NVIDIA Foundation

Compute the Cure

Cancer Care Grant

Guidelines and Application


Compute the Cure is a strategic initiative of the NVIDIA Foundation that aims to advance the fight against cancer. Under this initiative, nonprofits throughout the world have an opportunity to receive one of four $50,000 Compute the Cure Cancer Care Grants to support a program/project (“proposed project”) in the following areas of the cancer continuum:

• Prevention

• Screening

• Diagnosis

• Treatment

• Survivorship

• End-of-Life Care

Applicants must demonstrate that the grant will be used to make a transformative and lasting impact on the lives of the people they serve.

NOTE: Research proposals will not be considered for Compute the Cure Cancer Care Grant funding. If you are interested in being kept up to date on Compute the Cure cancer research funding opportunities, email the NVIDIA Foundation.

Review Criteria

• Impact: The proposed project addresses a significant problem with an unmet need. Funding will be used to make a significant difference and support long-term benefits.

• Longevity: The organization demonstrates a strong plan for sustainability and long-term impact of the proposed project.

• Organization: The organization has the capacity and leadership to complete the proposed project, and has a credible track record in executing successful programs.

• Timeline and Reporting: The proposed project is achievable in a reasonable timeframe (maximum two years), given the available budget. There is a clear timeline for execution and plan for monitoring and evaluation.

Important Dates

• February 16 – March 28: Applications accepted.

• April – July: Review, evaluation, notification and announcement


Organizations must have a current tax-deductible status from the Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3) (for US based charities) or comparable status (for international charities). Each organization’s tax-exempt status will be verified. For-profit companies are not eligible for this award.

NVIDIA Foundation does not provide funding for:

• Individuals or individual schools

• Religious organizations (unless they can prove the program serves a secular audience)

• Political organizations

• Military organizations (programs for veterans are accepted)

• Organizations that discriminate based on sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, disabilities or political views.

• Capital campaigns

Required Documentation

In addition to the completed application, please submit the following attachments:

Attachment A: Verification of the organization’s (or fiscal agent’s) tax exempt status (e.g. 501(c)(3) letter)

Attachment B: Organization’s audited financial statements (balance sheet, profit & loss) for last completed fiscal year and organization’s operating budget for current fiscal year

Attachment C: Organization’s proposed project budget, please use provided project budget sheet

Attachment D: Board of Directors list that includes members’ professional affiliations

Attachment E: A list of key staff members and their professional backgrounds

Attachment F: A list of the organization’s key funders

Attachment G: Organization’s non-discrimination policy

General Guidelines

• Organizations may submit multiple proposals for consideration. Use a separate application for each proposal.

• Grants may be used for multi-year commitments (two years maximum).

• Organizations must provide all required attachments (see “Required Documentation”). Optional supporting materials may also be included (see “Submission Guidelines”)

• Applicants will receive confirmation of proposal receipt and a communication regarding the proposal status at the end of the review period. We are unable to provide specific feedback on applications not selected for funding.

• If your application is selected for funding, we will require a brief mid-point report and a final report at the end of the project’s funding timeline.

Submission Guidelines

• Applications must be submitted to corporategrants@ by Monday, March 28, 2016 (5:00pm Pacific) to be considered. Please include “NVIDIA Foundation Cancer Care Grant” in the subject line.

• Submissions must adhere to the application format. Do not re-number the questions or alter the application. Do not delete any of the application text to make more space for your text.

• Narrative answers should be no longer than three pages combined.

• Optional supporting materials, which add substantive value, may be submitted to supplement your application. These materials, including photographs, videos, PowerPoint presentations, news clippings, etc., can be submitted as a link to a web site (preferred) or as an attachment to your email.

• Keep your total submission to no more than 5 megabytes. Only electronic submissions will be considered. Applications should be sent as a Microsoft® Word or Adobe® PDF file

• Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

If you have any questions during this process, please contact corporategrants@. Thank you for your application.

Compute the Cure

Cancer Care Grant

Application Cover Sheet

Deadline: March 28, 2016

Organization Information

|Organization name: | |

|Contact person: | |

|Title: | |

|Email address: | |

|Phone: | |

|Website: | |

|Fiscal sponsor’s name and contact information (if | |

|applicable): | |

|Tax ID number (organization or fiscal sponsor): | |

|Year organization was founded: | |

|Do you engage corporate volunteers to advance your mission? | Yes No |

Financial Snapshot (information below should be specific to the organization’s most recently completed fiscal year)

|Financials for fiscal year ending (month and year): | |

|Total organization budget: | |

|Percentage of organization budget devoted to operating | |

|expenses (fundraising, advertising, administrative overhead, | |

|etc.): | |

|Has this organization received financial assistance from NVIDIA Foundation before? |

|No Yes, if yes, please list years and amounts: |

Request Snapshot (information below should be specific to proposed project for which you are requesting funding)

|Proposed project name: | |

|Brief description of proposed project (no more than three | |

|sentences): | |

|Amount requested (maximum $50,000): |$ |

|Total number expected to be served by the proposed project: | |

|Total number expected to be served by the NVIDIA Foundation | |

|grant (if different from above): | |

|Geographic region served by the proposed project: | |

How did you hear about this opportunity?

Communication from NVIDIA Foundation Website (please specify)____________________

Colleague/Friend (name and organization)______________________________________

Other (please specify)______________________

Please indicate the primary focus area of your proposed project (select one).

Prevention Screening Survivorship Other____________

Diagnosis Treatment End-of-Life Care

Narrative Application Questions

1. What is the mission of your organization?

2. What programs are you currently offering in the area of cancer care?

3. Describe the problem your proposed project is addressing, taking into account the following:

a. Specifically how your proposed project will address the problem(s).

b. The experience your organization brings to the proposed project. (Provide specific achievements that describe past results.)

c. How your approach to solving this problem is unique and different from other programs addressing similar problems.

d. How you will collaborate with other organizations or agencies on the proposed project. Who are your collaborators, and how will this be accomplished?

4. Describe specifically how you plan to use the $50,000 NVIDIA Foundation grant.

5. How will the NVIDIA Foundation grant have a transformative effect on the people served by your organization? What will be different for them as a result of the grant? Is the proposed project scalable? If so, please describe.

6. How will you measure your proposed project’s impact? Provide expected outcomes and identified benchmarks that are meaningful and can be captured using the following evaluation approaches:

• Qualitative (e.g. feedback from those served or your staff on the impact of the NVIDIA grant, any events where you’ve announced the funding or delivered your services)

• Quantitative (e.g. number of people served, results achieved, improvement over time, additional or new clients served because of the NVIDIA grant)

7. What do you consider success for your proposed project?

8. Provide a high-level timeline, including major milestones, for the proposed project. Projects must be completed within two years.

9. Attach a budget using the template provided to outline the total budget for the proposed project. Is the budget outlined sufficient to fund the entire project, or is other funding necessary? If the project requires additional funding, has this funding already been secured (note funding source(s) and amount(s))? If not, how much funding is needed that has not yet been secured? Include additional comments or further explain any items from the budget here.

10. How sustainable is the proposed project both financially and with regards to staffing?  Can this project continue after the initial funding from the NVIDIA Foundation has been used?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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