Canadian Confederation Web History - Mr. W's Class

Canadian Confederation Web-History

You will be completing a Web-History or visiting specific Websites to describe the History of an event. (Web-History… get it!)

The Question?

Explain the ideas behind Canadian Confederation. Describe a person behind the movement who was for or against it? Evaluate the process of Canadian Confederation. Do you think it was successful? Why or why not? How did it happen and why? Finally, and most importantly describe some of the economic, social, political and environmental ideas that led to Confederation?

The Proof of your answer?

The objective of this webquest is for you to create an Illustrated Timeline, Rap/Song/Poem, a Collage or An Illustrated Essay that answers all of the questions above.

Choose one of the following assignments and visit the site(s) listed below by placing the cursor over the website, then press the CTRL button and LEFT CLICK on the mouse at the same time.

Illustrated Timeline:

What was Canadian Confederation? Where and when did it start? End? You may already know the answers to those questions, but now, dig a little deeper. Use information from the websites below to create a timeline detailing at least 5 events leading up to Canadian Confederation. You can make this on Word, in PowerPoint or just do it on a piece of computer paper.


Are you musically gifted? Do you know how to spit out rhymes and lay down a smooth track? Visit the websites and find information about Canadian Confederation. Outkast did it for Rosa Parks, can you do it for the Canucks? Type up the rhymes, lyrics or stanzas in Word and hand it in… If you want, you can perform it too.


We are often captured by visuals before the spoken or written word. Visit the sites below and compile a visual collage that describes the people, places, and events that led up to and surrounded Canadian Confederation. This collage must have NO empty space on a piece of copy paper 8 ½ x 11. You may also copy and paste them right into a Word Document, or you could even do the same thing in a PowerPoint slide. You need a title and a theme for this collage for it to be effective!

There are various pictures on the Internet for this project… however, you are also able to do drawings or create images and ideas in any other fashion.

An Illustrated Essay

Choose several or one picture dealing with Canadian Confederation and then write a one page essay describing the questions above. Answer the questions above in an essay and make sure to explain the economic, political, social and environmental details behind Confederation! You have a lot of leeway here. But be precise and bring a lot of information.


This site, which most of you hopefully accessed in the previous unit is great for primary and secondary sources detailing Canadian Confederation. It’s great for any of the above assignments.

This is the root site for the Confederation above. This is the home of all Canadian Archival information. It is good for any historical information dealing with Canada.

You may have no idea about Canada at all. Our neighbors to the north have this site to help you with any governmental questions.

This site has some additional resources and goes with a documentary on Canadian History.

and and are also places to search for pictures and other info.

| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Question |Questions are all |Most of the questions|A few of the |One or two of the |At least one |

| |answered in detail. |are answered. |questions are |questions are |questions is |

| | | |answered. |answered. |answered. |

|Creativity |Very unique and |Somewhat unique and |Unique and creative |Nearly any creativity|No creativity in |

| |creative display of |creative display of |display of |to display |display of |

| |information. |information. |information. |information. |information. |

|Grammar and |No grammatical or |1-3 grammatical or |4-5 grammatical or |6-7 grammatical or |8 or more grammatical|

|Spelling |spelling mistakes. |spelling mistakes |spelling mistakes. |spelling mistakes. |or spelling mistakes.|

|Research |All specific |Most specific |Some specific |Little specific |No specific |

| |information or quotes|information or quotes|information or quotes|information or quotes|information or quotes|

| |are cited in |are cited in |are cited in |are cited in |are cited in |

| |bibliography. |bibliography. |bibliography. |bibliography. |bibliography. |



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