IE – Fall 2010 – Week 1

IE – Spring 2020 – Week 1& 2

Self Introduction, Paragraph Grading Template, and Common Writing Errors

(1) Blog Writing Activity

Part A → Content Q&A -->

What are some examples of appropriate questions answered in a self-introduction? Make a list below.


What is your name?(topic Sentence) How old are you? (When were you born?) Where are you from? (Where were you born?) Where do you live? Where did you go to school? (Where are you living?) What are your hobbies? What do you do? What is your major? What do you learn? Do you like it? What is your favorite _________? (food, movie, kind of movie, book/kind of books, sport, music?.......) What is goal/dream/ambition?(What do you want to do?) How many people are there in your family? (Do you have siblings?)What does your father/mother do? What do you look? What are your strengths and weaknesses? (What are you like?) Have you ever _________(been to, done, gone to , seen, hurt, been hurt, eaten, driven, tried, traveled…) Do you have any pet peeves? What makes you happy? Are you single? (Who are the important people in your life?) What is your blood type? Are you religious? Why? Why not? Who inspires/influences you?(Who are your role models?) Do you have a pet? Are you politically active? Do you want to get married?

Part B → Writing First Draft

Using some of the answers (content) from Part A, write a paragraph about yourself. Don’t forget to follow the rules of paragraph form.

Title: __________________________________

Part C -⋄ Proof-Read First Draft

Don’t forget to proof read your paragraph. Does it have a topic sentence? (form) Does it have enough supporting sentences?(content) Did you indent and write in proper paragraph form? (form) How can you make it more interesting? (content) Is there something you left out? (content)

Exchange paragraphs with a classmate. What suggestions can you make about their paragraph? What kind of follow-up questions would you ask? What missing information would make the paragraph more interesting?

Part D ⋄Rewrite

What mistakes did you make? How can you improve your paragraph? Reread your paragraph and rewrite a second draft and then post as your first blog entry. We will review how to do this in class.

As a blog entry, be sure to provide any necessary or helpful links, photos, or videos to help illustrate your self-introduction.

(2) Internet English – Blog / Paragraph Grading


|Content |Organization |Vocabulary |Language Use |Mechanics |Links/Photos/Videos |

|*topic covered |*body – topic |*effectiveness of |*sentence |*punctuation, |*relevant link, |

|in-depth with |sentence, supporting|expressions and range|constructions |capitalization, |photos or videos |

|relevant and |sentences with |of word choice/idiom |⋄s-v-a, verb tense,|spelling, paragraph |which help develop |

|creative info |examples/explanation|use |articles, pronouns,|form, title |readers theme / topic|

| |s | |prepositions, word | |of blog post |

| | | |order… | | |

|1 – Poor |1 - Poor |1 - Poor |1 - Poor |1 - Poor |1- Poor |

|*irrelevant info |*unorganized and |*demonstrates limited|*dominated by |*dominated by errors|* no links photos / |

| |lacking support |knowledge of English |errors/ |/ |video or unrelated |

|2 - Unsatisfactory | |/ difficult to |difficult to |difficult to |& confusing |

|*inadequate |2 - Unsatisfactory |understand |understand |understand | |

| |* confused with poor| | | |2 – Unsatisfactory |

|3 – Fair |sequencing |2 - Unsatisfactory |2 - Unsatisfactory |2 - Unsatisfactory |*one or two links / |

|*mostly relevant | |*limited English |*major grammatical |*major mechanical |photos or video |

| |3 – Fair |usage |problems / |problems / confusing| |

|4 - Proficient |*limited supporting | |confusing | |3 – Fair |

|*mostly relevant / |ideas but as main |3 – Fair | |3 – Fair |*minimal use of a few|

|creative |idea |*good / occasional |3 – Fair |*effective with |partially helpful |

| | |error |*effective with |errors |links/photos or video|

|5 – Excellent |4 - Proficient | |errors | | |

|*thorough and |*logical but |4 - Proficient | | | |

|creative/original |slightly choppy |*very good range |4 - Proficient |4 - Proficient |4 – Proficient |

| | | |*complex |*complex |*very good use of |

| |5 – Excellent |5 – Excellent |constructions with |constructions with |photos / links / |

| |*Logical and |*sophisticated and |several errors |several errors |videos |

| |cohesive = flowing |appropiate language /| | | |

| |of ideas |variety |5 – Excellent |5 – Excellent | |

| | | |*complex |*complex |5 – Excellent |

| | | |constructions with |constructions with |* links / photos / |

| | | |no errors |no errors |video used to |

| | | | | |enhance paragraph|

| | | | | |and shows original|

| | | | | |research & creative |

| | | | | |thinking |


| ___ / 30 |

(3) Review of Common Errors

Formal Academic Writing

Follow Instructions



→ First I need to get a part-time job.

Review – Comma Rules –

→ Use a comma to separate a list of three or more things.

I like books, music, and dogs.

→ A comma separates two sentences when there is a coordinating conjunction. (and, but, or, so, for, nor, yet)

I eat chicken, and I often eat rice.

→ A comma is used to separate an introductory word or phrase.

In conclusion, doctors are advising people to take more vitamins.

→ A comma is used to separate an appositive (a word which renames a noun) from the rest of the sentence.

Washington, the first president of the United States, was a clever military leader.

→ A comma is sometimes used with adjective clauses and the information in the sentence is unnecessary/extra (nonrestrictive clause.)


→ yesterday we went to the han river park.

Online Search → What are some of the common rules of capitalization?

Spelling (SP)

→ I cooked spagetti in the kichun.

Word Order (WO)

→ There is food?

Sentence Fragments (SF) → Missing subject and/or verb

→ The Library far from here.

Incomplete Sentence (IS) → incomplete idea

→ Because he is kind.

Subject – Verb -Agreement → incorrectly conjugated

→ She really hate to study in the summer.

Word Choice (WC) AND Konglish

Word Choice → Incorrect word used.

Busan is famous for marine products.

Konglish →I need to have a well-being diet.

Articles (a / an / the)

→ I sat in chair during class.

→ I went to store next to your house.

Let’s Review the Seven Basic Rules of Article Use

Singular count nouns.

My mother is a teacher. NOT My mother is teacher.

The thing in general do not use THE with noncount nouns.

I hate the salt.

I hate the beer.

I hate the money.

Use THE when you mean the thing in general + a singular count noun

→ Televisions are in every home. NOT The television(s) are in every home.

Use THE when you refer to something a second time .

Yesterday I saw “Iron Man 6” with my brother. The movie was really fun.

THE used for something something specific. (Specificity)

The bank on the corner is open. NOT Bank on the corner is open.

Use THE if there is only one of that thing. (Uniqueness)

The sun is millions of kilometers from our planet. NOT Sun is millions of kilometers from our planet.

Use THE for the superlative adjective form.

I am the best student in class. NOT I am best student in class.

Count/Non-count nouns ⋄ quantifiers


→ I had a rice today. (plural)

→ There is a piece of rice on you shirt. (singular)

Adjectives – Incorrect use of the comparative/superlative adjective forms

→ I am more taller than my father.

→ He is best student in class.

Irregular Adjectives

Good →

Bad →


Happy →

Beautiful →

Numbers ⋄ spell age and quantity / write numeral for measurement, time, money

Korean⋄English (Names, food, places etc…) ⋄ standardized Roman form/Romanization

→ My name is Yeong Mi Kim. (incorrect)

→ 김 영 미 → English???

Plural / Singular Form

→ There are many childs in the theater/theatre.

Verb tense error

→ Yesterday I go to my first English class.

Prepositions – Where? (in, on, at, near, by, next to…)

I am at class. I am at Sejong Campus. I am on Jochiwon.

Common Word Choice Error –

Trip vs. Travel (verb or noun?)

→ I like to trip on summer vacation.

Fun vs. Funny (Humorous vs Enjoyable)

→ My summer vacation was very funny.


→ I like to play with friends on weekends.

Popular vs. Famous

→ Basketball is a famous sport for kids.

Generally, famous refers to recognition, and popular refers to reputation (of a person) or frequency (many people use a thing or visit a place).

Famous often, but not necessarily, has positive connotations. Knowledge of the famous person, thing or event is widespread.

Popular usually has positive connotations, or when referring to a place, it means it is visited by many people. The person, place or thing is largely well regarded among the people who know of it, but doesn't necessarily mean a lot of people know of it.

Perhaps it's easier understood with an example.

A famous restaurant: Is well known. The name of the restaurant is recognized, perhaps because a well-known chef founded it, or it advertises a lot, or a well-known event occurred on the premises.

A popular restaurant: It's usually busy. The majority of people enjoy eating there. Or maybe they don't, but they go there because the food is cheap, or it's the "place to be." Outside of the people that eat there, it may or may not be well known.

A restaurant can be both famous and popular (everyone knows about the restaurant, and many of them go there), or popular but not famous (only the people that frequent the restaurant know of it), or famous but not popular (making it infamous).

The Top Five Most Common Student Errors

* Etc… /…and so on (informal/word choice error / WC)

→ Yesterday I ate dinner, met friends, and so on.

* Because / So / And / But (sentence fragment / SF)

→ So I will call you.

It / it (capitalization error)

→ First, It is a bad idea.

* Especially (word order/adverb error)

→ Especially our English teacher is so kind and handsome.

* ,because (Punctuation → unnecessary comma use)

I am writing, because I need to.

Proof Reading ⋄

(1) Form

Paragraph form ⋄ title, indent / topic/supporting/concluding sentences

(Sample paragraph)

My First Flight

Although the first time I flew on a plane was many years ago, I can still remember how afraid I was that day. All my life, I had wondered what it would be like to fly in an airplane. Finally in March of 1990, I boarded my first flight. I flew from New Orleans, Louisiana to Managua, Nicaragua, on SASHA Airlines. I was a Boeing 727 jet. There were three seats on each side of the aisle. It was a sort of crowded , and this only made me more nervous. Every time we hit a little turbulence, my hands turned white. I was so nervous during the entire flight that I did not eat the meal they gave me. I would not even go to the bathroom. I cannot tell you how relieved I was when the plane finally landed at our destination.

(2) Content

Is all the information related to the topic? Is there anything you’d like to add/delete?

(3) Common Errors

(see list above)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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