Tool Events Manager – Classroom Scheduling

Table of Contents – Event Manager

Getting Started 2

A few areas of information should be completed before you start scheduling your events. 2

Once classrooms, instructors, and course templates are complete, you can: 2

Section I: Managing Classroom Locations and Instructors for an Event 3

Selecting an Applicable Classroom Location for an Event 3

Steps to Create a Classroom Location at a Facility: 3

Steps to Edit a Classroom at a Facility 4

Managing Instructors for an Event 5

Steps to Add/Delete a Current Learner as an Instructor 5

Steps to Add a Non-Employee as an Instructor 7

Steps to Edit an Employee or Non-Employee Instructor’s Demographics 8

Section II: Creating/Edit a Course Template for Events 8

Steps to Create or Edit a Course 8

Section III: Schedule an Event 12

Steps to Schedule an Event: (Parts 1-8) 12

Part 1: Search and open the Course Template you want to use to create the Event 12

Part 2: Enter the following Required Event Date/Times/Location 13

Part 3: Enter the following Optional and or Required Items 14

Part 4: Do you want your Learners to Self-Enroll into the Event? 15

Part 5: Select an Instructor and Add Credits 15

Part 6: Select Visibility (Who can enroll in a self-enrolled event?) 16

Part 7: Select Enrollment Information for Learners 17

Part 8: Select Fees and Discounts (if applicable for your organization) 19

Section IV: Enroll Learners in an Event 20

Steps to Enroll an Existing Learner(s) and/or Inactive Learners: 20

Primary - Secondary sorts: 20

Steps to Enroll a Learner that Does Not Exist in the LMS into an Event 22

Section V: Viewing and Selecting Default Resources or Add Your Own Customized Resources 24

Steps to Use Resources for an Event: 25

Section VI: Managing the Wait List 26

Steps to Add a Learner from the Wait List into a Full Event 26

Section VII: Archiving Events 29

Steps to Archive an Event 29

Opening and Reading the Event Log 29

Steps to Open the Event Log 29

Using Outlook Calendar with Events 30

Steps to Add the Date and Time of an Event to your Outlook Calendar 31

Event Manager

Event Manager is designed to schedule and maximize your classroom training including classrooms, personnel (Learners and Instructors), fees and discounts. It automatically sends eMail enrollment confirmations and alerts you to time/location conflicts. The Event Manager ties all your LMS classroom training together online organization-wide.

Getting Started

The Event Manager uses templates to create courses eliminating the duplication of work associated with multiple event scheduling. A single course may have multiple events each one being the same course offered on different days (e.g., CPR offered 20 times a year so there are 20 CPR events).

A few areas of information should be completed before you start scheduling your events.

• Manage Classroom Locations and Instructors for an Event – see Section I

• Create/Edit a Course Template for Events – see Section II

Once classrooms, instructors, and course templates are complete, you can:

• Schedule an Event – see Section III

• Enroll Learners in an Event – see Section IV

• View and Select Resources for an Event and Have your own Resources Loaded into the LMS (e.g., sign-in sheets, name tags) – see Section V

• Manage the Wait List – see Section VI

• Archive Events – see Section VII

• Manage Reports – see the Events Reports Help document.

Section I: Covers the areas that need to be customized before you start to enroll your Learners in an event. These areas are managing classroom locations and adding/deleting instructors.

Section II: Covers both creating and editing the course template. A course template can be reused to create events as many times as needed.

Section III: Covers how to schedule an event which includes: completing the schedule for required items, optional items, self-enrollment, visibility, credits, wait list, and fee and discounts.

Note: The LMS only tracks how much money the class should collect. It does not allow you to charge or collect anything through the system.

Section IV: Covers how to enroll Learners in an event.

Note: Some administrators are able to enroll Learners from the ‘Learner Lookup’ page.

Section V: Covers how to view and select default resources and add your own customized resources (e.g., customized certificates).

Section VI: Covers how to override the wait list and add a Learner to an event, even if the event is full. This section also details how the wait list works for Learner’s wait listed for an event.

Section VII: Covers how to archive an event and why you would want to.

Section IV: Covers how to enroll Learners in an event.

Note: You can view a list of activities by event on the ‘Audit Log’ located on the ‘Roster’.

Section I: Managing Classroom Locations and Instructors for an Event

Selecting an Applicable Classroom Location for an Event

Find a classroom location for your event.

Select this feature to find and populate a classroom location and note the maximum number of occupants within the rooms at your facility that could host training sessions and meetings.

Steps to Create a Classroom Location at a Facility:

You create the classroom locations for a facility. It is best to create the classroom information in advance so the locations are available to add to your events.

Note: You must have ‘Classroom Setup’ privileges to add classrooms, instructors and classroom penalties.

1. From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Utilities — Manage Classroom Locations.

2. From the drop-down menu “List classroom locations at Facility” select the facility where the classroom resides, and click the List button. The ‘Manage Classroom Locations’ page opens to Add/Edit Classroom Information and a list of the classroom locations for the selected facility display.

3. Add the following classroom information:

• Enter a name for the classroom.

• Enter the Capacity for this classroom. (The maximum capacity of students for the classroom. – once this number of Learners enrolls, a Wait List starts.)

Important: An Event may have a maximum number of Learners that is less than the location’s maximum capacity. If that is the case the Wait list starts with the maximum enrollment identified in the course.

• Enter the Address of the location.

• Enter the City, State and Zip of the classroom.


4. Click Save as New Classroom button.

The page refreshes and the new classroom displays with the existing classrooms.


Note: If you need to make any changes to a classroom’s information, simply click on the name of the classroom, and the information populates the form above; you can then edit and save your changes.

Tip: If you want to see classroom information from other facilities, select another facility from the drop-down menu above and the list refreshes with the classrooms for the new selected facility.

Steps to Edit a Classroom at a Facility

1. From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Utilities — Manage Classroom Locations.

2. Select the facility from the drop-down menu and click the List button.

Manage Classroom Locations page opens.

3. From “Classroom locations for click a classroom name.

4. Edit the following classroom information as needed:

• Edit name for the Classroom.

• Edit the Capacity for this location. (The maximum capacity of students for the classroom.)

• Edit the Address of the location.

• Edit the City, State and Zip of the Classroom.

5. Click Save button.

Managing Instructors for an Event

Instructors may be employees already in the database of Learners or they may be individuals from outside your organization.

Note: You must have ‘Classroom Setup’ privileges to add classrooms, instructors and classroom penalties.

Steps to Add/Delete a Current Learner as an Instructor

The steps below show you how to add a Learner in the database as an Instructor

1. From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Utilities —Instructor List.


2. Click the New Instructor button.

The ‘Instructor Demographics’ page opens.


3. Enter all or part of the Learner’s last name in the search box.

4. Click Search button.

5. From the ‘Select learner’ drop-down on the right, select the name you want to add as an instructor.


6. Click the Select Learner button, and the First name, Last name, and Facility populates. More information displays if available.


7. Add or edit any information about the Learner (e.g., e-Mail address and Work phone).

8. Click the Save button.

“The instructor was added” text displays on the left.

9. Click the Close button (red ‘X’) in the upper right to close the window.

Note: If you want to delete an instructor, click the Remove button to the right of the name/facility of the instructor. Click OK.

Steps to Add a Non-Employee as an Instructor

1. From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Utilities —Instructor List.

2. Click the New Instructor button.

The Instructor Demographics page opens.

3. Enter the following:

• First name

• Last name

• Email address

• Work phone

Note: Do not add a Facility for a non-employee. If you add a Facility to the non-employee, the instructor displays as an Employee on the Instructor List.

4. Click the Save button.

“The instructor was added” text displays.

5. Click the Close button (red ‘X’) in the upper right to close the window.

In the image below, the column titled Employee indicates whether or not this person is a Learner on the site. Yes listed in this column shows they are a Learner within the system, those with No listed, indicate that they are an instructor from outside your organization.


Tip: You can click the instructor’s name to update his/her eMail address and work phone information.)

Steps to Edit an Employee or Non-Employee Instructor’s Demographics

1. From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Utilities —Instructor List.

2. Click the name of the instructor you want to edit. Instructors are listed alphabetically by last name.


3. Add/edit any information about Learner that you want to either add or edit.

• Email address

• Work phone


4. Click the Close button (red ‘X’) in the upper right to close the window.

Section II: Creating/Edit a Course Template for Events

Steps to Create or Edit a Course

Create a course template or edit an existing course template. You can create or edit a course template at anytime. Once you make a course template; for example, a CPR course, you use the template each time you are ready to schedule an event (class).

1. From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Classes & Events — Create and Edit Course Templates.

Tip: All items marked in red are required items for the Event.

2. From the right, click either New Course button (then OK) or the Edit Existing Course button.

If you select to edit an existing course, search to find the course name you can search by either any part of the course name or the complete name. And select the course code from the results. It opens to the ‘Create/Edit Course Template’ page.

3. Required. Add Course Code and Course Name

• Course Code: This code helps you to search for courses when you need to edit information or schedule an Event. For example, CPR classes could be coded CPR.

• Course Name: The course name is also the Event title that Learners see along with the scheduled dates of the event when they self-enroll.

Note: The course name and code are used each time you schedule an event from the course template.

4. If you want to track this course in the CEU reports, click the ‘Track this course in CE reports?’


5. Enter a description and the objectives for the course.

• Description: Describes the course and is available on the information screen that Learners can view when self-enrolling into an event.

• Objectives: List of the course objectives and is available on the information screen that Learners can view when self-enrolling into an event.

6. Enter the size and type requirements.

• Minimum class size: Defines the minimum number of Learners required for the class to be conducted. Some classes may need to be cancelled if not enough Learners enroll.

• Maximum class size: Sets the maximum number of Learners allowed in a class.

Note: If the maximum class size number is met, additional Learners attempting to enroll in the class are added to the waitlist.

• Type of event: Shows Learners what kind of training the event will be and appears on the information screen on Learner’s side of the system (e.g., Classroom Training, Teleconference etc.).

7. Required. Enter the number of Sessions (days) to complete the event. This lets the Learners know how many days the event runs (e.g., a two-day class).

8. Enter the following as needed:

• Contact Hours: Enter contact hours, if applicable. This information can be loaded into a certificate of completion that can be generated for all Learners that complete an event.

• Cost: Enter the price of the event, if applicable. The price lists on the event Information page as well as on the Classes & Events tab on the Learner’s personal page.

Note: The LMS only tracks how much money the class should collect. It does not allow then to charge anything through the system.

• CE Expires. Enter the date the CEU’s expire. If left blank, the CEU’s never expire.

9. Contact Information.

• Nurse Planner/eMail/Phone: Enter the name of the planner of the event along with an eMail and phone number.

10. Required. Contact Person’s name and eMail. Phone is optional.

• Contact Person/eMail/phone: This information is listed on the event information page as the person to contact for assistance and is also listed in the eMail communications to Learners enrolled in the class.

11. Enter the following optional items:

Tip: The following items can be defined at the course level, but are not required. This information can also be added when you schedule the event. Some of these items require information when you schedule the event.

• Location: You must save course information before a location can be selected and added.

• Addl. Materials: Allow additional materials to be outlined so Learners are aware of what might be required from the information window.

• Addl Material Cost: Enter a dollar amount if additional materials will be required that the Learner must pay for.

• Special Instructions: This is an information field that displays on confirmation letters to Learners.

• Notes: This is an information item that displays on confirmation letters to Learners.

12. Click the Save button in the upper right.

13. Once the course information is saved, two additional items display at the bottom of the page: Enter the following items.


And three buttons across the top of the page:


• Search Terms: Define search terms the Learners may use when they are looking for the event to self-enroll. For example, if your organization offers CPR, but internally you all might refer to that course as CPR, Cardiac Life Support, or just Life Support. You can put each of these terms in the Search Terms field and the site displays this course if any of these terms are used when a Learner searches.

• Prerequisites Course List: This is for informational purposes and should be used to identify courses that must be completed prior to enrolling into this course. This list is generated from the other courses already in the Events Manager Course list. If an item does not exist in Events Manger, it will not show up on this list.

Note: After you save the course the following three buttons display across the top of the page: Schedule this Course – where you create an Event by adding a date and time for the course to be held. Clone this Course - copies the current course information and you gives it a new course code and name. Delete this Course - deletes the course currently open on the page. You can only delete a course that does not have any scheduled events associated with it. Once the course has an event scheduled, the delete option is removed.

14. After you save, you can add a Location or you can wait and add it when you schedule an event. To add now, click the Select a Location button and from the ‘Select a Location’ popup, use the drop-down to select a Facility for the training classroom. Click the List button. Click a classroom location and the name of the classroom location populates the page for you.

Tip: If the class is always at the same facility and in the same classroom, it is easier to select it on the course template, otherwise, wait until you schedule each event.

15. Click the Save button.

16. You are now ready to schedule events for this course. See Section III to schedule an event.

Section III: Schedule an Event

Scheduling an event involves adding a specific time and date along with additional required and optional items to the previously created course template.

Steps to Schedule an Event: (Parts 1-8)

Note: All required items display in red.

Part 1: Search for and open the Course Template you want to use to create the Event

Part 2: Enter the Required Items: Event Date/Times/Location

Part 3: Enter the additional Required & Optional Items for the Event

Part 4: Do you want to allow Learners to Self-Enroll in the Event?

Part 5: Select Visibility for the Event – Who may self-enroll?

Part 6: Add Enrollment Information

Part 7: Select an Instructor and add Credits to the Event

Part 8: Set Fees and Discounts for the Event

Continue to Part 1.

Part 1: Search and open the Course Template you want to use to create the Event

1. Select Classes & Events — Classes & Events — Schedule a New Event.

Tip: If you have the course template open, click the Schedule This Course button. And move to Part 2: #1.

2. Enter a course code or name to locate a course template. You can also select a Facility where the course was created. The more search criteria you enter, the more specific your search results.

Note: You can use the wildcard (%) in the Course code or Course name field to see all Courses. Or, you can search by part of the Course name and/or the Course code.

3. Click the Search button.

Any Courses matching your criteria list below. You may need to scroll down to see all the available course templates.

4. Click the Course Code to open the course you want to schedule.

The ‘Classes & Events – Schedule’ page opens with the course information added to the event you want to schedule.

Continue to Part 2.

Part 2: Enter the following Required Event Date/Times/Location

Tip: All items marked in red are required items for the course and event.

1. Required. Enter the following:

• Start Date: Click the calendar to find a start date for the event.

• End Date: Click the blank date box if the event ends on the same date it begins and the date populates automatically; or click the calendar if needed to find an end date for the event.

• Start Time: Click the drop-down to select a start time for the event)

• End Time: Click the drop-down to select an end time for the event)

2. Required. Location: Click the Select a Location button.

Either select a Facility from the drop-down or choose ‘All’ locations. Click the List button. And the Classrooms’ list displays. Any Classroom that has any events assigned displays the event code, the name of the event, and start and end times for each event listed.

The image below shows three classrooms with scheduled events.


Note: If there is a conflict of events for a classroom, when you save the event you will be warned that the location is already assigned to another event.

3. Click the Location name and the classroom is added to the event.

Note: Entering a location here does not confirm the availability of the room. Follow your normal facility procedures to reserve the classroom.

Continue to Part 3.

Part 3: Enter the following Optional and or Required Items

1. Select from the following optional items.

• Description. If not completed, enter a short description of what this event covers. This information can be viewed by the Learners at the time of enrollment.

• Objectives. If not completed, enter a list of objectives for the event. This information can be viewed by the Learners at the time of enrollment.

• Notes: If not completed, enter any notes you would like to include about the class/event.

• Additional Materials: If not completed, enter any additional materials that Learners need to bring to the event.

2. Required. Complete the following required items.

• Sessions: If this number has changed, enter the number of sessions for this event. How many days will this event take?

• Capacity: If this number has changed, enter the maximum number of Learners allowed for this event.

3. Complete the following items.

• Minimum Capacity: If this number has changed, and If there is a minimum required enrollment to hold the event, enter that number here.

• Nurse Planner/eMail/Phone: If applicable, enter the name of the planner of the event along with eMail and phone number.

• Contact Name/eMail/Phone: enter the contact person for the event along with an eMail and phone number.

• Event Type: If not completed, from the drop-down select the type of event (e.g., Seminar).

• Host Facility: What Facility is hosting the event? Use the drop-down on the right.

Continue to Part 4.

Part 4: Do you want your Learners to Self-Enroll into the Event?

• Allow Self-enrollment: Select this option to allow your Learners to enroll themselves in an event. If you do not select the self-enrollment option, an administrator must manually enroll each Learner.


Note: Allow Self Enrollment feature: This option lets Learners search and self-enroll for an event. If this item is unchecked, Learners will not see this event as an available event when they search for an event.

Continue to Part 5.

Part 5: Select an Instructor and Add Credits


1. From ‘Credits and Hours’ enter the appropriate Contact Hours and/or CE’s. If the CE’s have expiration date, you must enter the CE’s Expire date.

Note: If the Expiration date is left blank, the CE’s never expire.

2. If applicable, select the Credits by drop-down.

Note: You may have additional accrediting bodies added to the Credits By list.

3. Click the Select Instructor(s) button.

A new window opens.

4. Enter the last name of the instructor you want to add to the event.

Tip: To view all instructors, use the %.

5. Note: If you want to narrow your search for an instructor, click the Facility of the instructor. Remember, however, that instructors that are NOT Learners, are not assigned to a facility.


6. Click the Search button. Select the instructor’s name from the available list and click Select. Close this window when complete.

7. If the event is “Co-Provided” click the yes radio button. And add the name of the co-provided in the With Whom item to the right.

Continue to Part 6.

Part 6: Select Visibility (Who can enroll in a self-enrolled event?)

Visibility limits who can enroll in an event. An administrator determines which facilities and/or departments can see this event for self-enrollment.

Note: The Publish Only option allows Learners to see the event being offered, but requires that each Learner contact an administrator to be enrolled.


1. If you want to allow everyone to enroll in the event, click the Everyone can enroll in this Event radio button.

2. If you want to Limit enrollment by Facilities and/or Department and/or Job Code, click checkbox to the left of the Select Facilities/Departments button then click the Select Facilities/Departments button. Complete the window that opens.


3. Publish Only: Lets Learners see the event being offered, but requires that each Learner contact an administrator to be enrolled in the event. (Self-enrollment option must be chosen in order for Learners to see the Publish only events.)


Continue to Part 7.

Part 7: Select Enrollment Information for Learners

Enrollment Information options cover when enrollment begins and ends, cancellation dates and penalties, and when the wait list closes.

Note: The wait list automatically starts when an event enrollment meets the maximum capacity. The next Learner that tries to enroll gets added to the wait list and the LMS generates an eMail telling the Learner they are wait listed. If an enrolled Learner cancels his/her enrollment the first person on the wait list will be automatically enrolled and receive a confirmation eMail from the LMS. However, administrators can override the wait list option and can add a Learner even if the event is full.

1. Select from the following enrollment information options:

• Enrollment Begins: Determines what date Learners can begin enrolling into an event. A message will display to indicate the date the enrollment begins, if a Learner searches for an event with a future enrollment start date.

• Enrollment Ends: The date the roster closes and does not allow further enrollment. A message displays as shown below noting that enrollment is closed.


• Cancel By: An administrator can specify a specific cancellation date to be met; otherwise any applicable costs can be charged to the Learner and/or the cost center.

• Cancel Penalty: If there are applicable charges made to a Learner or cost center if they do not cancel by the specified cancellation date.

• Wait List Closes: Determines what date the wait list will not allow any additional enrollees.

Tip: If you do not want to have a Wait list for an event, make the Wait List date the same date that enrollment begins.

• Do not send email: If you do not want to send any emails for a specific event to your Learners, select the ‘Do not send email’ selection.


• Automatic Notification: Enrollment confirmation emails sent by the LMS to Learners include event name, date of event, start and end times, location, any special instructions and other miscellaneous information.

Also, after being scheduled to an Event and you receive your Registration Confirmation email, you may automatically add the date and time of the Event to your Outlook calendar. You must be using MS Outlook 2007 or higher. For more information, see “Using Outlook Calendar with Events” at the end of this document, or “Outlook Calendar with Events” on the Help menu under “Misc”.

Click the View button to the right, and the letter opens and you can print the letter. Only Learners that have eMail addresses in the system will be sent a registration confirmation.

• Cancellation Letter: If an Event is cancelled, a Cancellation letter that conveys cancellation information to Learners is sent by email. Click the View button on the right to see the contents of the ‘Cancellation’ letter. Only Learners that have eMail addresses in the system will be sent a ‘Cancellation confirmation’ letter.

Note: If one or more Learners are ‘removed’ from an Event, the removed Learners are NOT notified automatically by eMail.

• Special Instructions: Communicates instructional information to the Learners. This information is viewed by the Learners in the eMail confirmation letters that are generated during the enrollment process. Only Learners that have eMail addresses in the system will be sent a registration confirmation.

Continue to Part 8.

Part 8: Select Fees and Discounts (if applicable for your organization)

Most institutions do not charge their Learners but some may do so. Also some organizations allow Learners from outside the hospital to attend (e.g., medical office personnel) an event for a fee and possibly a discounted fee. The LMS tracks how much money should be collected for an event that has associated fees. You can add fees and discounts to any event.

You may charge one group $10 dollars but another group only $7.00 (a discounted fee). You may also denote a discounted early registration fee.

The LMS tracks how much money the event should collect. You cannot charge anything through the system. But at the end of a event you can generate a report that shows there were x number of Learners at $0 and x Learners at $10 and x Learner at $7 and x Learners paid by check and x Learner paid by charge so you should have $x dollars in theses forms of payment.

1. From Early Enroll Date, either enter the date or click the calendar to select the date you want to start the discount.

2. From Early Enroll Disc, enter the dollar amount of the discount. This allows you to determine a date that you want to offer an early enrollment discount. If a Learner enrolls before this date, then the amount listed in this field will be deducted from the overall charge for the event. The Learner sees the adjusted cost of the event after they enroll.

3. From Discount Info, enter information about the discount.

4. From Group Discount, enter the dollar amount for group discounts.

5. Enter the following fees and additional charges as needed:

• Host Facility: This fee will be charged if the enrollee is from the host facility.

• Discount: The standard discount fee. This fee is never calculated automatically.

• Other Facility: This fee will be charged if the enrollee is any facility other than the selected Host Facility.

• Other: This fee will be charged if the enrollee is not an employee, or is not otherwise affiliated with your organization.

6. Click Save Event button when finished.

A Saved Successfully popup opens. Click OK.

Tip: You can now enroll Learners.

Section IV: Enroll Learners in an Event

Once you schedule an event you are ready to enroll Learners.

Note: If you did not select the self-enrollment option, you must manually enroll each Learner in the event.

Tip: Once Learners are enrolled in an event, you can click the Email Reminder button on the Roster to send a reminder email automatically to all enrolled Learners.

Note: You can also enroll Learners from the ‘Lookup’ page.

Steps to Enroll an Existing Learner(s) and/or Inactive Learners:

1. Select Classes & Events — Classes & Events — Edit a scheduled event.

Tip: If you have the Classes & Events Schedule already open for the applicable event, click the Enroll Learners button. And move to step #7.

2. Select an event using any or all of the criteria on the page. Then click the List button.

Note: You can use the wildcard (%) in the Course code or Course name field to see all events. Or, you can search by part of the Event name and/or the Course code.

3. Click the event ‘Coursename’ (shows as a link) that you want to assign a Learner to.


Primary - Secondary sorts:

• Click the Course Code column heading for a primary sort. The “Course name” and “Location” columns sort secondary.

• Click the Location column heading for a primary sort. The “Course name” and “Course Code” columns sort secondary.

• Click the Start Date column heading for a primary sort. The “Course name” sorts secondary.

• Click the Start – End Time column heading for a primary sort. The “Course name” sorts secondary.

• Click the Enroll Begins column heading for a primary sort. The “Course name” sorts secondary.

• Click the Enroll End column heading for a primary sort. The “Course name” sorts secondary.

• Click the # Enrolled column heading for a primary sort. The “Course name” sorts secondary.

Tip: Your results are color-coded. Archived events are orange and cancelled events are red.

4. Click the Enroll Learners button at the top right.

Three tabs display across the top: “Roster,” “Enroll” and “Resources.”

Note: The “Roster” tab contains all currently enrolled Learners in the selected event. It also tells you the capacity for the event, “Wait List” if available, number canceled, and when the event is completed the number of no-shows.


5. Click the Enroll tab. New Learners can be enrolled in the event, and you can select to include inactive Learners.


6. You can enroll one Learner at a time by searching for a Learner by name or by displaying all Learners by Facility and/or department. Click List Learners button.

7. You can either select the check box to the left of each Learner that you want to enroll, or choose the option to “Enroll all of the individuals listed below.”


8. Click the Enroll button when have finished choosing Learners.

Note: Only Learners that have eMail addresses in the system will be sent a registration confirmation and an email reminder.

9. You can continue to add Learners from here. When finished, continue at number 10.

10. Click the Roster tab, and your selected Learners names now list on the ‘Roster’ tab. See Section VI to learn more about the Roster and the Wait List.


Tip: You can use the Email Reminder button (shown above) to remind all enrolled Learners about the scheduled event.

Steps to Enroll a Learner that Does Not Exist in the LMS into an Event

Use this set of instructions when you have a person outside the LMS that you want to enroll in a class.

1. Select Classes & Events — Classes & Events — Edit a scheduled event.

2. Select an event using any or all of the criteria on the page. Then click the List button.

Note: You can use the wildcard (%) in the event code or event name field to see all events.

3. Click the event name (shows as a link) that you want to assign a Learner to.

Note: Your results are color-coded. Archived events are orange and red events are cancelled.

4. Click the Enroll Learners button at the top right.

Three tabs display across the top of the “Roster” page.

5. Click the Enroll tab.

6. Click the Add a New Learner button in the upper left.

The following information is required to add the new Learner to the selected class:


7. Click the Save button in the upper right of the page.

8. Click Close this window button.

Note: Learners added using this form will be assigned a User ID (UID) by the system and will be added to the database. The UIDs for these Learners will begin with WISC.

Section V: Viewing and Selecting Default Resources or Add Your Own Customized Resources

Now that you have scheduled your event you are ready to view and select resources for the event. The LMS comes with default mailing labels, name tags and sign-in sheets.

Resources include the following:

• Mailing Labels (pre-filled information on the mailing label) with several defaults you can select from. You can select to include ‘All’ Learners, ‘Enroll’ enrolled Learners only, or ‘Completed’ enrolled Learners only.


• Name tags (pre-filled name tags for each Learner) with several defaults you can select from.

An example of a default name tag displays below:


Steps to Use Resources for an Event:

1. Select Classes & Events — Classes & Events — Edit a scheduled event.

2. Search for an Event that you want to add resources to using any or all of the criteria on the page. Then click the List button.

Note: You can use the wildcard (%) in the event code or event name field to see all events

3. Scroll down to see the events that list below the search criteria.

4. Select an Event Name that you want to add/edit resources.

The Classes & Events – Schedule page opens.

5. Click Enroll Learners button.

6. Click the Resources tab. The following are optional selections.

• Click the drop-down for Mailing Labels and make a selection. Click the Display button to its right to preview the label.

• Click the drop-down for Name tags and make a selection. Click the Display button to its right to preview the name tag.

• Click the drop-down for Sign-in sheet and make a selection. Click the Display button to its right to preview the sign-in sheet.

Tip: The event name (that runs horizontally across the top as shown below) is a quick-link that takes you back to the Schedule screen.


Section VI: Managing the Wait List

As an Administrator you have control over the wait list for events (e.g., add a Learner to an event from the wait list even though the event is full).

Note: The normal waitlist function that automatically enrolls the next Learner on the list when an enrollee cancels is suspended when the Administrator cancels the enrollee. This allows the administrator to choose which Learner on the waitlist moves into the class.

• Administrators can override the wait list option adding a Learner to an event if the Event is full. Or, an administrator can remove an Enrolled Learner from the Roster and manually add a Learner from the roster.

• If a Learner cancels from a full event, the first person on the wait list is changed to the ‘enroll’ status. However, this automatic assignment will not occur if an administrator cancels a Learner so the administrator can manage the roster and select which Learner(s) should be enrolled.

• If the wait list is allowed then when an event meets the maximum capacity the next Learner that tries to enroll gets added to the wait list and the LMS generates an email telling the Learner they are wait listed. The letter does not tell the Learner where they are on the wait list.

• Learners are added in the order they attempt to enroll. If there are 50 Learners that get added at once then the attempt to enroll is based on the order of that list. Generally the wait list accumulates one Learner at a time so they are ordered on the date the try to enroll.

• If a Learner cancels his/her enrollment, the first person on the wait list gets enrolled and newly enrolled Learner receives a confirmation email from the LMS.

• If a Learner does not have an email address, it is up to the administrator that added them to notify the Learner about the event, Or if the Learner self enrolls, the Learner sees it in his/her lesson plan and calendar.

• You can use the Email Reminder button to remind all enrolled Learners about the scheduled event.

Steps to Add a Learner from the Wait List into a Full Event

You can add a Learner that is on the wait list into a full Event.

1. Select Classes & Events — Classes & Events — Class/Event Roster.

2. From the Search page, enter your search criteria for the Event Roster you want to open.

3. Click the List button on the lower right.

4. Click the name of the course.

The Roster opens.

5. Click the Fix Wait List button in the upper right.

The Status totals display across the bottom of the Roster. Review the totals.


6. Find the Learner’s name on the left that you want to add to the full event, click the Edit button to the right of the Learner’s name.

The ‘Edit Online Student Enrollment Record’ opens for the selected Learner and event.


7. From Status in the upper left of the page, use the drop-down to change ‘Waiting List’ to ‘Enrolled’.


8. Click the Update Information button on the right.

9. Click the Close button in the upper right.

10. Click the Refresh button in the upper right.

Note: The normal waitlist function that automatically enrolls the next Learner on the list when an enrollee cancels is suspended when the Administrator cancels the enrollee. This allows the administrator to choose which Learner on the waitlist moves into the class.

Section VII: Archiving Events

Events can be archived. As your number of completed events grows you may want to “Archive.” By archiving completed events, you can easily see events still pending.

Steps to Archive an Event

1. Open the event you want to Archive.

2. Click the Archive Event button in the upper right.

3. Click OK to proceed.

The message “This event is Archived” displays in the upper left.

4. When you search for events, all archived events display in orange.

• The image below shows one archived event, easily visible in orange.


Tip: To remove an Event from the archives, search and open the Event, then click the Activate Event button on the right.

Opening and Reading the Event Log

You can view a list of activities by event from your Roster. The list includes the User ID, activity (added a Learner, created and/or modified the event, and so on) and the date and time the activity occurred.

Steps to Open the Event Log

1. Click Classes & Events – Classes & Events – Class Event Roster

2. Search for the Event that you want to open an event log for.

3. Select the Coursename link.

4. Click the Event Log button.


5. Click the Close button in the upper right.

Using Outlook Calendar with Events

IMPORTANT: The Events add to calendar option requires Microsoft Outlook 2007 or newer. It does not add the date and time of an Event to your Outlook calendar if you are using older versions of Microsoft Outlook.

After a ‘Registration Notification’ email is sent to a Learner’s email, the Learner has the option to also add the date and time of the Event to her Outlook calendar. If the Leaner tries to add the date and time of an Event to her Outlook calendar using Outlook 2003 or older, the Learner receives the following error message.

The following is an error message from version 2003.


Microsoft Outlook 2007 and newer versions add the Event date and time to the Outlook calendar when the Learner chooses.

An example of Microsoft Office Outlook 2007:


Steps to Add the Date and Time of an Event to your Outlook Calendar

After being scheduled to an Event and you receive your Registration Confirmation email, you may automatically add the date and time of the Event to your Outlook calendar. You must be using MS Outlook 2007 or higher.

1. Open your Outlook Inbox.

2. Open the LMS Event Registration Notification email.

3. Double-click the ‘Add to Calendar’ ICS file attachment.

4. Click Open.

• The date and time of the Event is added to your Outlook calendar.


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