
GEOGRAPHY OVERVIEW, TERM 4 (suggested)Unit Title:How do different cultures (people) use and influence their environments? (2 Mini Units 18-20 hrs total- Part 1 Weeks 1-5, Part 2 Weeks 5-10)Achievement StandardBy the end of Year 5, students?explain?the characteristics of places in different locations at the national scale. They?describe?the interconnections between people, places and environments and?identify?the effect of these interconnections on the characteristics of places and environments. They?describe?the location of selected countries in relative terms and?identify?spatial distributions and simple patterns in the features of places and environments. They?identify?alternative views on how to respond to a geographical challenge and propose a response.Students?develop?geographical questions to?investigate?and collect and record information from a range of sources to answer these questions. They?represent?data and the location of places and their characteristics in graphic forms, including large-scale and small-scale maps that use the cartographic conventions of border, scale, legend, title, and north point. Students interpret geographical data to?identify?spatial distributions, simple patterns and trends, infer relationships and draw conclusions. They present findings using geographical terminology in a range of communication forms. They propose action in response to a geographical challenge and?identify?the expected effects of their proposed action.Geographical ConceptsContent DescriptionsAssessment (A)? Place? Space?Environment?Interconnection?Sustainability? Scale? ChangeGeographical Knowledge and Understanding The location of the major countries of Europe and North America in relation to Australia and the influence of people on the environmental?characteristics of places?in at least two countries from both continents?(ACHGK026)The influence of people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, on the environmental characteristics of Australian places (ACHGK027)The influence of the?environment?on the human characteristics of a?place(ACHGK028)The influence people have on the human?characteristics of places?and the management of spaces within them?(ACHGK029)Geographical Inquiry and SkillsObserving, questioning and planningDevelop geographical questions to investigate and plan an inquiry (ACHGS033) Collecting, recording, evaluating and representingCollect and record relevant geographical data and information, using ethical protocols, from primary and secondary sources, for example, people, maps, plans, photographs, satellite images, statistical sources and reports (ACHGS034) Evaluate sources for their usefulness and represent data in different forms, for example, maps, plans, graphs, tables, sketches and diagrams (ACHGS035) Represent the location and features of places and different types of geographical information by constructing large-scale and small-scale maps that conform to cartographic conventions, including border, source, scale, legend, title and north point, using spatial technologies as appropriate (ACHGS036) Interpreting, analysing and concludingInterpret geographical data and other information, using digital and spatial technologies as appropriate, and identify spatial distributions, patterns and trends, and infer relationships to draw conclusions (ACHGS037) CommunicatingPresent findings and ideas in a range of communication forms, for example, written, oral, graphic, tabular, visual and maps; using geographical terminology and digital technologies as appropriate (ACHGS038) Reflecting and respondingReflect on their learning to propose individual and collective action in response to a contemporary geographical challenge and describe the expected effects of their proposal on different groups of people (ACHGS039)Assessment for:Part 1.Silent Conversation Activity-Mind MapPart 2.KWL ChartAssessment of:Part 1.Postcard from AustraliaVenn DiagramPart 2.A4 template of the World identifying major geographical featuresEuropean Map template with recorded information of 2 countries.North American Map template with recorded information of 2 countries.Assessment as:Part 1.Letter to the Local Council Planning DepartmentPart 2.Map Tests and Multiple Choice for North America and EuropeLearning Framework? Community Contributor?Leader and Collaborator?Active Investigator?Effective Communicator?Designer and Creator? Quality ProducerCross Curricula Priorities?Catholic Ethos?Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures?Social Emotional Learning ?Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia? Inclusive Education ?Sustainability EducationGeneral Capabilities ?Literacy ?Critical and Creative Thinking ?Numeracy?Ethical Behaviour ?Information and Communication Technology ?Personal and Social CompetenceLinks to other LA’sEnglish, Numeracy, ICT, HistoryLearning and Teaching StrategiesWeek12345678910 Cross Curricula Priorities?Catholic Ethos?Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures?Social Emotional Learning ?Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia? Inclusive Education ?Sustainability EducationGeneral Capabilities ?Literacy ?Critical and Creative Thinking ?Numeracy?Ethical Behaviour ?Information and Communication Technology ?Personal and Social CompetenceEngage ?Explore ?Explain ?Elaborate ?EvaluateENGAGEResourcesPART 1.Lesson 1. (1 hr)A)Share a text (see suggested in Resources column); discuss themes of population and settlement and the impacts on the environment. B)Conduct a Silent Conversations Activity; Use questions like-What’s changed?How have humans changed this environment?What’s stayed the same?What features of the natural environment have humans utilised? How?What features of the natural environment have impeded urban development? How?C) Share findings and create a class Mind Map of responses (eg. Ipad Apps; poplet, tools4teachers, total recall etc)Lesson 2.(1hr)Options-A)We Do Activity; Invite a guest speaker (local ABTSI Elder) to come and talk re indigenous people’s use and management of the landB) We Do Activity; Excursion to a local indigenous cultural centre (eg. Tjapukai, Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre, Walker Bros. Tours-Mossman, Mamu-Innisfail/Southern Tablelands district)Suggested Texts-‘Window’ by Jeannie Baker‘Where the Forest Meets the Sea’ by Jeannie Baker‘Mirror’ by Jeannie Baker‘Belonging’ by Jeannie Baker‘My Place’ by Nadia Wheatley and Donna RawlinsA5 paper with Silent conversations questions-IWB or Ipad for Mind mapping Activity -Book; ‘Yalanji’ by Warranga KabanGeographical LanguageAssessment OpportunitiesGeography, influence, people, environmental, places, characteristics, human, place, spaces, management, collect, climatic conditions, landforms, settlements, food production, natural, organised, zoning, local planning, farmingFor-Silent Conversation Activity-Mind MapReflectionWeek12345678910 Cross Curricula Priorities?Catholic Ethos?Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures?Social Emotional Learning ?Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia? Inclusive Education ?Sustainability EducationGeneral Capabilities ?Literacy ?Critical and Creative Thinking ?Numeracy?Ethical Behaviour ?Information and Communication Technology ?Personal and Social CompetenceEngage ?Explore ?Explain ?Elaborate ?EvaluateEXPLOREResourcesLesson 1.(1hr)A) I Do/We Do Activity; Teacher models using the Power Point, Where Australians Live’, explore Power Point Presentation using and discussing pictures, maps (eg keys, colour, symbols etc) and use questioning to prompt discussion from the ‘content and information in the slides.Lesson 2.(1hr)A)You Do Activity; Using activity from Power Point (slide No. 22), students create a Postcard from Australia LanguageAssessment OpportunitiesGeography, Australia, influence, people, environmental, places, characteristics, human, place, spaces, management, collect, geographical, data, information, location, maps, border, sources, legend, title, compass points, major, industries, sustainability, interpret, features, globe, climatic conditions, landforms, settlements, food production, natural, organised, zoning, local planning, farmingOf-Postcard from AustraliaReflectionWeek12345678910 Cross Curricula Priorities?Catholic Ethos?Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures?Social Emotional Learning ?Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia? Inclusive Education ?Sustainability EducationGeneral Capabilities ?Literacy ?Critical and Creative Thinking ?Numeracy?Ethical Behaviour ?Information and Communication Technology ?Personal and Social CompetenceEngage ?Explore ?Explain ?Elaborate ?EvaluateEXPLAINResourcesLesson 1. (1hr)A)We Do Activity; Pose questions for class discussion-What development/redevelopment is happening in our local area? How does this affect us?How do councils organise the use of space through zoning? (Economic, Environmental, population growth etc)B)Use local council Zoning maps to identify how we use space (or future use) in our local area. ORC)Visit Local Council Planning Dept. and have a representative talk to students re use of and proposed use of local area/space.ORD)Invite Local Council Planning Dept. Representative to be a guest speaker to talk to students re use of and proposed use of local area/space.Lesson 2. (1hr)A)You Do Activity; Pairs create a Venn Diagram of the Positive and Negative Effects of this local development.IWB; to record answers of discussion questionsLocal Council websites for access to local zoning mapsVenn Diagram template or Apps (eg Tools4Teachers)Geographical LanguageAssessment OpportunitiesGeography, Australia, influence, people, environmental, places, characteristics, human, place, spaces, management, collect, geographical, data, information, location, maps, border, sources, legend, title, compass points, major, industries, sustainability, interpret, features, globe, climatic conditions, landforms, settlements, food production, natural, organised, zoning, local planning, farmingOf-Venn DiagramReflectionWeek12345678910 Cross Curricula Priorities?Catholic Ethos?Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures?Social Emotional Learning?Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia? Inclusive Education ?Sustainability EducationGeneral Capabilities ?Literacy ?Critical and Creative Thinking ?Numeracy?Ethical Behaviour ?Information and Communication Technology ?Personal and Social CompetenceEngage ?Explore ?Explain ?Elaborate ?EvaluateELABORATEResourcesLesson 1/2 (2hrs)A)You Do Activity; After comparing the Positive/Negative Effects of the development in your local area and developing your own ideas regarding the issue, write a Letter back to the Local Council Planning Dept. Representative to express your point of view!-Draft letter-Edit-PublishGeography Journals for drafting of Letter.Choice for published letter- computer typed/handwritten.Geographical LanguageAssessment OpportunitiesGeography, continents, North America, Europe, Australia, influence, people, environmental, places, characteristics, human, place, spaces, management, collect, geographical, data, information, location, maps, border, sources, legend, title, compass points, major, industries, sustainability, interpret, features, globe, climatic conditions, landforms, settlements, food production, natural, organised, zoning, local planning, farmingAs-Letter to Local Council Planning DepartmentReflectionWeek12345678910 Cross Curricula Priorities?Catholic Ethos?Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures?Social Emotional Learning?Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia? Inclusive Education ?Sustainability EducationGeneral Capabilities ?Literacy ?Critical and Creative Thinking ?Numeracy?Ethical Behaviour ?Information and Communication Technology ?Personal and Social CompetenceEngage ?Explore ?Explain ?Elaborate ?EvaluateEVALUATEResourcesPART 2-Lesson 1 (1hr)A)Engage the students by using one of the following suggested websites/ipad apps where the students play a game that allows them to ‘find’ certain countries, continents etc. Start with a World Map, then focus in on Australia, Europe and North America.Discuss with the students –What’s something new you discovered?What surprised you?What do you want to know? Record on a class K/W/L chartLesson 2: (1hr)A)Pose Inquiry Question What is a Continent? Devise a Class Definition for ‘Continent’; identify major continents of the world!Students use either computers, ipads or atlases to access world maps and then identify and mark on the major geographical features (eg. Polar Regions, Tropics, Equator and Major Continents) using either colour/shading/keys on a blank Paper template.Apps: Tap-quiz maps,GeoquizWebsites:Access to either computers, ipads or class set of Atlases.A4 template of the WorldGeographical LanguageAssessment OpportunitiesGeography, continents, North America, Europe, Australia, place, spaces, collect, geographical, data, information, location, maps, border, sources, legend, title, compass points, globe, For-KWL ChartOf-A4 template of the World identifying Major Geographical features.Week12345678910 Cross Curricula Priorities?Catholic Ethos?Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures?Social Emotional Learning?Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia? Inclusive Education ?Sustainability EducationGeneral Capabilities ?Literacy ?Critical and Creative Thinking ?Numeracy?Ethical Behaviour ?Information and Communication Technology ?Personal and Social CompetenceEngage ?Explore ?Explain ?Elaborate ?EvaluateEVALUATEResourcesPART 2-Lesson 1 (1hr)A)We Do Activity; Pose Question, ‘Where is Europe?’ (ie a Continent in the Northern Hemisphere, consisting of 45countries)Teacher use Google Maps/National Geographic World Atlas to locate and zoom in on a Map of Europe; identify the names of the countries and capital cities. Students make a list of these countries/capitals in their Geography Journals.B)I Do Activity; Teacher to choose one country (eg. Sweden);Identify the position and layout of Landforms, river systems/waterways, sea/gulf access and discuss in relation to population settlement. Ie Where is the capital? What is the total population? Where is most of the population situated? What natural features may have influenced where people settled? Using websites or ipad app (see Resources), identify main topic areas (eg Landforms, Capital, Population, Climate, Farming/Food Production, Industry, other city locations) and how to locate this information using internet search. Teacher modelled how to access, collect and record this information onto a blank map template of Europe (use key-colours, shading, symbols etc. for each).Lesson 2: (1hr)A)You Do Activity; Students choose another European Country and use Atlases, ipads, computers to locate, access, collect and record information as per teacher modelling in previous lesson. They record their information onto previous map template (thereby having information for 2 European Countries on the one map!)Computer/data Projector/IWB/Ipad with Google Earth/National Geographic World AtlasGeography Journals Ipad app; World factbook.Access to computers, ipads, atlasesGeographical LanguageAssessment OpportunitiesGeography, continents, North America, Europe, Australia, place, spaces, collect, geographical, data, information, location, maps, border, sources, legend, title, compass points, globe, Of-European Map template with recorded information of 2 countriesWeek12345678910 Cross Curricula Priorities?Catholic Ethos?Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures?Social Emotional Learning?Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia? Inclusive Education ?Sustainability EducationGeneral Capabilities ?Literacy ?Critical and Creative Thinking ?Numeracy?Ethical Behaviour ?Information and Communication Technology ?Personal and Social CompetenceEngage ?Explore ?Explain ?Elaborate ?EvaluateEVALUATEResourcesPART 2-Lesson 1 (1hr)A)We Do Activity; Pose Question, ‘Where is North America?’ (ie a Continent in the Northern Hemisphere, consisting of 23 countries)Teacher use Google Maps/National Geographic World Atlas to locate and zoom in on a Map of North America; identify the names of the countries (note- this includes Central American Countries and the Caribbean!) and capital cities. Students make a list of these countries/capitals in their Geography Journals.B)I Do Activity; Teacher to choose one country (eg. Panama);Identify the position and layout of Landforms, river systems/waterways, sea/gulf access and discuss in relation to population settlement. Ie Where is the capital? What is the total population? Where is most of the population situated? What natural features may have influenced where people settled? Using websites or ipad app (see Resources), identify main topic areas (eg Landforms, Capital, Population, Climate, Farming/Food Production, Industry, other city locations) and how to locate this information using internet search. Teacher modelled how to access, collect and record this information onto a blank map template of Europe (use key-colours, shading, symbols etc. for each).Lesson 2: (1hr)A)You Do Activity; Students choose another North American Country and use Atlases, ipads, computers to locate, access, collect and record information as per teacher modelling in previous lesson. They record their information onto previous map template (thereby having information for 2 European Countries on the one map!)Computer/data Projector/IWB/Ipad with Google Earth/National Geographic World AtlasGeography Journals Ipad app; World factbook.Access to computers, ipads, atlasesGeographical LanguageAssessment OpportunitiesGeography, continents, North America, Europe, Australia, place, spaces, collect, geographical, data, information, location, maps, border, sources, legend, title, compass points, globe, Of-North American Map template with recorded information of 2 countriesWeek12345678910 Cross Curricula Priorities?Catholic Ethos?Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures?Social Emotional Learning?Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia? Inclusive Education ?Sustainability EducationGeneral Capabilities ?Literacy ?Critical and Creative Thinking ?Numeracy?Ethical Behaviour ?Information and Communication Technology ?Personal and Social CompetenceEngage ?Explore ?Explain ?Elaborate ?EvaluateEVALUATEResourcesPART 2-Completion of any unfinished collection and recording of information from previous 2 weeks!Early Finishers;Repeat Previous investigation using ‘Australia”Computer/data Projector/IWB/Ipad with Google Earth/National Geographic World AtlasGeography Journals Ipad app; World factbook.Access to computers, ipads, atlasesGeographical LanguageAssessment OpportunitiesGeography, continents, North America, Europe, Australia, place, spaces, collect, geographical, data, information, location, maps, border, sources, legend, title, compass points, globe, Of-North American Map template with recorded information of 2 countriesWeek12345678910 Cross Curricula Priorities?Catholic Ethos?Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures?Social Emotional Learning?Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia? Inclusive Education ?Sustainability EducationGeneral Capabilities ?Literacy ?Critical and Creative Thinking ?Numeracy?Ethical Behaviour ?Information and Communication Technology ?Personal and Social CompetenceEngage ?Explore ?Explain ?Elaborate ?EvaluateEVALUATEResourcesLesson 1 (1hr)A)You Do Activity; Final Assessment using Map Test and Multiple ChoiceLesson 2 (1hr)A)You Do Activity; Final Assessment using Map Test and Multiple ChoiceExploring GeographyNorth America- RIC Publications Ages 8-12 (p. 110)Exploring GeographyEurope- RIC Publications Ages 8-12 (p. 110)Geographical LanguageAssessment OpportunitiesGeography, continents, North America, Europe, Australia, influence, people, environmental, places, characteristics, human, place, spaces, management, collect, geographical, data, information, location, maps, border, sources, legend, title, compass points, major, industries, sustainability, interpret, features, globe, climatic conditions, landforms, settlements, food production, natural, organised, zoning, local planning, farmingOf-Map Tests and Multiple ChoiceReflectionWeek12345678910 Cross Curricular PrioritiesGeneral CapabilitiesEngage ?Explore ?Explain ?Elaborate ?EvaluateEVALUATEResourcesLesson 1: (1hr)Lesson 2: (1hr)Geographical LanguageAssessment OpportunitiesGeography, continents, North America, Europe, Australia, influence, people, environmental, places, characteristics, human, place, spaces, management, collect, geographical, data, information, location, maps, border, sources, legend, title, compass points, major, industries, sustainability, interpret, features, globe, climatic conditions, landforms, settlements, food production, natural, organised, zoning, local planning, farmingReflectionPlanning for Differently Abled StudentsStudent/sDifferent AbilityAustralian Curriculum Content Descriptions being addressedLearning and Teaching StrategiesAssessment Strategies ................

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