NOTES– CH 2 Personality

1. Define Personality.

2. How do Personality Traits and Personality States differ?

3. What are the main ideas of the Psychoanalytic Theories on personality and who developed them?

4. List and briefly describe Freud’s Three Levels of Conscious.

5. Briefly describe the ID, EGO, and SUPEREGO.


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6. What happens when the Id’s desires and Superego’s rules cannot be satisfied?

7. What are the 7 Defense Mechanisms?

8. What are Freud’s Psychosexual Stages?

9. In what ways did Freud believe you could explore the unconscious?

10. Carl Jung:

11. Archtypes:

12. Alfred Adler:

13. Inferiority Complex:

14. What are the main ideas of the Learning Theories on personality?

15. B.F. Skinner:

16. Albert Bandura:

17. Social-Cognitive Theory:

18. What are the main ideas of the Humanistic Theories on personality?

19. Abraham Maslow:

20. What is the Hierarchy of Needs?

21. Carl Rogers:

22. Rollo May:

23. Existentialism:

24. What are the main ideas of the Trait Theories on personality?

25. Briefly describe the Big Five Personality Theory?

26. What are the 2 most common ways psychologists study genes and personality?

27. What is the point of Personality Tests?

28. The MMPI and Myers Briggs Test are both PROJECTIVE Personality tests. Briefly describe the MMPI and Myers Briggs Test.


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29. The Rorschach Inkblot Test and TAT are both OBJECTIVE Personality tests. Briefly describe the Rorschach Inkblot and TAT Test.


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ANSWER KEY NOTES– CH 2 Personality

1. Define Personality. is the consistent, enduring, and unique characteristics of a person

2. How do Personality Traits and Personality States differ?

are characteristic behaviors and feelings that are consistent and long lasting vs are temporary patterns of behavior and feelings that may arise in a specific situation

3. What are the main ideas of the Psychoanalytic Theories on personality and who developed them?

- Emphasize the unconscious (part of the mind that contains material we are unaware of but that strongly influences behavior)

- Unconscious feelings as children = impact adulthood

- Main ideas developed by Sigmund Freud

4. List and briefly describe Freud’s Three Levels of Conscious.

5. Briefly describe the ID, EGO, and SUPEREGO.


|instinctual & biological urges |Rational & thoughtful |Responsible for society’s rules of behavior |

|lustful, impulsive, fun – pleasure principle |Based on the reality principle, the awareness |(moral standards). Feels guilty if rules are |

|completely unconscious |that gratification of impulses has to be |disobeyed. |

|Seeks immediate gratification of impulses (what|delayed in order to accommodate the demands of |Based on morality principle, must follow moral |

|feels good) |the real world. |standards and rules and breaking them causes |

|Ignores consequences | |guilt. |

6. What happens when the Id’s desires and Superego’s rules cannot be satisfied?

Rather than feel conflict or frustration when the ID’s desires & SUPEREGO’s rules cannot be satisfied, humans distort reality using DEFENSE MECHANISMS

7. What are the 7 Defense Mechanisms?




Reaction Formation



Sublimation- Most acceptable (when displacement

serves a higher social purpose/maturity)

8. What are Freud’s Psychosexual Stages?

Oral stage: during first year of life

Anal stage: ages 2-3 (potty training years)

Phallic stage: 3-5 Oedipal; most crucial

Latency stage: 5-6 (when phallic is solved)

Genital stage: Puberty – adult life

9. In what ways did Freud believe you could explore the unconscious?

- Freud believed that information in the unconscious emerges in slips of the tongue, jokes, dreams, illness symptoms, etc. These are called Freudian Slips.

- Dream interpretation, or analyzing dreams

- Psychoanalysis

10. Carl Jung:

- Freud’s personal successor before relationship ended because Jung disagreed with Freud’s emphasis on sexual urges

- The Collective unconscious (part of the mind that contains inherited instincts, urges, and memories common to all people) holds Archetypes

11. Archtypes: (an inherited idea based on experiences of one’s ancestors, which shapes one’s personality) Jung believed we fit our personalities to our Archetypes

12. Alfred Adler:

- Believed people are driven to overcome feelings of inferiority

- Inferiority Complex –

13. Inferiority Complex: when a person continually tries to compensate for his weakness and avoid feelings of inadequacy

14. What are the main ideas of the Learning Theories on personality?

- Group of theorists known as Behaviorists

- Main belief is that the environment and reinforcement shape personality

- As individuals differ in their learning experiences, they acquire different behaviors and, hence, different personalities

- Focus on observable behaviors (not thoughts)

15. B.F. Skinner:

Personality arises from Operant conditioning (specifically reinforcement)

What is the behavior and what causes (reinforces) it?

16. Albert Bandura:

- Personality acquired through reinforcement AND observational learning, or imitation

- People direct behavior by choice of models

- Called Social Cognitive Theory

17. Social-Cognitive Theory:

18. What are the main ideas of the Humanistic Theories on personality?

- Believe all humans strive for self-actualization, or the realization of their potential

- Becoming true to oneself and having an ability to grow

19. Abraham Maslow:

Hierarchy of Needs – emphasis on self actualization

20. What is the Hierarchy of Needs?

21. Carl Rogers:

- Two sides to each person (What they value and what they believe others value in them)

- Self – one’s image of oneself (who they are) developed through interaction with others

- Everyone wants Unconditional Positive regard – love and support for who we are, without stings (conditions) attached (often it is conditional- results is incongruence (a sense of being out of touch with your feelings/self) leads to insecurity, low self-regard,defensiveness, and unhappiness

22. Rollo May:

- Shared belief in free will, but he emphasized some of the tragic aspects of the human condition (loneliness; anxiety; alienation)

23. Existentialism: a philosophic approach that emphasizes the inevitable dilemmas and challenges of human existence

Our personalities reflect the way we cope with struggles.

24. What are the main ideas of the Trait Theories on personality?

- Try to explain consistency and normal, healthy behavior in different situations

• Trait - relatively stable and enduring tendency to behave in a particular way

• Traits apply to all people.

• Can quantify traits (scale 1-10 how nice are you)

25. Briefly describe the Big Five Personality Theory? CANOE






26. What are the 2 most common ways psychologists study genes and personality?

1. Temperaments: most psychologists believe babies are born with genetically determined temperaments.

2. Studying the heritability of twins and adopted individuals.

27. What is the point of Personality Tests?

Personality Tests ASSESS an individual’s CHARACTERISTICS and IDENTIFY PROBLEMS. They can help PREDICT future behavior

28. The MMPI and Myers Briggs Test are both PROJECTIVE Personality tests. Briefly describe the MMPI and Myers Briggs Test.


|Most widely used objective test |Rate personality on four scales |

|567 questions divided into groups. People answer true, false, cannot |Extraversion vs. Introversion |

|say. |Intuition vs. Sensing |

|Originally to help diagnose mental disorders |Feeling vs. Thinking |

| |Judging vs. Perceiving |

29. The Rorschach Inkblot Test and TAT are both OBJECTIVE Personality tests. Briefly describe the Rorschach Inkblot and TAT Test.

|RORSCHACH |TAT Thematic Apperception Test |

|series of ten inkblots that subjects look at and determine what they |series of pictures containing a variety of vague but suggestive |

|see. Most widely used. |scenes. 2nd most widely used |


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