April 14, 2020

Meeting Location: Virtual Meeting via Go To Meeting

Board Members

Present: Barb Anderson-Whiteis, Kathy Mueller, Meg Sax, Tom Tweeten, Ann Graney-Hoffmann, Darrell Mead, John Dahl, Doug Persian, Dave Fleischhaker, Dawn Moore, Tracy Turner, Trina Joyce, Karen Clark, Dale Froyum

Absent: Judy Jensen

Members/Visitors: Allison Eklund, Barb Fleischhaker

I. Meeting called to order: 6:36P.M. by President Tracy Turner.

II. Introduction of Board Members/Visitors

III. Call for Additions/Changes to Agenda

1. Tracy Turner added a discussion on the budget to New Business.

IV. Treasurer’s Report for February was presented by Tom Tweeten in electronic and hard copy form at the March meeting. Tom Tweeten presented the February treasurer report for approval. Ann Graney-Hoffman motioned to approve the February treasurer’s report as presented. Kathy Mueller seconded, motion carries. Tom Tweeten provided the Treasurer’s report for March electronically. Discussion followed. Tom Tweeten noted eight scholarship awardees have cashed their checks as of today.

V. Approval of Minutes – Minutes from the March meeting were presented electronically. Darrell Mead motioned to accept the March minutes as presented. Dawn Moore seconded, motion carried.

VI. Secretary’s Report –Dawn Moore advised there will be a change to the MHC voicemail greeting to include the direct line to the MN Horse Expo. The Committee List has been updated and is waiting for executive board approval.


A. MHSEA Update- Dawn Moore advised there are students signing up for the program, but there is concern over the potential amount of available shows in 2020. The committee will be looking at options in the near future for possible changes to criteria should additional shows be cancelled.

B. MHC Foundation Update- Tracy Turner advised he will be meeting with a potential new board member on Friday.

C. MHC Facebook Page Update- Meg Sax advised the board of the following statistics as of March 10th: total page visits: 22, weekly total reach: 4,251. People engaged: 1462, total page likes 3,986, total page followers 4,149.



A. Expo- Darrell Mead advised the 2020 Expo has been cancelled. Many vendors and exhibitors are applying deposits to 2021. This cancellation will cause changes to the budget for the next two years as the losses are spread over that timeframe. Currently, the MN State Fair will go on. Darrell Mead presented the proposed board of the MN Horse Expo. They are: Darrell Mead, Leslie Stewart, Barb Anderson-Whiteis, Brenda Miller, Kathy Mueller, Dawn Moore, Glen Eaton, Sue Mue, Dave Fleischhaker and Sue Suter. Dawn Moore motioned to accept the board as presented. Ann Graney-Hoffmann seconded, motion carries.

B. Aisle of Breeds- See ad hoc committee report.

C. Coalition of State Horse Councils- Tom Tweeten emailed a summary of finances and the AHC information regarding legislation and the Equine industry.

D. Direct Funding- Dave Fleischhaker advised no new requests have been received.

E. Promotions- Meg Sax advised MHC pens have been ordered and MHC informational sheets are being updated. The committee is researching locations and dates of member organization’s board meetings. MHC events are on hold due to the stay at home policy. The committee has received and approved one sponsorship. The committee is continuing to post relevant information to Facebook every few days. The committee is advertising on the MQHA website and in their newsletter for 2020.

F. Show Facilities- Tom Tweeten advised Kim Otterson will be inspecting a new facility as soon as she is able. Discussion followed on cancelled shows and events across the state.

G. Website- Meg Sax advised PayPal issues need to be resolved. Meg Sax is looking for a new platform that is mobile friendly. Newsletters have been uploaded to the website with the exception of April 2019. All approved meeting minutes have been added to the website for 2019. When our current host performs a software update, it can affect our links and queries. This has been fixed for the time being. There is discussion over the cost of hosting the websites. Mark Ward had advised a cost of $100 per year. Meg Sax will investigate and make sure fees are paid and up to date.

H. Aisle of Breeds Ad Hoc Committee- Ann Graney Hoffman advised the last time the MN State Fair was cancelled was in 1946 due to the Polio epidemic. Ann Graney-Hoffman also advised the new drapes have been ordered but not yet received.


A. MHWC Letter- Dave Fleischhaker advised he will send the letter this week. Tracy Turner advised he was contacted by the group directly and he asked them to volunteer on some of the MHC committees.

B. Future Meetings- Tracy Turner opened a discussion of virtual meeting hosts and who the board prefers for future meetings. The MHC will use Go to Meeting for the time being.

C. Fran Reker- Trina Joyce advised she has not been able to see the items yet and asked to have this item tabled to the May meeting.

D. Budget- Tracy Turner opened a discussion on the MHC budget. Tracy Turner reminded everyone that without income from a 2020 Expo, budgets will be impacted for the next two years. Discussion followed. The board will consider some options and look at the committee budgets and prepare for recommendations at the May meeting.



• April 17th is the deadline for submissions for the next newsletter.

X. Tracy Tuner adjourned the meeting at 7:54PM.


May 12th, 2019

6:30 p.m.

Go to Meeting

Virtual Meeting


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