Literary Project – AP Economics - Quia

*Books in bold were chosen by last year’s students.

Literary Project – AP Economics Book List

Title Author (Last Name) HS Location

50 Psychologial Experiments for Investors Mangot

12 Million Stuffed Shark Thompson

12 Years A Slave Northrup

13 Bankers Johnson and Kwak

1984 Orwell LMC

$2.00 a Day Edin and Shaefer

4-hour Workweek Ferriss

419 Ferguson

5000 Year Leap Skousean

A Deadly Indifference Jevons

A Farewell to Alms Clark

A Gang Leader For A Day Venkatesh

A Journey Through Economic Time Galbraith

A Long Way Gone Beah LMC

A Movable Feast Kiple

A Nation of Moochers Sykes

A Random Walk Down Wall Street Malkiel

A Song of Ice and Fire Martin

A Treatise on the Family Becker

A Whole New Mind Pink

A World in Debt Tilden

A year without “Made in China” Bongiorni

The Academic Scribblers Breit and Ransom

Accidental Billionaires Mezrich

The Affluent Society and other writings Galbraith LMC

After The Music Stops Binder

Against intellectual Monopoly Boldrin and Levine

Against the Flow Brittan

Against the Gods Bernstein

Against the Tide Irwin

Against Thrift Livingston

Age of Turbulence Greenspan LMC

The Age of Abundance Lindsey

All Business is Local Quelch and Jocz

Almost Everyone’s Guide to Economics Galbraith, Salinger

America Walks into a Bar Sismondo

American Dream DeParle

American Iron Gordon

American Plastic Essig

Andrew Carnegie Nasaw

An Economist Gets Lunch Cowen

Animal Farm Orwell LMC

Animal Spirits Akerlof and Shiller LMC

Anthem Rand LMC

The Appeal Grisham

Applied Economics Sowell

Are you Smart Enough to Work at Google? Poundstone

Armchair Economist Landsburg LMC

The Ascent of Money Ferguson

Astroball Reiter

Atlas Shrugged Rand LMC

Avalanche Sanduski and Carson

Average is Over Cowen

Bad Samaritans Chang

Banana Koeppel

Banker to the Poor Yunus LMC

Bankuptcy 1995: The coming collapse of America Figgie and Swanson

Barbie and Ruth Gerber

Basic Economics Sowell LMC

The Believers Lebor

Belly Up Zweig

Ben and Jerry’s: The Inside Scoop Lager LMC

Ben & Me Gunn

Better Gawande LMC

Between Two Rivers Rinaldi

The Big Rich Burrough

The Big Roads Swift

The Big Short Lewis

The Big Thirst Fishman LMC

Billionaires West

Black Swan Taleb

Blink Gladwell LMC

Blood, Iron and Gold Wolmar

Bloodbankers Henry

Boeing versus Airbus Newhouse

Bogle on Mutual Funds Bogle

Boomerang Lewis

Bold Endeavors Rohatyn

The Bonfire of the Vanities Wolfe LMC

Bottlemania Royte

Bottom Billion Collier

Bowling Alone Putman

Brain Bugs Buonomano

Brain Rules Medina

Brave New World Huxley LMC

Breakout Nation Sharma

Bringing Down the House Mezrich

Broke USA Rivlin LMC

Buffetology Buffet and Clark

Buffett Lowenstein

Bugs in the System Berenbaum

The Bullies of Wall Street Bair

The Business of Value Investing Gad

Buy-ology Lindstrom LMC

Candy Freak Almond

Capital Marx LMC

Capital Piketty

Capitalism and Freedom Friedman

Capitalism: Money, Morals, and Markets Plender

Capitalism and the Historians Hayek

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy Schumpeter

Catching the Wolf of Wall Street Belfort

Catch Me If You Can Abagnale and Redding

Catching Fire Collins

Celebrating Failure Heath

The Challenge of Affluence Offer

Change by Design Brown

Changing the Game Hall

Chasing Goldman Sachs McGee

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl

Checklist Manifesto Gawande

China in Africa: Partner, Competitor… Alden

The Choice Roberts

Choice and Consequence Schelling

Choosing the Right Pond Frank

Chop Suey Coe

The Circle Eggers

The Cluetrain Manifesto Locke. Levine, and Searls

The Coal Question Jevons

The Coke Machine Blanding

Collapse Diamond LMC

Colossal Failure of Common Sense McDonald and Robinson

Coming Apart Murray

Common Sense on Mutual Funds Bogle

Communist Manifesto Marx LMC

The Company Town Green

Competitive Strategy Porter

Confessions of an Economic Hitman Perkins LMC

Confessions of a Shopaholic Kinsella LMC

Confessions of a Subprime Lender Bitner

Connected 24 hrs. in the Global Economy Actman

Conscience of a Liberal Krugman

Conspiracy of Fools Eichenwald

The Cost Disease Baumol

The Conundrum Owen

The Crash and its Aftermath Wigmore

The Crash of 2008 Soros

Creative Capital Ante

Creature from Jeckyll Island: 2nd Look at FED Griffin

Crisis Economics Roubini and Mihm

The Critics of Keynesian Economics Hazlitt

Crowdsourcing Howe

Crude World: Violent Twilight of Oil Maass

Crush It: Why now is the time to cash in on… Vaynerchuk

David and Goliath Gladwell

Dead Aid Moyo

Deadly Indifference Jevons

Deceit and Self Deception Trivers

Deep Economy McKibben LMC

Deluxe: How Luxury Lost its Luster Thomas

Den of Thieves Stewart

Design Driven Innovation Verganti

Design of Business Martin

Design of Everyday things Norman

The Devil Wears Prada Weisberger

Diamond Dollars Gennaro

Discover your Inner Economist Cowen

Dishwasher Jordan

Disney War Stewart

The Disposable American Uchitelle

Disrupting Class Christensen

Dollars and Uncommon Sense Repak

Don’t Blame the Shorts Sloan

Drunkard’s Walk Mlodinow

Dumbest Generation Bauerlein LMC

Dune Herbert LMC

Economics and Politics of Race Sowell

Economic Approach Becker

Economic Choice Theory Kagel, Battalio and Green

The Economic Consequence of the Peace Keynes LMC

Economic Facts and Fallacies Sowell

Economic Harmonies Bastiat

Economic Naturalist Frank LMC

Economic Naturalist: Fields Guide… Frank LMC

Economic Scenes Wentworth

Economic Sophisms Bastiat

Economic Thinking Hayek

Economics and the Public Welfare Anderson

Economics Does Not Lie Sorman

Economics Explained Heilbroner LMC

Economics in one Lesson Hazlitt

Economics of Football Dobson and Goddard

The Economics of Integrity Bernasek

The Economics of Life Becker

Economics of Public Issues Miller, Benjamin and North LMC

The Economics of Sports Sandy

Economics Senses Wentworth

The Economy of Renaissance Florence Goldthwaite

Egonomics Marcum and Smith LMC

The Elephant and the Dragon Meredith

Empire of Debt Bonner and Wiggin

End of Alchemy King

End of Poverty Sachs

End the Fed Paul

Engines of Change Ingrassia

Enough Bogle

Enough Williams

Enrique’s Journey Nazario

Escape from Freedom Fromm

The Essays of Warren Buffett Buffett

Everybody wants your money Latko

Everything I know about Business I learned at

Mcdonalds Fascella

Exile on Wall Street Mayo

Ex-Mex: from Migrants to Immigrants Castaneda

Experimental Economics Davis and Holt

Extreme Money Das

Facebook Effect Kirkpatrick LMC

Factory Girls Chang LMC

Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury

Fair Play Landsburg

Fair tax Book Boortz, Linder

False Economy Beattie

Famine Ograda

Farm City Carpenter

Fashion Babylon Edwards-Jones

Fast Food Nation Schlosser LMC

Fatal Equilibrium Jevon

The Fear Index Harris

Feeling Smart Winter

Fifty year Seduction Dunnavant

The Financial Lives of the Poets Walter

Firing Back Sonnenfeld and Ward

The First Tycoon Stiles

Flashboys Lewis

Fooled by Randomness Nicholas

Fool’s Gold Tett

Forecast Buchanan

The Forgotten Man Shlaes

Forty Million Dollar Slaves Rhoden

Foundation Asimov

Fountainhead Rand LMC

Freakonomics Levitt and Dubner LMC

Free: the Future of the Radical Price Anderson

Freedomnomics Lott

Freefall Stiglitz LMC

Free to Choose Friedman and Friedman

From Here to Economy Buchholz

Functional Inefficiency Wenz

Game Makers: The Story of Parker Brothers Orbanes

Game Theory and Politics Brams

Game Theory Evolving Gintis

Gangster Carcaterra

Garbage Land Royte LMC

Garbology Humes

GDP: a brief but affectionate history Coyle

Give and Take Karrass

The Giver Lowry

Glitter Plan Levy and Taylor

Global Crisis, Global Solutions Lomborg

Globalize It January

The Goal Goldratt and Cox

The Godfather Puzo

Going to Extremes Sunstein

Golden Fetters Eichengreen

The Golden Fleecers Wagner

Good Earth Buck LMC

Googled Auletta LMC

Google Story Vise and Malseed

Gospel of Wealth Carnegie

Gotcha Capitalism Sullivan

Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck LMC

Great Beanie Baby Bubble Bissonnette

Great Crash of 1929 Galbraith LMC

Great Depression Shannon

The Great Depression Ahead Dent

The Great Inflation and its aftermath Samuelson

The Great Stagnation Cowen

The Great Warming Fagan

The Greatest Trade Ever Zuckerman

Greenspan Martin

The Greek Way Hamilton LMC

Gridlock Economy Heller

Groupon’s Biggest Deal Ever Sennet

Grown up digital Tapscott

Guns, Germs and Steel Diamond LMC

Gut Feelings Gigerenzer

Half the Sky Kristof and WuDunn

Hamilton’s Blessing Gordon

The Handbook of Experimental Economics Kagel and Roth

Happiness: A history McMahon

Happiness: Lessons from a new science Layard

Happy Money Dunn and Norton

Hard Heads, Soft Hearts Blinder

Hatching Twitter Bilton

Hearts, Smarts, Guts and Luck Tjan, Harrington, Hsieh

Heat Buford

Hell’s Angels Thompson LMC

The Help Stockett LMC

Hidden Order Friedman

The High Cost of Free Parking Cowen

The High-Beta Rich Frank

High Cotton Helferich

History of Greed Sarna

History of Money Weatherford

The Hollywood Economist Epstein

Homeward Bound May

The Honest Truth about Dishonesty Ariely LMC

House of Cards Cohan

Hot, Flat and Crowded Friedman LMC

How Come That Idiot’s Rich and I’m Not Shemin

How Doctors think Groopman

How Markets Fail Cassidy

How much is Enough? Durning

How Soccer Explains the World Foer

How Starbucks Saved my Life Gates

How the economy makes us fat Finkelstein and Zuckerman

How the economy works Farmer

How to Lie with Statistics Huff

How to get control of your time and your life Lakein

How to think about money Clements

How Wall Street Created a Nation Espino

How Walmart is destroying America Quinn

How we got Here Kessler

How Youth Culture is Reinventing Captalism Mason

Hug Your Customers Mitchell

Hunger Games Collins LMC

I.O.U: Why everyone owes everyone… Lanchester

I.O.U.S.A. Wiggin and Incontrera

Ice Cream Maker Chowdhury LMC

Identity Economics Akerlof

I’ll have What She’s Having Bentley, Earls, and O’Brien

In Cheap We Trust Weber

In Defence of Globalization Bhagwati

Industrialization without National Patents Schiff

Inequality and Instability Galbraith

Infinite Jest Wallace

Inflated Whalen

The Inflation Targeting Debate Bernanke LMC

Informent Eichenwald

In-N-Out Burger Perman

Innovator’s Dilemma Christensen

Innovator’s Solution Christensen

In Plain Sight Hunt

In Praise of Commercial Culture Cowen

Inside Job Pizzo

Inside the Black Box Rosenberg

The Instant Economist Taylor

Intelligent Investor Graham

International Business Etiquette Sabath

Into the Heart of the Mafia Lane

Introducing Keynesian Economics Pugh and Garratt

Invasive Procedures Card

Irrational Exuberance Schiller

Irrationally Yours Ariely

Island Huxley

It’s When You Sell that Counts Cassidy

The Invisible Heart Roberts

Joe Wilson and the Creation of Xerox Ellis

John Kenneth Galbraith Parker

The Joyless Economy Scitovsky

Joy of X Strogatz LMC

The Jungle Sinclair LMC

Junkyard Planet Minter

Kane and Abel Archer LMC

Keynes: The Return of the Master Skidelsky

Keynes: The 20th Century’s Most Influential Econ. Clarke

The Keynes Solution Davidson

King of Madison Avenue Roman

King of Oil Ammann

King of Vodka Himelstein

Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations Warsh

Knowledge Deficit Hirsch LMC

The Last Forest London and Kelly

Learning Economics Kling

The Lessons of History Durant

The Lever of Riches Mokyr

The Lexus and the olive tree Friedman

Liars Poker Lewis

Limits of Power Bacevich

Linked Barabasi

The Literary Book of Economics Watts

The Little Book of Behavioral Economics Montier

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing Bogle

The Little Book of Safe Money Zweig

The Little Book that builds Wealth Dorsey

Little Heathens Kalish

LL Bean the making of an American Icon Quinn

Logic of Life: Rational Economics in… Harford

Long tail Anderson

Looking Backwards Bellamy LMC

Lords of Finance Ahamed

Made in China Ngai

Made to Stick Heath and Heath

Maestro Woodward

Makers Anderson

The Making of Economic Society Heilbronger and Milberg

Man Behind the Money Martin

Manias, Panics and Crashes Kindleberger

Man’s Search for Meaning Frankl

Manufacturing Consent Chomsky and Herman

Map and the Territory Greenspan

Market Forces Morgan

The Martian Weir

The Match King Partnoy

Math you can’t use Klemens

Mavericks at Work Taylor

McMafia Glenny LMC

Meatonomics Simon

Medici Money Parks

Mellon Cannadine

Memoirs of Capitalism, Communism and Nazism Hoover

Merchants of Doubt Oreskes and Conway

Metro 2033 Glukhovski

Microcosm Gilder

Microtrends Penn and Zalesne

Millionaire next door Stanley

Mind of the Market Shermer

Mind Your own Business Harman

Mining the Sky Lewis

Misbehaving Thaler

The Mold in Dr. Florey’s Coat Lax

Money Galbraith

Money (Art of Living) Lonergan

Money and Power Cohan

Moneyball Beane LMC

Money, Blood, and Revolution Cooper

Money Driven Medicine Mahar

The Money Game Smith

Money Mischief Friedman

The Monster Hudson

Moon Rise Bova

The Moral Animal Wright

The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth Friedman LMC

Moral Sense Wilson

The Morbid Age Overy

More Mortgage Meltdown Tilson and Tongue

More Sex is Safer Sex Landsberg LMC

The Most Important Thing Marks

Mountains beyond Mountains Kidder LMC

Murder at the Margin Jevons LMC

The Mystery of Capital De Soto LMC

The Myth of the Rational Voter Caplan

Naked Economics Wheelan LMC

The Nascar Way Hagstrom

Natural History of the Rich Conniff

Nature and Logic of Capitalism Heilbroner

Never Say Die Jacoby

New Ideas From Dead Economists Buchholz LMC

The Next Hundred Million Kotkin

The Nothing that Is Kaplan

Nickel and Dimed Ehrenreich LMC

No Country for Old Men McCarthy

No One Ever Told Us Spooner

Nudge Thaler and Sunstein LMC

Numbers Game Blastland and Dilnot

Numerati Baker

Nuts! Freiberg

Obamanomics Talbott

Oil Sinclair

Oil on the Brain Margonelli

The Old Iron Road Bain

Omnivore’s Dilemma Pollan LMC

On The Brink Paulson

On The Wealth of nations O’Rourke LMC

One Perfect Day: The Selling of an Amr. Wedding Mead

One Summer Bryson

One Up on Wall Street Lynch

Onward Schultz and Gordon

The Origin of Financial Crisis Cooper

Original Gangster Lucas and King

The Origins of Value Goetzmann and Rouwenhorst

Outliers Gladwell LMC

Out of Control Kelly

Outrage Morris and McGann

Panic Lewis

Paper Fortunes Smith

The Partnership Ellis

Passions within Reason Frank

Paradox of Choice Schwartz

Payoff Ariely

The Pecking Order Conley

Peddling Prosperity Krugman

The Perfect Scent Burr

Philanthro-capitalism Bishop and Green

The Philosophy of Money Simmel

Phishing for Phools Akerlof and Shiller

Pilgrimmage to Warren Buffett’s Omaha Matthews

Pinheads and Patriots O’Reilly

Pirate’s Dilemma Mason

Pixar Touch Price LMC

The Plague Camus

Planet Google Stross

The Pleasures and Sorrows of work Botton

Plight of the Fortune Tellers Rebonato

Poker Wisdom of a Champion Brunson

Polarized America Poole, McCarty, and Rosenthal

Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism Murphy LMC

Ponzi’s Scheme Zuckoff

The Poor Pay More Caplovitz

Poor Economics Banerjee and Duflo

Poorly Made in China Midler

The Post American World Zakaria

The Poverty of Historicism Popper

Power and Plenty Findlay and O’Rourke

The Power of Habit Duhigg

Predictably Irrational Ariely LMC

The Predictioneer’s Game Mesquita

Predictors Bass

Priceless Poundstone

The Price of Civilization Sachs

The Price of Everything Roberts

The Price of Inequality Stiglitz

Price Story Price Loop Schiller

Pricing the Future Szpiro

Private Empire Coll

Proofiness Seife

Pun also Rises Pollack

Punching Out Clemens

Purple Hibiscus Adichie LMC

The Quants Patterson

Quiet Cain

Rainbow’s End: The Crash of 1929 Klein

Rational Exuberance Mandel

The Rational Optimist Ridley

Real Money: Sane Investing in an insane World Cramer

Reckless Endangerment Morgenson and Rosner LMC

Reefer Madness Schlosser LMC

Retail Superstar Whalin

The Return of Depression Economics Krugman

Revolutionary Wealth Toffler and Toffler

Richistan Frank LMC

Rich Dad Poor Dad Kiydsaki

Rigged Mezrich

The Righteous Mind Haidt

The Rise and decline of nations Olson

The Rise and Fall of American Growth Gordon

The Road From Ruin Bishop and Green

Road to Serfdom Hayek

Robin Hood Pyle

The Routes of Man Conover

Running Man King

Scarcity Mullainathan and Shafir

Scorecasting: The Hidden influences… Moskowitz and Wertheim

Screw Business as Usual Branson

Scroogenomics Waldfogel LMC

The Search Battelle

The Secret History of Georgian London Cruickshank

The Secret Lives of Hoarders Paxton

The Secret Pulse of Time Klein

Selling of the American Wedding Mead

Sellout Gasparino

Sex, Bombs and Burgers Nowak

The Sex of a Hippopotamus Starkman

Sexual Paradox: Men, Women…Gender Gap Pinker

Shakedown: How gov’t screws you from A to Z Bovard

The Shock Doctrine Klein

Shoptimism Eisenberg

The Signal and the Noise Silver

Sin in the Second City Abbott

Skeptical Environmentalist Lomborg

Slackonomics Chamberlain

Slow Finance Williams

Small Giant Burlingham

Small is Beautiful Schumacher LMC

Smart Silverstein

The Smartest Guys in the Room Mclean and Elkind

Smartest Kids in the World Ripley

Smart World Ogle

The Snowball Schroeder

Soccernomics Kuper and Szymanski LMC

Social Animal Brooks LMC

Socialism is Great! Zhang

Song Machine Seabrook

Speculation Economy Mitchell

The Spirit Level Wilkinson and Pickett

Starbucked Clark

Start Something that Matters Mycoskie

Start-Up Nation Senor and Singer

Stay the course Bogle

Steal this book Hoffman

Stone Age Economics Sahlins

Strategy in Poker, Business and War MacDonald

Strategy of Conflict and Arms Schelling

The Steal Shteir

Steal this Idea Perelman

Street Wise: A guide for teen investors Bamford

Stumbling on Happiness Gilbert

Sugar Abbott

Super Analyists Leeming

Superforecasting Gardner and Tetlock

Superfreakonomics Levitt and Dubner LMC

Superintelligence Bostrom

Survival Game: How Game Theory Explains… Barash

Sushi Economy Issenberg LMC

Sustainable Energy MacKay

Sway Brafman

Tale of Two Cities Dickens LMC

The Talent Code Coyle

Talent is Overated Colvin

The Ten-Cent Plague Hajdu

Terminal Spy Cowell

That Used To Be Us Friedman

Theory of the Leisure Class Veblen

Theory and Practice of Central Banking Willis

Theory of Moral Sentiment Smith

Things Fall Apart Achebe

Think Life a Freak Levitt and Dubner

Think Twice Mauboussin

Thinking Strategically Dixit and Nalebuff

Thinking Fast and Slow Kahneman LMC

This I Believe Allison and Gediman LMC

Three Trillion Dollar War Stiglitz and Bilmes LMC

Time on the Cross Fogel and Engerman

Time to Make the Donuts Rosenberg

Tipping Point Gladwell LMC

Too Big to Fail Sorkin

Too Much Money Dunne

Tough Choices Fiorina

Toyota Way Meier

Trading Up Silverstein and Fiske LMC

Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy Rivoli LMC

Tribes Godin

Trillion Dollar Conspiracy Marrs

Triumph of the Optimists Dimson, Marsh, and Staunton

True Wealth Schor

The Truth About Markets Jay

Twilight in the Desert Simmons

Unbroken Hillenbrand LMC

Unconventional Success Swensen

Undercover Economist Harford LMC

Undercover Economist Strikes Back Harford

Understanding BitcoinUnderstanding Gender Cap Goldin

Undoing Project Lewis

Unintended Consequences Conard LMC

Untapped: The Scramble for Africa’s Oil Ghazvinian

Upside of Irrationality Ariely LMC

Utopia More LMC

V for Vandetta Moore and Lloyd

Viral Loop Penenberg

Virtues of War Pressfield

Vodka Starling

Volcker Silber

Walden Thoreau LMC

Wal-mart Effect Fishman LMC

The Warmth of Other Suns Wilkerson

The Warren Buffets Next Door Schifrin

Warren Buffet Speaks Lowe

Wealth and Poverty of Nations Landes

Wealth of Nations Smith LMC

The Wealth of Networks Benkler

We the Living Rand

What Money Can’t Buy Sandel

What We Could Have Done With the Money Simpson LMC

When Genius Failed? Lowenstein

When Money Was in Fashion Fisher

When to Rob a Bank Levitt and Dubner

Where are the Customers’ Yachts? Schwed

Where does the money go? Bittle and Johnson

Where Good Ideas Come From Johnson

Where Keynes Went Wrong Lewis

White Man’s Burden Easterly

The White Tiger Adiga

Who is your city? Florida

Who Gets What and Why? Roth

Who moved my blackberry? Kellaway

Why Don’t Students like School Willingham

Why GM Matters Holstein

Why is that idiot rich and I’m not Shemin

Why Nations Fail Acemoglu and Robinson

Why Nudge Sustein

Why popcorn costs so much at the movies McKenzie

Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes Belsky and Gilovich

Why we buy: The Science of Shopping Underhill

Why we want you to be rich Trump and Kiyosaki

Wikinomics Tapscott and Williams LMC

Windfall Funk

The Wind Singer Nicholson

The Wisdom of Crowds Surowiecki

Without Contract or Consent Fogel, Galantine, Manning

The Wolf of Wall Street Belfort

Women and Money Orman

Working Terkel

Working in the Shadows Thompson LMC

World Changers Byrne

World is Curved Smick

World is Flat Friedman LMC

Worldly Philosophers Heilbroner LMC

World War Z Brooks LMC

The World Without Us Weisman LMC

The Worst Hard Time Egan

Years of Extermination Friedlander

The Yugo Vuic

You Are What You Choose Hamilton

You Can Be a Stock market Genius Greenblatt

Your Money and Your Brain Zweig

Your Money and Your Life Robin

Zeitoun Eggers LMC

Zero Seife

Zero to $100 Million in No time flat Masterson

Zoom: The Global Race to fuel the car of future Carson and Vaitheeswaran


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