Hold Harmless

[Pages:2]Company Name: ______________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________

Hold Harmless

Lien holder / Legal Owner: ______________________________

Account Number: ___________________________

Customer / Debtor: ____________________________________

Vehicle Description:

Year: _______

Make: _____________

Model: _____________________

VIN: __________________________

License Tag#: ___________________

TO: ______________________________________________________________________

This letter will serve to confirm that ____________________________________ is the legal owner of the record of the above referenced vehicle. It is our intention to retrieve the vehicle from your facility on the basis of an involuntary repossession.

We hereby give permission to Action Auto Recovery - RA 641 and their authorized recovery agent: ____________________ to submit whatever documents and pay what ever fees are necessary on our behalf to obtain the release of the vehicle from impound and take possession of the vehicle.

____________________________________ agrees to indemnify you and your representatives and hold you and your representatives harmless from and against any and all claims, damages losses. And actions resulting from or arising out of the release and repossession of the above stated vehicle by its authorized representative, Action Auto Recovery ? RA 641.

Thank You,

Signature: _______________________

Name: _______________________

Title: _______________________

Phone: _______________________

Print Form

Hold Harmless

Reset Form

Most Impound vehicles require two Hold Harmless. One for the impounding police agency (police department) and one for the impounding agency (tow yard): ___ Once you complete the form above to the tow yard and print, just scroll up and change the "To:" filed to the police department and print. This will help from retyping the entire form all over again. There are two fields you can not enter on the form online. The first field is the name of our repossessor and your signature. Make sure you sign the form and we will enter the name of the recovery agent once we receive the completed forms. Make sure you Sign both forms and fax them to us along with: the copy of the Title and Contract. Our Fax number is (562) 633-9768 If you have any questions please contact our Impound Dept at: (800) 421-5528 ex: __ 221.

Thank you, Action Auto Recovery ? RA 641 Southern California's Repossession & Skip Tracing Experts ? Since 1967 Serving all of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Diego Counties Daily

Hold Harmless


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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