BCM SCHOOL, BASANT AVENUEENGLISH ASSIGNMENTCLASS-VIII(READING SECTION)PREHENSIONModern food has become our enemy. We have become so taken in by taste and presentation that we eat food for its entertainment value, and not for its nutritional benefit .Even as health awareness is increasing , the variety of junk and nutrition deprived food is also increasing. Each restaurant boasts of its new cuisine, which is a mixture of refined flour, oil and sugar. Pasta, noodles, white rice, white bread and maida based products like pizzas, burgers, naan and rumali roti are the grain options in Italian, Chinese, Indian or Mexican cuisines. The vegetarian dishes are either overcooked or have a lot of corn starch and fat. The non-vegetarian dishes are either white- sauce based or made in rich gravies .People are trying to lose weight by eating less in a day, so that they can accommodate such foods in the night. They skip breakfast and lunch so that they can satisfy their taste buds in the night with a family dinner. Perfect health, however, cannot be achieved by a process of deprivation and elimination. The idea is to nourish the body. You might achieve some weight loss but you will also lose out on your health.Therefore, while embarking upon any weight loss program, remember that health is so much more than just weight loss, at the same time achieving ideal body weight in a healthy way does provide a basis for achieving perfect health.Our weight is a balancing act, but the equation is simple. If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. And if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight.All too often, we make weight loss much more difficult than it needs to be with extreme diets that leave us cranky and starving, unhealthy life style choices that undermine our dieting efforts, and emotional eating habits that stop us before we get started. But there’s a better way! You can lose weight without feeling miserable. By making smart choices everyday, you can develop new eating habits and preferences that will leave you feeling satisfied and winning the battle of bulge.Answer the following questions:(a) How has modern food become our enemy?(b) How do people try to lose weight?(c) What should you remember while trying to lose weight?(d) What equation is drawn to highlight our weight as a balancing act?(e) What is meant by `nourish’?(f) What is meant by `undermine’?(g) Find the word opposite to`significant’?(h) Find the word opposite to `deprived’.(Para I)2. Read the following poem carefully:THE STARGAZERA stargazer out late at night,With eyes and thoughts turned both upright Tumbled by chance into a well(4) (A dismal story this to tell );He roared and sobbed ,and roared again,And cursed the` Bear’ and `Charles’s Wain’.His woeful cries a neighbour brought,(8) Less learned,but wiser far in thought;`My friend’, quoth he,` you’re much misled,With stars to trouble thus your head;Since you with these misfortunes meet,(12) For want of looking to your feet.’Write the option you consider the most appropriate:1. The `stargazer’ in the poem is someone who(a) is a day-dreamer(b) observes and studies stars(c) paints stars (d) believes in stars2. The stargazer fell into the well because(a) it was dark(b) he did not know there was a well there (c) he was looking at the sky, unmindful of where he was going(d) it was an abandoned well3. A `dismal’ story is a story that is(a) interesting(b) funny(c) unfortunate(d) pessimistic4. The`bear’ and` Charles’s Wain’ are probably (a) names of people that taught the stargazer how to study stars(b) names of his neighbours who owned the well(c) names of two stargazers(d) names of two groups or clusters of stars5. The expression`less learned, but wiser’ means the neighbour was(a) more learned and wiser than the stargazer(b) more ignorant and less wiser than the stargazer(c) less educated but more kindly than the stargazer(d) less educated but wiser than the stargazer6.The advice that the neighbour gave the stargazer is best summed in which of the following?(a) one must always be practical and watchful(b) it is better to be less educated but more wise(c) stargazing is a waste of time(d) no one should build castles in the air7. By the expression “ want of looking at your feet’’ the neighbor means that the stargazer(a) had miscalculated the distance between him and the well(b) had been careless and absent-minded(c) had soiled his feet(d) had fallen into the well(WRITING SECTION)3. Scholar’s Public School, Chandigarh is organizing an Inter- Section Music Competition for class VIII. As the cultural secretary of your school, draft a notice in about 50 words for the school notice board giving all necessary details.4. Your School celebrated Sports Day. The famous cricketer Suresh Raina was the chief guest for the occasion. Write a description about the event in about 100 words.5. Write an article on maintenance and preservation of historical monuments in India in about 150 words for a local magazine. Hints: monuments- our glory- the storehouse of historical knowledge- deeply linked with our culture- source of our great post- the maintenance and perseverance for the future generation – source of inspiration for them.6. Write a story with suitable title using the following hints in 150 words:The footpath opposite to my school- an unnoticed dark corner- the beggar I meet everyday- even talked to him at times- disappears suddenly- eager and restless to know………….(GRAMMAR SECTION)7. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct question number.In the traditional sense prayed meant a) ______________ _____________Communicating on God Almighty . It includes b) ______________ _____________the devotions, verbal, but mental prayers c) ______________ _____________that are saying . There are various ways d) ______________ _____________and forms to prayer like meditation, vocal e) ______________ _____________prayers etc. But the fundamental and the base f) ______________ _____________of prayer is not any of these.8. Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions:When Napoleon was a mere boy, he used to identify himself (a)_____the great heroes (b)_____ancient history he read about. Today he is remembered as one of the few men(c)______history who have been immensely powerful and exercised much influence (d)_____ others. He used his powers (e)______ the good of the people. 9. Change the following sentences from active to passive form:(a) The man is digging the ground.(b) Jimmy will have drawn the map.(c) Some children don’t like spicy food.(d) Pappu laughed at him.(e) Who wrote The Mahabharata?10. Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences:(a) respect / said that / demanded / it / but / is / given / that / is not(b) if / something / then / in return for / should be / it is so, / it (c) self- respect / come out of / something / has / our / self / that / and / is / that (LITERATURE SECTION)11. Read the following extract and answer the following questions:Him shelter from rain,And a mouthful of grain.He wished only to borrowHe’d repay it tomorrow,If not, he must die of starvation and sorrow.(a) Who does` he’ stand for?(b) What does he want?(c) What does the word `mouthful ’ mean?12. Read the extract and answer the following questions:I used to have this terrible nightmare. Only now, over the last four to five years, it seems to have disappeared.(a) What does` I’ refer to?(b) What do you mean by `nightmare’?(c) What did `I’ have nightmares about?13. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words:(a) Why do people climb mountains?(b) In what ways did the British officers exploit Indians?(c) How did the author find Jim’s letter? What did it contain?(d) Why didn’t Hafeez contractor join the police force?14. Imagine you are a sepoy in the British Army. Write a page in your diary expressing why did you think to revolt?15. Draw a pen portrait of Huck on the basis of the contents of the novel.16. Replace the underlined words/phrases with the words given below:Rescue , akin , dump , abandon1. Listening to his life story is similar to reading a good adventure novel.2. The Captain gave the order to leave ship as the water flooded the lower decks.3. She had risked her life to save him because it was what good people did.4. People come and throw away wastes over our wall. ................

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