Consumer Credit

Instagram SOP: Creating & Scheduling Instagram ContentCreating Instagram ContentChoose content from a Talking Cents blog, press release, general financial tip, customer reviews, a question to ask, raising awareness for a specific personal finance topic (ie: National Credit Month), holiday, etc.We create Instagram content in Canva. The username & password for Canva can be found in the Username & Password sheet on the Y drive.Once you sign in, click the Instagram post option, or use the search bar to search “Instagram” if it doesn’t show up on the home page.Use Canva to create an image. You can use either animated graphics or they have great pictures where you can overlay text, too. Canva has lots of free stock photos you can use as well.Add ACCC watermark on the bottom corner of the pictureThere are two ACCC watermark logos already in Canva. ACCC’s logos can be found by hitting the “Uploads” button on the left-hand taskbar and scrolling.Once you’re satisfied with your image, hit “Download” on the top task bar. Download it as a PNG.Scheduling Instagram Posts to We use to schedule Instagram posts rather than Buffer because the Instagram platform only allows one live link in each bio. Because we link all of our Instagram content to one of our pages, blogs, etc., Later allows us to have a “Link In Bio” feature via a 3rd party landing page that gives a preview of each post for users to click on that will then lead them to whatever page we want. Scheduling in advance via Buffer doesn’t allow this feature.Log into . You can find the username & password in our Login & Passwords sheet.Opt to sign in via Instagram (the black button on the top)This is what our Later profile looks like:We use Calendar view.On the left are images that have been uploaded into the Later library. If you look closely, images that have a “1” in the corner have been scheduled via Later. There is also an “unused” filter.On the right is the schedule of Instagram content ready to go out.To add your Instagram post that you just created, simply Drag & Drop it from your Desktop and it will be added to the library.Drag & Drop it again to the date you want to schedule it. Pick a time to schedule your post. Add a caption that describes the post and entices the user to engage (“Like” it or click on our profile)Include a Call to Action at the bottom by saying something like “Link In Bio” or “For more details, click the link in our bio”Also add relevant hashtags. To find our pre-saved list of hashtags, hit the “Saved Captions” button at the bottom of your caption space. Add and remove hashtags based on the relevance of the post. Under “”, add the hyperlink of the page you want to direct users to.Here’s what it will look like:Hit “Save” and you’re all done! The post will automatically be published to our Instagram page.Routinely check our Instagram page (2-3 times/week) and ensure our posts are being scheduled and that we engage with our followers. Like their posts, comment, etc. ................

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