My Future Self Portfolio

My Future Self Budget ProjectThis project will be completed accurately in order to receive a pass for the Consumer Education Graduation Requirement Name:_______________________________________________________ Date:__________________ Period:______________________Objectives: 1. Learn how to budget. 2. Anticipate your lifestyle 5-10 years from now by choosing a career and budgeting based on that incomeSide 2 of this rubric will be the first page of your budget project portfolio. The portfolio must include the following items in this order:This Project Guidelines/Rubric filled outA monthly budget chart that includes all of the following categoriesPlease check off each category when you have added it to your budget and found the proof you will submit. The proof in the same orderYour budget project reflection CompletedCategory Evidence Rent/mortgageFind an Apartment or house in the classifieds or onlineTaxes20% of your income= .20 X Income Health Insurance Does it come with your job? (Assume it is $100 a month of your salary.) Do you buy it on your own? (Find a company; use an ad)Student Loans Bachelor’s 10% of salary= .10X Salary/IncomeUtilities- Gas and Electric Get bills from parents family Food- Multiply by 4 to put in your budget Prepare a week’s grocery list (Use a grocery receipt or cut outs from the paper)Cell Phone and/or landline Use a bill or an advertisement Internet and/or cable Use a bill or an advertisementTransportation-car or public transportation?Public Transportation= Monthly CTA pass;Car= an ad for the car and your monthly payment ________________ Insurance (bill, ad, online quote) and ________________Gas (teacher or parent signature)Personal Grooming Hair/ Nails laundry honest estimate Clothes/ Shoes Magazine ad/ collage of how you will dress professionallyPresents/ DonationsHonest estimate Entertainment Description of what you will do for fun estimated costs- movies, dinner, etcEmergencies Home/car repairs; illness; etc honest estimate Savings Where will you save? Name bank or investment and how much interest you plan on earning? My Future Self Budget Chart Name:______________________________________________________Date:______________________Period:____________________When someone budgets their money wisely, their expenses are less than their income. You may not spend money you do not have.My monthly income= ________________________________Total ExpenseCategoryEvidenceFixed? Variable?Rent/mortgageFind an Apartment or house in the classifieds or onlineTaxes20% of your income= .20 X Income Health Insurance Does it come with your job? (Assume it is $100 a month of your salary.) Do you buy it on your own? (Find a company; use an ad)Student Loans Bachelor’s 10% of salary= .10X Salary/IncomeUtilities- Gas and Electric Get bills from parents family Food- Multiply by 4 to put in your budget Prepare a week’s grocery list (Use a grocery receipt or cut outs from the paper)Cell Phone and/or landline Use a bill or an advertisement Internet and/or cable Use a bill or an advertisementTransportation-car or public transportation?Public Transportation= Monthly CTA pass;Car= an ad for the car and your monthly payment ________________ Insurance (bill, ad, online quote) and ________________Gas (teacher or parent signature)Personal Grooming Hair/ Nails laundry honest estimate Clothes/ Shoes Magazine ad/ collage of how you will dress professionallyPresents/ DonationsHonest estimate Entertainment Description of what you will do for fun estimated costs- movies, dinner, etcEmergencies Home/car repairs; illness; etc honest estimate Savings Where will you save? Name bank or investment and how much interest you plan on earning? Total Expenses:______________________________Your budget is done when this equation works ________________ - ___________________=0 Income expenses Weekly Menu Step1. Fill in what you will eat for each meal.BreakfastLunchDinnerSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayStep 2. Create a grocery list based off your menu, also, Consider snacks & health/beauty items.Step 3. Now use the news paper or ads to determine cost. Cut out the items you will buy and submit them as evidence Grading Rubric for the budget projectThis rubric is the first page of my portfolio and is accurately filled in 5The second page is my budget chart, which includes all of the required categories. All of the numbers are based on monthly expenses.20The portfolio includes all the required evidence. There is a 3-point reduction for each piece of missing evidence. The groceries and clothes are worth 5 each40The portfolio is organized and neat. The evidence follows the same order as the budget sheet10The final page of the portfolio is my budget reflection. The reflection does the following:It summarizes what you learned from the project in 2-3 paragraphs: What surprised you about budgeting? What was scary about budgeting? What was exciting?10It is well written and show effort and reflection5I used ALL class time appropriately. I contributed to a working environment by working quietly, independently, and efficiently. I did not waste computer time.10Total100* This project is due June 3rd at the beginning of class- NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are absent have someone bring it to school. Emergencies must be phoned in to the office. ................

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