Updated Jan 2017

The info below is list of scholarships and bursaries that may be available in 2016-17 for grade 12 students. You are expected to also do your own research as this list is a sample of what is available.

Updated ongoing scholarship/bursary information will be posted on the

Career Centre Website scholarship page throughout the school year. For paper applications see the career centre or your counsellor,

Questions? See Mrs. Healey Wright in the Career Centre or email dhealeywright@sd43.bc.ca


|Deadlines | |

|October | |

|Loran Awards |loranaward.ca (school nomination process – SEE Mr. Lemire) |

|Horatio Alger Scholarships | |

|Optimist International Essay contest | |

|November | |

|TD Scholarships for Community Leadership |scholarship |

|December | |

|Violet Richardson Award |Paper application – |

|Burger King Scholars Program | |

|January | |

|Hebert H. Carnegie Future Aces Foundation | |

|Scholarship & Citizenship Award | |

|Teal Charitable Foundation David C. Lam |Paper application – |

|Scholarship | |

|Gay and Lesbian Assoc. of BC (LOUD) | |

|BC Chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier | (culinary $30 app fee) |

|February | |

|BCGEU Scholarships |bcgeu.ca |

|BCSSA Grade 12 Essay Scholarship | |

|Coquitlam Foundation Bursaries | |

|BCCPAC Educational Award | |

|Kin Canada Bursaries | |

|Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards |terryfoxawards.ca |

|Explore – French Lanurage Bursary | |

|RBC Students Leading Change Scholarships | |

| | |

|March | |

|Triumf High School Fellowship (School | |

|nomination) | |

|BC Hydro Power Pioneers Community Service Award| |

| |on hold 2017 |

|BC School Trustees Association Student | |

|Citizenship Awards | |

|BC Soccer Association Scholarship | |

|Eagle Ridge Hospital Auxiliary Student Bursary | |

|The Leonard Foundation Awards |english/criteria.html |

|Miller Thomson Foundation National Scholarships| |

|Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship | |

|RE/MAX Quest for Excellence Awards |

| |xcellence/ |

|Odenza Marketing Group Spring Scholarship |scholarship_odenza_marketing_group_scholarship_8931.php |

|Retail as a Career Scholarship Program |retaileducation.ca |

|April | |

|Peter Pasula Study Habits Scholarship |scholarship_peter_pasula_study_habits_scholarship_8935.php|

|BC Hockey Scholarships | |

|BCTIA BC Technology Scholarships | |

|Canadian Iranian Foundation |scholarship.html |

|Scholarships | |

|CGA Grade 12 Graduate Continuing Education |bc |

|Tuition Scholarship | |

|The Colonel Douglas H. Gunter History Awards | |

|Girl Guides of Canada Scholarships | |

|Jack Farley Youth Sports Achievement Award | |

|The Jim Hebden Chemistry Bursary |WesternCampus.ca |

|Karthiha Guruparan and Bill Winsor Scholarships| |

|Lifetime Eyecare “Service Hero Achievement |LifetimeEyecare.ca |

|Scholarship” | |

|Maple Leaf Youth Awards | |

|Optimist Oratorical Contest | |

|Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey Association |pcaha.bc.ca/scholarships |

|Scholarship | |

|Public Guardian and Trustee Educational | |

|Assistance Fund | |

|Village of Anmore Scholarship |Paper application – SEE Ms. Chittenden |

|Westminster Savings Credit Union Youth in |youthinaction |

|Action Awards | |

|May | |

|BCSSA David Gifford Memorial Scholarship |

| |arship |

|BCSSA Zone Scholarships | |

|BCSSA Bert and Greta Quartermaine Badminton | |

|Scholarship | |

|BCSSA Commission Category (various) | |

|Canadian Hospitality Foundation Scholarships |thechf.ca/scholarships |

|BC Aviation Council Scholarship (Students aged | |

|16 – 19 years) | |

|Chief Raymond J. Canuel Memorial Scholarships |vancouverpolicemuseum.ca |

|Coast Capital Savings Education Awards |education |

|Confratellanza Italo-Canadese |Paper application |

|Coquitlam Principals’ And Vice-Principals’ |bcpvpa.bc.ca |

|Association Bursary | |

|CUPE Local 561 General |cupe561.ca |

|Bursary & CUPE Local 561 Elizabeth McKnight | |

|Trades Bursary | |

|Envision Financial Education Award for |envisionfinancial.ca |

|Outstanding School and Community Involvement | |

|The Federation of Community Social Services of | |

|BC Bursary | |

|Fraser Valley Secondary Schools’ Athletic |Paper application |

|Association Scholarship | |

|Grace Family Network Foundation Scholarships | |

|Lifetime Eyecare “Service Hero Achievement |LifetimeEyecare.ca |

|Scholarship” | |

|Lotus Light Charity Society | |

|Monsanto Canada Opportunity Scholarship Program|monsanto.ca |

|PoCo Eurorite F.C. Soccer Association | |

|Scholarships | |

|Tony Marzitelli Memorial Scholarship Fund |italianculturalcentre.ca |

|UFCW & OFG Joint Diversity Scholarships |diversity |

|United Croats of Canada, King Tomislav Branch | (click on Croatian Services at the bottom of the page, then |

|Scholarships & Bursaries |click scholarships and bursaries) |

|June | |

|The Al Grist, BC Hydro Environment Award | |

|APEGBC University Entrance & Engineering |apeg.bc.ca |

|Transfer Scholarships | |

|The Canada Printing Industry Scholarship |cpia-aci.ca/scholarship-trust-fund/index_e.php |

|The Elmer Helm Youth Fund Scholarship |Paper Application |

|Muscular Dystrophy Canada Scholarships & |muscle.ca |

|Bursaries | |

|National Union of Public Employees |nupge.ca |

|South Asian Family Association Scholarships |safa.ca |

|July/Aug/ | |

|BC Electrical Association Bursaries | |

|CTA Roy Krutow Awards |Paper application |

|Khalsa Credit Union Outstanding Academic, |Paper application |

|Sports, Sikh Religious Achievement Scholarships| |

|and Bursaries | |

|Luke Santi Memorial Award for Student |lukesantiaward.ca |

|Achievement | |

|June Callwood Harmony Scholarship |harmony.ca/scholarships/ |

|BCPVA Scholarship (Children of Members & |bcpvp.bc.ca |

|Non-members) | |

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