ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 17672-A Cowan Avenue Irvine CA …

Antech Diagnostics 17672-A Cowan Avenue Irvine CA 92614 Phone: 800-745-4725

Hemopet/Hemolife Client #

11561 Salinaz Ave Chart #

Garden Grove, CA 92843 Raw Diet

Tel: 714-891-2022 Intrigue’d Khoisan By Tam Lyn HP26666108

Fax: 714-891-2123 2 rxn to rabies vaccines

Accession No. Doctor Owner Pet Name Received

IRBD66533714 OXFORD BURGESS KHOI 01/22/2010

NYAA78819723 VET HOSP Corey

Species Breed Sex Pet Age Reported

Canine Rhodesian Ridgeback Female Not Stated 01/25/2010 10:27 AM

? Wt

Test Requested Results Reference Range Units

T3 (RIA)

T3 (RIA) 60 45-150 ng/dL


T4 2.00 1.0-4.0 µg/dL

Free T3

Free T3 2.0 1.7-5.3 pg/mL

T3 Autoantibodies

T3AA 0.6 Less Than 2.0

T4 Autoantibodies

T4 AA 2.0 Less Than 2.0

Ofa Thyroid Panel Please see separate report


Dear Colleague: Thyroid levels look normal here. TGAA is high here, so the OFA Thyroid Registry will not pass. Sorry ! Jean

Sighthound T4 1-3 (g/dL FT4 0.5-1.2 ng/dL T4AA < 2.0

Optimal Levels T3 50-150 ng/dL FT3 1.7-5.3 pg/mL T3AA < 2.0

X OFA Thyroid Registry results are abnormal.

X These results confirm autoimmune thyroiditis, the heritable form of canine thyroid disease. We recommend startin thyroxine in such casaes to prevent further destruction of the thyroid gland. Recommend 6-12 weeks of Soloxine ® or equivalent product at 0.1 mg per 20 lbs (sight hound dose) twice daily (e.g. weight ?? mg BID). Retest thyroid profile drawing the sample 4-6 hours post-pill (to reassess levels which should be upper 1/3 to 25% above the resting ranges, and see if thyroid AA levels are waning).

X Elevated levels of thyroglobulin autoantibodies are diagnostic of lymphocytic thyroiditis.

X As autoimmune thyroiditis is the heritable form of canine thyroid disease, we do NOT

recommend using this dog for breeding.


cc: By e-mail to client at semperfirr@ THANK YOU for the DONATION!

Antech Diagnostics 17672-A Cowan Avenue Irvine CA 92614 Phone: 800-745-4725

OFA Thyroid Registry Report



Hemopet/Hemolife Client #

11561 Salinaz Ave Chart #

Garden Grove, CA 92843 Raw Diet

Tel: 714-891-2022 Intrigue’d Khoisan By Tam Lyn HP26666108

Fax: 714-891-2123 2 rxn to rabies vaccines

Accession No. Doctor Owner Pet Name Received

IRBD66533714 OXFORD BURGESS KHOI 01/22/2010

NYAA78819723 VET HOSP Corey

Species Breed Sex Pet Age Reported

Canine Rhodesian Ridgeback Female Not Stated 01/25/2010 10:27 AM

? Wt

Test Requested Results Reference Range Units

Free T4 (Equilibrium Dialysis)

FreeT4 (Dialysis) 39 8-40 pmol/L

TSH Level

TSH 0.11 0.00-0.60 ng/mL

Thyroglobulin Autoantibodies

Thyroglobulin Autoantibody 40 (HIGH) POSITIVE %

-------------- TGAA CONFIRMATORY TEST INTERPRETATION ------------------

Elevated TgAA levels confirm autoimmune thyroiditis and facilitate genetic counseling.

< 10% = Negative; 10%-25% = Equivocal; > 25% = Positive



Dear Corey: TGAA is high here, so the OFA Thyroid Registry will not pass. Sorry ! Jean


cc: By e-mail to client at semperfirr@ THANK YOU for the DONATION!


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