2015 BERRIES - U & D Trucking & Nursery, Inc.



PURPLE INCENSE - Purple Incense has five-leafed foliage and features very dark purple, deliciously fragrant flowers and exceptionally large fruit.

SILVER BELLS - The most vigorous of our varieties, Silver Bells™ Akebia can quickly cover a fence, wall, or arbor. Silver Bells™ Akebia produces profuse amounts of attractive, light pink, fragrant flowers and abundant, silver-blue fruit.


BOYSENBERRY (THORNLESS) – Very large, sweet, juicy, full-bodied flavor. Good for fresh eating, freezing, jams, preserves, pastries, juice, syrup, and Wine. Ripens during mid-June and early July. Requires protection when temperatures get below 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

LOCH NESS (THORNLESS) – The berries are glossy black, large, and big on flavor! Semi-Erect plants grow 4’-6’ tall and bear prolifically in late June. Resistant to Blackberry Rosette Disease.

LOGAN (THORNLESS) – The berries are long, large, dark red, acidic, and highly flavored. The Logan is often used for pies, juice, and Wine. Ripens in July.

MARIONBERRY - Sweet-tart berries with complex flavor. Conical-shaped fruit is high in vitamins, antioxidants, and is a good source of fiber. Prized fruit in the Pacific Northwest — favored in pies, jams, jellies, and syrups. Plant has a trailing growth habit. Ripens in July. Self-pollinating.

OLALLIE - The Olallie Blackberry has ample sweet fruit useful for almost any dessert and are great fresh off of the vine. They are robust and steadfast producers.

PRIME ARK 45 – NEW! “Primocane” (new growth) fruiting blackberry for temperature sensitive areas. This plant will grow a cane and produce fruit during the same growing season. With the ability to produce two crops in traditional blackberry growing areas, you’re likely to have a fall crop on new cane growth and a summer crop the following year from the over-wintered canes.

TAYBERRY - The Tayberry plant is a cross between a blackberry and a red raspberry with very large aromatic fruit. The sweet fruit is beautiful purple and can be eaten fresh or cooked into jams, jellies and more.

TRIPLE CROWN (THORNLESS) – The plant is semi-erect, thornless, and bears large, flavorful, mildly sweet fruit. Ripens in late July to early August. This blackberry is a good choice to help extend the blackberry season for home gardeners, U-pick, and farm stands.



|AURORA |Very late, med, sweet/slightly acidic |4-6ft |Upright rounded |Deep red/wine |

|BLUECROP |Mid, large, sweet |4-6ft |Upright, Open |Red |

|BLUEGOLD |Mid, large clusters, flavorful |3-5ft |Compact round |Golden yellow |

|BLUERAY |Mid, large, crisp |4-6ft |Open, upright |Burgundy |

|BRIGITTA |Late, large, sweet w/ hint of tart |4-6ft |Upright, Open |Burgundy |

|CHANDLER |Mid to late, giant, excellent |5-7ft |Slightly spreading |Wine/orange |

|DARROW |Late, large, robust |4-6ft |Upright |Orange-red |

|DUKE |Early, very large, mild |4-6ft |Stocky, upright |Orange/yellow |

|ELLIOT |Very late, med-large, zesty |4-6ft |Upright |Red, orange |

|LEGACY |Late, med-large, uniquely robust |4-6ft |Open, spreading |Crimson |

|NORTH COUNTRY |Early, medium, sweet. Cold hardy |2-3ft |Compact, spreading |Yellow to red |

|NORTHBLUE |Mid, med-large, wild & juicy |2-4ft |Compact, rounded |Yellow/Orange/Red |

|OLYMPIA |Mid, medium, spicy |3-5ft |Large, spreading |Bright red |

|PATRIOT |Early, large, tangy |3-4ft |Open, spreading |Red/yellow/orange |

|REKA |Early, med-large, excellent & rich |4-6ft |Upright, vigorous |Red, burgundy |

|SIERRA |Early-mid, large, good flavor |4-6ft |Upright, Open |Red/orange |

|SUNSHINE BLUE |Mid-late, medium, sweet |3ft |Upright, compact |Blue-green |

|TORO |Mid, large, mild |4-6ft |Stocky, upright |Crimson red/yellow |


CRIMSON STAR™ – These sweet, super nutritious berries have been renowned for centuries in China for a nearly boundless list of health benefits. Enjoyable fresh or dried like raisins, the fruit is high in anti-oxidants, amino acids, and contains more beta-carotene than carrots. The plants have a dense, spiny, vining habit, reaching 8-10 feet at maturity, and prefer well-drained soil with full sun exposure. Goji berries are self-fertile and bloom in early summer with lavender, trumpet-shaped flowers followed by glossy, red berries. Naturally disease and pest resistant.


NATIVE, RED - In late spring flowers start to form, conical or pyramidal sprays of tiny white flowers. They are followed by clusters of bright red berries that are very attractive to birds and are used in cooking. Must be cooked first!

NOVA – Enjoy Nova’s beautiful show of flowers in the spring and harvest abundant, sweet and tasty berries in August! Nova’s almost black berries are good for wine, pies and jelly.


CHARDONNAY DIJON – One Of the best Wine grapes for the Pacific Northwest, Chardonnay produces small, intensely flavored, white berries that make distinctive, richly flavored White Wines.

GOLDEN MUSCAT AMBER - NEW! Large, well filled clusters of fruit. The mature amber colored large berries have a California Muscat flavor and are both juicy and sweet. A good table grape, but shines in Wine.


SUFFOLK RED – Medium size, long, loose clusters. Round, firm, meaty, and seedless with a pure non-foxy flavor. Color varies from bright red to grayish pink. Needs direct sun to develop maximum red color. Needs constant moisture and fertility to keep the vine growing well. Almost disease free. Ripens during September.


PINEAPPLE – A beautiful evergreen shrub that grows to be 6’ tall and wide. Beautiful edible white flowers have red accents that really show off in the landscape. Tasty tropical guava-like fruit grows on a hardy plant. Easy to train as an espalier, small tree, or let it grow naturally as a shrub.


BLUE HOKKAIDO – A very popular variety in Japan, this unique variety features attractive, upright form and was selected for its large, very tasty, sweet-tart berries.

BLUE SEA™ – Selected for its good crops of very large, sweet and flavorful berries, Blue Sea ™ is also prized for its low, spreading form and velvety, dark green foliage.

BLUE VELVET - Blue Velvet Honeyberry ™ is distinguished by its compact, spreading form, attractive grayish-green, velvety foliage and its very large, sweet-tart and flavorful, medium-blue berries.


EVERGREEN NATIVE- Common to the Pacific Northwest, Alaska and inland coniferous forests, Evergreen Huckleberries have a long history of use by Native Americans as a food source and for colored dyes. These attractive plants grow well under forest canopies, or in the open sunlight.


MALE FUZZY KIWI- Chosen for its long bloom period, our male variety is an excellent pollinator for our female varieties. It also can be used as a spectacular, vigorous, ornamental vine. Male plants do not bear fruit.

HAYWARD – Prized for its large size, attractive shape, delicious flavor and productivity, Hayward is also the most widely grown variety in home gardens.


MALE HARDY- Covered with fragrant, bright white flowers in May, this attractive, vigorous, and easy-to-grow variety is required to pollinate all female Hardy Kiwi varieties. One male plant can pollinate up to 8 female plants. Male plants do not bear fruit

ANNA – A very vigorous and productive vine, Anna is the most popular variety for commercial production and bears abundant crops of large, very sweet, flavorful fruit.

ISSAI – From Japan, Issai has a more compact growth habit than other Hardy Kiwis and often begins fruiting the year after planting. It is hardy to about minus 10°F. The only self pollinating variety! Does produce better with a male counterpart.

KEN’S RED – This special New Zealand variety bears abundant crops of very large fruit with purple-red skin and sweet and tasty red flesh.


MAY POP-An attractive and very hardy perennial vine native to the Eastern U.S., Maypop produces abundant, showy, pinkish purple flowers from July until frost. Maypop is the only hardy Passionflower that bears an edible fruit. Maypop fruits are greenish yellow with the delicious and sprightly taste of tropical Passion fruit. As with other perennials, Maypop freezes to the ground in autumn and re-grows, flowers and fruits the following season. It is called Maypop because it pops out of the ground in May (sometimes June).


PINEAPPLE GUAVA – This beautiful evergreen shrub is an excellent choice for the Pacific NW and other areas with mild winters. It grows to about 6 ft in height and features attractive, dark green foliage, striking red and pink flowers, and delicious, guava-like fruit. It likes a sunny location, grows well in most soils and is pest and disease resistant. Somewhat self-fertile, but will give more fruit with a second plant.


Do not plant Red, Gold, or Purple raspberries within 75-100 feet of Black raspberries. Black raspberries may be more susceptible to viral diseases carried by aphids to and from nearby raspberry plants.

AMITY- Developed at the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station in Corvallis.  Large, firm, dark red berries with classic raspberry flavor and superior quality.  Excellent for fresh market.  Amity is good for shipping, freezing, and canning.  Compared to Heritage; Amity is more resistant to Root Rot and can take somewhat heavier soils.  Amity is also aphid resistant.  Everbearing.

ANN (Yellow) - This sunshine-colored fruit has a unique flavor with hints of apricot. These large, sweet, firm berries will liven up tarts, jams, and salads. They also freeze well. The hardy and productive plant bears in the first year. Cold-hardy and heat-tolerant. Fall bearing (everbearing) with a summer crop. Self Fertile.

BOYNE - Boyne Raspberry is a moderately sweet berry well adapted to the Northwest climate. If you are looking for a berry that will produce well for market or a home garden, the Boyne Raspberry is a great choice. Also, because it isn’t as sweet as other raspberries it is great for preserves or your home brewed lambic ale.

CANBY THORNLESS - Prized for its thornless canes and easy to pick fruit. This June-bearing variety bears heavy crops of sweet and luscious, bright red berries.

CAROLINE - Produces a moderate to high number of upright root suckers. During the growing season, canes are green with large areas of red. Flowers are perfect and indistinguishable from other raspberry cultivars. Fruit are red, firm, symmetrical, & fruit is sweet to tart in flavor, Everbearing.

FALL GOLDEN - This outstanding, everbearing variety features deliciously sweet, large golden-yellow berries, which are great for fresh eating and preserves.

HERITAGE - Plant Heritage and savor these delicious, bright red berries in the summer and fall. One of the best tasting raspberries, Heritage is an ever-bearing variety and can be mowed in the fall and will produce abundant berries in late summer the following year without staking. Heritage produces abundant crops, perfect for fresh eating and freezing.

JEWEL (Black Raspberry) - This delightful variety features an upright growth habit and abundant crops of large, flavorful, glossy black fruit. Mid-season.

JOAN J - Berry early, berry productive. This, the earliest thornless fall-fruiting red raspberry, is a super yielder. Joan J's easy-picking, large, firm berries are exceptionally delicious. Best to mow off spring canes to increase fall harvest.

MEEKER – This popular June Bearing variety produces huge yields of tasty, large, red berries. Requires little staking as canes grow big and hardy when well tended. Produces fruit on second year wood.

ROYALTY PURPLE - This purple summer bearing variety is one of the heaviest producers. Sweet light flavor. It is late ripening and excellent for table use. The fruit can be eaten fresh or processed into jam, jelly, or juice. Surplus fruit can also be frozen. The bush will bear on only one-year-old stems. As soon as canes have produced fruit, prune them back to the ground to make room for the strong new canes.

VINTAGE – A new Primocane (everbearing) variety from OSU! Huge, firm, juicy, red berries come on prolifically and are said to taste and perform better than Heritage and be widely adaptable!


CRIMSON CHERRY - This is reportedly the only variety of consequence in Oregon. It produces brightly colored red stalks with the unique characteristic of being red throughout under normal temperature and moisture conditions of the Pacific Northwest. Best commercial variety in the Northwest.

VICTORIA - This variety has large, tender rosy-red stalks that gradually turn to pink then solid green towards the tip. It is sweeter and milder than other varieties.


ALBION - Fruit is long, conical, symmetrical; firm and crisp with excellent flavor. A great berry for preserves, processing, and storage. The plant grows upright with moderate runners. A great plant for use in a hanging basket. Resists verticillium wilt, phytophthora crown rot, and some resistance to anthracnose crown rot.

CABRILLO - Fruit size and firmness is comparable to that of Albion, as well as San Andreas with greater individual plant yields and offers outstanding flavor. Disease resistant to powdery mildew, verticillium wilt, phytophthora crown rot, as well as common leaf spot, and with proper treatment can be tolerant to two-spotted spider mite.

EVERSWEET - Tolerates temps well above 100°F with no loss of fruit quality. Large, long, conical berries are exceptionally sweet and flavorful. Good producer all summer and well into the fall. Zones 5-8.

QUINALT - Developed in Washington State.  This berry grows best in: Alaska, Pacific Northwest and Midwest.  This berry does poorly in the South and is not suitable for California.  The berry is firm, deep red in color and has good flavor.  Good for fresh eating, desserts, and preserves.  Not recommended for freezing.  High yielding, vigorous plants produce many runners, susceptible to mildew. Fruit too soft for fruit stands sales but excellent for pick your own and home gardens.

SEASCAPE - Receiving rave reviews by all who try it, this new day-neutral variety should be in everyone's garden. A far cry from the bland supermarket varieties, Seascape will excite you with its wonderful flavor, large size, heavy crops, and disease resistance. Feast on delicious strawberries from June until frost! A reliable producer in the Pacific Northwest, Seascape is worthy of trial in other regions where winters are mild or plants can be mulched. Seascape is hardy to about 0°F. USDA Zone 7.


HOOD - Released in 1965 from Oregon State University. The large round berry is considered to have the best table quality. It is known best as a fine preserve and jam berry, and is good for all other uses. Resistant to Root Rot, Mildew, and Red Stele. Bears entire crop over a short period. Popular home garden variety.

U&D Trucking & Nursery On the corner of Knox Butte & Century Drive Albany, OR (541) 928-3448


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