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Student Name: _________________________Seat Number: _________Period: _______________________________Date: _________________________________MODERN WORLD HISTORYUnit 4: The Industrial RevolutionTEST ONE Spring 2016Directions: This is an open-book-take-home test. You may use your textbook and any notes pertaining to Unit 4. You may use any reference books and can use the Internet to find answers to questions. You may work cooperatively with other students.Value:Honors and Merit: This test has 40 questions. Each question is worth 1 point-no bonuses .Your score will be a percentage of correct answers over 40=X/40=Grade/100%Question book instructions: If you are given a physical copy of the test-Fill out the pink or yellow quiz book question sheet completely. Make sure you use your first and last names. You will lose 10 points for failure to follow instructions –“FTFI”Scantron instructions: Read and EXACTLY follow instructions for the scantron carefully. a. You must use a number 2 pencil. b. NAME: Make sure you use you first and last names. Also list your seat number (no color) and the color of your test book (Pink or Yellow or online) EXAMPLE: “Anthony Ramienski Seat 14 Online” (Be exact)c. Subject is “MWH Unit 4 TEST ONE” Write this in word for word exactly. d. Make sure you put in the date on which you turned the test in. (Example: 25 October 2011)e. Be sure to put your block number in the period box. DO NOT FOLD, STAPLE or OTHERWISE MUTILATE THE SCANTRON. Be careful if you erase-any stray marks can cause an answer to be wrong and there will be no reclamas due to poor erasures, stray marks or mutilation.NOTE: If you discover a question with no correct answers-bubble in "E" on scantron and provide typed explanation-hand in explanation in with your scantron.Again failure to follow instructions concerning the scantron will result in an additional 5 point penalty.-“FTFI”Issue Date: Friday, 1 April 2015Early Bird: No Early BirdDue dates: This quiz is due by 2: 30pm, Monday, 4 April 2016If turned in Tuesday, 5 April 2016, -50 points If not turned in by Wednesday, 6 April 2016, NO CREDIT, “0” Exceptions to due date must be worked out one on one with Mr. Ramienski. Due to the end of the term-no test will be accepted after Wednesday, 6 April 2016-no exceptions. 1. What are the “Factors of Production”? a. land, labor and government c. coal, iron and steel b. labor, management and profit d. land, labor, and capital 2. What is the movement from the farms to the cities known as? a. Ruralization b. Citification c. The Enclosure Movementd. Urbanization 3. What two ideas were the foundation of the modern British Empire? a. Military necessity and imperial pride c. Race and Religion b. Commerce and Communication d. Trade and Travel4. What was the first world-wide communication system? a. The Internetb. Telephony c. Radio Broadcastingd. Telegraphy5. Which term refers to the time period preceding the agricultural and industrial revolutions, when farmers began to fence in their own lands, bringing feudalism to a close?a. The Domestic System c. The Enclosure Movement b. The Factory System d. The Natural System 6. What was the name for a perfect society imagined often by early socialists?a. Urbanization b. Utopia c. The Republicd. Heaven7. Which is the proper order for the following three events? a. Agricultural Revolution, Industrial Revolution and the Enclosure Movementb. Enclosure Movement, Agricultural Revolution and Industrial Revolutionc. Industrial Revolution, Agricultural Revolution and the Enclosure Movementd. Enclosure Movement, Industrial Revolution and the Agricultural Revolution 8. What is the Iron Law of Wages?a. An economic theory of wages that said that as the population went up; wages often remain stable.b. An economic theory of wages that said as population goes up; so do wages.c. An economic theory of wages that said when the population goes up; wages decline.d. An economic theory of wages that said if wages go up; jobs become scarce. 9. What is the name of the belief that government should regulate business as little as possible? a. Socialism b. Communism c. Capitalism d. Laissez Faire 10. Who was the most likely to support the idea that society should be based upon cooperation instead of competition?a. Adam Smith b. David Ricardo c. Robert Owen d. Jeremy Bentham 11. Which was the name for the organizations of workers who banded together to increase their collective strength and champion ideas such as eliminating child labor, lessening the length of the workday, and higher standards of pay?a. Communes b. Factories c. Shops d. Unions12. What is the name of the concept that applies the principles of Darwin to economics and or society?a. Socialism b. Darwinian Socialism c. Social Darwinism d. Communism13. Why was coal important to the Industrial Revolution?a. Coal provided the fuel to produce iron.b. Coal provided fuel to heat workers’ homes.c. Mining coal gave jobs to unemployed farm laborersd. Trading coal with other countries brought wealth to invest in industry.14. Which of the following was the main source of power at the start of the Industrial Revolution?a. The Steam Engine b. Animals c. The Water Mill d. The Dynamo15. During the Agricultural Revolution of the 1700s wealthy landowners increased food production by a. Practicing enclosure c. Giving peasants bonusesb. Practicing crop integration d. Hiring more farm workers 16. Which of the following conditions during the Industrial Revolution supported Karl Marx’s ideas?a. There were only a few wealthy business people while the majority of the people were poor.b. More material goods were available to less and less people due to industrializationc. People were no longer threatened by famine, but were eating lessd. People left the cities and moved to the countryside17. Which of the following was not an Industrial Revolution thread/yarn making invention for the textile industry?a. The Flying Shuttle c. The Spinning Mule b. The Spinning Jenny d. The Water Frame18. Which of the following is a primary reason explaining why Britain took the lead in the Industrial Revolution?a. British workers were well paid.c. The British business class had large profits to invest. b. The government owned the factories.d. The British people were the best educated in the world.19. What stimulated the invention and development of the steam powered railway locomotive?a. The desire to move hundreds of workers around. c. The desire to move large artillery guns. b. The desire to move tons of iron ore and coal to factories d. Intellectual curiosity20. What is the name of the belief that business should be motivated by the desire to make a profit?a. Socialism b. Communism c. Capitalism d. Laissez Faire21. Which inventor was noted for the invention of the seed drill?a. Jethro Bodine b. Tullage James c. Richard Tull d. Jethro Tull 22. Which British engineer developed large all iron steam ships for commerce?a. Brunel b. Stevenson c. Stephenson d. Fulton23. What was James Watt’s contribution to the Industrial Revolution?a. He invented the steam engine in 1705c. He financed the building of the steam boat. b. He built an efficient steam engine in 1765d. He invented the Spinning Jenny.24. Who was the inventor of the movie camera, phonograph and light bulb? a. Stevenson b. Edison c. Cooper d. Watt25. Who helped to develop the modern moving assembly line and then developed a mass-produced affordable automobile? a. Otto b. Ford c. Chevroletd. Massey26. Who built the first commercially profitable “steamboat”? a. Fulton b. Milton c. Brunel d. Cooper27. What was Otto’s development for the automobile? a. The Diesel Engine c. Inflatable Rubber Tireb. Internal Combustion Steam Engine d. Internal Combustion Gasoline Engine28. Who was the inventor of the water frame? a. Duewright b. Arkwrightc. Wainwright d. Aukwright 29. What was Alfred Nobel’s contribution to the Industrial Revolution?a. Telephone b. Telegraph c. Steel d. Dynamite30. Who invented wireless radio? a. Macaroni b. Buitoni c. Marconi d. Crosley31. The increase in landholdings allowed a. farmers to increase crop yields c. farmers to hire more field hands b. farmers to increase crop types d. more family farms to exist. 32. At the start of the First Industrial Revolution-circa 1750, what was the principal means of power for running a factory?a. Coal powered steam. c. Water powered enginesb. Gasoline, oil or diesel powered engines d. Horse powered engines.33. What result of the Enclosure Movement directly helped spur on the Industrial Revolution?a. The decline in small farms yielded larger population for industrial employment.b. The decline in small farms yielded larger crop harvests to feed growing city populations.c. The decline in small farms allowed for crop rotations that led to a larger variety of foods. d. The decline in small farms preserved soil that would have silted river, reducing power to water mills. 34. Which social class was a major stimulant and supporter of industrialization?a. peasantry b. Nobility c. the middle classd. Clergy35. What type of “labor” characterized the Industrial Revolution?a. Hand labor b. Slave labor c. Machine assisted labor d. universal unionized labor36. Which choice best characterized the evolution of transportation in Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution?a. The growth of railroads, coastal trade, the growth of canals b. Coastal sea trade, use of rivers and canals, the growth of railroads c. The building of canals, coastal trade and the growth of railroadsd. Coastal trade, building of railroads and the development of canals37. How did the Age of Enlightenment support the development of the Industrial Revolution?a. The Age of Enlightenment established the concept of individual rightsb. The Age of Enlightenment established the concept of “progress”c. The Age of Enlightenment supported urbanizationd. The Age of Enlightenment supported the concept of the just wage.38. Who is the proletariat?a. The owners b. The rulers c. The middle class d. The workers39. The cash or goods used to generate income either by investing in a business or a different income property is known as a. Capital b. Capitol c. Copital d. Kapitel40. Which of the following were two key resources necessary for an industrial revolution?a. Coal and iron ore b. Lumber and coal c. Steel and wood d. Wind and water ................

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