Los Angeles Mission College

LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGEFall 2020CD 001: Child Growth and Development Class #15796 Class Meetings: TH 3:30 pm-6:40 pm Location: Via ZoomInstructor: Ivet Bazikyan M.S. Email: bazikyi@lamission.edu or email me from Canvas inboxWhen emailing me please put “CD1 Thursday Class” in the subject boxI will only be able to reply to emails sent from your LA Mission student email address or Canvas in order to protect your confidentiality. Student Office Hours: Thursdays 6:45pm-7:15pmThese times are set for you to and ask me questions or if you just want to chat. You can stay on zoom after class. If you are not available at these times, please contact me so that we can schedule a time via zoom that works best for you. Course Description (3 units)Students will examine the major physical, psychosocial and cognitive/ language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception to adolescence. Emphasis is placed on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. Required Textbook: The electronic version of this textbook is free. ?Book: Child Growth and Development (Paris, Ricardo, Rymond and Johnson)?You can purchase the textbook at the college bookstore if you want a hard copy for $17.88Course Objectives: As a result of completing this course, students will:Describe major developmental milestones for children from conception through adolescence in the areas of physical, psycho-social, cognitive and language development.Examine and discuss major theories of child development.Demonstrate knowledge of current research as it applies to child development.Demonstrate objective techniques and skills when observing, interviewing, documenting, describing and evaluating behavior in children of all ages.Identify and describe biological and environmental factors that influence children’s development from conception to adolescence across domains.Demonstrate knowledge of the physical, social/emotional, cognitive, and language development of children both typical and atypical, in major developmental stages.Examine and evaluate the importance of the early years.Examine and evaluate the role of family in facilitating children’s development.Identify cultural, economic, political, historical contexts that affect children’s development.Student Learning OutcomesStudents will relate child observations to the four domains of development (physical, cognitive, social, emotional) Students will summarize key concepts of the major theorists and relate them to the domain of development and apply to their own development. Students will analyze influences that affect typical and atypical development and prenatal from prenatal growth through adolescence. Special NeedsIf any of you have identified special needs and would benefit from modifications or additional support, please email me or speak to me after class to introduce yourself and discuss accommodations necessary for your success. Any information that you share with me is confidential. “LAMC students with verified disabilities who are requesting academic accommodations should use the following procedure:”?Step 1:?Obtain documentation of your disability from a licensed professional. You may contact DSP&S to request s?Disability Verification Form.Step 2:?Make an appointment to meet with a DSP&S counselor or specialist to review your documentation and discuss reasonable accommodations. To schedule a meeting, please call DSP&S at (818) 368-7732.Step 3:?Bring your disability documentation to your DSP&S appointment. The DSP&S office is located in room 1018 of the Instructional Building.Step 4:?Each semester, obtain an Accommodation Letter from the DSP&S to email to your instructor if she has not received one from the DSP&S office. Academic Integrity The most important measure of your progress is your own growth and development throughout this class. I am available to assist you in any way I can in order to help you be successful in my class. However, if you choose to cheat on assignments/ exams and/or plagiarize you will not receive any credit for the assignment/exam and there will be no opportunities to make up the assignment/test.Plagiarize: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own:?use (another's production) without crediting the source.Source: Course ResourcesYou can access the lecture power points, assignments, exam review guides and other class related materials in two ways. You can use my LA Mission webpage or Canvas.My Webpage : no log in requiredFollow the steps. lamission.eduFind the “Directories” link and click on it.Look me up by my last name (Bazikyan) by clicking on the letter “B.” Scroll down until you find my last name and click on “Bazikyan” ?Look for your class on the left -hand side of my webpage and find “CD1” and click on it.Canvas: log in requiredFollow the steps. lamission.eduFind the link “Mission Online” and click on it.Scroll down and click on “Log into Canvas”Sign into your Canvas account. If you don’t have one you can create one by following the directions on the sign in page. Your current grades on assignment will only be posted on Canvas. If you need help, please do not hesitate to ask me and I can help you with getting access to the class materials. Make sure to check the sites for updated class materials. Dropping the CourseIf you decide that you do not want to take the class, please make sure to drop the class or let me know so that I can exclude you from the class. If you stop attending class but remain on my roster, I will have to assign you a grade at the end of the term. LACCD has a 3-attempt rule for most courses. It you fail a course 3 times you will not be allowed to take the course after the 3rd attempt. This rule applies to all 9 campuses with in the district. Getting a “W” counts as an attempt. September 13, 2020 – Deadline to add.September 13, 2020 – Last Day to Drop without a “W” and receive refund November 22, 2020 – Last Day to Drop without a “W” Reading Assignments and Class ParticipationIt is very important that you keep up with the assigned readings before class in order to be able to fully participate in class discussions, have time to assimilate the information, and reflect on what you have read. Your experience in this class will be more meaningful and have more depth when you are able to connect the assigned reading material with the practical application of the assignments.In order for you to get the most out of my fun, exciting and informative class, you will need to actively participate in group discussions by contributing your ideas, opinions and real -life experience. We have all gone through the process of growing up and you are welcome to share your thoughts and feelings about the all of the interesting topics that we will discuss. We promise to be respectful and the information will be confidential. Class lectures will be recorded and posted on Canvas. I highly recommend that you attend class every week so that you can actively participate and ask questions. Zoom link to class meetings is posted on Canvas ID: 986 5474 1316One tap mobile+16699006833,,98654741316# US (San Jose)+12532158782,,98654741316# US (Tacoma)Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)Meeting ID: 986 5474 1316Find your local number: (2 @ 25 points each)I will provide a detailed guideline for observations 1 and 2. The first observation assignment will be based on the movie “Babies”. You will complete the second observation assignment on preschool aged children answering specific questions by watching a series of you tube videos. Each observation must be typed, handwritten observation assignments will not be accepted. Follow the class timeline for the due dates. This assignment will be submitted electronically on Canvas in either PDF or Microsoft Word format only. Google Docs or Apple Pages will not be accepted. Interview (1@25 points)I will provide a detailed guideline for interview assignment. You will have the opportunity to interview a school-age child (age 7-11) or an adolescent (age 12-17). The interview must be typed and include the summary response. You can interview your own child or someone you know as long as you get the parents’ permission. The assignment format will be available on Canvas and my webpage. This assignment will be submitted electronically on Canvas in either PDF or Microsoft Word format only. Google Docs or Apple Pages will not be accepted. Quizzes (16 @10 points)You will have a quiz for each chapter that you can complete on your own time on Canvas. Quizzes will cover the assigned readings and lectures. A review guide will be posted on Canvas. You will have 30 minutes to answer 20 questions. Once you start the quiz you must complete it and when your time is up the quiz will automatically close. If you are a DSP&S student and have an accommodation for extra time, your time will be adjusted. You will also have a syllabus quiz that will not be timed. All quizzes will be due by 11:59 pm on the due dates. Check class calendar for the due dates. Late quizzes will not be accepted.Extra Credit AssignmentsYou will have opportunities to earn extra credit points. The extra credit assignments are due on specific dates and late extra credit assignments will not be accepted. Late WorkPlease follow the class timeline regarding the due dates of each assignment. You can turn in late assignments one week late with a reduction of 20% of the grade after corrections have been made. Be advised that 20% penalty can lower your grade by one grade level for that assignment. You should only turn in late assignment if you have an emergency/unforeseen event. If you are experiencing any personal matters make sure to communicate with me so we can come up with a plan to help you be successful in the class. Communication with me is essential and I am always here to help support you. Late extra credit assignments and quizzes will not be accepted. Grading: You can check your current grades on CanvasAssignmentBreakdownTotal PointsSyllabus Quiz10 points10 pointsChapter Quizzes15 chapters @ 10 points150 pointsObservations 1& 22 @ 25 points50 pointsInterview1 @ 25 points25 points235 total pointsGrading Scale235-212=A211-188=B187-165=C164-141=D140 &below=FClassroom Conduct/ BehaviorPlease log in to class prepared to participate in class and group discussions with an enthusiastic attitude. Make sure to mute yourself until it is your turn to speak. Make sure that you log into class on time in the beginning and after break. Wait for your turn to speak. Please do not interrupt your instructor/another student while they are speaking. Please be respectful of other people’s time and opinions during class. Please silence your phone during class time and put them away. Excessive texting and social media use in class is disruptive to you.Students who do not follow these class norms will be given a one- time warning. If disruptive behavior continues, you will be asked to leave class for that day.Fall 2020CD1: Child Growth & DevelopmentClass #15796 Class Meetings: TH 3:30 pm-6:40 pm Location: Via Zoom*This schedule is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.WeekDateTopics Covered in class.Reading Assignment due before class.Homework Assignments Due19/3/20Introductions, SyllabusCh.1: Introduction to Child Development29/10/20Ch.1: Introduction to Child Development focusing on theoriesSyllabus quiz due by 11:59pm39/17/20Ch. 2:Conception,Heredity & Prenatal DevelopmentCh. 3:Birth and the NewbornCh. 1 quiz due by 11:59pm49/24/20Ch. 4:Physical Development in Infancy& ToddlerhoodReview Observation Assignment #1 in classCh 2 & 3 quiz due by11:59pm“Life’s Greatest Miracle” extra credit handout due by 11:59pm510/1/20Ch. 5:Cognitive Development in Infancy& ToddlerhoodCh. 4 quiz due by 11:59pm 610/8/20Ch. 6:Social & Emotional Development in Infancy & ToddlerhoodCh. 5 quiz due by 11:59pm 710/15/20Ch. 7:Physical Development in Early ChildhoodReview Observation Assignment #2 in classCh. 6 quiz due by 11:59pm Observation Assignment #1 due on Canvas at 11:59 pm810/22/20Ch. 8:Cognitive Development in Early ChildhoodCh. 7 quiz due by 11:59pm 910/29/20Ch. 9:Social Emotional Development in Early ChildhoodCh. 8 quiz due by 11:59pm 1011/5/20Ch. 10: Middle Childhood- Physical Development Ch. 11: Middle Childhood -Cognitive Development Ch. 9 quiz due by 11:59pm Observation Assignment #2 due 11:59 pm on Canvas1111/12/20Ch. 12: Middle Childhood -Social Emotional Development Review Interview Assignment in classCh.10 &11 quiz due by 11:59pm 1211/19/20Ch. 13:Adolescence-Physical DevelopmentCh.12 quiz due by 11:59pm 1312/3/20 Ch. 14: Adolescence- Cognitive Development Ch.13 quiz due by 11:59pm 1412/10/20Ch. 15 Adolescence- Social Emotional Development Ch.14 quiz due by 11:59pm Interview Assignment due 11:59 pm on Canvas1512/17/20Final’s Week Class meets at 5:30pm-7:30pmCh. 15 quiz due by 11:59pm There will be no class on 11/26/2020 have a Happy ThanksgivingIt was a pleasure having you in my class. Have a wonderful break. ................

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