The Climate Registry Founding Reporters

Case Study: Registry & Co.

Registry & Co. is a textbook distribution company that is reporting to The Climate Registry for the first time this year. They have hired you as their consultant to prepare their greenhouse gas inventory and advise them on some programmatic questions. Based on the company description below, answer Registry & Co.’s questions about their GHG inventory.

Company Description:

Registry & Co. has two warehouse and distribution centers located in Fresno, California and Quebec, Canada, and three sales offices located in Los Angeles, California, Boulder, Colorado, and Ottawa, Ontario. The company owns two fleets of delivery trucks, garaged in both Fresno and Quebec, each made up of three vehicles. The vehicles are driven approximately 25,000 miles a year within Canada and the US. Each sales office also has one company car, each of which is driven approximately 18,000 miles a year. At each distribution center a gasoline-powered golf cart is used to shuttle around the facility and drives approximately 300 miles a year.

The company wholly owns its Los Angeles and Ontario offices, and both distribution centers, but leases two floors of office space in Boulder. Electricity for every location is purchased from the local utility. The company started tracking its greenhouse gas emissions in 2006. Last year, the company instituted some energy efficiency measures that have cut its energy usage by 15%. One of these measures was to move its Los Angeles office to a green building, which has cut the office’s electric bills in half. Its goal is to reduce its total greenhouse gas emissions 20% by 2012.

1. Identify all of Registry & Co.’s facilities:

2. Identify Registry & Co.’s possible emission sources:

3. With what emissions year should Registry & Co. start reporting?

4. Should Registry & Co. report as a complete or transitional reporter?

5. Can Registry & Co. aggregate any facilities?

6. What emissions categories does Registry & Co. have?

____ Indirect emissions from electricity use?

____ Direct emissions from mobile combustion?

____ Direct emissions from stationary combustion?

____ Direct emissions from manufacturing processes?

____ Direct fugitive emissions?

____ Other?

7. Should Registry & Co. establish a baseline? If so, for what year?

8. When does Registry & Co. need to report my emissions?

9. Will I need to have my emissions third party verified?

5. Should I establish a baseline? If so, for what year?

6. When do I need to report my emissions?

7. Will I need to have my emissions third party verified?[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]


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