Hello CELMAIL - Alaska


This week our newsletter has a number of opinions on the state of our

industry. I am going to wait and read the postings from the next couple of

weeks before I comment on my personal feelings about what¹s happening.

Please - we would like to hear your opinions on this matter and if you

would take a few moments and email CELMAIL with your views on the matter,

all members will benefit.

Thanks and have a good week.

Steven Grossfeld - Moderator






I purchased a production piece from Disney's The Jungle Book and have a

question I'd like some help on:

In the past, I've only bought PRODUCTION CELS that I can find in the

movie. The Jungle Book piece is different. It is 2 production

cels(actually found them in the movie) that are overlaid, but aren't

together in the movie as framed. They are beautifully framed and

signed. I called the broker and she wants me to be happy so is willing

to reframe them separately to make me happy. Does this affect the value

or am I just being to anal about the whole thing? Should I just enjoy

it or have it reframed as 2 separate cels?


Rick Wilhoite



A friend shared with me, and I think it would be a wonderful place to offer

our support for someone who has giving us so much. Can you Give A. Kind Word <

VVBG>= very big grin. Also I would like to wish all of you, a healthy and

happy long weekend:)



or Kathy :)....

Recently one of the premier Walt Disney World Disney artists, Ralph Kent

underwent surgery and had to have his right leg from the knee down, amputated.

For those of you who would like to send him Get Well Cards..........

Address your Snail Mail to:

Ralph Kent

Disney Design Group

Studio Animation Building

Walt Disney World

PO Box 10,000

Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-1000

His email address is: ralph.kent@


With the news of Warner Brothers closing their stores and with the

news of Disney closing it's art program I have a question for the

other dealers who receive CELMAIL.

What, in your honest opinions do you think this will all do to the

secondary market? I have a few comments about that but I'm

really interested to hear what other dealers and collectors for that

matter, have to say.

First of all, I'd like to say that I in fact am concerned that the two

big studios are getting out of the market. I say this, because

regardless of how much income they garnered (or DIVERTED) and

kept people from spending with me or other smaller galleries they

did help promote the hobby of collecting animation art.

Unfortunately, with smaller galleries, as much as we'd like to

budget more of our income to promote the hobby, it is very tough to

do being that things can be tight financially and we don't have huge

advertising budgets like they do. Generally, our only promotion

comes through advertising ourselves (although I think it's great that

Graham Parker is hosting the charity animation auction in

England!) in a few collector's magazines (although there's not many

of those as of late sad to say.) One thing for sure is that there

should now be a lack of studio issued limited editions being

produced. This should help free up income that was continually

spent on new limited's to possibly now being spent on production

art. Let's face it, if there are no limiteds to buy from these two

mammoth corporations (besides of course old limiteds which

typically are available on the secondary market) then only older

production art is available. Obviously newer studio production art

(such as from Batman the Animated series or Superman) won't be

readily available anymore so then that income could also possibly

be directed towards the secondary market too- right?

Could we see a large financial surge in the secondary market

knowing all of the above? I hope next week I see some responses

to this post.

I will say this though - I feel very sorry for all those bigger galleries

that signed up for these Disney programs and committed to giving

that massive corporation a minimum art buy of 25 grand (maybe

more - you tell me you poor people..) EVERY year. My comment

is -so this is what they do to you? Drop you all cold turkey? Did

they ever even apologize? How about a warning? Did they ever

treat you with any respect during all that time? Or were you all just

account number 58672920SMALLFRY29372939-83811? I


I don't know about the rest of the smaller galleries but if someone

was willing to spend a GUARANTEED 10 grand with me EVERY

year I think I'd have to come out and cut your grass, shovel your

walkway, wash your car, send out an annual box of chocolates

and flowers, send my son to take your daughter to the prom if

necessary, and do your laundry (well, I'm obviously kidding here

BUT you get the picture I think). At Art-Toons we ARE loyal to our

collectors and dealers that have worked with us. I'm certain most

smaller secondary market galleries will make that SAME

statement with their clients regardless of whether the client is a

collector or dealer.

My question is "Where's that same loyalty Disney? or for that

matter Warners?" I think a lot of people are waiting for an answer

that will not come......

So my other comment to stir up this forum is this - How about let's

hear the confessions (or regrets) of one of those FORMER

authorized PREFERRED Disney galleries here on CELMAIL? Oh,

but I can't rock the boat Dan..I couldn't possibly "diss" the

Disney..Why not? What are they going to do - NOT sell you art

anymore? I think they've done that already my friend. Come

on...you've been dying to tell the truth for years and tell of the

abuse (Hey! If I'm wrong...and you're pleased with the service and

attention they've given you all these years then TELL us that too!

We want to hear about it! Please PROVE me wrong..I encourage

it. Let the truth be known!).

Bottom line folks, and I think most smaller secondary market

galleries will echo this...whenever you're (this is mainly for dealers

by the way BUT a lot of it is applicable to collectors too!) ready to

come back home to the secondary market...we'll be here with arms

open, with the quality service and attention YOU deserve and that

we happily insist upon giving. We'll be here to foster that

dealer/dealer relationship and make it grow - not drop you out in

the cold or treat you like some emotionless and meaningless

account number. Further, we WILL NOT impose some outrageous

minimum annual buy requirement upon you. Remember, we're

people who love to collect and help our clients (fellow dealers) buy

great art and build collections they can be proud of and be pleased

with. We are hear to help YOU help YOUR clients. We are small

business owners who appreciate EVERY nickel you spend with us.

We are NOT an uncaring, callous, corporation who doesn't

appreciate your business.

Dan Ergezi - Art-Toons (ArtToonsart@)

P.S. - For those who know me...yeah, you knew this post was

coming didn't you....and finally, unlike the studios - WE DO GIVE

volume wholesale discounts. We don't take away your license if

you wholesale what we sell you. We don't care how much you

markup or markdown the art. We let you run YOUR business

YOUR way.


For the last few years all of us "old timers" predicted this would happen

with the auction houses and studio stores. We consider this a positive step

as the sellers that are still around are those with a passion for the

artwork, who were never in it for the quick buck. The market may shrink but

we will cut out the overinflated limited edition market and get back to the

true artwork. With computer animation taking over you could compare the

galleries to antique stores - there will always be art available through the

open marketplace. As for Sotheby's they have a site with approved dealers -

all sales are through Sotheby's and come with guarantees - the site is

"". Give me a call or e-mail me if you need additional



The Cricket Gallery








> Steve - Didn't know if you heard or not, but Disney is closing their Ink and

> Paint Department. Here is the message I received from a first-hand source on

> January 31:


> BIG NEWS from California!

> After 30 years, the Walt Disney Company has decided to shut down their

> Animation Art program.

> With almost all the new animation being created by computer, the studio is

> shutting down the famous ink and paint department. The era of hand painted

> cel art is almost over.


> Pretty sad if you ask me! Later - Pixie Dust

There was a small article on the reorganisation of Disney Art Classics in

the Animation Magazine of November 2000, which mentions that art and

collectibles will continue to be available, mainly through various licensing

agreements. However, the hand-painted limited editions will remain in-house.

Wouldn't it be logical to maintain an Ink-and-Paint department (maybe a

smaller one) to create those limiteds?

I don't know if what the Animation Magazine says is true, or if the above

mentioned 'first-hand source' is more correct.

It certainly would be a pity if the Ink-and-Paint department would close

entirely! Especially the art of hand-inking (have a look at any Courvoisier

setup and you'll know what I mean) is already almost gone.

Hans Walther



>It appears to me that we need a new format for animation collectors to

>pursue their favorite pastime (which is buying and selling animation art.

>This downturn in auctions, sales, and interest stems from the growing

>(read glut) limited edition cel market. -"Pietila"

While the downturn in fortunes for the Warner and Disney stores is

directly related to the glut of limited editions produced in the

past years, I don't see a real downturn in the vintage market.

Good pieces still go for what would have been considered a fair

price a few years back.

The new format for animation art collectors you are asking about

has a name... it's Ebay. The internet is what put the big auctions

out of the animation art business. They can't compete with the

global reach of Ebay. When it comes right down to it, the

auctions weren't doing a good job of screening out fakes and

funky pieces. Without solid authentication on the part of the

auction organizers, you might just as well take a risk and deal

with an "as is" auction like Ebay. If you check out the email

addresses of high bidders at Ebay, you'll find a lot of the

same names that were sitting in the folding chairs at Lowery

and Christie's.

See ya

Steve Worth, Vintage Ink & Paint







Hello Celmail.

This week Gremlin Animation is auctioning off some 30-50 production

backgrounds from a variety of different cartoons. Now is your chance to

pick up a great background at a fraction of the price that they charge for

custom made background paintings. And best of all, all of these

backgrounds were used during the production of cartoons, all under camera.

Please check this incredible selection out today. We are offering ³Buy It

Now² on most items so they are selling fast.

To view the selection please go to:

Thanks and have a great week.

Debbi G.

Gremlin Animation

646 Richville Road

PO Box 1787

Manchester Center, Vermont USA 05255-1787

Phone Toll Free - (877) GREMLIN in the US and Canada

Phone - (802) 362-4766 International

Fax - (802) 362-4745

e-mail - gallery@



Hello Celmail,

Just wanted to send a list of framed animation art that we have

available. 1. A couple of original production cel's of the Beatles from

the Yellow Submarine $995 each. 2. A great Tigger limited edition

sericel $395. 3. Cinderella's Golden Anniversary limited edition sericel

$495. 4. Bugs Bunny in Casablanca limited edition $650. 5. Taz riding a

Harley Fat Boy limited edition $795. 6. Michael Jordan autographed

limited edition Fore... Five featuring Michael and the Looney Tunes

gang. 7. The Evolution of Bugs limited edition $1995. 8. And Mickey's

The Apprentice sericel $495.


Fascination St. Gallery

303.333.1592 | 1.800.883.6589

email celmaster@



More fun images from our place and hopefully to yours!

KEICHI & SAYOKO cel from AH! MY GODDESS (really entertaining anime series!)

They are in a push-me-pull-you wrestling hold! Both full figure 6x5.5"

image; presented on a color copy background from the show (but not matching.)



FAMILY DOG drawing. From AMAZING STORIES, 1987. This mutt is plenty full of

enthusiasm! Done with plenty of personality with underlying warm red and

sharp blue pencil! Nice 7x6 image! A really fun find for us - and for you!

$35 (34NL2familydog)

CASPER (he's the friendly ghost you know!) drawing. From a 1980's special,

done by animator Richard Williams. Ever-optimistic full figure 4.5x3.25

image - arms out and up "ain't life grand" gesture; trace of blue pencil

too. $60 (346Vcasper)

CASPER drawing. From a 1980's special, done by animator Richard Williams.

Swooping through the sky to derail some danger! Full figure 3.5x5 including

blue "rush effects". $60 (347Vcasper)

THE MASK character study. From the cartoon inspired by the Jim Carey

inspired suave gent on the big screen. One nicely done full figure, one

rough ff and two partial images. Lots of fun! $25 (407V4mask)

WC FIELDS and CHARLIE McCARTHY matched set of drawings from MOTHER GOOSE GOES

TO HOLLYWOOD, Walt Disney, 1938. WC (5.5x4), arm raised with cane, goes for

a second whack at Charlie (3x2.5), already nearly stuffed into a top hat!

With nice red and green pencil highlights! A real treat. $295


CINDERELLA drawing. Seated and singing, she has wistful yet wishful

expression and demure posture. A bit of light blue underlying pencil, pink

pencil graces her lip, red overlay notation, timing line (meant done by main

animator.) SIGNED by ILENE WOODS, the voice of Cinderella in fine line

"Sharpie"; and SIGNED by MARC DAVIS in pencil. $1,200 (523WDPcinderella)

BEAVER drawing by ERIC LARSON from LADY & THE TRAMP, 1955. He's being a,

well, busy beaver - pushing (two logs apart - logs not seen). He's the one

who gnaws off Lady's muzzle in the park. Very delicate graphite and brown

pencil strokes make for nice detail by one of the nine old men. Pretty much

full figure 3x6.5. $135 (336WDPbeaver)

BEAVER drawing by ERIC LARSON from LADY & THE TRAMP, 1955. Inquisitive full

figure profile 3.5x5 image. Detailed and expressive graphite and brown

pencil drawing with a touch of blue and red too - by one of the nine old men!

Great timing line too! $150 (330WDPbeaver)

OWL drawing from BAMBI, 1942. Done in red/orange with a bit of blue. So

expressive you can nearly picture him in action just from this frame alone!

Done on big 16 field paper. Nearly full figure 6x4.5 plump image. A real

treat for $150 (380WDPowl)

ORVILLE, BERNARD & BIANCA blue rough/sketchy drawing from THE RESCUERS, 1977.

Orville (ff, 7.5x3.5) looks over at the mousy pair (2x2). May have, but not

sure, been done by Frank or Ollie (we had another in this batch that was

similar with a note that said "frank's" on it). Only $65 (358WDPorville)

If you want to see scans or copies, just let us know anytime! Thank you for

checking out our selection this week!

Hey Art Fanatics!

I've listed an AKIRA cel of Kaneda and Kei on eBay (hurry - ends soon!

Monday Feb. 19th, 3:45pm EST ish)! Great scared-out-of-their-wits production

cel and drawing. Large, shadowed, waist-up 7x6.5in images. Akira art is a

challenge to find these days. Every collector needs a piece of art from this

cult classic - here's a great chance!


Mary Anne Ergezi

Art-Toons Since 1990 Love Cartoons?! Contact Art-Toons!!

PO Box 670600

Northfield, OH 44067 USA

1(888) 468-2655 toll free

1(330) 468-2655 phone

1(330) 468-2644 fax



As I am mainly a Disney collector and am running out of wall space, I will be

offering some of my "singles" pieces for sale that are not Disney related and

eventually a few Disney pieces as soon as I convince myself to part with

them. Available now : "Ziggy - No Time To Dali" matted and framed limited

edition canvas (#9/100 - 1997) from the "Ziggy Meets the Masters" collection.

Signed by BOTH Tom Wilson's on both the canvas and the mat. The mat is also

"personalized "No Time to Dali". $400.00 + shipping. Robert Laibach


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END OF FEED ................

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