Meeting of August 2, 2007

Present were Council Members:

Ron Mears – Chair Ron Breeding

Joan Brown William Craven

Delores Donnelly


Chazz Salkin Paul Nicholson

Greg Abbott Elaine Harwood

Clyde Shipman

Jim O’Neill

Matt Chesser

Friends Group/Visitors:

Dick Thatcher – Friends of Cape Henlopen State Park

Mirth Thatcher – Friends of Cape Henlopen State Park

Tracy Beck – Port Penn Area Historical Society

The August 2, 2007 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Council was held at the DuPont Nature Center At The Mispillion Harbor Reserve, Milford, DE. With one member short of the required quorum and nothing on the agenda requiring a vote, Chairman Mears began discussions at 10:05 a.m. requesting the normal reporting of the agenda items.


Ron Mears welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Dawn Webb of Fish and Wildlife for her hospitality and opening the new facility to the group.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – nothing reported.


Approval of the May, 2007 minutes will be deferred to the next Council meeting with the required quorum.


Fort Delaware Society – Bill Craven

Mr. Craven reported the event formerly known as the Blue and Gray or Garrisons Weekend is now called Dispatch from Pea Patch and was held Saturday July 28, 2007. Attendance seemed low. Complaints were received regarding the amount of goose droppings. Mr. Craven asked park staff if there were any other methods to curb the geese other than the current egg addling. Clyde Shipman and Paul Nicholson reported 50 – 60 geese were taken at Fort Delaware. We have a permit now giving staff permission to shoot up to two per day. Fish and Wildlife would like to extend the season. Chazz Salkin stated we lost a better part of the season waiting for the Federal Fish and Wildlife permit and recognized we were going to have to be aggressive. Recent round-ups in Brandywine Park, Blue Ball Barn and Fort Delaware totaled approximately 200. The Division may have more specific plans of the coming year at the next council meeting.

Mr. Craven reported the society sent a letter of concern to Governor Minner regarding the housing of special patients at the Governor Bacon Center and the safety issue. The Society is opposed to the arrangement.

Mr. Craven shared a Public Notice asking for information regarding unexploded ordinances at Pea Patch Island. The notice stated the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers would be conducting site inspections at Fort Delaware. Chazz stated we were aware the Corp would be visiting the property but we were unaware they would be advertising.

Natural Areas Advisory Council – no representation.

Bi-State Council – no representation. Charles Salkin reported there was nothing specifically to report from the Council. The only issue that is being addressed between meetings, is with Pennsylvania. Chairman of the Bi-State Council, Bob Chartowich, was asked by the council to organize a subcommittee to look into the land preservation program in Pennsylvania.

Wildlife Committee

Ron Mears has not had opportunity to meet with Rob Line since the May council meeting.

Resident Curatorship

Joan Brown had nothing new to report regarding the Warrington House.

Jim O’Neill reported the final agreement for the Institutional Curatorship for the Delaware National Guard to use Burton Hall at Fort DuPont has been signed.

Buck Tavern at Lums Pond State Park is underway. The target completion date is five years and it has been two.

Public Comment/Friends Groups

Ron Mears reported Dr. Gary Wray was unable to attend this meeting due to a conflict but will try to attend the November 1 meeting and report on the Fort Miles restoration.

Friends of Cape Henlopen

Dick Thatcher with Friends of Cape Henlopen State Park provided a brief history of the friends group that started in the latter part of 1997 formed the organization to benefit the Cape Henlopen State Park. Dick and Mirth Thatcher joined the group in 2002 initiating various sales, fund-raisers and increasing the number of volunteers. The friends group currently has 300 members.

• The second chocolate tasting event is scheduled for Saturday September 8, 2007 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the Biden Center.

• The wine and cheese tasting event is scheduled for October 13, 2007.

• The semi-annual meeting will be held Saturday August 25, 2007 9:00 a.m. at the Biden Center with speaker Richard Lamont, author of the book Sea Glass.

Mr. Thatcher shared some of the purchases the Friends Group has been able to make for the park including: $500 for the Nature Center telescope; $1300 for an industrial strength wet/dry vacuum cleaner; storage containers; folding tables; butterfly nets; bike pump; $2100 new shed that stores 30 bikes; $900 to maintenance for carry in/carry out bags, $800 for a copier for the Nature Center and two beach wheelchairs. The expected benefactor of this years wine and cheese event is the Park Office for a second computer to assist with servicing campsites.

Chairman Mears asked about the success of the Fishing Tournament that was held in May. Mr. Thatcher reported 80 had enrolled.

Chairman Mears asked if there were any dual memberships with the Fort Miles Historical Society other than Dr. Gary Wray. Mr. Thatcher was not aware of any.

Mr. Thatcher reported the osprey cam is running and two chicks had hatched. The Friends Group is seeking $25,000 to place the osprey cam on the internet for schools.

The Thatcher’s distributed a brochure from the Friends Group that included a calendar of events.

Port Penn Area Historical Society

Tracy Beck with the Port Penn Area Historical Society reported the master plan that has taken ten to twelve years, is drawing to a close. They have been working with DelDOT on Phase I, streetscape.

Ms. Beck requested clarification of the time-line for the Cleaver House to report at the next Executive Board Meeting. Matt Chesser will provide an update in his section report.

Ms. Beck reported the Marshland Dinner in May was the last one. It has been their main fund-raiser netting approximately $10,000. They are looking for new ideas.



Charles Salkin distributed a draft legislative and budget summary and reviewed the positions at Auburn Heights and pointed out the Bond Bill provided the minimum of what we needed in each category. The Trap Pond Sprayground Phase I (parking lot expansion), received enough to move ahead. The division is working with Senator Venables on a project list for Trap Pond and we will have more information at the next council meeting. More details on the management of Garrisons Lake Golf Course and The Delaware State Golf Association will be available at the next council meeting. Greens and T-shaping are at 80 – 90 % completion. Delores Donnelly asked about the water source for the course. Matt Chesser reported a new ten inch well had been installed by the pond.


Greg Abbott provided a re-cap on the year-end, explaining we will manage expenses closer for the coming year. Greg reviewed the salary increases and new personnel expense. The division will need to make up $333,000. Ron Mears asked who has the burden of fuel costs. Greg explained the annual fleet lease amount increased, with the most expensive vehicle approximately $1,000 per month; this includes fuel. Greg further explained enforcement vehicles are charged per mile after reaching a certain amount. 


Greg Abbott distributed a personnel update, highlighting the hiring of maintenance staff with 20+ years experience which is a positive for the division. Greg reported the hiring of a female ranger, Nicole Smith; the Receptionist for the Central Office, Pamela Brunswick accepted a promotion with another agency and Devashree Singh has filled that position. Rob Shaw has been hired into a new merit position. Rob Shaw was a former conservation district employee and has been working on an Information Management System project for the Division. Greg suggested Rob be invited to the next meeting to provide an overview of this system.

Section Reports

Cultural and Recreational Services (CARS) – Jim O’Neill

Jim reported the Summer Program Guide was mailed early June. This is one publication for all park programs. CARS plans to try again next summer and include additional information such as volunteer programs and others.

The Trap Pond State Park was accepted into the Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network in April 2007. The network is a partnership of parks, refuges, museums of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The National Park Service is the facilitator for the network. Being a gateway site offers opportunity for grants and technical assistance. A public announcement of our partnership in the network is scheduled for Thursday August 23, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. at Trap Pond. Senator Carper is expected to attend as well as Secretary Hughes and Director Salkin. Jim extended an invitation to the council.

Heritage Park –Jim circulated a copy of the Washington Times which provided excellent publication for the First State Heritage Park. The six-page spread was in the June 28 edition.

CNN is doing a human interest story on Horace Knowles who was stationed at Fort Miles during WWII. The story includes information on the Fort through Lee Jennings and Gary Wray. It is expected to air several times on August 14, 2007.

The reenactment of the revolutionary war Battle of Cooches Bridge will be held at Brandywine Creek State Park August 25 and 26, 2007.

The fire earlier this summer at the Sara Brooks House in Bellevue State Park was found to be arson. The fire exposed logs which studies estimate could be from the 1690’s and possibly the oldest building on its original site in Delaware.

Brandywine Zoo – one of the two Siberian tigers that was quite old and ill was euthanized recently. A news release was done.

The osprey project at Cape Henlopen State Park has been doing well and seems to have increased visitation at the Seaside Nature Center by 44%. Two more ospreys were tagged with satellite transmitters and will be tracked over the next two years.

Lee Jennings has accepted responsibility as Chief of Cultural Resources as well as retaining his responsibilities for history programs.

Ron Mears inquired about the Bell House. Jim reported the original plan for the First State Heritage Park was to house the headquarters at the John Bell House. The building is older than originally thought (1763-1781 time period) which would make it the second oldest building on the Green in Dover. Discussions are taking place regarding relocating the office. This has to go back to the Dover Historical District Board.

Planning Preservation and Development – Matt Chesser

PPD has awarded reconstruction of the parking lot at Bellevue and Cauffiel House to Daisy Construction and should begin in the next few weeks. Completion should be this fall.

Trap Pond Phase I has been awarded and should begin soon– a new entrance road to the sprayground parking lot will be separate from the Nature Center and other park features. This should be done by the end of the calendar year.

Advertisement for Brandywine Creek State Park Hawk Watch and Mill Race parking lots has gone out. The Hawkwatch parking lot will be half paved and halve stabilized turf. A small lot off Creek Road (Mill Race) is expected to be completed by end of the calendar year.

Garrisons Lake Golf Course – Progress is going well. The course should be completed in September with work continuing in the fall through spring for the parking lot, maintenance building and club house. Delaware State Golf Association may manage. We are working with Freeman and Associates regarding the temporary buildings they have at their golf course and the possibility of donating them to the state. We are anticipating a mid 2008 opening.

Blue Ball Barn – the east side multi-use ball fields and trails are under way. The plan should be done by the end of the calendar year. There will be limited use on planted grass areas.

Killens Pond Nature Center – scheduled to be completed by February to March 2008 for the building portion.

Cleaver House – as reported previously there are lead and asbestos remediation issues. Harvard Environmental is coordinating with Lenny Sophrin, the architectural consultant, and anticipates plans being ready for bid in September. There is no extra money to help defray the remediation costs. The remediation work costs are expected to be around $90 – 100,000. We should have final costs by the next council meeting. We are hoping to complete the remediation, exterior demolition and exterior reconstruction with the remaining funds.

Indian River Marina Operations Building – we are combining the Marina operations and Delaware Seashore park office into one. The design is near completion and advertising in the fall. It will take approximately a year to build.

Fox Point Pier – Chazz reported the $9.8 million that was allocated for the Bellevue Aquatic Center was disbursed to other projects. We had received $900,000 for the construction of a pier at Fox Point. Representative Wayne Smith who had championed the project, resigned and opposition the project was de-authorized. $600,000 is back in the pot for re-allocation.

Chairman Mears asked about the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Chazz responded averaged $300,000 – $350,000 a year. We are hoping for $300,000 to $400,000 this year.

Mr. Craven asked how the delays of the inlet bridge are affecting us. Clyde responded the operation is delaying campground and day-use. Three years behind schedule.

Operations – Clyde Shipman

Campground and cottage revenue in July grew to a net of 13%, sales up $27,500 over 2006. The year-to-date is over 1.5 million (7% increase). Cottages experienced a $24,000 increase of 37% over July 2006.

Killens Pond State Park had several issues this summer; one being bedbugs. A complaint was received from a guest claiming to have spent over $16,000 in fees for spraying, replacing carpet, etc. With no proof the guest received bedbugs from our facility or if they were brought to us by the guest, we agreed to a settlement of half the amount of the claimed expenses. In addition, the division spent $8 – 9,000 at the cottage in question to tent and fumigate. We are currently monitoring the cottages for any infestation and training staff.

The park also experienced a leak in the large pool loosing tens of thousands of gallons per day. The pool was drained and a contractor detected the problem.

The Can-Do Playground on the east side of the Blue Ball Barn held its dedication July 11, 2007 and is now open. We are already experiencing problems with dogs and skateboards coming in and will be taking steps to prohibit.

Smoking policy – Clyde distributed a revised version of the proposed policy and explained after the council’s endorsement in May, a few minor adjustments were made. Operations is clarifying a few areas then sending out to be enforced.

Personnel – Chief Greg Wilson retired and Scott Carrow will be Acting Chief through August; Wayne Kline for September. We are posting the position.

Community Yard Waste sites – the first site is open and located at the intersection of Route 13 and 72. This is a DelDOT Dart site. The second site is Sunset Lake, adjacent to future parkland. A map was distributed.

Senate Bill 107 for Fish and Wildlife – the fishing license provision presents a surf fishing challenge for us and we are meeting with Fish & Wildlife to coordinate.

Senate Bill 108 Hunting Fees increased. We set $10.00, Fish and Wildlife approved $10.00 for a stand fee per day. We are in discussions on whether to mirror. Chairman Mears feels there will be negative feedback if charge is per day.

Delores Donnelly inquired if there have been any changes regarding saltwater fishing or if it still stands that vehicles on state park land should not be on the beach unless actively fishing. She has noted numerous New Jersey and Pennsylvania vehicles on Fenwick State Park are not actively fishing. July 4 Ms. Donnelly saw ten vehicles that did not have surf fishing tags. Clyde reported Rangers are doing random checks at crossings but will bring this to their attention.

Mr. Thathcher asked about the increase/additional fishing fee and the impact it may have on the Friends Group fishing tournament. Clyde was unable to find specifics on the 5 – 7 day tourist license possibility but will look into and contact the Thatchers.

Paul Nicholson reported on a cross-country issue with championships traditionally held in our northern locations. Between the state meet at Killens Pond State Park and Brandywine Creek State Park closing for construction we are receiving pressure to use White Clay Creek. Senator Sorenson scheduled a meeting August 3, 2007 with division and DNREC staff. The division offered coaches to organize a shuttle system to alleviate the parking issue. We are also making a course available at Lums Pond which will be available by end of the November season.


Lynn Williams recognition -


Volunteer Conference – Glen Stubblo and Greg Abbott are taking the lead to host this event in October. 35 – 40 states are expected to attend. The National State Park Volunteer Coordinators meet every two years. Council members interested in attending can contact Greg or Glen. Information packets were distributed.

State Park School November 7, 2007 will be held at Deerfield. The Council is invited. The keynote speaker this year is Dan West, Director of Ohio State Parks. Contact Elaine if interested in attending any portion.

Indian River Marina Special Investigation – a copy of the final report was distributed. Chazz provided the background of the management and personnel issues. Greg, Chazz, Paul and Clyde are available for any questions regarding the report. Greg Abbott stated the core of the findings and recommendations are located on page 5. Chazz stated that none of the issues we have had to respond to are problems in any other park.

Chairman Mears asked if gangs in Wilmington have posed any safety issues for our maintenance staff. Chazz Salkin responded, none to our knowledge.

Chairman Mears asked about the Lifetime Pass for motorcycles and the problem with not being able to leave the card on the motorcycle. Clyde Shipman stated the Division may have to come up with a sticker in these instances. We have looked at hangtags but this would not work well for motorcycles or jeeps.

Chairman Mears inquired about maintenance staff being able to wear shorts in hot weather. Paul Nicholson surveyed the staff and also indicated there is also no policy statewide against wearing shorts. It is prohibited if operating motorized machines or performing dangerous duties. Shorts are issued as part of the uniform and discretion of wearing depends on the task.

Upcoming Events

Thursday November 1 – next Parks Council meeting. Location to be determined.

Delores Donnelly reported the Delaware Nature Society is inquiring if Killens Pond State Park could hold its fall festival on a different weekend other than the third Saturday of October as it conflicts with their annual event. Jim Oneill will check into and report to Delores.

Chairman Mears asked if Joan Brown would coordinate the savings bond awarded at the end of the year banquet. Mrs. Brown requested council members bring $5.00 to the next meeting to cover the purchase of the savings bond.

Updates and discussions ended at 12:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine Harwood

Elaine Harwood

Recording Secretary


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