Overview:provide an overview of the events that have shaped Canadian history throughout the twentieth centurythe purpose is to provide you with a brief introduction to the content that we will cover throughout the semester and also develop your research and historical writing skillswe will create a visual timeline that will serve as a reference as we explore this tumultuous time in Canadian historyTask:Working in groups of 2-3 you will be assigned a decade (10 years) during the 20th century. Individually, you must find one event that falls into one of the historical perspective quadrants (social, political, economic, and military/foreign affairs). Together you will create a profile of an important Canadian figure for your decade (your person does not need to fall into a specific category).You will be responsible for researching that decade by using your textbook as a sourceYou will also be given lab time to further research your decade (2 days)Steps to Creating your timeline:Step 1: Select a significant (very important) event and person during your assigned decade.Step 2: Research your event and person. Take notes.Step 3: Write a 150 word summary of your event. Be sure to include the 5w’s. Your summary must also include why this event is historically significant.Step 4: Illustration - Draw or find a picture on the internet that best represents your event. Your summary should go directly below your picture. Your illustration should also include the date of the event. Remember your event should be visible throughout the classroom and should not be too large that it does not fit on the class timeline.Step 5: As a group post your events and Canadian profile on the timeline and provide a brief presentation of your event to the class.Criteria:We will create a rubric as a class. Please use this space to write your ideas for what you believe is the criteria for creating a good timeline.Due Date: ________________________________ ................

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