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140th KSW  06.10.2016

First clinical trials for cancer officially authorised, now entering international arena.

Speech about Dirk Laurenssens who still seems to be attaching Keshe, but Keshe is thanking him and sees it as an amazing work in actually protecting the foundation by gathering all its enemies in one place.  Dirk also released the books free online, wrongly, but Keshe also thanks him and says it in fact furthered the work.

25.40 inside ourselves is the knowledge and process of the interaction of plasma.  You will see energy production demos in a few days time … ?!

28.00 from a central point Magrav fields radiate out, and where they reach a boundary position of balance with other fields then matter fields occur also. centre of a galaxy is like centre of a sun, is like centre of Man.

31.00 shows 2005 spaceship reactor cores and explains significance of hemi-spherical forms

34.00 will show a UFO end 2016…. discussion about spaceship systems. talking about Arizona filming the establishment of field barriers around a magrav nested set up of 5+10 reactors. photo but no video found.  Force fields can define all boundaries, dont need double glazing in space!

1.02.31 photo of 6+12 star reactor set-up

1.06.45 explaining these set-ups, what is happening and how they work

1.11.50 levitation discussed, overcome the inertia of the platform. need correct layout of reactors

1.15.20 mentions agriculture systems. gans C02 on land creates an energetic greenhouse. chinese showed something in the past about this. the field plasma from the gans make a protective dome shield

1.28.20 4 star formation sketch, teleporting. use ganses of the balanced fields of the body of Man, aminos etc.  Healing machine, walk in with cancer, walk out 3mins later no cancer

1.30 all forthcoming knowledge will continue to be shared live “we dont allow superiority in knowledge to be a tool for the abuse of the human race”

1.32 Yom Kippur also today 6th october, there has been a mess ever since. the mastermind terrorist Shimon Peres was buried last week.  Sharing this knowledge must be equal between man.  close up of Marco’s star reactor plate.  Now you are all bringing together your skills in gans, nanocoating, coils, balls etc and you will see what you can make next.

1.40 show reactor development models. used gases first, then gans, now no radioactive materials.  Gas planets are always big like the gas reactors; now we are using liquid plasmas the reactors are small, like central suns.

1.52.10 close ups of 6+12 reactor and a description

1.58 '911 was a false flag, to continue cycles of violence

2.04.54 think Obama will have a 3rd term in fact …

2.05.30 role of pyramids on earth, structural magnetic field points, interconnected planetary grid.  All your magravs now around the world also inter connected, they are radiating fields to set up a new grid.  but like you cant hear a dog whistle you also cant see the plasma fields. copper is the line of communication in man.

2.22 wherever we are, we are in the new grid.  Keshe can control us all now … ??? our greed [for free energy] has enabled him to make this network by using us …

2.25.30 question: can we just use gans in the house to maintain temperature, or do we need magrav coils too?  they just put gans coils around the house, maintained 23ºC.

2.33 gans bath lotion and cream. new certificate for digestion, do drink gans water (not gans). it brings balance to the physical, and also emotional and soul

2.36 question on home heating again.  what spacing of gans balls?  Keshe says to experiment. they also wanted to put gans in the heating system water. Keshe says good idea.

2.39 Alkaline water units, in crystal glass

2.44.50 question about how to test what Ganses are composed of, Klaus in Austria formulating some system for this. Keshe very keen.

2.54 Cary Ellis gave a 3 part teaching workshop in Vancouver, 18 folk, 300 slides and practical work.

2.59 picture of her flyer.  Keshe keen that these workshops happen everywhere

3.03.53 some pics of other workshops and stackers being made.

Transcript courtesy of Lynn Schmaltz with introduction, pictures, and highlights from Cornelius van Dorp of KfNZ.

Video link:

Comment from Cornelius van Dorp

This workshop starts with an announcement of a trial using IV plasma material on cancer that is going ahead. Then at 011209 we learn the heart-warming news that Dirk Laureyssens has been serving the Keshe foundation all along by acting as a honey pot in attracting the Kf opposition to him, so that they could be taken out cleanly – which happened for example with the life imprisonment of Sterling Allen. Now that this has happened MK is welcoming DL back into the fold and inviting him to continue his collaboration in producing the rest of the books together!

The rest of the workshop is basically a deepening into the process of the space ship construction, which is happening in several different places around the planet, and the example demonstrated in this workshop is the one happening in Arizona… Also there are lots of other interesting tidbits, for example that the use of GANS around the house can be used to regulate the temperature, and “what you understand is the plasma unit; if you can make it 4 base, 4 top then you are ready to be ‘Scottie, beam me up.’”

000645 Keshe (K): Good day wherever and whenever you are following these teachings.

(8.00 minutes) You were just shown the doctors teaching of the technology. Keshe Foundation (KF) has been granted by Government for a full clinical trial of the injection of plasma for cancer cases. We have received the full authorization to produce the material to run the clinical trials. We have already come to an agreement with one of the major universities that they will monitor the production and do the first stage clinical trials in the next week or so. The application was presented to the university this morning. It was pre-accepted so this was just a formality. All the materials both for human and animal tests are authorized to be produced and tested.

000856 K: in the coming weeks the authorities who have seen the work of the technology and its application don’t need more than 2 to 3 weeks for the results in the mice and in the human trials that they are testing because they have some background data on it. Now we have come into an international medical application and full license for the clinical trials. The applications usually take a long time but have been granted by the government due to the tests that we did previously with the full data. As we progress in the next few weeks, the results of the injections will be in the public domain and we go to the next step which is the availability of the material worldwide.

001005 K: this will not take long because of the nature of the product. It takes a lot of restrictions with patent medicines and this is a natural product and is part of our structure. We have seen the work of it and we don’t expect any delays. Some people tell us they need FDA approval and the approval of the European health authorities. The total population of the US and European community is about 700 million. There are 7.1 billion people on the planet. The governments who accept these clinical trials have the capability to apply them internationally. If the FDA or the European health authorities have any further requests the data will be supplied when it is internationally used.

001103 K: this is a huge step for us as we are entering the international arena in a very powerful way and in a way that the governments begin to recognize that the technology has its own merits and is working on its own basis. You have to realize that we have done numerous tests and clinical trials. We have done toxicity tests that show total negativity. We have tested any residue within the body which could be affected by the injections and this is always negative. We see no reason for not releasing the technology internationally. On the other hand, the application of the technology will go to a new dimension as we enter space plasma technology and not what we call the matter state.

001209 K: there is a point that I have to address and this is very crucial. I would like you to listen very carefully. In the past months we have seen a large number of entries on what I call the KF, on me personally and facts about the KF put in by Mr. Dirk Laureyssens. I have been told and received numerous communications asking why I do not stop this. Why do I let so much go out?

001245 K: You have to understand that I was the instigator of this. I explained to you the way it has worked. Dirk, from the beginning of our time and from the start when we were collaborating on the writing of the books and the patents, always said, Mehran I am here to protect you at any cost. I am your “guardian angel.” I am here to make sure nothing happens to you and everything we do has a good result. It will come to fruition. We did the patents together and wrote them for the first time. Then we did the collaboration to do the books. In that process you get to know who you are working with. Dirk is dedicated to his work and respectfully works and he has his own clinches. You have to know how to trigger things so that he comes to his best.

001348 K: In the friendship and in the working and developing the communal understanding that his technology has to belong to the world population, understand how he is and what triggers him. I just need to trigger and he completely does everything. He has done the most beautiful job in protecting the KF in the past year or so because I realized his potential in that way. He has fully supported this development. The reason I don’t go and shut him down with claims is because I know how to trigger him to get him writing more of what he likes, is that he is protecting the KF. It was very hard for me to gather all the people that were enemies of the KF, know who they are and how they were operating.

001454 K: Dirk did that for us; as he promised he protected us. He went out making all sorts of websites and with that brought all the KF enemies together. Those who were doubtful just needed an excuse to walk away. He has done that to perfection. In an email I received from him between two and three weeks ago, in his way by trying to answer to a lawyer, he opened my eyes to how he is working and how he looking at the inside. It was very interesting. He has spent a long time with us.

001537 K: I saw how this works with him when he went to China. I knew if I triggered in the last meeting here with China and Italy I triggered this without his knowing, because I know his character. He is respectful and when he writes things he is committed. He writes anything and when he writes he can bring in any false lies to bring in structure. This is his pattern and this is the way he was born and then brought up in Africa. When he came to Europe, he was a guy who did not see anything but what is targeted. My target was that if I could get him to concentrate on bringing the enemies together, it would free up time for the KF to be able to flourish and do what has been done in the past year and a half.

001636 K: the way I saw how it works was he took a trip to China and in that trip he brought the reality of who we were dealing with in China. Without his knowing he opened a Pandora’s Box and I was the only one that had insight for it. The rest of it was for me to trigger and to leave him alone and let him do the job. He has literally brought all the enemies of the KF, all the doubters to one point. We used this to track these people down and to know who they are. He knows what he is doing. There is one thing he did that looked wrong to a lot of people around the KF. But in fact this is what Dirk and I agreed to years ago—that my books and my technology has to be free to everyone. I wanted to release the books later on but he went and released it on the internet. This was our wish, the way we released it. Patents are to be free and the knowledge of the books is to be free.

001747 K: but, now what he has done in fact has increased the sale of the books. People read them on the internet and now they want their own copies. This is how we have seen this has developed. Many times as I have said, I bless his soul because he knew what he was doing. He knows what he is doing. Then he delivers it with such sincerity that everyone attaches themselves to it and he gets so deeply involved he gets in too much and the others come in and open up who the terrorists, those committing misconduct, and the people who came to benefit. As he wrote in his beautiful email to me a couple of weeks ago; when he was in response to the lawyer is the greed of the money. People see a lot of money and they come around.

001838 K: this was a letter that was written in response to damages which we were falsely accused of by ‘sir.’ This opened my eyes to how this guy was working for us and around us for some time. We put out that he stole 263,000 to 500,000 from the Knights of Malta and a lot of other criminal activities and lies. He said he has been a very successful businessman but he has actually had for over five years 750 hits on his website. He is a failure and glorified a lot of lies. Now we are working with the Knights of Malta for everything that was done, by the filling in of false applications which is a criminal offense and the rest of it.

001930 K: But, it was Dirk who brought it to me in his writing so I thank him for what he has done. Carry on with what you are doing. This is not meant to stop you but to encourage you to do more if you want to because while I was teaching, it was like it was before. While I was writing, you were putting the books together. This is the way we work and that you have for the last year and a half. I ‘poke him; it is very easy for me to poke him because I know how to poke this guy. We have written many things together and we have done many works together. I know him by second nature.

002014 K: When he came out of the hospital with a stroke and when he was in the hospital with a stroke I went and picked him up from the sick bed in the hospital, stole him from the hospital for 2 hours and took him to the General Motors factory where we could sit together and see what everyone was doing was together and we could understand. So you have seen me ‘poking’ because I know this is the only way we can get the rot out. So, now we know most of the people who are working. They came and they saw, they created problems through the website that was set up. He was one of the greatest helpers in the arrest of (Sterling) Allan who is now in prison for life. He has been one of the best links for us and international securities for a lot of the illegal activities around. They just ‘zoomed’ on him and he was a honey pot for a lot of people. In fact, one of the security people told me that FBI sets up shops where people buy stolen goods and then they know who the thieves are. Then they know where to go to arrest people.

002130 K: this was Dirk’s promise. He said he would protect me and the KF and he has done that. He allowed us during this time to have the freedom while those who are working behind the scenes to write to support him. We saw how they were collaborating with the police in Belgium and we watched them monitor the communication. We watched the whole operation of those who came from France and from northern Holland. If we told him what we are doing, he would not have done what he has done. In so many ways he has kept his ethos of protecting the foundation by bringing out all the rubbish and then being busy finding the place to put the rubbish in. they didn’t know this was part of the work.

002223 K: being in my position as head of KF with millions of supporters and now a full time and part time staff when I look at this the people who sit in the background are from 300 to 400. We have a core team around 36 or 37 people and there are a huge number of operations around the world. You need to know who knows what and what they are good at and then give them the time to do what they know. This is what I said in my business life. If I can’t do it, I will do it. Now you understand why I don’t oppose Dirk or shut him down or trying to shut down what he put up.

002304 K: a lot of lies have been said; this is the way he can bring people in and touch some people. In that process with our monitoring it, he brought the people who were the doubters and the criminals and the people who could use the sites he set up. I know how to trigger him. I respect you, Dirk, you have done a lot for the KF and I hope in the future in one way or another whatever needs to be done will be done. We will do more. Book Number 4 is written and needs to be finished; there are 18 books in different languages that need written and to go public. The Chinese have the same as English and I don’t know anyone better than Dirk for putting the books together. He knows all the terms. So Dirk Laureyssens thank you for what you have done. This is not to stop your writing and some of the rubbish you write. You write with such enthusiasm that it appears to be the truth to anyone. I read your email and I heard your voice and it is the same as I have known for the past 10 years.

002422 K: We come to another point. We come to the point of extending the knowledge in the field of plasma. In so many ways and so many acts we have to realize how we extend the knowledge. I am at the point that I cannot keep different parts of the knowledge of the plasma technology away from each other. All the roads are leading to Rome. All the knowledge of the plasma technology is coming in and they all come to understand that it is very much like the center of the universe.

002513 K: the center of the universe radiates its fields out and creates galaxies and stars and planets and beings. If you look inside the being it is a reflection of the center of the universe and is the process of the interaction of the plasma. It is the process of extension of the knowledge of the plasma technology. Let us look in a very deep way because we have achieved energy production; you will see it in the coming days. We have and we are going into the process of creation of physical space boundary - what we call the spaceship. In the coming days you will see this as well. As you know I don’t this secret but I keep everything together. The longest secret I have kept is the story of Dirk because it had to be done and it was done.

002624 K: the whole process, the structure, the setting up of the plasma is the same in every essence in one scale or another. You make what I call the galaxy and you will see it. I make parallels and then I go down with teaching because this is how you will understand what the process is. If you look at the galaxy as the center, and I will draw half of it because it is easier to do, the radiation of it as a gravitational magnetic field radiation is not like the X-ray/gamma ray radiation.

002718 K: these (rays drawn on center) create the tangibility of the universe. If you change the center of the circle to the sun, you have the creation of the plasma of the solar system. If you change the name of the center of the universe to the plasma of a proton or electron at the point of the boundary of the interaction of the balance fields, you see the tangibility. So if you understand this, this applies in reverse to where you stand in the center of the universe.

002800 K: look at the structure of the head of the man and here is your brain and in the center of your brain you have your soul. There is no difference. For man up to now the biggest problem was how to find where his soul exists. It exists somewhere. There is no difference in the realm of the creation. In the body of the man and in the structure of the universe you need a center, which radiates fields out and with that radiation it creates at the point of the boundary the manifestation of the physicality and the body.

002850 K: now extend the knowledge in a deeper way and you understand a very simple case. you create the same center and allow it fields and you give it the strength. You have your spaceship. If you want to circle it, you have a spaceship there. But through tests and trials it has been shown that the house circle and what you call the UFO shape is the most stable for the change of polarity of the reactor. You see sun changes its polarity every 11.5 years and it goes back every 23 years. We see that earth due to its multiplicity of materials does the same thing every few million years.


002956 K: one of the only ways you can stop the rotation is to move it to a position that the change does not come into operation. This we understood early on with one of the first reactors that we built. By half circling you can achieve the stability of the structure and the plasma in rotation. This is one of the very first reactors built in 2005-6. (30.35 minutes). If you look at the new reactors that we build we understand that if you work with the single core you have to have. If you work with multiple cores you can go in a way that you put brakes on the system and that is the star formation.


003108 K: secondly, when you go half you have less push of the magnetic field resistance. So that is why we go for the structure. Controlling the single reactor core is very difficult unless you are master in it. If you look at it, you have to understand the way the structure of the brain is. When you have fields moving and you want it corrected you can build things with it if you have to split it. But if you keep it split you can control the whole side of it. Our brain structures use a lot of intelligence in respect to how to build reactors.

003204 K: now we are at the stage in the coming days that you will see in the coming days that we have managed and we are going further not only in creating the half circle but understanding how the magnetic field of the solar system, planet or atom creates tangibility only through fields. Nobody puts brickwork around the structure of the portal; that is the limit. It is the fields that dictate this. And, this is what we are now achieving.

K: 32.56 minutes. In a very short time in the coming days you will see the structure of the field tangibility. There are the people in four groups of the KF that I am working with very closely. Different ones of them are achieving and feeling the different field forces. They can see the interaction of the field forces and what we see is that you can walk into the field and you can get the change and the condition of the change in the field transfer. And you can literally see it. The group that has done this has used a fan. The minute they enter the barrier point or the field plasma interaction, the fan slows. In some cases, the fan goes to a full stop.

003350 K: this means the interaction of the field releases the energy. When they enter completely the fan starts up again. In the very near future we will show you what you have been looking for. I said that by the end of 2016 we will show the UFO. Are you ready for it? If you want to see it and its work, I can ask for you to be called on. You will see the initial video because we work very openly. But, this stage is already past. John or Armen are you in the background. Armen, can you show us the 5 combination set that was tested in Arizona in the last 2 weeks please? Show the 5th video. What you will see in this video is the beginning of the establishment of what we call the field barrier.

003525 K: This is important for you to see before Armen shows the video. You see John walking into an environment. The interaction with his body with the first fields that are already connected to a fan will show a reduction in the speed of rotation of the fan. This means the body interacts. If anyone from anywhere enters this environment we get the same result with the fan. So, if you have, when you see the setup, marked the positions this gives you for the first time the boundary of the spaceship. The fields are ‘soft’ and you see and feel them.

003617 K: in the video you will see John enter the gap and he goes and he sits in the middle of a different structure. And you see him sitting down; you see the change of posture and how the fields give the sense of comfort and strength and peace. In that process you see the first ‘soft’ field interaction of the human body with an invisible part or the beginning of the structure of what you call the UFO. It is not that you are going to make it in one go. You have to experience it and we have to experience it. There are very few organizations that have access to what John has.

003725 K: John is the head of Arizona KF Manufacturing and he has numerous platforms with different materials which are in the factory. And, they are not just manufacturing; they have become part of the research of the KF organization. So, they are developing their ideas and their ways. We were speaking to John and what he said is that about 3 o’clock this morning he took the idea out of this design. All he has done in this design (is the same as) that was made by Marko 1.5 years ago. He has replaced the balls of GANS with Magrav units. You will see it.

003814 K: he has repeated the test. What we thought inspired him to test it with what he has and now you see the results. We are in the process that we see this system and it has to have control. It has above and below it the star formation. Now that we can control and hold the minimum and maximum fields we can place the star formation and your system is flyable. What you see is the whole structure.

003947 K: This is important for you to see. The first combination is 5 and 10. Then is asked why they didn’t have 6 and 12 which is correct. In the 6 and 12 which are in the video, you see the shutting down of the fields is much stronger. You see the speed reduction in the fan. In confining it you see stronger field interaction, which is the body. This is important; in so many ways you have to understand the development step by the step. What has happened is that this system has certain capabilities. In going back what is important on the structure of the control is holding. This design information is important. When Marko made this I said that people will come to realize that this is the fundamental structure of any spacecraft. (some time spent looking for the video)

004337 K: It is important for you to see the effects as shown in the video. In so many ways in going back on the structure of the control of holding the confinement is important the way Marko made this design. I said that people will come to realize that this is the fundamental structure of any space craft. The inner circle holds the constant gravity according to the human body. The outer circle holds the physical dimension and it will not change. And then your above and below reactors create the positioning in respect to other structures, plus your system. So the next step for the people who are developing this is to add the star formation in a specific formation and the system will fly. It has the capability to lift, even in this position. You have to understand that it still works as one thing.

004451 K: Even though it is flat it is literally a copy of this. If you look at it is a copy of one of these things (coils in the 3-stacker unit). There is no difference; the gravitational is sitting in the middle and the magnetical is sitting on the outside.

004609 The reason we are showing this is that we want you to start developing this; it is the way we have always worked. We want you to join in the next step. Those of you who have or want to build a number of Magravs, this will not work so effectively with a single tray. It doesn’t work; it has to be a stacker unit; with the stacker unit you have the same dynamism as you have with the balls.

004642 K: if you look in this structure, now you have achieved what we call a center point and then you have the gravitational and then you have your magnetical. There is no difference. But this is the dynamic plasma. This is the only way that you guarantee the life … (interruption)…we will have something to show you later that just arrived.

004754 K: The process is as you see; you repeated the same thing. You repeat the same structure and the same (universal) system. Now we have imminent dimension. By putting the Magrav system flat, we have dictated the bottom; it is already dictated and there is not much you can do with it. If you put this plane, you have 5 reactors here and 10 reactors there. And this has created the first what I call detectable field of the structure. Now all you need to do is to strengthen the fields within the stackers and the fields will not even let you go through them. They will be as solid as this wall. You go in it, but you cannot ‘get’ in it.

004907 K: The beauty is when you go in it now you are in a different shell. You enter earth irrespective of the solar system. Now your condition is what is on earth; if you go to Saturn your condition is what is on Saturn. Now with that box you are locked. What you see is very simple; you see the beginning of the structure. You see the beginning of what we set up to do. At the moment a platform has been made for this and is ready for lift. It is the first time KF has made a platform in its structure. This is where it gives you the basis. If you remember when we made the nano material, we went to the matter state. When we went to the GANS level we used the nano state for the support of the GANS.

005038 K: We are not doing any differently here. We are using the nano state and what I call the matter state of the platform as a platform that we can use to stand on. In the future when we ‘graduate’ more and understand how to place these reactors, the platform will be made out of field forces that will be the same as what becomes the tangibility of the fields around the reactors. You can walk on it and do whatever you like on it. If you organize it in a certain way you create portholes where you can go in and out in different sections. Nobody will carry double glazing or aluminum frames into space to use as a door into different cabins.

005134 K: so, we are coming closer to what we have said; part of this development and teaching now transfers into the Mozhans. All of those who applied for Mozhans will be told sometime in the next two weeks where you should be. And, when you attend these are the platforms you start working from. The space technology is taking a new shape. With it you have everything you need if you understand how to interact with it and how your emotions interact with the fields of it. You will find very rapidly that you have become part of it and you receive what you need and as we see, people who go in it feel it and touch it. It touches their souls because it is on the strength of their souls too. They change in so many ways.

005242 K: when we can get John who is usually awake and around, and he can show us this video, then you will see the very strange effects in the emotion of the man. The minute he walks in, his posture changes and you see him go to the center and kneel down. The second time when he deals with the stronger fields, sitting is not there. He stands and he feels. The others tell you that they feel the same. The process now is not a race for who is going to develop it. It is that we are all in it, we are all developing together and we all understand what we are doing.

005342 K: those of you that sit from different governments in the background, you see that we put the structure together so slowly so that everybody would understand. It doesn’t matter if you are Chinese, American space agency, Russian space organization, this costs you less than a few thousand dollars to make a space ship. It is available to every nation so it does not become abused. The simplicity of it is understanding the totality of the structure of the work of the universe. And now you start understanding it. Water ran in the rivers for millions of years, until one man started understanding the power of the water. Then we had all the mills and everything came about in the industrial revolution with the water.

005442 K: now this is the water of the fields of the universe and now we are just tapping into that “water”. It flows like water, it has winds that pull, and it has potential difference when you fall from a higher level to a lower level in magnetic gravitational field strength. It creates the same release of energy as you get in dams. It has the same power as the nuclear essence; it has everything that according to the time and our intelligence that we have tapped into, and it has given us energy. Now we tap into the knowledge of the universe and this is where the difference is.

005533 K: we will collaborate with a space agency very soon in a shorter time than you can imagine showing the first flight system. In that level we will work with governments and we will move the collaboration in conjunction with KF with the governments so that all facilities are available and it is open internationally for other governments to come in and participate to the next level of development. The KF is an international organization so as one family, we are one nation and one council and as we say, we are one race. When we do this you will see that the strangest thing is that the development and the testing will be done live on Zoom the way we do now.

005629 K: when we found the problems in Fukushima, our friend Yukako went and did the tests inside Fukushima. She tested the nuclear materials inside the city of Fukushima and around it to show how the technology works. We did the tests in 129 Tesla and we were live on the internet all the time. If you had seen the comments, if we could have taken photos of it, they said oh look it’s gone to 125. As one part of the world went to sleep the others came on line.

005709 K: Now when we start testing the first structure of the space ship there will be live presentations. Mistakes, developments, failures, success and how you can come to the scientists around the world with what you think needs to be done will be taken into account. We will build this structure not only in Arizona but in 2 or 3 other locations in governmental laboratories because we have gotten to the point that we have no choice. Otherwise what I am trying to find is secret we lose a lot of people in the process. As you know it is very easy nowadays to just kill you. This way nobody can be killed. The blueprints of everything guarantee the safety of our people in Arizona, in Italy, and for KF members around the world.

005810 K: so when we start these tests in the national laboratories and structures you will be with us. We have gotten so close that we do not take anything out of what we have done up to now. We developed slowly, we shared knowledge equally and now we have to come together to build this spaceship. The platform is international and the platform belongs to one nation only and that is to the Nation of this planet. We develop it and we request that if you are a nuclear engineer, an electrical engineer, a plasma physicist, geologist or a cosmologist, come in and join us in the coming time and advise us. We will listen and develop together.

005917 K: this is unprecedented and this is the only way and when we share the knowledge the benefit will be shared instantaneously with the others. (short gap in transmission) 010017 We have done the test of the Tesla in dynamic and we bring what we did as the test of Tesla with the Magrav system. What you understand here is that we have to…. Armen…. show the picture so people can see it since we cannot show the video right now.

(1.02.34 minutes) Armen shares the screen.


K: this is the 12 star set up. Move the picture higher so we can see the total. You see the same combination and we saw this latest one with Armen. We saw the one with the 5 units and this is more powerful than before. There is a fan on the bottom of the photo. Armen please explain because you were there when this was done.

A: I am going to share one more picture.


010326 K: this is the platform getting ready. We need the platform until we learn to create the power that was created on the platform. Can you go back on the previous picture? What this is that you have a Magrav system with 6 that feeds to the magnetic gravitational system. When you walk in here (1.04.04 minutes—the lower left of the picture) then somewhere at this point the fan stops. The end of the link in the lower left corner of the picture is a fan.

010415 K: When you cross, you share the fields and you see the fan reducing in speed. And, this shows the presentation of a field because you don’t do anything else. You just walk into ‘empty’ space but the charge transfer affects the speed of the motor, which is magnetically based. And it affects the current flow. The next step is energizing the 18 bases on the platform. You have to understand there are 18 reactors on the platform and they are slightly differently than the ones in this picture. There had to be a modification by innovation team in Arizona who have been building them and modifying them the way we think it should be for the past couple of days.

010506 K: And in the coming time what we will see will be this: in fact what you will see will be a dome between the reactors and it is not directly inside. It starts externally to internally. Then internally here you have another dome. There is a comfortable zone and as the staff in Arizona are walking in the corridors (‘pathway’ between the Magravs) it is this direction. Am I correct, Armen?

A: yes.

010548 K: so we are setting the structure and the first space when we showed the unit that Marko took about a month to build; now we see it in a different dimension. The power in these balls was so high that they literally blew themselves up and the wires started burning. Now we have a different structure. You have to understand how this works and what is happening, these things will start building fields as those of you will see who start testing this. You have to leave them. We started with .1 and then it went to .2 and then it went to 1 Tesla and then to 5 Tesla. We waited overnight for it to go another 1 to 6 Tesla. So, the fields build up on both sides of the reactors.

010715 K: you have to understand that they are in the center and they exert internal force and these exert external force. The push and the balance will create the tangible physicality of the structure. This is what you need; you have no choice. You need this to guarantee a planetary condition. You dictate the condition. Those of you who work in the Chinese laboratories, I know you are heading for it and you have already started planning to do it.

010804 K: What happens is the magnetical gravitational fields in the background and the one in the center will influence and dictate the plasma. Armen would you go back to the picture of the other platform please? We asked the thing to be moved as there was a problem with the walls around the platform interfering with the production of the fields. (1.08.43 minutes). Now with the free platform in the center (away from the walls of the room) we have much more freedom.


010920 K: what you will see on this platform is that they will place some of the Magravs in the center and more around the ones in the center. And, in that condition you will see what we call a zone (dome shaped). This zone has a physical below the platform as well as above the platform. Here the magnetic gravitational field of the earth will push the zone below back up and will create the lift of the platform. It can be very little because now you have the interaction of the inertia and the magnetic gravitational fields in the systems. At this moment in time even though you have the platform and even though you have the Magrav systems you are still matter GANS connected.

011050 K: so it is the combination of inertia and gravity, for those of you who haven’t been studying with us very long, gravity is the attribute of the plasmatic magnetic gravitational field of the state of matter. Gravity as we call it as the Magrav is the attributes of the free plasma. But a composite structure like earth has matter and the field from the center. So what we call our gravity and our atmosphere is a composite. Here we will have the same. The center of these units is copper so they are still in the matter state. So the field of the earth will interact.

011141 K: the next step is to see what we can do. We built it, it is there, and it can levitate. It might go higher than levitation. It depends on how you adjust the current flow within the structures so you can lift yourself up and down. But you don’t go very far. Because the totality, the positioning has to a specific way that the system is set up. I was explaining to John earlier today in our discussion with Armen. You cannot just put it there and do it. There is a specific way that you have to organize and build this so that it creates what is needed. This is the secret and this is the backbone of every development. So the next step for you is understanding where you are going to position your star formation.

011251 K: we know the scientists from different space agencies are on line. Try this and you will understand the position of it. There is a specific way to structure it that the whole platform will fly. What is inertia? You will see the rise of the platform when you can dictate it in a specific way. Then it will cover the whole board. I estimate the height of this can be as much as 3 to 5 meters. The shape does not go flat like this (1.14.07 minutes) it will be domed like this (1.14.10 minutes) because the field force from the gravitational field from below will flatten the push of the platform.

011415 K: when you go into open space it will come down to about 1.5 to 2.0 meters, maybe 2.5 meters. If you look at the left wall in the picture you will see the fan I was talking about in the first picture (1.14.43 minutes). When that fan is connected to the circle in the other room you can see it coming to a near halt in the configuration and you hear it reducing the speed. So what you have and what you see is the step by step development of the whole process.

011507 K: the next step in development touches everything if you understand this. You have already seen this if you have been in the agriculture with KF you have seen the creation of this system where you put the seeds down or you use the aquaponics systems. You thought you were only feeding the potatoes and you put the GANS on top but in fact you are changing the surrounding environment. This is what I explained in the agricultural teaching yesterday. When you use a GANS of CO2 on the land you create a new dimension of what we call a greenhouse. It is a greenhouse without any material on it and you don’t need any more plastic or glass greenhouses.

011615 K: if you understood the work of the GANS, the work of the coils, it all depends on the GANS that is used. It is the GANS which is particle plasma and in spacing itself, it creates a dome. This was shown for the first time in China when the go to the very first time in the Chinese teachings of the KF. They showed the agriculture and the side where the Chinese leaves were grown in the winter and they were as good as new and the side which was watered with the water were all frost killed. Nobody understood it at that time; now you understand it. This is the dome that comes into operation. It is the field plasma which has become the distribution of the fields.

011718 K: This is important because if you look in the growth of the agriculture especially in northern Europe, billions are spent on greenhouses and heating them. The heating costs of agriculture are enormous. When you put a GANS in the environment you change the environment and not just the physicality of where it is. This has been done by other KFs; Alekz can tell you. Is Alekz online from Nigeria? Alekz spends all his time in the bush. If he is not in the bush, he will talk to us.

011850 K: we have a bad connection so I will talk and Alekz you correct me in writing. Fix your antenna; it’s not strong enough. I will explain and we will give a link where you can read it. There has been a test done with Alekz and in this test they put GANSes and Magrav unit connections in a house. The temperature of the house is constant and it doesn’t matter what happens outside. They measured it and people in the house don’t feel the cold and they achieve a constant temperature in the house. So, one of the ways of keeping a constant normal temperature of around 25 to 28 Centigrade is to put Magrav and GANS systems in the bottom floor, the top floor of the house and around the house. You will find out that the temperature stays constant. This is the same when you spread the GANS.

012027 K: A number of people have reported this in the past few days because Alekz has done this. They jumped on this and they are taking buckets of GANS in different places in the house, or they are putting different Magravs on different floors, on the roof, on the ceiling and in the basement and they are feeling the comfortable temperatures. That confirms in a way that the GANS creates the environment. There go the electric bills for the winter. If you like to be comfortable at 25 to 28 C put some GANS systems around the house test it and report back to us. This is what they tell us they are doing. They are leaving the windows and doors open because it is too warm.

012120 K: so, you understand that with this technology you can make a few bottles and a few Magravs and give it to a building where the old people live and don’t let a single old man or woman die because they cannot pay the electricity bill. That is how easy this is. Because you will understand very soon that this is where the agricultural processes are coming in. As I said everything is converging—agriculture, medicine, energy and we can show tests that are being done that have nothing to do with the generation of power but with the application of power from the different side of development of another KF group.

012222 K: it is absolutely essential that we work across this planet as One Nation and share as rapidly as possible as you are doing. We change the course of governments in our way instead of their changing the course of our lives with bombs and bullets and nuclear warheads. It is very easy—make it, try it, give it and you will receive more to give and you will understand the whole process.

012302 K: there are a few people and a few organizations that can set up these settings. One is the KF organization in China in the 6 or 7 KF labs in China and a couple of those labs can do this. You have to realize that the KF labs in China have been given an autonomous right to sell products, not for commercial use, but to sell so they can support their recession and work. They are good at it and we saw the ones who were there and have left and because they couldn’t milk the system they became victims of their own misconduct.

012354 K: When the Chinese security services tapped their lines they were not victims but they were the terrorists in the KF organizing things with others. The KF around the world, the Chinese government and development, Boeing, NASA, Russian Space Agency, and Iranian Space Agency are all working towards this. Every program is watched thoroughly and analyzed. A lot of you do not understand and you hear words or techniques. But they have experts in every field analyzing what was said and how it can be utilized. This is the beauty with this and how this will change a lot of things.

012450 K: there is a very interesting point with this as I explained in the health teachings. If you manage as we saw with John, if you make the system and you make it thick enough or in a way and in the gap between the purple circle (1.25.32 minutes) where you feel comfortable to walk as you enter with a disease (1.25.56 minutes) and now you sit between 2 Magrav walls and you sit and drink different GANSes. When you can dictate the composition which is next step after the solid Magrav into the GANS structure of this system which becomes the balls you have sitting on the table that Marko made, then you make the environment at the balance point. You walk in with cancer and stay there for a short while and every cell in the body of the man balances with the original DNA and RNA and then you collapse the field and walk out with no diseases.

012647 K: This is not a dream; this is the reality. This is what in the next few weeks the medical section of the KF will deliver. There are barriers and sections where we control the magnetic fields. Now do you remember the old story, “Beam me up Scottie?” We all remember we watched it. 012800 What are you going to get? You saw the 12 and 6 combination that made a field you could walk in. Now, what about if you put 4 in there where you can stand in between. Don’t try this under any circumstances because we don’t know where you are going to ‘beam me up to.’

012830 K: what you understand is the plasma unit; if you can make it 4 base, 4 top then you are ready to be ‘Scottie, beam me up.’ You make the strength of your system dynamic or static; you use the GANSes of the balance field of the man of the amino acid and the rest of it. You walk in with cancer and you walk out with no cancer. If you go back on to the left side if you can understand and further push the limit of the strength of the plasma in the structure I will tell you what will happen to you. Where would you like to be beamed to? We are on the verge of transportation by the simple pictures we have shown. These will all come in the process in the next few weeks.

012943 K: when we work with governmental structures we have different accesses and different structures and we can do everything simultaneously. I made you one promise and that is that everything will be live. We don’t allow superiority in knowledge to become another tool of abuse for the human race. It is your foundation and you have to make sure you do this the right way. You have done all your childish groveling, fighting, being who whatever. It is over. You can have everything you want and I will teach you step by step. This is how it should be. So, when you have the systems and understand how to do it, I have to tell you that there is a specific way to do this. When we have done it we will all watch it. We will bring in a man with cancer and hold him for a short while. Then we walk him out and he has no cancer in less than 3 to 5 seconds and the total time standing is 3 minutes.

013112 K: as I said last week and the week before we are entering the time of changing humanity. I don’t do it; I show you and now the systems are coming in. We know how to make more powerful systems and the generator systems as well as the lift systems. It depends on how you want to serve humanity. The game has changed and as has been said, the world will change for man in October, 2016. And, we are just at the beginning of it.

013157 K: Today is one of the worst nightmares of humanity—the 6th of October. If you are not old enough, this day became the beginning of the further atrocities of today. The Yom Kippur war, the 6-day war in Sinai Desert gave the false cover of strength to the nation of Israel and the problem has not stopped since then. Go back on the history of 6th of October known as Yom Kippur Day. We will not allow these things to happen. Now when we share the knowledge there are no “yoms” and there are no “kippurs.” Everything is finished; the Palestinians have the same knowledge as the Jews, the Christians, the Chinese, and the rest.

013305 K: the man who was behind it was buried last Friday thanks be to God. He was the biggest terrorist who was the mastermind behind all this and has never stopped was Shimon Perez. He was buried along with a lot of atrocities and murders that he carried out. It is our job to make sure this does not happen again. It is important to understand the sharing of the knowledge has to be equal. We see the Africans sharing it, we share it here, you share it in China, and the Philippine guys (innovation center) cannot keep their mouths shut and are putting things up quickly. Then we have the others.

013408 K: so, now you have done the GANS, you made the coils, the cores and now you have come to bringing all your knowledge of the past 3 years and all the books you have downloaded freely. Thanks to Dirk and his writing, the Africans have the same knowledge as the Americans. The process is simple—everything we say and everything you see here are in the patents that were given to the governments and to you years ago. Deciphering it created doubts. Now I am deciphering it little by little so that everyone understands there is no race above the other.

013515 K: (Marko’s system) You have the base and you have the top. You have to understand the structure of these balls and wires and how they are wired. Marko spent a lifetime making this beautiful system. If you could make a blueprint of this, you have everything that is on the board. Marko, if you are listening and you remember how you did this, make a blueprint of it and post it. Maybe we have to open the layer and put the camera on top so you can see it.

013604 K: this structure is immaculate, correct and adjustable. You can lift one platform, you can change one platform and you can concentrate the fields inside, as well as extend the fields outside. It is very, very elaborate. It took the boy a long time to do this and he did a gorgeous job. That is the way he used to do things…to perfection. We are giving you a close-up and I’ll put this on the screen. If you are developing this in any of the laboratories anywhere understand the process. It’s no use finding out later that you need to change something or you need to add something. Rick you are getting a link, put that on the screen and we will go into more detail. This is the close-up of the plate made by Marko.

013724 K: In so many ways we have come to a point that everything we did starts making sense. Everything we did has a meaning and now the knowledge of two years’ teaching is coming together. What you see is the structure that is coming together. The nano-coating, the GANSes are needed for the balls, the nano-coating material needed for connection and the structure of the shape of the spheres and the half-spheres. It is a collection of the knowledge of 20 years of research in this room. If you share the camera I can show you one by one how we got here with the knowledge. Some of you who have been here have seen this.


This is the very first reactor made actually. (1.39.18 minutes) This is the first half circle reactor built. This was done with the help of one of the friends of Dirk L.

013936 K: Then it came in the next step in development, after the half circle that we could understand. It came in the development of the half and the full reactors. This was done with the help with another member of the original KF team. Then with that came the production of the Iranian government. It is the same things--a full and a half and is the original system from Tehran thanks to the Iranian government. Then the full dynamic 3 cores came and in this system you see there are 3 motors and 3 cores rotating internally. This was developing more knowledge.

014037 K: then all these were used in gaseous except there is a reactor somewhere in our archives. I tested the first GANSes. The power of the GANS at that time became so clear to me that I didn’t need the gas. I shelved it because now we had enough knowledge to step it up. The power is so much that it actually bent a stainless steel core. Here is the first reactor built (1.41.46 minutes).

014141 K: As you see this was done at the time as these earlier reactors because it was the same and we built 3 sizes. With this it actually came before what you were just shown. We injected soft liquid in it to use it and you see the pressure of the GANS has bent the steel. We could not get this pressure with the gaseous. Then understanding came that we could not use radioactive material because this is a ball filled with radioactive material that’s only half a source from smoke detectors. It became dynamic and I could see the field forces.

014240 K: then what we did with this, we developed the next stage and through our understanding of the power of the GANS we started building the single cores. Now we could not use radioactive materials because according to restrictions we would become ‘terrorists’ from using those materials. Then we started seeing slowly the development of what you call the star formation. If you look at it there is no different between this star formation and this big ball system. Gaseous planets are always big because gas works in different dimension. In these large balls we only used gas.

014332K: when we came to liquid plasma like the sun, the systems became more powerful. This one is the unit that Armen made and it’s the original unit that we achieved 129 Tesla with 12 volts. So you say that is impossible? The only voltage we used was to run the motor and it had nothing to do with the structure. We started seeing the power of the GANS internally and how it came to develop the next step. Then it was the condition to show the physical structure of the interaction of the plasmatic fields.

014416 K: This brought us to coils. We developed the next step of the coils. With this we had security of field control and we could dictate how and where and the way we wanted the fields. This process has taken me nearly 50 years. In less than 50 months we have transferred the full knowledge to mankind. So it is for you to go to the next step. It is for you, and the only way the human race will go to the next step, is if mankind accepts that we become peaceful now that we have the knowledge. We have food; we can have medicine and whatever we like. The condition has forced this and we are there. We are at 11:55 before 12:00 to get mankind into the universal community.

014530 K: the next 5 ‘minutes’ (between 11:55 and midnight) are very crucial and will make or break how we share knowledge as a race to overcome the shortcomings of the others. Or, we extend and we wait until the others destroy whatever is ours. I have made this very, very clear yesterday and in other teachings. This has to go forward.

014615 K: I am going to show you something to understand how painful things are. This is the base and some of you have seen it. It is the base and what was on top of it – that is what we took to Tehran and it flew. I got so excited that such a thing took off instantly and I sat on it and to force it to hold and I managed to crack it. At 6 PM at night I called President Ahmadinejad and said that I had ‘blown it’ but it flies. I want a good one. You have to understand when Olivier and I went to produce these cores from the time we designed it to the time we manufactured it took about 18 months.

014713 K: for Armen, others and the rest of us it took weeks. Thanks to the office of the Iranian president I received fully tested, fully made reactors on my desk; I asked for this on Monday night and 7 days later it was on my table. The commitment of the nation (Iran) is peace. We have developed the rest of it and this is what is making it gel. This is what gels of the KF supporters—black, white, Indian, Chinese, whatever color you want to put on it, we have all chipped in. Africans brought part of the medicine; the Chinese brought part of the other development and with the Americans we have started a new structure. The Europeans have participated in the development of different aspects.

014822 K: So this belongs to all of the KF family. Nobody can claim that I have done it; it’s mine. I am the sharer of the knowledge. You are the developer of the knowledge. None of you came with these pieces in the last 2000 years. Now that the knowledge is shared instantaneously, you develop it. We have two choices: let us use the technology to share and this will be done or let us play the game as it is done now—who is right and who is wrong and continue to abuse to bring this planet to smithereens. And we are getting to that point.

014919 K: So today’s teaching brings the whole operation to all of mankind. There are those who helped with the books and the translations, those who made the coils and who came out with how to use the GANSes for food and for how we use it for medicine. There are those doctors across the planet, agriculturalists from Australia who are coming out to show how the water can be used. We have brought it together; it is one family and one nation. We share without borders and this has put fear on the back of those who control the knowledge and who control humanity.

015001 K: we still have feed our families; we still have to go to work. We still have to see that there are clothes on our backs and food on the table for our families. To change billions of years of work and especially the misconduct of the past 6000 to 10,000 years, will not happen with a fling. Because then another ‘fling’ will bring it back to what it was or worse. We have to, as the totality, understand the change, the application of the change and the joys of what it brings and have no fears of what we leave behind. None of you would have had any ability to make any of these things if someone had not developed the oil, the plastic, the way to refine copper, and how to make salt from the sea. As one nation, wherever you are, we are accumulating the totality of knowledge of man over thousands of years. We are the children of the planet.

015120 K: it is our responsibility… 015144 To have peace needs silence and contemplation. Rick can you share the pictures so we can add to the knowledge? Bring up the other picture please.


015225 You see when you make, for those of you who will start making the 12 pieces, the coils or these things in the picture. You see we have placed the ring and to consider that in that ring it is nano coated and inside it is the GANS. It is the GANS that is the combination of what we have, calcium, whatever and it’s the same with the other one. So we have limited the field forces to the human race.

015306 K: You see these are the 12 and 6 balls and each ball has the probability of the connection of the next one from north to south and it has, if you look, the line to feed into the Magrav system to add and to allow other forces. It has two coil rings that you see so that you can increase or decrease the field forces from the point of reference, so that how many of these cores will come into operation, whether they are the center ring or the outer ring.

015346 K: You have the possibility that you can connect the internal central line or magnetudinal (?) line. You see this line, which has gone through. You have the possibility to join one magnetical directly to the gravitational. If you look at the circular structure on the center shelf you have to see something that is important. The structure is set all the time in the star formation. This is what I explained to John. How you set it up is important. The ethos of the star formation has to be kept. If you change this you can turn your system and when you bring your system into operation, you lift, and you tilt but the structure stays the same.

015526 K: when you go into plasmatic control and not matter control, this is a matter nano-coated on top and its transferring the energy through the GANS. It is so powerful it literally blows each other up until you control it. This is blowing up with other tests in different research and development teams in the past few days because the energy of the plasma is huge. In tests in part of the research it has so much energy that we have no control over it and we are dumping it into sea salt containers. We cannot control it. We are in the process and we see generators of 100KW to possibly 200KW. At the moment what they have tried has blown up because the energy is huge.

015628 K: We have seen the production of different systems. You have to understand the totality. Those scientists from the governments, who are sitting and watching in the background, call in and let’s collaborate. If we do it, we will know more and you will have what we call a wipeout. Now that we are sharing the technology so openly, if any individual tries to take advantage in military or other ways, don’t forget you still haven’t even entered the nursery of the science of the universe. And I am a professor at this and I know how to wipe it out.

015730 K: so, I call on those who understand instead of putting 14 million people in the basement out of the fear of nuclear attack by the others. I am putting an army of 100 million on its knees where there is war and those who are using gimmicking earthquakes to start on the back of the false earthquakes the way they did with 911 to start the wars. They have already ordered the building of millions of guns from different factories, you stop or we deliver. And now today I chose especially this way and the knowledge was done this way to make sure to understand that we are able and we can deliver in one shot.

015826 K: we is not ‘me.’ We is ‘you’ as the Kf. You have to remember those orange balls are not even loaded yet. You see the platform of the framework and you see the same platform in Arizona. It is not that the knowledge hasn’t been available. I made the knowledge so in front of you that you were blind to see it. And that was the best way to do it.

015919 K: understand when you set up your systems in the Magrav systems, in the cores, the coils; you have to have the ability of changing every single connection, not by wires, but through the fields. The mastery comes when you don’t connect from one of these balls to the other, but you create a condition in the other balls that this ball only feeds this ball. And you have a long way to go to learn this yet. You put a sick person on top of these tables. If you create a field it is a ‘chicken chamber.’ You put the egg in and you get the chicken out. It is incubation of the death of the disease that man has been afraid of. You need these; it’s not just because we have it here. In space when you absorb the fields from the universe to yourselves, the viruses grow in your body in seconds.

020036 K: Planet Earth is too far away to get help and secondly to get the FDA license. A lot of you believe in UFOs and in aliens and they are not in touch with us. They carry magnetic gravitational field forces that to you is a virus, which can kill you in seconds. This way has been chosen for the safety of the man and not for any other purpose. Secondly those who don’t carry that kind of thing; they see the violence which doesn’t fit into the structure of the universe.

020128 K: So in the next few weeks you will see a new medical system that is the combination of the totality of the knowledge that you have gained. You see here that you have the coils, you here have the balls, here you have the GANS in all of them, and here you have they dynamism of the star formation. There is even another star formation underneath this and all you need to do is shift this in here. Shift this one here (2.02.10 minutes), shift that one here, and shift this here and you have your flying machine. Are you ready to fly? Giovanni says he takes the helmet. The helmet of space is very thick and invisible. Any questions regarding this? If you are in the process of using the technology for peaceful applications to change the course, we are here. You will understand in the next few weeks why I started teaching the completion and then you will say, we should have known.

020313 K: most of you who know me well know why I do this and the way I do things. The bigger plan, the bigger structure is world peace. I know how to force it and we are about to force it. But, I need many of you to make as many of these things and I don’t call upon help from you but because you have a system I lock into your system and you become part of the totality. We have literally infiltrated every country, nation and race with the Magrav systems and the coils. You were all happy to have a coil system, an energy system. I was setting you up for the peace system. There is not a place on this planet where there is not a Magrav system in it. So you have already walked into the trap.

020418 K: let me explain something very interesting that I explained a few days ago and I explained it before for those of you who don’t understand. To understand a little bit more, I will tell you something. I still don’t think there will be another president. Obama will be the next president of the United States for a third time. And I will explain so when it happens you will say how did Mr. K know? He planned it. He said there would be earthquakes because he wished it in his heart. If his wish is so strong to create the earthquake my wish is to create the peaceful man. We can do that.

020524 K: Planet Earth: on certain parts of this planet we have seen pyramids. They were built about the same time. The pyramids are masquerades; they are just a façade. Inside all these pyramids there is a structural magnetic gravitational field point where in fact if you come from any structure, you don’t build a new one every year. Every time you come, it has been built and it has been operating under the sea and above the sea and they connect the whole planet. Any visitor from space, and you call them aliens, don’t need your food. These pyramids in their structure transmit fields across the planet. You can pick this up anywhere on this planet.

020620 K: now you understand how come you had pyramids everywhere that were built about the same time. It was built by the instruction by the help of us for the elevation of the human race but they abused it. The structure is still there and strangely enough none of them has gone flat because the field strength inside is holding the structure. Now you know why the pyramids of Egypt don’t collapse. So what the man does is look at the structure. When you go from space you get all the fields you need and you are aware of what is happening across the planet. This is what you will do when you have the knowledge in space. The mesh, the roads, all the positions are mapped and done throughout the universe. These are what they are. You can demolish the pyramids but because the field has been established the fields will stay there.

020724 K: but their structure still doesn’t work. Why do I tell you this? Now you understand why you have pyramids that were done at the same time. I have to think about how I tell you. My friends, the pyramids are your Magrav system. And you have made thousands of them and KF has sold thousands of them. You were after energy; we were after spreading the system of peace across the planet. Your greed made you blind and gave us the tool to deliver what we wanted to deliver. Do you remember when Ali sat under a bunch of cores and when you see John walking and sitting in the middle of them? I have infested you with the knowledge of space and you were so greedy you made the systems to get free energy.

020850 K: Now you have cores, you made Magrav systems. And what do they carry? You forgot? Go back, two seconds ago, an hour ago, and the picture before. You remember the Magrav systems and how the guy walked in and had the fields? Your Magrav systems are in the fields. You are radiating fields without your seeing. Do you remember the dog whistle and you blow the whistle and nobody hears it but the dog? It is the same. Do you know there is a whistle and when it blows nobody hears it but the dog and the dog howls? The Magrav systems are the dogs. All we need to do is whistle and they tune in.

020952 K: The trap you set and you could not understand was the copper. Why do we use copper in all of them? Because in the structure of the physicality of the man, copper is the line of communication. In transmitting to Magrav system it will reach every man. Now, if I change it you will cry; because in that process part of animosity, hate and everything else is part of your structure. It is for the man to change it and then ingrain in the soul of the man they will not be dead. Now you see I am a very wise teacher. When I get to do it you cannot blame anyone because you have done it. It was you who built the Magrav systems and took it from Africa to South America to North America to Europe to Asia and everywhere else.

21057 K: If there was a 12 Magrav system you could walk in and see that it changes. Maybe there is a reason John is not there to show you. You have to trust your instinct that it is correct until you see it and then you say yes. I have already planted the planet with all of you. Your greed was the easy way to deliver what I wanted to do. As I always said, I have given you everything to give a comfortable life and I am the Messiah. It is for you to translate the knowledge and be able to change the conditions and be able to travel in the depth of space as peaceful creatures.

021209 K: The next few weeks will show more and more power. We will connect Africa to Asia. We did this 4 years ago in Descanzano. We put reactors in Germany, Canada and in Descanzano. It was our wish to stop the reactor #2 which is this one, and we collaborated. It was Dr. Eliya Kostova, Armen, Vince, Marko, and others. Because we wanted it within seconds, Reactor #2 stopped. Now, if my wish is to start the whole reactor I can do the same. So, you tell me how you want to start your coils.

021306 K: but there is a small problem that I haven’t told you because I tell you before I go any further. You remember that you put the GANS on the floor and the plants achieved the dome? My friends you have a very bad problem. I don’t need the physicality of the core because of lot of you have, unfortunately, or fortunately for me, tons of this stuff in your house. I don’t need to reach the Magrav system or the stacker unit. You have more powerful receivers in your homes. You have put it under the seat, in the car, under the pillow for pain and you have made it and your drink it. So, you understand about the situation,

021408 K: I have receivers in every room on this planet and in the rivers, in the fountains, and everywhere. You don’t see it; it’s like you need the ultraviolet to see the germs on the plate. I have the ultraviolet and you have all the ‘germs.’ So, my ‘bad news’ is getting worse. You are still looking for control? You are looking for remote control and how I am controlling this? Go back on the teachings. You see, today I cleaned up a lot of what we call ‘schmuk.’ Do you remember that you made a core and you had the hollow center? And you remember the brain of the man and his soul? I carry the soul of the universe and the soul of the man is very easy to reach. So, I have the control system with me without you know.

021536 K: So what would I like to wish? As I said in the conference on the 9th and 10th of September, the 9th was the past and the 10th of 2016 was the ‘1’ and we said this was the beginning of the change. On that day we heard about the peace treaty between Russia and the United States. The wish of the council was to establish the world government. A couple of weeks later we saw the UN, the religious side, the Vatican, confirm the need to establish one nation by the year 2030. So we control everything even though you think you are doing it.

021621 K: we have two choices. We waited 6000 years and we can wait another 6 or 60 days. But, everything has to come together sooner or later. You have made everything. If you can’t get hold of building elaborate Magrav systems like this (2.16.51 minutes) you can walk into a Chinese shop, buy yourself 24 balls, ping pong ball and you will still have the same. If you go a step further, you have put your star formations on the motor and you can put your balls on the motor too. You can go further. Any of you who made GANS and understood the ethos of the foundation that what you are making has to be the peaceful process you can make a flying machine, feeding machine or oasis systems.


021748 K: how much do ping-pong balls cost these days? A few cents? You need 18 motors, cooling system of the machine, so let’s say about 4 Euro. All together you have 22 motors; maybe $150 will give you all the supplies you need to build it. Would you like to pay one million for a one bedroom flat? Would you like to take a plate and sit in the mountains or the desert and enjoy coming out and having a nice beach and then go somewhere else tomorrow? It is the cheapest machine you could ever buy. It is the cheapest machine you could ever use to feed yourself. It is the cheapest machine you could ever use to help care for yourself. It needs time for you to understand that a lot was said that the first week of October 2016 would be the change of humanity and we have started.

021915 K: it doesn’t cost billions to wear a monkey suit to go to space. African nations will be in the space (research) like the Chinese and the rest. If you can find John and wake his soul up today and wake up his physicality to come and show us, you will be shocked at how easy it is. But we are still making things. We can see things. Armen can you call John and wake him up? It is worth it.

022000 A: Mr. K. I called him twice and his soul is deep in sleep. I am surprised he is still sleeping.

K: the link I have goes to a private channel.

A: we cannot access it.

022027 K: I can access this but I have to find the email. Maybe there is a reason this happened. Let everyone trust us for another week. Or we see a bunch of people building these all over the world this next week. You and I have done a lot of these things and have brought the knowledge further in so many ways.

A: slowly but surely…

022057 K: it took a long time. I met a short man in a hotel about 3 years ago. He was a short man who looked Al Capone and he introduced himself and said my name is Armen and I came all the way from the States. Good morning Armen! It has taken a long time to get here, but at last we got here and that is the main thing. There were car punctures, being poisoned to be killed, blown up cars, joys of seeing others in other nations and now we are getting to the fruit of the technology.

022150 K: you have to understand that from now on, whatever you do around the work of the plasma, understand one thing. In which position in the system are you? Or, what will give you each condition? Then you can manipulate anything you like. I said recently to somebody that the best thing that happened to the Kf to open internationally what we couldn’t do in Belgium was when the King of Belgium came to see me in a café and told me to leave his country or give him the knowledge. I said I will leave your country and give the knowledge to humanity. He lost his kingship and we got the kingships of the world so it was worth it.

022254 K: Today the technology is free for all of you. But please understand that if you do not follow the procedures of the universal condition in sharing the knowledge and for the peaceful application of whatever you make, this is literally a serpent. The serpent of it is because the fields have a tail that will bite. When you make the intentions to damage, that is taken from you, and you find out that you lose what you didn’t want to lose. So, very soon men of governments as other scientists realized, the only path you can use this system is in equal sharing.

022420 K: You have to realize that we don’t preach, we teach and understand what the problems will be created if you don’t follow the teachings. Then if you need a lot of preachers to tell you what you did wrong then they control you. But you if you use and develop the technology from the beginning the correct way you need to prophets, no preachers. You become your own teachers of correct conduct of the ‘government’ of the new technology.

022505 Q: Mr. K. this is a related question…

K: excuse me, you have to introduce yourself. If you don’t know your name I will introduce you. It is very easy. This is a member of the core team of the foundation. If you write about something you don’t understand this poor chap or John have to answer you. They have to find out what you have done wrong with your thinking or what you do. In fact, every blueprint question is answered by this gentleman. This is Vivek. Go ahead and thank you very much for everything you are doing from a remote place called Singapore for the rest of humanity.

022544 Vivek: you are welcome. Thank you very much. The question is can you just put GANS around the house to maintain temperatures or do they have to be Magravs.

022557 K: hold on; let me get Alekz and others who have tested this. Raise your hand and tell what you have done. I can read this from Alekz who has written exactly what happened very recently in the past few days. Benjamin are you on the line? This is from the man who has the constant temperature in his house. (some time spent looking for the message)

0228818 Caroline reads the message: It says, I only refer to one special subject. I often reflect on the fields and how to make the special arrangement of the devices. We got so many hints from you during the teaching since October last year that I often thought about what would happen if you make one with other parts of the coils in the reverse direction. So I made the fifth one of the plasma unit and did the winding of all the coils outside the bottles and inside the bottles exact the reverse way means the coiling I did clockwise and anti-clockwise. I did clockwise after assembling them. My wife said that it has on top a strong field. I placed another inside it and my wife put her hand in between. She felt a tickle and something like a pulse. You are always telling us that we have to add amino acid to the devices. I often thought about how to do this. So we made a GANS out of ourselves. We put sperm cells, mucous, spit, blood and we made a GANS using caustic. Then we split the solution and washed one part with dust. And I made a GANS of a CO2 box. The other half I washed with CO2 water. I collected the GANS from the bottom. I have not clearly found out what is the right way to making it. Then I sprayed some of the GANS on the other coils of the first 3 units and then I thought of the star formation and saw some graphics…. For making sure it was not a personal feeling we bought 5 thermometers. We are showing day and night about 23 degrees centigrade. This morning I put one of the reverse ones in the garden for testing. If the temperature is now getting lower outside it should have shown about 12 degrees. We opened the windows wide for 2 hours and the temperature finally sank 1 or 2 degrees inside the house. My wife said “I will get to the loft so I did.” Again the temperature was 23 degrees Celsius again. It doesn’t matter what we open or close after 3 weeks we still have the same temperature keeping steady.

023212 K: so what we will do is get permission from Klaus and we will take the private parts out of it and we will let you develop it for yourselves. This is knowledge from another place. The whole structure is that we try to get this out to the public as fast as possible because it costs very little and if it helps keep the temperature constant in your home then you are quite welcome.

023656 Q: that was the question, so thank you.

023300 K: this is just by putting GANS coils around the house. We make a blueprint and send it to Renan and they will put interpretation to it. I will show you something very interesting. Giovanni would you come and do this? We said and we showed you and now you see it for the first time. It is called the GANS bath lotion or cream for burns from the KF. These are licensed with the C Certification standard accepted across Europe and they go on sale today. This is not a trial; these are the products you will find on the Keshe store. You will see the GANS lotion for men, women and the bath and everything else. In so many ways we create the condition so you can take a bath using the material.


023430 K: now we create a product for digestion so you can drink the GANS water and the whole test results have come in the past 24 hours. You can bathe yourself and you can change the conditions of any kinds of diseases because these GANS products bring balance. If you can bring balance to the physicality it shouldn’t be hard to bring balance to your soul and to your emotion.

023513 K: anything we put out of KF manufacturing we make sure has certification and test results and we are fully covered. When you buy other things it is your own risk whether it is water or milk. We are trying to bring what we deliver even though we make mistakes too. The process is what it should be at the time of the knowledge.

023605 R: there is a question from Francois about home heating. He is asking what the maximum distance the ping pong balls or the containers of the CO2 and ZnO.

023622 K: you try it and tell us.

R: that answers the 2nd question: what if I fill my radiant heating floor system with CO2 GANS and constantly circulate the fluid in the pipes around the house.

023642 K: Good morning! It’s a very good idea. It won’t burn and I don’t think it will freeze.

R: it might be a more efficient way to heat.

023658 K: GANS heating pipes—when you have a dome why do you need to put anything in the pipes?

023708 K: as you have seen on the KF systems we have put for sale the alkaline jug. We are monitoring these. Communicate back to us what these give you. If you use this, we have received the certification and we are safe to market this product. The tests have been done on it. What will be interesting is that when you buy things from the KF you feed back to us what the products do. If there are any problems, people can tell us. This pitcher is what we call an alkalinizer. The water we drink is very solid, the system is very solid and it changes the acidity to alkaline about 8.5 to 9. This is perfect if you have any kind of disease. There is a version that is marked 150 euro that you connect to the water system of the house. Whatever you drink is totally alkaline and this will work for hundreds of years. You don’t need to buy filters.

023855 K: if you go back to the reports from Paul and the others, the people who live and bathe with alkaline water in the condition we see eradication of AIDS and Cancer. We call these the alkaline units. We may change it slightly depending on further developments. This will be about 750 or 800 Euro. The home units will be ready in a few weeks and guarantee alkaline water. These guarantee the constant alkaline even in crystal glass. Crystal has different properties. Today we have shown you 3 or 4 new products and this is out of the extension of the knowledge. Those of you in agriculture, medicine, and environmental cleaning, get in touch with KF. We have brought in a man very well known in the business of water de-contamination and we have set up in the KF structure the cleaning of waters and land.

024046 K: We did an interesting test and will explain it to you in the next couple of weeks when we have data from the governmental laboratories. There has been a problem under all your houses that have caused background problems for governments and the health of the people in their nations. The data we have received in testing is how easily the knowledge of the KF can change things. When we get the data we give it to you. There is a specific corporation on this planet that has created mayhem and the Chinese are suffering heavily with contamination. This will be a gift to humanity to clean this up.

024212 John: the crystal bottle that you have in the water container…is it CO2 or is it CO2 + ZnO.

024229 K: We don’t know as it is done by the factory and there are different combinations in it.

024240 J: it’s what we spoke about last Tuesday, putting these in the water tanks.

024250 K: yes, but it is in a different way because you have to keep a constant flow and constant alkalinity. We are testing ourselves in developing different things.

J: that is the advantage we have with our water tanks here.

024332 Klaus 2 from Austria (K2): hello Mr. K; this is Klaus, and we met in Verona last week.

K: thank you for that; I learned a lot.

024353 K2: I made the second series from the GANS water crystallization to reproduce the CO2 GANS and we have good results.

024407 K: I think we better get together on a private call but let me explain who we are talking about. You listened to this last week in the teaching. We met last Thursday with Klaus in northern Italy and we discussed this. We have had a problem in standardizing what is what. How do we know that we created CO2; how do we know that we created ZnO? And the technology shown last week makes a lot of sense.

024455 K: They tried this with ice before; this is made with salt and hopefully it will show good results. Then we can standardize when you produce results you can see a certain shape it is showing if it is CuO, CO2, ZnO and so forth. Then we have to make a dictionary of these elements for the understanding. The problem is not that we receive an injection or we put it in the processor and see what it is. We need a system to standardize what the GANS are.

024537 K: We are leaders in this technology and we are looking into the system just discussed. We will see, because we are using the salt, to see what we asked for to put the knowledge on the internet. Then you can buy systems and you can instantly say what you have made—is it calcium for the bone, for the tooth, for the bone of the man or the bone of the fish. This is a great improvement in standardizing. When we see the complete data and then we see that it works we will market this as a tool, especially for the manufacturers who want to produce a specific strength of GANS for a specific disease.

024649 K: we are getting very specific and you can choose the GANS of the liver, the kidneys, different blood types, different strengths and we should be able to do this with this technology. This is fantastic and I have said when you are ready the Creator brings us gifts and this is one of those gifts. When we work with it we can standardize it. We will meet in the next few days, we will look at the test results and then we will share it as we did last week. Thank you very much; it was a pleasure meeting you.

024740 K: any questions? No? When you have taught badly there are no questions and it means nobody understood you. When you teach well they ask more questions because they think they understand and want to understand more.

024802 R: there is a question from Emilio and others in the Live stream have asked: Will Mr. K use the receivers that he mentioned to change the state of mind of the powers that be to change the world as soon as possible and alleviate all the unfair pain and suffering for all creatures on this Earth?

024836 K: ah, when they go out and lose their control they become the same as the animals. This I explained in one of the recent teaching. It is the structure of the men of this planet that creates this aggression. Are we going to change the man or are we going to teach the man even if he sees changes and he doesn’t react?

024905 K: This is the problem. The problem is not changing the world leaders. You have to understand you call them world leaders they are nothing but puppets. They are put there by the people who finance their work. They are the voice boxes of those industrialists. If the industrialist doesn’t pay for the election, they never become a president. And those who sit in monarchies and call themselves kings—we shall see them gone very soon because when all the souls are equal nobody can be king of the others.

024950 K: so, if we change we have seen they will change back. We can change your mind from being aggressive but we have to change what is known as the greed inside the man. We give the food and everything and the next one is the greed for kingship. Being equal is one of the biggest problems for man and it has been one of the successful things for man. Being better you developed better technologies and you took bigger strides to change things. You have to be slightly different. Now saying that everyone is equal is very difficult for some people, especially those who think they achieve more than the others.

025040 K: but the only thing is that man should look down the line. You achieved more in your life cycle but what about the man you call a father. He has achieved more or less what got you where you are. This is the selfishness that has to go and then we will see the change.

025107 K: I have a request from those who are in Japan. If you are part of the KF Japan and you work or live in Japanese structure, we need a number of you or a large number of Japanese who could have been or are infected from radiation from Fukushima. Please contact the KF if you see signs of cancer or if you think you digested and are still digesting radioactive material from Fukushima. If you have land contamination, please contact the web master at the KF. There is a process happening in Japan which you can help to change the position as it stands with the contamination.

025230 K: We have nothing to do with Tepco or the Japanese government. It is the KF International worldwide which will soon offer to solve your condition in a very, very drastic way. And in a legal way, and we see this has to be the right of the Japanese to do this for yourselves. If you live in or around the contaminated area of Fukushima, we are looking for people who have been touched by cancer due to the high dosages. Also we are looking for those with lung diseases and anything else.

025319 R: we were going to have something from Paul from Togo but I don’t see him in the list of people. Let me share a picture before we leave.


This is a picture of a plasma workshop that was given today. This was the introductory meeting and 18 people showed up. This is local to my area and was done by Whitney Fisher and Carrie Ellis on the left is delivering a slide show with 300 pictures of GANS and different nano materials and explaining about the technology.

025422 R: I gave a talk to the people also and told them a bit about the KF and KF Canada. It was a wonderful presentation and I think people got the idea that there is something really special about the plasma technology. There will be parts 2 and 3 where people will make their own pain pads and pain pens and then Magrav units on the 3rd day. It’s great because these people are not just getting a mechanical teaching about how to make something. It is delivered in such a way that it triggers people’s spiritual involvement as well as their mental and physical involvement in the process. We emphasize the idea of peace that comes with the KF ethos. People really understand and appreciate that.

025548 K: the voice you hear is Rick and he will carry on Wednesday mornings as he does the practical workshops. I teach mostly theory. He is showing how people make things and bring things. He is very down to earth and shows what people make and develop in their workshops. You can invite people to see the practical side of the development. I have been to quite a few of his workshops. They can be strange and you better hold on to your chairs and your hats. That is how we started the workshops and now we bring the ‘workshop disease’ to humanity. We started 140 weeks ago.

025733 R: it’s more than that when you include the 10 public teachings and there were many other workshops such as the health, the Spanish, the Italian and the Chinese workshops.

025803 K: I think next week Farhad will announce the video of the workshops around the world. Can you show people showing workshops around the world making the GANS and more?

025830 R: I can show the flyer from this workshop. Here is the flyer from Whitney Fisher and Carrie Elsie put out to promote their event. They started in Florida and have workshopped their way across the US and Canada. They are traveling in their van as they go.

025944 K: the people you are talking about, if I’m correct, have been to the gathering of the Indian tribes in North Dakota? Are they awake and available so they can tell us what they have done?

R: I don’t think they are online.

030006 K: call them on the mobile phone. They went to teach the Indian tribes the knowledge of making the GANS. It is strange and interesting how people use it and carry it on and give it back. We saw this in Italy and we heard yesterday from our people on the ground and the Civil Defense is coming to their house to pick up patches to give to the people. It is important that we spread the knowledge and let people see the effect of it and we build the technology to the next step.

030135 K: Caroline is trying to send you pictures of different organizations of the KF around the world such as Turkey, South America, across Europe. In teaching how to do this, the beauty is that in the next few weeks you will start seeing international presentations from KF in different sectors of science. The technology is changing very rapidly and no knowledge has even been presented the way this has. This is the changing the whole history of man’s science in three years and this is a big job.

030235 K: it is the dedication and work of a lot of people in the background. Thank you to the people who have been or are here and those helping to spread the knowledge. It is not one man, it is one planet and one nation and you are doing this for the betterment of all of us. These are different pictures that we receive of workshops in Holland, Germany, Togo and different people producing what they can with what they have available. They are doing workshops everywhere. We are showing the time table where the workshops are. There will be assembly units that you can buy as a kit and put together yourself. There is a lot of teaching and a lot of development. Thank you. (Rick shows some pictures from Magrav workshops)

030454 This is Dominique from France: I have some pictures too.

K: yes, share them with us.

030541 D: this was last weekend and there were a few us that made 4 Magravs. That is fine because people find something very important on their lives. They understand a lot of things… Thank you very much.

030638 K: we will call this a day. This is the evolution in science if you understood this and what it will bring. In the next few weeks we will bring you in to develop the structure of the physicality of the space ship together. You have seen the first leg of it. Hopefully by next week we will show you more powerful systems and bring the reality to the knowledge of the man. Thank you very much for today.

030727 R: thank you once again and this ends the 140th Knowledge Seekers’ Workshop on October 6, 2016.


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