August 21, 2018

1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance:

Meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call.

2. Roll Call:

Members Present:

Chairman, Richard Drinen Clerk, Barbara Timberman Member, Patricia Treharne Member, Lois Barnes Member, Robert Rose

A quorum was established.

Staff Present:

Fire Chief, Josh Tope Office Manager, Mindy Mohler Captain, Rick Maggard Firefighter, Caleb Garcia Firefighter, Chris Baird Firefighter, Casey Welsch

Public Present:

Sue Drinen Bob Timberman Larry Young

3. Administrative Remarks:

No administrative remarks.

4. Approval of Minutes: July 17, 2018

Minutes were approved as presented.

5. Correspondence:

Office Manager Mohler stated she handed the board a few thank you letters/notes from residents about the guy’s amazing service.

6. Financial Reports:

Chief Tope explained that Becky our accountant would be coming to work with Mindy the following day to input the new 2018-2019 budget. He pointed out that a few categories were high for the time of year like HR-Salaries and Overtime, but that was due to Bear Jaw being in their busy season and the overtime open currently at the fire station. Chief Tope also pointed out that the category Printing, Advertising and Publishing was spent high because all of the new electronic and fire danger sign items were paid from that code, but the total spent would be reimbursed by PPOA. Office Manager Mohler explained that the line item would look over spent throughout the rest of the year because the PPOA’s check will be deposited in and coded to Donations. She stated that she will double check with the auditors who will be at the station next week to see if once the PPOA check is deposited into the donations category, if we can then journal entry those funds to credit the account code for the sign items. If that is not an option, Office Manager Mohler explained that she will keep a list of all purchased items, the account code used and the total and provide that report each month to the board so we can keep better track of line items that were actually over spent or line items that look like they were over spent but actually had a deposit put into the donations category to offset the original expenditure.

7. Office Managers Report:

Office Manager Mohler explained that revenue was looking good and comparable to previous years. She said that she added two additional informational lines to the Bear Jaw and State Wildland income. She explained that this will help track outstanding revenue from the prior fiscal year in our current fiscal year and any payments that were made in the current fiscal year and billed in the prior fiscal year.

8. Chiefs Report:

A. Response Exception Reports:

Chief Tope stated that the guys have been handling some high stress calls with an accidental shooting and a few stroke patients. He said he not only received praise from a few residents but also a call from the hospital in how quick and efficient the guys were on a few of the critical calls.

B. Update on Legislative Issues:

Chief Tope stated that AFDA is offering a one-day class with all of the board required classes for our re-elected board members. He stated that he will be contacting AFDA to see if the board is able to get credit for this class as the official election will not be done at that point in time. Chief Tope said he would be back in contact with the board about their options, other than attending the AFDA winter 2019 conference in January or Summer Conference in July 2019.

C. Operational Report:

Chief Tope had the following items to report:

A reserve application is currently open with two vacancies we will be filling.

The Department has been working hard to liquidate old items that were no longer being used. A few of the items recently sold were weight equipment for $2900, Skid Unit for $550 and the donated ARGO for $3100.

A new washer and dryer for $750 was purchased from someone on craigslist as the wash machine in the station finally gave out.

The Auxiliary donated $1000 dollars for a new PA and speaker system.

The PPOA will be reimbursing the department for the new electronic and fire danger sign, which should be up and working very soon.

The new website is up and running and Jesse, the website designer, will be doing a training session with the Captains, Office Manager Mohler and himself to train them all on how to update and make changes to the website soon.

The change to the new dispatch company, Flag Dispatch, had some issues, mainly with the dispatch information not uploaded into our Emergency Reporting system. He said that those appropriate fixes have been made and the other little issues are being worked out.

Sprint has decided to not put their cell equipment on the cell tower. He said we are waiting for the contract to be amended to add Verizon and once that is done, our lease income will increase.

Turnout lockers are currently being looked at to purchase to help make the bay area look cleaner.

Jim Daulton asked if we can look into getting Broselow Bag’s. Chief Tope explained that this bag allows the medics to lay out a sizing mat which will indicate by the color the size equipment that will best fit the pediatric patient. Once the color/size is established the medics can quickly grab the colored bag and have all the tools they need to fit the pediatric patient. Chief Tope said they are going to approach the Auxiliary to see if they would donate the funds to cover the purchase.

9. DISCUSSION AND VOTE: Sale of plow truck and car 42:

Chief Tope stated that he would like to sell the plow truck and car 42 by means of craigslist, garage sale pages on facebook and possibly public surplus as we have had good success with liquidating our items on there.

Member Treharne moved to allow Chief Tope to sell the plow truck and Car 42 in any manner he felt would be the best, and Member Barnes seconded.

The motion passed unanimously.

Aye Votes: Chairman Drinen, Clerk Timberman, Member Barnes, Member Rose, Member Treharne.

10. DISCUSSION AND VOTE: Purchase of new plow truck, Utility 41, and Car 41:

Chief Tope stated to the Board that he had received two quotes, one from Ford and one from Dodge, and had requested a third quote from Chevrolet who had not sent anything yet. He said that he would like to get a ½ ton pickup truck to replace Car 41 and a ¾ ton pickup truck with a plow to replace Utility 41. Chief Tope walked the board through the specific vehicle specifications/packages that were presented. He said he tried to get comparable/like items for each vehicle between the two vendors to make the comparison easier to do. He explained that Ford’s prices were 30% off market value because they were a part of a state purchasing group and could offer us a much better deal than Dodge.

Member Rose moved to purchase a new plow truck and Car 41 from the Ford Dealership and Member Treharne seconded.

The motion passed unanimously.

Aye Votes: Chairman Drinen, Clerk Timberman, Member Barnes, Member Rose, Member Treharne.


Larry Young stated that he thought the turnout lockers was a wonderful idea that would help the station appear more organized.

Bob Timberman said to Chief Tope that he may want to talk to Jim Wilson about the plow he has as he knows he really likes it.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 P.M.

Next Meeting: September 18, 2018 at 3 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by ____________________________________________________

(Clerk of the Board, Barbara Timberman)


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