For Year ended 31 March 20

A - Manufacture -Certified (1) that the closing balance of Rupees - - - - in the account of the head ''Manufacture'' for March 20- - - ,consisted, with the exception noted below, only of the unadjusted charges upon operations in progress, (2) that all out turn from the operations has been duly brought to accounts, and (3) that the closing balances does not relate to any operations the accounts of which under the rule in paragraph 557of the P.W A Rule, should have been closed and adjusted during the previous twelve month

B - Land, Kin's, etc -Certified (1) that the closing balance of Rupees - - - - in the account of the head ''Land, Kin's, etc'' for March 20- - - -,consist of the items enumerated below, (2) that all the charges recoverable from other head of account under the rule or order vide paragraph 559 of the P.W A Rule during the year, (3) that the balances in respect does not relate to any operations the accounts of which under the rule in paragraph 557of the P.W A Rule, have been duly created to this head during the year ,and (3) that the balance seasons may be reasonably expected to be part the prescribed rate of recovery:.

|Item No.|Particulars |Total numbers|Year in |Gross capital chargeable |Total credit on account of |Balance out |

| | |of year in |which the | | |standing at |

| | |which the |capital | | |the end year|

| | |capital |charges were| | | |

| | |account is to|first | | | |

| | |be cleared |incurred | | | |

| | | | |To end of year | |Recoveries to end of year | |

| | | | |To end of |During the |Total | |During the|Total | |

| | | | |previous |year | | |year | | |

| | | | |year | | | | | | |

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|1 |Unserviceable Stock | | |0.00 |Action is being taken to disposal |

| | | | | |of unserviceable stock |

| | |(No details required) | | | | | |

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|2 |Serviceable Stock in excess of requirement |0.00 |No stock limit fixed |

| |of the next twelve month ,but which in my | | | | |

| |Opinion it is necessary to keep in reserve | | | | |

| | |(No details required) | | | | | |

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|3 |Surplus Stock I. e, serviceable materials |0.00 |--- | | |

| |which are available for sale or transfer | | | | |

| | |(No details required) | | | | | |

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Certified (1) that the closing balance of Rupees - - - - in the account of the head'' Workshop Suspense'' for March 20- - - ,consisted of the unadjusted charges for labor and material on the under mention jobs in progress, which, for the reasons noted against each, it was not possible to adjust in the accounts for March 20-- - -, as required by paragraph 607 of the P.W A Rule and (2) that action has been taken to ensure their clearance in the supplementary Account


Certified (1) that the closing balance of account As per below named in margin (as specified against each)'' for March 20-- - -,have been reviewed in detailed, (2) that no items are included therein which under rule do not pertain to the account concerned, (3) with the exceptions noted below none of the items in the view of the period it has been outstanding of any other circumstances which may diminished the chance of its recovery, calls for any special action, to effect clearance, and (4) that ,in respect of exceptions specified necessary action is being taken.

1.Purchase - Credit Balance of Rupees -

2.Miscellaneous P.W Advance -Debit Balance Rupees -

3.Deposit - Credit Balance of Rupees –


A. -General - Certified (1) that the accounts of all works, the actual construction of which is completed have been closed as for as possible and (2) that in cases in which the accounts of such works have still to kept open arrangements have been made to ensure that no further charge will be incurred without permission as required by paragraph 514 of the P.W.A Rules

B. - Materials - Certified (1) that in respect of each works in progress in the accounts of which the suspense head ''Material'' is being operated upon the balances as per the register of Material -at -site accounts as on 31 March 20-- - - have been verified and the report of verification reviewed by me and (2) that necessary action to clear the suspense head ''Materials'' has been taken in the case of all works completed during the year.

C. - Contractors and Labors - Certified (1) that the closing balance of the of ''Contractors and Laboures''as maintained in register of works in respect of works the accounts which were open on the 31 March 20-- - -, were as detailed below (2) that the total of the Contractors balance as shone in certificate 1,has been reconciled by the Divisional Accountant with the total of balance in the Contractors ledger, (3) that the Labors have been similarly reconciled by the Sub Divisional Officers concerned with the record of unpaid wages [vide paragraph 430(e) ]of the P.W.A Rules (4) that there has been no abnormal delay in closing or adjusting the accounts of the Contracts which are no longer in operation ,(5) that ''Secured Advance'' are covered by duly excited indentures in Form 31,which I have seen are in executed in the Division Office ,and (6) finally, that none of other outstanding debit balances represent any over payment, or have become or are likely to be irrecoverable:

| | |Details Of Balance | |

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|S. No. |Full Name of work | | |

| | |Contractors |Remarks |

| | | | | |

| | |Advance payment Debit |Advance payment | |

| | | |Debit | |

| | | | |Advance payment | |

| | | | |Debit | |

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|NIL |NIL |NIL |NIL |NIL |No advance |

| | | | | |Payment has been made |

| | | | | |to Contractor or |

| | | | | |Labor |


C. - Contractors and Labors - Certified (1) that the register of Building and other records of assessment and realization of revenue (vide paragraph 294) of the P.W.A Rules for the year ending 31 March 20-- - - have been reviewed in detail and that all immovable properties belonging to the division witch are letting out abd other important sources of revenue are entered in the relevant register with full particulars, (2) that adequate action is being taken under my orders in respect of revenue which remains unrealized for more than one month by reason of delay on the part of the tenant or other person concerned and (3) that there are no arrears which have become ,or are likely to be recovered.

Not required in the Division


A - Certified (1) that the closing balance of Rupees As per below in the account of the head ''Cash Settlement Suspense Account ''consisted, with the exception noted below, only of outstanding transaction pertaining to the month March 20-- - -, for which the intimations of claims were duly dispatched to the Divisions concerned within the prescribed period (2) that no inward claims are outstanding for more than ten days and (3) that action has been taken to ensure that the clearance of the outstanding.

1.Cash Settlement Suspense Account [Originating] Rupees. 0.00

2.Cash Settlement Suspense Account [Responding] Rupees. 0.00





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