Step 1: Log on to computer

Countries of Europe PowerPoint Presentation Directions and Guidelines

Step 1: Log on to your computer. If you do not know your login, use the Username: cmc1 and the Password: media.

Step 2: Click on the Fitzgerald GoogleApps link on the homepage.


Step 3: Log into your Google Apps account.

Usernames are always 4+4+2   lastnamefirst4lettersfirstnamefirst4letterslast2digitsofIDnumber

                                Example:  Martin Pollard  102231  =   pollmart31

Passwords must be your 6-digit Student ID number.

Step 4: Click on the “Documents” link on the top of your Google Apps screen.


Step 5: Click “Create New” on the left-hand side of your screen (see A), and then click on “Presentation” in the drop-down menu (see B).


Step 6: Open a new tab by clicking the “+” in the upper-right hand corner of the window.


Step 7: Go to and click on the “7th” tab. Click on the link on the top of the 7th Grade page.


Step 8: Find your country name on the dropdown menu that reads “SELECT A COUNTRY OR LOCATION” on the right-hand side of your screen.


Step 9: Find information about your country and add it to your presentation. Please make sure to read the expectations below to see what information to include.


Remember, each category needs AT LEAST 2 slides (and NO MORE THAN 4 slides per category) and each slide needs AT LEAST 1 image (photo, map, flag, etc.).

History – You may find the history of your country under the “Introduction” category. Please include all historical information about former governments, wars, and other historical facts.

Geography – You may find the geography of your country under the “Geography” category. Include the location, country comparison to the world, area comparative, border countries, coastline, climate, terrain, natural resources, natural hazards, and environment – current issues.

People – You may find information about the people of your country under the “People” category. Include the population, the country comparison to the world, median age, birth rate, death rate, urbanization, life expectancy, ethnic groups, religions, language(s), and literacy.

Government – You may find information about the government of your country under the “Government” category. Include the government type, capital, independence, nationally holiday(s), legal system, suffrage, flag description, and national anthem.

Economy – You may find information about the economy of your country under the “Economy” category. Include the overview, GDP – per capita, GDP – per capita country comparison to the world, labor force, labor force country comparison to the world, unemployment rate, agriculture – products, industries, exports – commodities, and imports – commodities.

Communications – You may find information about the communications of your country under the “Communications” category. Include telephones – mobile cellular, telephones – mobile cellular country comparison to the world, internet users, and internet users – country comparison to the world.

Transportation – You may find information about the transportation of your country under the “Transportation” category. Include airports, railways, roadways, waterways, and ports and terminals.

Military – You may find information about the military of your country under the “Military” category. Include military branches, and military service age and obligations.

Images – You may find images on The World Factbook website by clicking on the “Photos” link under the flag and map of your country. You may also find images from other sources, if you choose.

Other Sources – All of the information you need is on The World Factbook website provided to you. If you would like other information, please make sure it is from a reliable source (DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA!!).

Format – Be sure to include a title slide, conclusion slide, and follow the 7X7 rule (no more than 7 words per line, and no more than 7 lines per slide).

Please look at the rubric on the next page to see how you will be graded on this assignment.





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