Criminal Law Unit Test Review

Criminal Law Unit Test Review

Types of Offences

• Summary: _________________________________________________

Examples: ____________________________________________________

• Indictable: ________________________________________________

Examples: ____________________________________________________

• Hybrid: ___________________________________________________

Examples: ____________________________________________________

Elements of Crime

• Mens Rea : ________________________________________________

• Actus Reus: ________________________________________________

Canada’s justice system is based on the ______________ System This means: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Search Warrant Requirements

Officer Procedure on arrest

Jury Selection

Challenges in Jury Selection

• Challenge the List: ___________________________________________

• Peremptory Challenge:________________________________________

• Challenge for Cause: _________________________________________

Charge to the Courtroom

• Appearance Notice: __________________________________________

• Summons: _________________________________________________

• Warrant: __________________________________________________

Bail: __________________________________________________________




Disclosure of Evidence

• Crown must disclose evidence to the defence

• Crown presents first

Trial Process


• Credibility

• What evidence is allowed?

Defences/Creative Defences

Types of Evidence

• Direct

• Circumstantial

• Hearsay

Forensic Science


• Probation or other options

• Where does the convicted serve jail time (federal, provincial, etc.)

• Discharge


• Aggravating: _____________________________________________

o Examples: __________________________________________

• Mitigating: _______________________________________________

o Examples: ___________________________________________


Different types

*Parole Eligibility

Three Types of Sexual Assault

Consent: _______________________________________________________

Dangerous Offenders:

• Crown

• Indeterminate


Match each term with the correct statement below:

|a. |automatism |f. |not criminally responsible |

|b. |alibi |g. |ignorance of the law |

|c. |necessity |h. |defence |

|d. |duress |i. |entrapment |

|e. |provocation |j. |non-insane automatism |

1. ____ an involuntary state of mind

2. ____ a formulated response to criminal charges

3. ____ not an accepted defence

4. ____ a defence when the accused was forced to commit a crime because of certain danger

5. ____ the best defence possible

6. ____ a defence to a crime committed in the “heat of passion”

7. ____ being forced to commit a crime by external pressure

8. ____ a result of mental disease

9. ____ a defence related to external factors such as sleepwalking

10. ____ coercion by the police to commit a crime


Complete each statement.

20. The document that orders the accused to appear in court at a certain time is called a(n) ____________________.

21. _____________________, a federal statute, provides clear definitions of what criminal offences are in Canada.

22. The Supreme Court has recognized ____________________ as a legal defence that is caused by severe domestic violence.

23. When an officer stops someone for questioning, that person is being ____________________.

24. The ____________________ is the lawyer who is on duty at the court.


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