Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

201 W. Preston Street • Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Martin O’Malley, Governor – Anthony G. Brown, Lt. Governor – John M. Colmers, Secretary

Cigarette Restitution Fund Program (CRFP) Phone: 410-767-7117 – Fax: 410-333-5100

Director: Carlessia A. Hussein, R.N., Dr. P.H. - Room 500

Family Health Administration

Russell W. Moy, M.D., M.P.H., Director – Joan H. Salim, Deputy Director

CCSC HO Memo #10-03


Date: January 13, 2010

To: Health Officers

CRFP Coordinators

Statewide Academic Health Centers

From: Diane M. Dwyer, MD, Medical Director

Kimberly Stern, MHA, CTR, Director, Maryland Cancer Registry

Center for Cancer Surveillance and Control, Family Health Admin


Cliff Mitchell, MS, MD, MPH

Acting Assistant Director for Environmental Health and Food Control

Infectious Disease and Environmental Health Administration

Re: Guidelines for the Management of Inquiries Related to Cancer Concerns

or Suspected Cancer Clusters, January 2010

Attached are the Guidelines for the Management of Inquiries Related to Cancer Concerns or Suspected Cancer Clusters. The document was distributed along with the pamphlet, Questions and Answers about Cancer Clusters (September, 2008, ) and discussed with Health Officers at the Roundtable on January 13, 2010.

We will discuss the Guidelines at the CRF Teleconference on January 20, 2010.

If you have any questions about the Guidelines, please contact

Cliff Mitchell 410-767-7438

Diane Dwyer 410-767-5088

Kimberly Stern 410-767-5521

Hard copies of the report distributed to Health Officers at the January 13, 2009 Health Officer Roundtable

cc: Russell Moy, MD, MPH

Joan Salim

Carlessia Hussein, RN, DrPH

Donna Gugel


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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