time answer the following questions.Questions:Can you distinguish the flavors of the oil and the lemon juice separately? _________If not, what do you actually taste? _______________ smell? ___________________Which sense appears to be the strongest, taste or smell and why?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Post-Lab Questions:Which types of sensory receptors are smell and taste receptors?Which chemicals elicit the basic tastes?Salty ___________________________________Sweet __________________________________Sour ___________________________________Bitter __________________________________People appreciate food for different reasons. Name three factors that affect a person’s appreciation of food. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which factors is most important to you? ___________________________________Why is a cold piece of pizza usually unappetizing?____________________________________________________________________Baby food is usually very bland tasting and adults typically don’t like the taste. Why do babies prefer bland foods and adults don’t? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How palatable is food when you have a cold? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the mechanism for olfactory adaptation? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Is olfactory adaptation desirable and why or why not? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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