
HCC Standard Software and Hardware, and exceptions to standards


|Author: |Adrian Moss |

|Version: |1.2 |

|Date: |15th February 2006 |

|Document Ref: | |


Contents 2

1 Introduction 3

2 HCC Standard Software (the Software Portfolio) 3

2.1 Current Desktop Software 3

2.2 Current Server Software 4

2.3 Legacy Software 5

3 HCC Standard Hardware 6

3.1 PCs and Laptops 6

3.2 PDA (Electronic organizers) 6

3.3 Printers 6

3.4 Scanners 7

3.5 Digital cameras 7

3.6 USB Flash Drives 7

4 Authorized Exceptions to HCC Standards 8

4.1 Software 8

4.2 Hardware 9


This document provides an overview of HCC software and hardware standards, and gives examples of authorized exceptions to those standards.

HCC Standard Software (the Software Portfolio)

1 Current Desktop Software

Software that is used by all, or the majority, of departments, and is critical to the business of the Authority.

|Category |Software/Version |Notes |

|AntiVirus |Network Associates ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) and VirusScan | |

|Application |Capita SIMS |School finance software |

|CAD |Autodesk Autodesk DWF Viewer |For viewing building |

| | |plans |

|CAD |Autodesk Volo Viewer Express |For viewing building |

| | |plans |

|Database - Desktop |Microsoft Access 2003 | |

|Desktop Publishing |Microsoft Publisher 2003 | |

|Disability Adaptations |Wigit Software Widgit Symbols |For working with clients|

| | |with Special Educational|

| | |Needs |

|Document Utilities |Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 | |

|Document Utilities |Adobe Acrobat Standard 6 | |

|Electronic Mail and Diary - Client |Lotus Notes 5.0.4 & 6.5.4 | |

|File & Print Services – Client |Novell Netware Client SP1a | |

|File Utilities |WinZip 8 | |

|GIS |Esri MapExplorer 2 | |

|GIS |Arcview GIS 3.3 |Main HCC GIS tool |

|Graphics |JASC Paintshop Pro 8.0 |Standard package for |

| | |producing images for |

| | |HertsDirect web site |

|Graphics |Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 | |

|Health & Safety |City Visual Systems Vision Screener 2.05 | |

|Highways management |Hermis 2000 | |

|Journey Planning |Microsoft Autoroute 2006 | |

|Office Suite |Microsoft Office 2003 | |

| |Professional, Includes: | |

| |Word, Excel, Powerpoint | |

|Operating System |Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro | |

|PDA Synchronisation |Lotus EasySync Pro 4.2.1 | |

|Project Management |Microsoft Project 2002 | |

|Property Management |Kinetic Technologies | |

|Time Recording |Timesheet Professional 7.5 | |

|Visio |Microsoft Visio 2003 | |

|Voice Recognition |Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred Edition |Mainly used by staff |

| | |with specific |

| | |accessibility issues |

| | |e.g. dyslexia |

|Web Browser |Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 | |

|Web publishing |Microsoft FrontPage 2000 | |

|Web publishing |Mediasurface Mediasurface Client 3.0 |Main HCC web publishing |

| | |tool |

|Web survey publishing |Inquisite 7 | |

2 Current Server Software

|Category |Software/Version |Notes |

|Database - Server |Microsoft SQL Server 2000 |Mainly used for |

| | |departmental databases |

|Database - Server |Oracle |HCC’s preferred |

| | |corporate database |

|Electronic Mail and Diary - Server |Lotus Domino 6.5 | |

|File & Print Services - Server |Novell Netware Server 5.1 & 6.5 | |

|Operating System |Sun Microsystems Solaris |HCC’s preferred OS for |

| | |large application |

| | |servers |

|Server backup |Veritas Netbackup | |

3 Legacy Software

Legacy software is no longer installed or purchased, but is supported by Serco pending replacement or re-development.

|Category |Software/Version |

|Database |Dataease |

|Database |Adobe Dbase |

|Database |Inprise Paradox (DOS) |

|Decision Support |Esperant |

|Graphics |Adobe Photofinish |

|Operating System |Microsoft Windows NT Server 4 |

|Operating System |Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4 |

|PDA / Palmtop |Palm Operating System 3.x |

HCC Standard Hardware

1 PCs and Laptops

All HCC standard PCs are Dell models.

|Description |Processor, Memory & Drives |

|GX520 |Intel Pentium 4, 2.8 GHz with 1MB Cache |

|Desktop Chassis with Flat Panel Monitor |512MB of SDRAM |

| |40GB Hard drive |

| |48x DVD / CD-RW Combo Drive |

| |17” Value Flat Panel |

|D610 Laptop only |Intel Pentium M 1.7 GHz CPU |

| |14.1" XGA Screen |

| |512MB RAM |

| |30GB Hard drive |

| |8x DVD / 24x CD-RW Combo Drive |

| | |

| |“Desktop Ready Kit” for office use |

| |No external monitor required |

2 PDA (Electronic organizers)

The current standard is the base model of the Dell Axim X30 range. In addition, Lotus EasySync Pro 4.2.1 is required for synchronizing data with Lotus Notes.

|Dell Axim X30 |Specification: |

| |Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC |

| |312 Mhz Intel X-Scale processor |

| |32MB RAM/32MB ROM memory |

| |3.5” Colour display |

| |USB docking cradle and power supply |

3 Printers

Canon mopiers are being implemented across HCC to replace all printers. This is in line with Best Value (Reprographics), leading to more cost effective printing.

However, in smaller sites, HP printers have been HCC standard, with the specifications as set out in the table below.

|Recommended use |Model |Performance |

|Small work groups of 2 – 5 staff |LaserJet 2430DTN |Max Speed: 33 |

| | |Duty Cycle: 100000 |

|Single user |LaserJet 1320 |Max Speed: 21 |

| | |Duty Cycle: 10000 |

|Where A3 printing is required |Business InkJet 2800dt |Max Speed: 24 black / 21 colour |

| | |Duty Cycle: 12000 |

|Colour printing for single user or up to 4 staff |OfficeJet K550 |Max Speed: 37 black/33 colour |

|sharing over the network | |Duty Cycle: 7500 |

|For individual laptop users |Portable Deskjet 460CB |Max Speed: 16 black / 6.5 colour |

|Battery powered for mobile use | |Duty Cycle: 500 |

4 Scanners

All standard scanners are Hewlett Packard models.

|Model |Details |

|HP Scanjet 3800 |2400 x 4800 Dpi, 48-Bit |

| |35 mm slide/negative adaptor |

|HP Scanjet 5530 |2400 Dpi, 48-Bit |

| |35 mm slide/negative adaptor |

|HP Scanjet 5590c |2400 Dpi, 48-Bit |

| |8ppm 50-page automatic document feeder |

| |35 mm slide/negative adaptor |

|HP Scanjet 8250 |4800 Dpi, 48-Bit |

| |35 mm slide/negative adaptor |

| |15 ppm 50-page automatic document feeder |

5 Digital cameras

All standard cameras are FujiFilm models.

|Recommended use |Model |Performance |

|Basic camera for internal HCC use |FujiFilm FinePix A350 Zoom |5.2 megapixel CCD |

| | | |

| | |3X optical zoom |

|For publications or where high quality |FujiFilm FinePix S9500 |9 megapixel CCD |

|images are required - can produce press| | |

|quality images | |10.7x optical zoom |

| | | |

| | |Has advanced features for more experienced photographers|

| | |e.g. manual focus, flash hot shoe |

6 USB Flash Drives

The standard USB flash drive is an Integral model.

|Model |Detail |

|Integral USB 2.0 Flash Drive |Available in 256 MB capacity |

Authorized Exceptions to HCC Standards

The examples below were authorized in the period June 2005 to February 2006. Where the authorization was given for accessibility reasons, this has been indicated.

1 Software

|Software |Business Case |Accessibility |

|Adobe Creative Suite 2 Premium, Adobe |For Producing documents for Beacon Council Status work | |

|V7 | | |

|Answertree - Statistical Analysis |Performs decision tree algorithms of staff survey results | |

|Software | | |

|Atrium E-Planning |To support government targets for online planning applications by | |

| |31/12/05 | |

|Autodesk DWF composer |To view and comment on AutoCad drawings of bridges and other | |

| |highways structures | |

|Awards for All Application Form |To enable completion of Awards for All application forms with | |

| |clients | |

|Car Share software |For Apsely - We have chosen this software as it is the same as the| |

| |one we use at County Hall, and we feel it is best to have one | |

| |system throughout | |

|CID careers programs |An interactive tool that to assist client groups within the YOT, | |

| |who are out of education and work, and have little idea or | |

| |aspirations as to future career choices | |

|Clicker 5 |To support the reading, writing and other early development skills| |

| |of children, including children with disabilities | |

|Crime Analyst for ArcGIS 9.1 |To support HCC and Herts Constabulary joint working | |

|Dolpin Lunar |For member of staff with sight problems |Yes |

|Dragon Naturally Speaking V8 Full*, |Recommended for member of staff under Access To Work scheme |Yes |

|Nib Virtual hands Free software | | |

|Driving Theory test |For work with travellers | |

|DualCalc |An Office Fair Trading application | |

|Full Cost Recovery Software |For Children's Fund and CSF Commissioning to aid their | |

| |understanding of full cost recovery when considering contract | |

| |budget calculation's for approval. | |

|Jessops card reader Software |to download photos taken in HALS on a Nikon County Council camera | |

|Limehouse Publisher |For use in consultations regarding the planning policy package | |

|Logotron - Writing with Symbols |Writing with Symbols 2000 with Rebus and PCS Symbols. For work | |

|software |with client with learning difficulties and autism | |

|Macromedia captivate |For training evaluation purposes. Likely to become standard | |

| |software | |

|Memory Map |Electronic version of all UK ordnance survey maps For Kids | |

|NaPTAN DATABASE SOFTWARE |For validation checks on passenger transport data | |

|Net Nanny |For Looked After Children PC at residential unit | |

|Ordinance Survey Point of Interest |This is part of the GIS project for the EGovt systems team. | |

|Module | | |

|PAT - Pupil Achievement Tracker |This software allows the analysis of pupil performance in National| |

| |Curriculum tests. | |

|Printmaster Home (Suite 8&11) |For compiling life books for children in care | |

|Purchase Order - Residential Care |ACS Residential Care Services buying tool | |

|Service Buying Tool | | |

|Questionpoint/People's Network |People's Network online enquiry service, which we want to be able | |

| |to access on staff PCs in CRL | |

|SETSA DVD |Results of forensic software testing for Trading Standards | |

| |officers examining seized computers | |

|SuperNova & Megadots |For Visual Impairment Advisory Teachers for work with clients | |

|Touch-Type Read And Spell Computer |Access To Work requirement |Yes |

|Course | | |

|Zoom Text |Access To Work requirement for member of staff with visual |Yes |

| |impairment | |

2 Hardware

|Hardware |Business Case |Accessibility |

|Blade PC |F&R Emergency Control Vehicle | |

|Canon PIXMA iP90 |At a multi agency incident they will be used to print out instructions| |

| |for Fire and Police Officers at the scene of the incident | |

|Desktop PC: 2 x GX520 1GB 160GB |IT Equipment for MIDAS Team - Crime and Drugs Unit for use with | |

| |ARCView GIS and other database technology | |

|Flash Drives: 1GB USB Stick |To transfer large amounts of data ie. drawings, plans and | |

| |presentations for Beacon Status projects | |

|Large Print Keyboard & 19" CRT |Member of staff who is visually impaired |Yes |

|Printer: Photosmart 8150 |For work with children awaiting adoption. So books can be compiled, | |

| |which become the property of the child, to encourage them to make | |

| |plans for their adoption. | |

|Printer: Zebra P330i Plastic Card |Environment for Passenger Transport section for printing school bus | |

|Printer |tickets | |

|Printers: 2x HP 3700DN Colour laser|To market, promote and publicise higher education as part of the | |

|printers |Government's Modernisation process to ensure | |

|Quill mouse - Right Handed, Quill |For member of staff in response to Access To Work assessment |Yes |

|Mat, Goldtouch Ergo Keyboard, | | |

|Keypad, Wrist Rest, Talkpro SP2 | | |

|Binaural Headset and Tuffset | | |

|switchbox, Olympus ME12 External | | |

|microphone. | | |

|Renaissance (joystick)mouse |For member of staff with mobility problems |Yes |

|Right Handed Quill Mouse |For member of staff with mobility problems |Yes |

|Scanner: Nikon LS5000 35mm |To clear slides from Longmores and other locations and store them | |

|photo/film scanner. |digitally for future | |

|Scanners: BHT 8000 - Barcode |These are use to speed up the process of moving records at Apsley | |

|scanners | | |

|Screens: 19" Flat Panel |For laptop user that has restricted vision, to be installed at a |Yes |

| |secondary site | |

|Screens: 19" LCD |For member of staff on advice of CSF Health and Safety |Yes |

|Screens: 19" LCD & Arm |For member of staff with sight problems |Yes |

|Talkpro SP2 Binaural Headset |Access To Work PC |Yes |

|Vxi Talkpro ST2 Headset, Olympus |For member of staff in response to Access To Work assessment |Yes |

|DS330 Dictaphone | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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