Il Caffè del Relazione del Libro Estivo (Summer Book ...

Il Caffè del Relazione del Libro Estivo (Summer Book Report Café)Students pick at least one Appetizer, one Entrée, and one Dessert that equate to at least a 100. The max the students can earn on their meal is a 120. The Summer Book Report due on first day.Appetizers (Choose at Least One)Quote SoupSelect 3 sentences or quotes from your book that you think are important or meaningful to you, the characters, or both. Write a 5-sentence explanation as to why they are important. 10 ptsKWL SaladCreate a chart showing what you already knew about the topic of the book, what you know now, and what you are interested in learning now because of the book. At least 5 topics each. 10 ptsSetting SaladCreate a chart describing the setting, including a drawing of how the setting was in your mind when you read the book. Tell what was important about the setting and how it affected the story of your novel. 10 ptsUnderdone Dialogue DipPick one terribly short or terribly written conversation in your book that resemble Twilight writing (or some other terrible type of writing). Rewrite this conversations with more emotion or the way you think it should have gone. 15 ptsEntrées (Choose at Least One)Audio Play Angel HairRecord a 5-minute audio play that would rewrite the ending of your story in which the villain gets what he wants. Your characters must be discernable using accents and having others refer to him/her by name. 70 ptsTerza Rima RatatouilleWrite a 7-page Terza Rima that follows along the story of the book you chose to read. The Terza Rima must follow the appropriate rhyme scheme similar to that of Dante’s Inferno. 70 ptsPlay (Pizza) DoughWrite a 10-page (double-spaced, but front/back 10 physical pages) play that will rewrite the ending of the book as though it were a Shakespearian Drama; follow the opposite of the original story (if it were a comedy, rewrite your book’s ending as a tragedy; if it were a tragedy, rewrite a comedy). 70 ptsFree Verse FrittataUsing several important words and phrases from your book, write a free verse poem that reflects the theme of your book. Justify why it reflects the theme using two paragraphs. 40 ptsPork Chop Plot DiagramCreate a detailed plot diagram about your book. Include: Exposition (setting, characters, etc.), Inciting Incident/Conflict, Rising Action (at least ten plot points), Climax, Falling Action, Resolution). Then include the point of view and the theme of the novel or the lesson the character learns about the world or himself/herself. 50 ptsMovie Trailer TacosCreate a two-minute trailer for your novel that will make the viewer want to read the novel. Include at least three important parts of the book in your trailer. 80 pts (but cannot be used from anyone else’s work)Candyland CupcakesCreate a game that has at least 20 different questions and answers based off of your novel (actually important to the plot, Pre-AP level questions). The game must be built off of the concept of one of the following games: Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Risk, Monopoly, Yahtzee, or a mix of two of the previous. People playing would have to be able to progress as if they were answering trivia. Include questions about the characters’ personalities, weaknesses, strengths, plot, villain’s wants, etc. 70 ptsDesserts (Choose at Least One)Prop-ciclesCreate a school appropriate prop from your book that was important or relevant to the characters or the story. Create it yourself – nothing bought – and write a quick half page about why that prop was important; include what would have happened to the story if the prop was not. 20 ptsSweet Show and TellBring something (school appropriate) related to the topic of the book, and explain what it is in a MLA formatted paper that is at least a page (front/back) long and why it is important. 20 ptsDelicious Ad DesignDesign a poster advertisement for your book. Include a drawing, a title, and a catchy slogan or teaser for the story that makes a viewer want to read the book. Explain in two paragraphs why your ad would be effective. 20 ptsCover Design CakeCreate a new cover for your novel, but it cannot be just a front cover. It needs to be a “wrap-around” cover that includes a back design and a synopsis of the book on the back. 20 ptsArtsy TartDraw three pictures that relate to your book and write a description for each picture, explaining the important detail of your book. 20 ptsDisclaimer: All word must be done with appropriate grammar and handwriting legibility (or typed) in final draft quality or it will not receive full points.PeakBy Roland SmithWhen fourteen-year-old Peak Marcello's long-lost father presents the opportunity for them to summit Everest together, Peak doesn't even consider saying no--even though he suspects there are a few strings attached. And if he makes it to the top before his birthday, he'll be the youngest person ever to stand above 29,000 feet. It's not a bad turn of events for a guy who's been stuck in New York City with only skyscrapers to (illegally) scale.Here, in Peak's own words, is the exhilarating, gut-wrenching story of what happened on that climb to the top of the world--a climb that changed everything. Welcome to Mount Everest.The Adventures of Tom SawyerBy Mark TwainWhether forming a pirate gang to search for buried treasure or sharing his medicine with Aunt Polly’s cat, the irrepressible Tom Sawyer evokes the world of boyhood in nineteenth-century rural America. After witnessing a grave robbery and a murder, Tom and Huck Finn hide out on an island while the townspeople conduct a frantic search and finally mourn them as dead. The friends return to town to attend their own funeral, only to come face-to-face with the murderer.With its hilarious accounts of boyish pranks and its shrewd assessments of human nature, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer has captivated generations of readers of all ages.The True Confessions of Charlotte DoyleBy AviThirteen-year-old Charlotte Doyle is excited to return home from her school in England to her family in Rhode Island in the summer of 1832. But when the two families she was supposed to travel with mysteriously cancel their trips, Charlotte finds herself the lone passenger on a long sea voyage with a cruel captain and a mutinous crew. Worse yet she becomes enmeshed in a conflict between them!What begins as an eagerly anticipated ocean crossing turns into a harrowing journey, where Charlotte gains a villainous enemy and is put on trial for murder!The Princess BrideBy William GoldmanWhat happens when the most beautiful girl in the world marries the handsomest prince of all time and he turns out to be a lot less than the man of her dreams?William Goldman loved to hear his father read the Morgenstern classic, The Princess Bride. But as a grown-up he discovered that the boring parts were left out of good old Dad's recitation. Goldman has reconstructed the good parts version to delight kids and grownups everywhere.What's it about? Fencing. Fighting. True Love. Strong Hate. Harsh Revenge. A Few Giants. Lots of Bad Men. Lots of Good Men. Five or Six Beautiful Women. Some Swell Escapes and Captures. Death, Lies, Truth, and Miracles. In short, it's about everything!The Running DreamBy Wendelin Van DraanenJessica thinks her life is over when she loses a leg in a car accident. As she struggles to cope with crutches and a first cyborg-like prosthetic leg, Jessica feels oddly both in the spotlight and invisible. People who don't know what to say, act like she's not there. Which she could handle better if she weren't now aware that she'd done the same thing herself to a girl with CP named Rosa, a girl who is going to tutor her through all the math she's missed.With the support of family, friends, a coach, and her track teammates, Jessica may actually be able to run again. But that's not enough for her now. She doesn't just want to cross finish lines herself--she wants to take Rosa with her. ................

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