ISIS Overview - Lesson One

ISIS Password Reset Feature

Forgot your ISIS password? Wouldn’t it be convenient if you could just answer a question and receive a new ISIS password via email? And wouldn’t it be nice if you received the new ISIS password within minutes? Well, you can!

If you forget your ISIS password, you can either:

1) Reset your password yourself!

- Or -

2) Call the DoIT Help Desk at 264-HELP to reset your ISIS password.

How Password Reset Works

1. In ISIS, you set up password ‘help’ by answering a question.

2. Verify/Edit your primary email address in ISIS.

3. Then when you forget your ISIS password, you select the ‘Forgot your password?’

prompt on the ISIS Login page.

4. ISIS prompts you with your ‘help’ question.

5. You provide your ‘secret’ answer.

6. A new ISIS password is sent within minutes to the email address you saved in ISIS.

Disabled Accounts

If you have logged in too many times unsuccessfully, your account will be disabled and the following message will display, ‘Your account has been disabled’.

If your account is disabled, you MUST call the DoIT Help Desk at 264.HELP to have your ISIS password reset.

Important Reminders

• This reset feature is only to be used if you cannot remember your ISIS password.

• You can always manually change your ISIS password while you are logged into ISIS

using the menu item Change My Password.

Before using the Forgot My Password feature

You must complete the Required Initial Set Up:

1. Verify/Edit your Email address in ISIS.

2. Set up your Forgotten Password Help.

Required Set Up

In order for you to be able to reset your own ISIS password, you must do the following initial set up in your ISIS account. Please log in to ISIS and do the following:

Verify/Edit Your Email Address in ISIS

By entering your current email address, you will be sure your password is sent to your current email account.

Note: Only email addresses ending with can be used.

|Step |Action |Result |

| |In ISIS, select from your Main Menu, My System |The General Profile Information page displays. |

| |Profile. | |

| |In the Email section, verify the checked Primary |[pic] |

| |Email Account is your correct Email | |

| |Address. If not, edit as needed. |[pic] |

| |Click [Save]. |Your email address is saved to your ISIS account. |

Tip: If you delete your primary email address row, you will not be able to save and you’ll have to call the DoIT Help Desk at 608-264-HELP (608-264-4357) to have your email account reentered.

Set up Your Forgotten Password Help

The following procedure sets up your forgotten password help and your ‘secret’ answer.

|Step |Action |Result |

| |In ISIS, select from your Main Menu, My System |The General Profile Information page displays. |

| |Profile. | |

| |Click Change or set up forgotten password help. |The Change or set up forgotten password help page displays. |

| |Select a Question from the | [pic] |

| |drop-down list. | |

| |Enter your Response. | |

| |Note: The response displays. | |

| |Click [OK]. |The General Profile Information page displays. |

| |Click [Save]. |The password help is saved. |

Resetting Your ISIS Password

Once you have set up your email and password help, you can use the feature below to reset your ISIS password yourself when you cannot remember your ISIS password.

Reminder: You can call the DoIT help desk at 264-HELP to reset your ISIS password.

Important: If your account is disabled, you must call the DoIT Help Desk at 264-HELP

to have your ISIS password reset.

To reset your ISIS password yourself, follow the steps below:

|Step |Action |Result |

| |From your ISIS Login page: |The Forgot My Password page displays. |

| |click Forgot your password? | |

| |[pic] |

| |Enter your User ID in all caps. |User ID displays. |

| |[pic] |

| |Click [Continue]. |Forgot My Password page displays with more detail. |

| | |Note: If a message displays saying ‘A new password can not be sent to |

| | |user’, you need to set up your password help and/or email address. |

| | |Otherwise, contact the DoIT Help Desk at |

| | |264-HELP to have your ISIS password reset. |

| |Verify the User ID and Email ID are yours. |Note: If the User ID or Email ID is NOT yours, Sign Out; Have the DoIT |

| | |Help Desk reset your ISIS password and then Login and change your email |

| | |address in ISIS. |

| |Enter your Response. |Response displays. |

| |[pic] |

| |Click [Email New Password]. |Message displays: |

| | |[pic] |

| |Click Sign out. |ISIS Login page displays. |

| |Switch to your email and open the email from |Email displays with temporary ISIS password and directions. |

| | with the subject ‘User ID Password’. | |

| |Select and copy the password from the email. |Password is stored in your computer’s temporary memory. |

| |Switch to your ISIS Login page. |ISIS Login page displays. |

| |Type in your User ID. |User ID displays. |

| |Paste in the Password. |Encrypted password displays. |

| |Click [Sign In]. |Your Password has Expired message appears. |

| |Click Click here to change your password. |Change Password page displays. |

| |Paste in the Current Password from the email. |Encrypted password displays. |

| |Enter New Password. |Encrypted password displays. |

| | |Note: Passwords need to be at least eight (8) characters and contain at |

| | |least one capital letter, |

| | |at least one number value (1,2,3), and at least one special character (! @|

| | |# $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + \ |[ ] {} ; : / ? > ................

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