Manuscript Evaluation

|Paper Title |      |

|Author(s) |      |

|Date: |      |Reviewer No.:       |

| |Yes |No |

|1. Does the manuscript present new knowledge, a useful review or assessment? | | |

|2. Does the title reflect accurately the substance of the work? | | |

|3. Does the abstract reflect accurately the most important findings of the work? | | |

|4. Is the subject matter relevant to Canadian environmental issues? | | |

|5. Does the introduction include all important guide posts for orienting the reader? | | |

|6. Does the Materials and Methods section adequately describe all important | | |

|elements of: materials methods conditions time frame location ? | | |

|7. Are the quality assurance tests and statistics adequate for the work? | | |

|8. Are the results given in sufficient detail? | | |

|9. Does the discussion address the results adequately? | | |

|10. Are the conclusions drawn supported by the data? | | |

|11. Are all tables necessary? | | |

| Are the table headings sufficiently detailed to understand the data? | | |

|12. Are all figures necessary? | | |

| Are the figure captions sufficiently detailed to understand the figures? | | |

|13. Are all important references given? | | |

| Are there too many references? | | |

|14. Does the manuscript read well? | | |

|15. Is the manuscript acceptable for publication: | | |

| (a) yes, after minor changes? | | | |

| (b) yes, after major revisions of the text? | | | |

| (c) yes, after revisions of tables and/or figures? | | | |

| (d) after further work? | | | |

|16. Did you make notations in the manuscript? | | |

|17. Did you make additional comments on a separate page or in the “Reviewer Blind Comments to Author” box of the | | |

|Reviewer Recommendation and Comments section of the online review portion of the website? | | |


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