RE: 8551 Folsom Blvd Storefront Cannabis Dispensary (Z20-043)

[Pages:4]July 20, 2020


Robert W. Williams, Associate Planner City of Sacramento Community Development Department 300 Richards Boulevard, 3rd Floor Sacramento, CA 95811

RE: 8551 Folsom Blvd Storefront Cannabis Dispensary (Z20-043)

Dear Mr. Williams:

The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (Sac Metro Air District) thanks the City of Sacramento for the opportunity to evaluate the project routing for the 8551 Folsom Boulevard Storefront Cannabis Dispensary project, a Conditional Use Permit to establish a new storefront Cannabis Dispensary in an existing 2,760 square foot building on approximately 0.3 acres in the General Commercial Zone (C-2), including Site Plan & Design Review for exterior building and site renovations. We have reviewed the project in a manner consistent with the California Health and Safety Code Section 40961 requirement that the District "represent the citizens of the Sacramento District in influencing the decisions of other public and private agencies whose actions may have an adverse impact on air quality within the Sacramento District."

We offer the comments and recommendations below, on project site considerations related to air quality. Specific recommendations are in bullet point format for ease of reference.

Multi-Modal Transportation This project is within ? mile of a Sacramento Regional Transit light rail station on Folsom Boulevard, and to support light rail and its air quality benefits, the project should support pedestrian and bicycle transportation. The light rail system critical to the region's air quality, and safe, complete pedestrian and bicycle connections and facilities near stations are critical to light rail's viability as an air quality supportive mode of transportation.

The following recommendations to support pedestrian and bicycle transportation are consistent with City General Plan Policy M 3.1.14, which stipulates that "The City shall

8551 Folsom Blvd Storefront Cannabis Dispensary July 20, 2020

ensure that development projects located in the Central City and within ? mile walking distance of existing and planned light rail stations provide direct pedestrian and bicycle access to the station area, to the extent feasible":

? As part of any Americans with Disabilities Act or other improvements required for the project frontage's sidewalk, the project should include landscaping that provides shade to pedestrians on the sidewalk to the full extent feasible.

? The project should provide a clearly marked pedestrian walkway from the sidewalk to the front entrance.

? The project should provide adequate bicycle parking. We were unable to locate bicycle parking on project plans. As a reminder, City Code requires short-term and long-term bicycle parking installation with new development, and bicycle parking must meet the City of Sacramento Bike Placement and Design Guidelines.

Urban Heat Island Effect The Sac Metro Air District recently participated in the Capital Region Transportation Sector Urban Heat Island Mitigation Project (UHI Project), a two-year study on urban heat island effect impacts on the Sacramento region, and on impact mitigation strategies. According to the UHI Project report, the heat island effect already presents a serious challenge for our region, with urbanized areas in Sacramento some 3 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than surrounding areas. Higher ambient temperatures increase formation of ozone, a respiratory system irritant. During extreme heat and extended heat waves, these higher temperatures can lead to heat stress, heat stroke, and even heat mortality, especially for the elderly, the young, and those with pre-existing health conditions. The urban heat island effect results from the conversion of undeveloped land to urbanized land.

The UHI Project report informs recommendations below, to help reduce temperatures in the immediate vicinity of the project and to contribute regionally to a reduction in urban heat island effect. These recommendations are consistent with City General Plan Policy LU 2.6.8, which stipulates that "The City shall reduce the `heat island effect' by promoting and requiring, where appropriate, such features as reflective roofing, green roofs, lightcolored pavement, and urban shade trees and by reducing the unshaded extent of parking lots."

? Any new pavement for the project should be "cool pavement," with an albedo of at least 0.25-0.5.

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8551 Folsom Blvd Storefront Cannabis Dispensary July 20, 2020

? Project landscaping should incorporate new trees to shade new and existing pavements to the full extent possible. The project should provide at least 50 percent tree shade, as required by City Code, and should incorporate shade trees where there are shading gaps in the parking lot.

For your reference, a directory of air-quality supportive trees can be found in the Sacramento Tree Foundation's Shady Eighty guide, and the tree guide on p.26 of the Urban Heat Island Mitigation Plan, which prioritizes fast-growing trees. A more extensive tree list is available on p.153 of the UHI Technical Analysis Report.

Electric Vehicle Spaces The Sacramento Mayors' Commission on Climate Change recommended in its June 2020 Final Report that 70% of new vehicle registrations in the City be for zero-emission vehicles by 2030. As a reminder, the 2019 California Green Building Standards Code (CalGreen) requires electric vehicle charging spaces for new construction, to facilitate future installation and use of electric vehicle charging equipment. CalGreen Chapter 5, Nonresidential Mandatory Measures, Section, provides guidance on electric vehicle charging space quantity and other requirements for nonresidential uses.

Cannabis Project Advisories The following may require a permit or registration with the Sac Metro Air District: power generation engines; odor control systems; solvent usage in manufacturing, operations and cleaning; equipment for mechanical processes such as sifting, squeezing, screening or grinding; natural gas-fired equipment; and other diesel equipment. Please contact the Sac Metro Air District at 916-874-4800 regarding permit or registration requirements.

? The Sac Metro Air District recommends the use of low- or zero-emission vehicles for all distribution and delivery activities.

Construction All projects are subject to Sac Metro Air District rules and regulations at the time of construction, and are required to implement our Basic Construction Emission Control Practices (BCECP). Please visit our website to find a list of the most common rules that apply at the construction phase of projects, and a copy of our BCECP.

Because this project includes demolition, we recommend paying particular attention to Rule 902, regarding asbestos containing materials, in the referenced list of common rules that apply at the construction phase of projects. Sac Metro Air District staff is available weekdays between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. to review notifications and answer asbestos related questions, either by emailing asbestos@, or calling 916-874-4800.

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8551 Folsom Blvd Storefront Cannabis Dispensary July 20, 2020 Thank you for your attention to our comments. If you have questions about them, please contact me at mwright@ or 916-874-4207. Sincerely, Molly Wright, AICP Air Quality Planner / Analyst c: Paul Philley, AICP, Sac Metro Air District

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