Part A: Mitigation Plan - World Bank





The main project development objective is to reduce road transport costs, and improve access and road safety along Ukraine’s main road network. Ukraine has potential to become an important transit country given its geographic location between Russia and other CIS[1] states on the one hand and the EU market on the other. While European priority corridors are being improved using EU funds, it is crucial to complement this effort along corridors that are of domestic and regional importance, to get a maximum return on these major infrastructure investments. The proposed project focuses on rehabilitating a key national transport corridor between Boryspil and Lubny; a section of the M-3 express motorway Kiyv-Kharkiv-Dovzhansky linking industrial areas located in the eastern part of the country to the EU main road network.

This project includes 3 main components: Component A: Road Rehabilitation of a 128 kilometer section (Borispil-Lubny) of the Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhansky highway (M3), Component B: Road safety improvement, Component C: Capacity Building.

The proposed Ukraine Roads and Safety Improvement Project is in full compliance with all environmental requirements of the Government of Ukraine and the World Bank. In accordance with the World Bank Environmental Assessment (EA) safeguard policy and procedures (OP/BP/GP 4.01) the project has been assigned Category B and an Environmental Management Plan is required.

Environmental Management Plan includes following chapters:

• Part A – Project Description

• Part B – Mitigation Plan

• Part C – Monitoring Plan

• Part D – Description of Institutional Arrangements

• Part E – Results of Public Consultations with all interested parties

А.1. Project Description

Component A: Road Rehabilitation of a 128 kilometer section (Borispil-Lubny) of the Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhansky highway (M3). This component comprises civil works for the rehabilitation/strengthening of the existing 2x2 lanes M3 expressway (128 kilometer section), including safety measures for the vehicles (signaling, lighting in critical sections, crash barriers, etc) as well as the people living in its direct vicinity (pedestrian crossings, parking and special facilities where required). The M3 expressway plays a strategic role for the country’s integration with the EU network as well as a potential domestic and international transit corridor. The design features of the rehabilitation works will be evaluated vis a vis the expected traffic volumes and composition.

Component B: Road safety improvement. The proposed project will include a significant program of black spot elimination (162 blackspots out of some 300 identified by Ukravtodor) and possible support to the recently established National Road Safety Council. In addition to the elimination of the most critical black spots identified by Ukravtodor, the project will also fund the supply and installation of safety improvements such as vertical and horizontal signaling, cats’ eyes, rumble strips and modern crash barriers on most critical points of the national road network.

Component C: Capacity Building. The project could possibly include the funding of advisory services and equipment to: (a) initiate a pilot Public-Private Partnerships transaction in road infrastructure funding, (b) update the current road classification, (c) modernize technical norms (based on the Dutch Standards design for instance); and (d) monitor the quality of the road network using modern technology.

Part B: Mitigation Plan


|Phase |Issue |Mitigating measure |Cost |Institutional responsibility |Comments |

| | | | | |(e.g. secondary impacts) |

| | | |Install |Operate |Install |Operate | |

|Construction |Material supply | | | | | | |

| |Asphalt plant |use existing asphalt plants; requirement for |NA |NA |a)-c) Ensuring that materials|a)-c) Ensuring that |a)-c) to be specified in bid |

| |dust, fumes, workers health and |official approval or valid operating license | | |only come from licensed |materials only come from|documents-Conditions for selection |

| |safety, ecosystem disturbance | | | |sources would be included in |licensed sources would |of subcontractors for material |

| | | | | |the contract terms, and it |be included in the |supply |

| | | | | |would be the contractor's |contract terms, and it | |

| | | | | |responsibility to comply with|would be the | |

| | | | | |his contract |contractor's | |

| | | | | | |responsibility to comply| |

| | | | | | |with his contract | |

| |Stone quarry |use existing stone quarries; requirement for |NA |NA | | | |

| |dust, workers health and safety, |official approval or valid operating license | | | | | |

| |ecosystem disturbance | | | | | | |

| |Sand and gravel borrow pit |use existing borrow pits or buy material at |NA |NA | | | |

| |disturbance of river bed, water |licensed separations; requirement for official| | | | | |

| |quality, ecosystem disturbance |approval or valid operating license | | | | | |

| |Material transport | | | | | | |

| |Asphalt |cover truck load |minimal |minimal |Truck operator |Truck operator |a)-d) to be specified in bid |

| |dust, fumes | | | | | |documents-Technical |

| |Stone |wet or cover truck load |minimal |minimal |Truck operator |Truck operator |Specifications for realization of |

| |Dust | | | | | |works |

| |Sand and gravel |wet or cover truck load |minimal |minimal |Truck operator |Truck operator | |

| |Dust | | | | | | |

| |Traffic management |haul material at off peak traffic hours; use |NA |minimal |Transport manager; Truck |Transport manager; Truck| |

| |noise, vehicle exhaust, road |alternative routes to minimize major traffic | | |operator |operator | |

| |congestion |sites | | | | | |

| |Construction site | | | | | | |

| |a) Noise disturbance to human and |limit activities to daylight working hours |NA; minimal |NA; minimal |Construction Contractor |Construction Contractor |a)-k) to be specified in bid |

| |animal population and workers |(not between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. or as agreed | | | | |documents-Technical Specifications |

| | |with public and authorities); equipment | | | | |for realization of works |

| | |operating with noise mufflers | | | | | |

|Phase |Issue |Mitigating measure |Cost |Institutional responsibility |Comments |

| | | | | |(e.g. secondary impacts) |

| | | |Install |Operate |Install |Operate | |

| |b) Dust |water construction site and material storage |b)minimal |b)minimal |Construction Contractor |Construction Contractor | |

| | |sites as appropriate | | | | | |

| |c) Vibrations resulting from |limit work activities to daylight working |c)NA |c)NA |Construction Contractor |Construction Contractor | |

| |equipment work |hours (not between 8 p.m. and | | | | | |

| | |7 a.m. or as agreed with public and | | | | | |

| | |authorities) | | | | | |

| |d) Traffic disruption during |traffic management plan with appropriate |d)minimal |d)minimal |Construction Contractor |Construction Contractor | |

| |construction activity |measures to redirect traffic that are easily | | | | | |

| | |seen or easy to follow; include traffic police| | | | | |

| | e) Reduced access to roadside |provide alternative access to roadside |e) depends on|e)minimal |Construction Contractor |Construction Contractor | |

| |activities |activities |the way of | | | | |

| | | |access | | | | |

| | | |providing | | | | |

| |f) Vehicle and pedestrian safety when|appropriate lighting and well defined safety |f)minimal |f)minimal |Construction Contractor |Construction Contractor | |

| |there is no construction activity |signs | | | | | |

| |g) Water and soil pollution from |organize and cover material storage areas; |g)minimal |g)minimal |Construction Contractor |Construction Contractor | |

| |improper material storage, management|isolate concrete, asphalt and other works from| | | | | |

| |and usage |watercourse by using scaled formwork; isolate | | | | | |

| | |wash down areas of concrete and asphalt trucks| | | | | |

| | |and other equipment from watercourse by | | | | | |

| | |selecting areas for washing that are not free | | | | | |

| | |draining directly or indirectly into | | | | | |

| | |watercourse; | | | | | |

|Phase |Issue |Mitigating measure |Cost |Institutional responsibility |Comments |

| | | | | |(e.g. secondary impacts) |

| | | |Install |Operate |Install |Operate | |

| | |eventually treat/discharge water to | | | | | |

| | |remove solids | | | | | |

| |h) Water and soil pollution from |dispose waste material at appropriate|h)depends on |h)minimal |Construction Contractor |Construction Contractor |Handling of wastes by licensed |

| |improper disposal of waste materials |location protected from washing out |location | | | |transportation company and |

| | | | | | | |delivered to licensed landfill |

| |i) Potential contamination of soil |proper handling of lubricants, fuel |i)minimal |i)minimal |Construction Contractor |Construction Contractor | |

| |and water from improper maintenance |and solvents by secured storage; | | | | | |

| |and fueling of equipment |ensure proper loading of fuel and | | | | | |

| | |maintenance of equipment; collect all| | | | | |

| | |waste and dispose to permitted waste | | | | | |

| | |recovery facility/licensed landfill | | | | | |

| | |site | | | | | |

| |j) Destruction of crops, trees, |ensure control of working zone and |j) NA |j)depends on |Construction Contractor;|Construction Contractor;| |

| |meadows, etc. |land acquisition; compensate damage | |quantity of |Road Administration |Road Administration | |

| | | | |damage | | | |

| |k)Workers safety |provide workers with safety |k)minimal |k)minimal |Construction Contractor |Construction Contractor | |

| | |instructions and protective equipment| | | | | |

| | |(glasses, masks, helmets, boots, | | | | | |

| | |etc); safe organization of bypassing | | | | | |

| | |traffic | | | | | |

|Operation |Maintenance | | | | | | |

| |a) Noise disturbance to human and |a) limit activities to daylight |a) NA; |a) NA; |a)-d) Ensuring that |a)-d) Ensuring that |a)-d) to be specified in |

| |animal population and workers |working hours (not between 8 p.m. and|minimal |minimal |mitig. measures are |mitig. measures are |maintenance contract |

| | |7 a.m. or as agreed with public and | | |implemented would be |implemented would be |documents-Technical |

| | |authorities); equipment operating | | |included in the contract|included in the contract|Specifications for realization of|

| | |with noise mufflers | | |terms, and it would be |terms, and it would be |maintenance works |

| | | | | |the Maintenance |the Maintenance | |

| | | | | |contractor's |contractor's | |

| | | | | |responsibility to comply|responsibility to comply| |

| | | | | |with his contract |with his contract | |

| |

|Phase |Issue |Mitigating measure |Cost |Institutional responsibility |Comments |

| | | | | |(e.g. secondary impacts) |

| | | |Install |Operate |Install |Operate | |

| | b) Possible air, water and soil |b) ensure proper handling of |b) minimal |b) minimal | | | |

| |pollution |lubricants, fuel & solvents by | | | | | |

| |dust, vehicle exhaust, fuel and |secured storage; ensure proper | | | | | |

| |lubricants spills |loading of fuel and maintenance of | | | | | |

| | |equipment; collect all waste and | | | | | |

| | |dispose to permitted waste recovery | | | | | |

| | |facility/licensed landfill site; | | | | | |

| | |limit equipment operation speed | | | | | |

| | |properly organize and cover material | | | | | |

| | |storage areas; isolate concrete, | | | | | |

| | |asphalt and other works from | | | | | |

| | |watercourse by using sealed formwork;| | | | | |

| | |isolate wash down areas of concrete | | | | | |

| | |and asphalt trucks and other | | | | | |

| | |equipment from watercourse by | | | | | |

| | |selecting areas for washing that are | | | | | |

| | |not free draining directly or | | | | | |

| | |indirectly into watercourse; | | | | | |

| | |dispose waste material at appropriate| | | | | |

| | |location protected from washing out | | | | | |

| |c) Vibrations |c) limit activities to daylight |c) NA |c) NA | | | |

| | |working hours (not between 8 p.m. and| | | | | |

| | |7 a.m. or as agreed with public and | | | | | |

| | |authorities) | | | | | |

| |d) Workers safety |d) provide workers with safety |d) minimal |d) minimal | | | |

| | |instructions and protective | | | | | |

| | |equipment; safe organization of | | | | | |

| | |bypassing traffic | | | | | |

|Phase |Issue |Mitigating measure |Cost |Institutional responsibility |Comments |

| | | | | |(e.g. secondary impacts) |

| | | |Install |Operate |Install |Operate | |

| |Exploitation | | | | | | |

| |Increased volume and speed of traffic|a) installation of protection |a) depends on |a) minimal |a) Contractor for |a) Maintenance | |

| |noise, dust, vehicle exhaust, fuel |measures (noise barriers, planting |the way of | |environment protection |Contractor; | |

| |and lubricant spills |hedges along roadside, etc); |protection | |works; Traffic police |Traffic police | |

| | |optimization of vehicle speed | | | | | |

| | |regimes) | | | | | |

| |Road safety | | | | | | |

| |a) Increased vehicle speed |a) install appropriate traffic signs |a) minimal |a) minimal |a) Maintenance |a) Maintenance |a)-b) to be specified in |

| | |for speed limit | | |Contractor |Contractor |maintenance contract |

| | | | | | | |documents-Technical |

| | | | | | | |Specifications for realization of|

| | | | | | | |maintenance works |

| |b) Erosion, rockfall, hazardous |a) install appropriate warning signs |b) minimal |b) minimal |b) Maintenance |b) Maintenance | |

| |conditions |(rockfall, upheaval, wet or slippery | | |Contractor |Contractor | |

| | |conditions, dangerous curve, animal | | | | | |

| | |or pedestrian crossing, school, slow | | | | | |

| | |moving vehicles, merge), reflective | | | | | |

| | |markers to indicate steep edge or | | | | | |

| | |convex mirrors to see oncoming | | | | | |

| | |traffic at blind curves; locate | | | | | |

| | |warnings at points considered | | | | | |

| | |appropriate by good engineering | | | | | |

| | |practice or as agreed with public and| | | | | |

| | |authorities | | | | | |

Part C: Monitoring Plan

C. monitoring plan

|Phase |What parameter is to|Where is the |How is the parameter|When is the |Why is the parameter|Cost |Institutional responsibility |

| |be monitored? |parameter to be |to be monitored?/ |parameter to be |to be monitored? | | |

| | |monitored? |type of monitoring |monitored? |(optional) | | |

| | | |equipment |(frequency of | | | |

| | | | |measurement or | | | |

| | | | |continuous) | | | |

| | | | | | |Install |Operate |

| | | | | | |Install |Operate |

| | | | | | |Install |Operate |

| | | | | | |Install |Operate |

| | | |

|Data collection on monitoring of environmental conditions |Contractor / Chief Engineer |See monitoring program above |

|during construction (reconstruction) and during exploitation| | |

|Analysis of data during construction (reconstruction) period|- Ukravtodor Development Department |Ones every month |

|and during exploitation | | |

|Preparation of report during construction (reconstruction) |- Ukravtodor Development Department |Ones two month |

|period and during exploitation | | |

|Dissemination of report to the Ukravtodor management and |Ukravtodor Project Management Department send report to the |Ones in two months to Ukravtodor management and|

|Bank Project Manager |Bank Project Manager |once in six months to World Bank |

| |Project Manager receives report | |

|Measures directed to environmental protection |- Ukravtodor Development Department |As necessary. |


Information about Public Consultations was published in the media in [newspaper or][data].

Public Consultations were carried out [date][place]. (See attachment)

Special invitations were distributed to (list of governmental, non-governmental, and other interested parties etc.):

| № |First Name and Surname |Organization / position |Address |Telephone/Fax |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Following were present at Public Consultation event:

|№ |First Name and Surname |Organization / position |Address |Telephone/Fax |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Following questions were given and answers received:

- [list of main questions and answers / who asked and who gave answers]

Were agreed following (if there was an agreement):

- [list of agreed decisions, actions, schedule and dates]



of public consultations on repair of automobile road

М-03 Kyiv – Kharkiv – Dovzhanski on Boryspil – Lubny road section

on Lubny rayon territory of Poltava oblast

25 October 2007

Lubny town

|Head |I.V. Ponomarenko – Deputy Head of Lubny Rayon State Administration |

|Secretary |O.M. Vasyliev – Head of Department for Road Maintenance, Automobile Roads Service in Poltava oblast |

Present: Head of Rayon Council, Heads of Village Councils, structural units of rayon state administration, heads of enterprises, private entrepreneurs (totally 29 persons as in the list attached).


Familiarisation of Lubny rayon community with basic provisions of Roads and Safety Improvement Project which is being developed by State Automobile Roads Service of Ukraine together with the World Bank.


1. Ukravtodor representative V.V. Loznytsa on attracting World Bank loan funds to improve automobile roads.

2. Chief Engineer of CJSC 'Kyivsoyuzshliakhproekt' project S.S. Koretski on technical solutions to repair automobile road of state importance М-03 Kyiv – Kharkiv – Dovzhanski on Lubny rayon territory on section 185+000 – km 191+500.

3. ‘Geotekhnologii’ Ltd. representative Y.Y. Tyshenko on expected environmental impact of planned road repair.

List of major questions asked and answers

|Questions | |Answers |

|I.V. Ponomarenko | |S.S. Koretski |

|The road goes through Pyshne village and existing local passways along | |The project envisages repair of existing local passways |

|development site are partially beyond relocation territory. Are they | |regardless their location. |

|planned to be repaired? | | |

|I.V. Ponomarenko | |S.S. Koretski |

|Utilities are going along existing road in Pyshne village. How perspective| |This question requires further consideration. If necessary |

|of developing new utility systems will be taken into account? Will | |redundancy channels can be placed beneath the road, provided |

|redundancy channels be placed beneath the road? | |there is a need. |

|Question | |Answer |

|I.V. Ponomarenko | |S.S. Koretski |

|Existing Kyiv – Kharkiv road divides Pyshne village into two parts. How | |It is planned to establish surface pedestrian crossing in |

|pedestrian connection of both parts across the road will be provided, and | |Pyshne village. Cattle will be taken across the road in |

|how cattle can be taken across the road to the pasture? | |dedicated areas with special gaps in barrier fence. |

|V.A. Sherba | |S.S. Koretski |

|Lack of outdoor illumination in population centres results in increased | |The project will take into account necessity to provide |

|number of accidents on the road. Does the project envisage outdoor | |outdoor illumination of the road within population centres. |

|illumination of the road sections within population centres? | | |

|I.V. Ponomarenko | |V.V. Loznytsa |

|There are facilities of social and cultural purpose and feldsher-midwife | |World Bank loan funds are allocated for repair of the road and|

|station along the road in Pyshne village. Is it possible to envisage | |can not be targeting other purposes. |

|repair of these buildings within the project of major road repair? | | |

|I.V. Ponomarenko | |Y.Y. Tyshenko |

|Is it possible to replace concrete sound barriers with green belt | |Green belt sound barriers are less effective than concrete |

|barriers? | |sound barriers. If community opposes establishment of a |

| | |concrete sound barrier, then it is possible not to establish |

| | |it. |

|V.A. Sherba | |S.S. Koretski |

|Is it envisaged to build temporary stay lots for minor car repairs or oil | |2.5 m wide stay area with asphaltic concrete pavement will be |

|change? | |established along all the road on both sides, and drivers will|

| | |have possibility to stop if necessary. |

|I.V. Ponomarenko | |S.S. Koretski |

|There are lakes used by fire brigades for water extraction on the road | |This issue will be considered and ramp will be envisaged if |

|section between villages Vyly and Pyshne. It is necessary to envisage | |necessary. |

|establishment of ramp in this part of the road. | | |

|I.V. Ponomarenko | |S.S. Koretski |

|There is a ground ramp to pastures, agricultural lands and area of | |The project will take into account necessity to establish ramp|

|perspective village development, located at km 189+500, to the left from | |at km 189+500. |

|constructed fuel station. It is necessary to envisage establishment of | | |

|ramp in this part of the road. | | |

|Question | |Answer |

|Head of Novaky Village Council | |S.S. Koretski |

|How drain of rain and melt waters will be envisaged? | |Water drain is a necessary element of road engineering. Repair|

| | |of existing ditches will be envisaged, new ditches will be |

| | |established if necessary. It is envisaged to use existing |

| | |culverts to allow for flow of surface waters beneath the road.|

| | |Their repair or replacement will be envisaged if necessary. |

|O.M. Vasyliev | |S.S. Koretski |

|Letters from staff of “Linyva Vira” restaurant and fuel station located at| |The project will take into account necessity to establish 2 |

|km 189+700 of automobile road Kyiv – Kharkiv – Dovzhanski indicate | |bust stops at km 189+700 of the automobile road, as well as |

|necessity to establish bus stops on both sides of the road and surface | |surface pedestrian crossing. |

|pedestrian crossing near these objects, given that these staff all live in| | |

|Lubny and come to work to Pyshne village. | | |

Head _________________________________

I.V. Ponomarenko

(signature here)

Secretary _________________________________

O.M. Vasyliev

(signature here)

Annex to the minutes of public consultations in Lubny town, 25.10.2007

List of people present at the public consultations

|№ |Name |Institution, post |Address |Telephone, fax |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|1 |Shostak V.M. |Head of Lubny Rayon Council |Lubny town |33-17   |

|2 |Pryimak L.M. |Head of Department |Lubny town |24-48 |

|3 |Siryachenko S.M. |Unit for construction and architecture |Lubny town |20-32 |

|4 |Mohylna I.O. |Head of Department for Economy |Lubny town |46-07 |

|5 |Rak T.O. |Head of Legal Sector, Rayon State Administration|Lubny town |73-056 |

| | |(RSA) | | |

|6 |Chudak M.D. |Sector of work |Lubny town |26-33 |

|7 |Nestorenko I.I. |Head of inspection |Lubny town |20-32 |

|8 |Yakovchenko Y.I. |Head of Department for Finance, RSA |Lubny town |22-04 |

|9 |Bytko V.S. |Head of sector, Unit for land resources |Lubny town |22-03 |

|10 |Serbiuk T.M. |Head of Voinyha Village Council |Voinyha village |94-6-31 |

|11 |Bilyk L.O. |Land surveyor, Voinyha Village Council |Voinyha village |94-6-31 |

|12 |Zhaivoronok V.O. |Head of Novaky Village Council |Novaky village |32-43 |

|13 |Badun G.V. |Land surveyor, Novaky Village Council |Novaky village |32-43 |

|14 |Zverzhynski O.V. |Head of V.Bulatets Village Council |V.Bulatets village |99-2-42 |

|15 |Tolohiy V.O. |Land surveyor, V.Bulatets Village Council |V.Bulatets village |99-2-42 |

|16 |Galeta T.V. |Head of Tarandyntsi Village Council |Tarandyntsi village |96-1-31 |

|17 |Nazarets S.V. |Land surveyor, Tarandyntsi Village Council |Tarandyntsi village |96-1-31 |

|18 |Dalada V.I. |Dukhove Village Council |Dukhove village |94-1-42 |

|19 |Syzonenko T.G. |Mgar Village Council |Mgar village |99-1-31 |

|20 |Titenko A.P. |‘Rise-Agro’ company |Tarandyntsi village |96-2-39 |

|21 |Vasyliev О.М. |Head of Department for Road Maintenance, |Poltava city |50-25-25 |

| | |Automobile Roads Service in Poltava oblast | | |

|22 |Makukha V.Y. |Inspector on road traffic, State Automobile |Lubny town |8-050-66-85-048 |

| | |Inspection, Lubny town | | |

|23 |Sherba V.A. |Inspector on road traffic, Lubny squadron |Lubny town |55-43 |

|24 |Pererva M.G. |‘Lubny DED’ department |Zasullya village |71-773 |

| |Gryshenko O.I. |‘Lubny raiavtodor’ department |Zasullya village |48-83 |

|25 |Isayenko V.V. |Deputy Director, vocational school No 53 |Voinyha village |94-6-42 |

|26 |Droga I.I. |Private entrepreneur |Voinyha village |8-066-96-91-779 |

|27 |Kyshenets V.M. |JSC “Lubenski” |Ivanivka village |8-095-92-66-535 |

|28 |Onishenko S.M. |Private entrepreneur |Vilshanka village |8-050-525-64-70 |

|29 |Kostenko V.M. |“Vira” company |Zasullya village |8-050-13-06-114 |

State Road Service of Ukraine


Department of Roads in Poltava Region

36039, Poltava City, Kyibisheva Str., 22-a tel/fax: (05322) 2-05-46

e-mail: sluzhbador@poltava.

17.10.2007 # 02-05/431 Head of Lubenskaya

State Administration

Kylik V.O.

On Public Consultations

Dear Vasiliy Oleksandrovich!

State Road Service of Ukraine together with the World Bank are preparing a project ‘Road Safety Improvement Project’. In order to take into consideration of public opinion we were asked to carry out public consultations.

We are asking you to participate in public consultations and invite representatives of state authorities, nongovernmental organizations, business entities residing near M-03 Road Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskiy and other interested parties to discuss road rehabilitation of M-03 Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskiy at the stratch of Borispol-Lubny at the territory of Lubenskiy region of Poltava Oblast. Information on public consultations should be published in mass-media.

Our proposal is to carry out public consultations on 25th of October 2007 in Lubni city at 10:00 at the facilities of State Administration.

Information of invited partitipants, cleared time and place of public consultations should be send to the Department of Roads in Poltava Oblast not later then 19.10.2007.


Head I.I. Tkachenko


Lubenskiy Regional State Administration

Of Poltava Oblast

37503, Lubny city, Kuzina square 19, tel: 24-04, fax. 71-099, e-mail:

2007. # 01-18/081

Department of Roads in

Poltava Oblast

Tkachenky I.I.

On Public consultations

Confirming the public consultations will be carried out on 25th of October 2007 in Lubni city in big hall of State Administration at 10:00 which will alowe to communicate and take into accout public opibion concerning project devoted to rehabilitation of road Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskiy.

Sending you list of invited partitipants: representatives of state authorities, nongovernmental organizations, business entities located near road and other interested parties (attached).

Attached: list of invited at 1page.

First deputy head of state regional administration I.V. Ponomarenko.

State Road Service of Ukraine


Department of Roads in Poltava Region

36039, Poltava City, Kyibisheva Str., 22-a tel/fax: (05322) 2-05-46

e-mail: sluzhbador@poltava.

22.10.2007 # 02-26/436 Head of VDAI

UMVS of Ukraine in Poltava Region

Shtepi O.I.

On Public Consultations

Dear Oleksandr Ivanovichy!

State Road Service of Ukraine together with the World Bank are preparing a project ‘Road Safety Improvement Project’. In order to take into consideration of public opinion we were asked to carry out public consultations.

We are asking you to participate in public consultations to discuss road rehabilitation of M-03 Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskiy at the stratch of Borispol-Lubny at the territory of Piryatinskiy and Lubenskiy region of Poltava Oblast which will take place on 24th of October 2007 in Piryatin city at 10:00 at the facilities of Piryatin State Administration and on 25th of October in Lubni city at 10:00 at the facilities of Lubenskiy State Administration.


Head I.I. Tkachenko

List of Invited partitipants to public consultations for discussion of road rehabilitation project of Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovchaznky Road

| |Local Authorities and state organizations |

|1 |Head of village council of Novakivskiy village council |

|2 |Head of village council of Myrakivskiy village council |

|3 |Head of village council of Zasulskiy village council |

|4 |Head of village council of Vainixivskiy village council |

|5 |Head of regional council |

|6 |Heads of stractural departments of State Administration |

| | |

| |Company Directors |

|1 |Filia of Lubenskiy ‘raiavtodor’ |

|2 |Filia of Lubenskiy ‘DVD’ |

|3 |DAI |

|4 |OJSC ‘SHBU 9’ |

|5 |TOV ‘Poltavanaftoprodukt’ |

|6 |TOV ‘Nafta LV’ |

|7 |TOV ‘Kremenchuknaftoprodukt’ |

|8 |MP ‘Vira’ |

|9 |PVKF ‘Dnipro’ |

| | |

| |Private Enterprises |

|1 |PE Onishchenko S.M. |

|2 |PE Grab V. |

|3 |PE Droga I.I. |


of public consultations on repair of automobile road

М-03 Kyiv – Kharkiv – Dovzhanski on Boryspil – Lubny road section

on Pyriatyn rayon territory of Poltava oblast

24 October 2007 Pyriatyn town

|Head |V.D. Mytropan – Head of Pyriatyn Rayon State Administration |

|Secretary |O.M. Vasyliev – Head of Department for Road Maintenance, Automobile Roads Service in Poltava oblast |

Present: Head of Rayon Council, Heads of Village Councils, structural units of rayon state administration, heads of enterprises, private entrepreneurs (totally 52 persons as in the list attached).


Familiarisation of Pyriatyn rayon community with basic provisions of Roads and Safety Improvement Project which is being developed by State Automobile Roads Service of Ukraine together with the World Bank.


1. Ukravtodor representative V.V. Loznytsa on attracting World Bank loan funds to improve automobile roads.

2. Chief Engineer of CJSC 'Kyivsoyuzshliakhproekt' project S.S. Koretski on technical solutions to repair automobile road of state importance М-03 Kyiv – Kharkiv – Dovzhanski on Pyriatyn rayon territory on section km 126+700 – km 158+000 and km 164+514 – km 170+440.

3. ‘Geotekhnologii’ Ltd. representative Y.Y. Tyshenko on expected environmental impact of planned road repair.

List of major questions asked and answers

|Questions | |Answers |

|V.D. Mytropan | |S.S. Koretski |

|There is surface pedestrian crossing on the 157th km of the automobile | |The project will take into account necessity to establish surface |

|road near bus station. It is dangerous to cross the road using this | |pedestrian crossing. Establishment of underground pedestrian crossing |

|crossing. It is necessary to envisage establishment of surface or | |with shopping facilities is possible if private business funds are |

|underground pedestrian crossing, possibly with shopping facilities. | |attracted. |

|Sherba V.A. | |S.S. Koretski |

|It is necessary to increase number and size of parking lots on the 157th | |Necessity of car parking issue will be considered and taken into |

|km of the automobile road near shopping and road service facilities. This | |account in the project. |

|will exclude cases of car parking on traffic area. | | |

|Question | |Answer |

|Riabokon O.P., Mytropan V.D., Sherba V.A., Bezhlibniy M.V., Payevski B.P. | |S.S. Koretski |

|Given that barrier fence will be mounted along traffic strip axis, how | |Transport communication of Pyriatyn town with Kyiv – Kharkiv – |

|cars will be going into Pyriatyn from Kyiv side, and from Pyriatyn to town| |Dovzhanski automobile road, and traffic in necessary directions will be|

|dumping site which is located in southern part of the town and being cut | |conducted through projected traffic interchange at two levels |

|away by the road? | |(clover-leaf type) at km 157+900. |

|Riabokon O.P., Bezhlibniy M.V. | |S.S. Koretski |

|Currently there is barrier fence mounted along traffic strip axis on Kyiv | |This issue will be considered and such linking road under existing |

|– Kharkiv automobile road in Pyriatyn town area. In order to leave the | |driveway will be envisaged in the project if necessary. |

|town in Kharkiv direction one has to drive Kyiv direction at first, and | | |

|then to drive in opposite direction. Extra distance to be covered is 3.5 | | |

|km. Is it possible to envisage linking road between left and right road | | |

|passways under current driveway through railway from Kharkiv side? This | | |

|will reduce extra distance by 2 km. | | |

|Riabokon O.P., Bezhlibniy M.V. | |S.S. Koretski |

|Railway representatives insist it is necessary to close railway crossing | |It is not desirable to have transport connection between different town|

|in Pyriatyn town, located near driveway on Kyiv – Kharkiv road. How major | |areas through Kyiv – Kharkiv road section, therefore railway crossing |

|road repair project will envisage transport connection between different | |in Pyriatyn town should remain in operation. |

|town areas if the crossing is closed? | | |

|Question | |Answer |

|Riabokon O.P., Mytropan V.D. | |V.V. Loznytsa |

|There is a number of shopping and roadside service facilities along Kyiv –| |Major road repair project will take into account correlation of |

|Kharkiv road in Pyriatyn town, and the number is constantly growing. Is it| |existing service facilities with project solutions. Establishment of |

|planned to develop scheme of their location along the automobile road? | |new service facilities along the automobile road is conducted on the |

| | |base of permissions issued by Ukravtodor. Major road repair project |

| | |does not envisage development of scheme of service facilities location.|

|Head of Velyka Krucha Village Council | |V.V. Loznytsa |

|It is necessary to conduct withdrawal of land plots to develop traffic | |Withdrawal of land plots will be conducted according to the Land Code |

|interchange at two levels at km 157+900. How withdrawal of these land | |of Ukraine. |

|plots will be conducted? | | |

|Head of Oleksandrivka Village Council | |S.S. Koretski |

|The automobile road goes through some population centres, dividing them | |Surface pedestrian crossings will be envisaged at the sections of the |

|into two parts. How the issue of pedestrian communications and cattle | |road going through population centres. Cattle will be taken across the |

|crossing will be resolved? | |roadway through envisaged gaps in barrier fence. |

|Mytropan V.D. | |Y.Y. Tyshenko |

|How is it envisaged to protect local population from noise? | |It is envisaged to establish concrete sound barriers at some road |

| | |sections within population centres. If community opposes establishment |

| | |of concrete sound barriers, they can be replaced by green belt |

| | |barriers, or can be not envisaged at all. |

|Sherba V.A. | |S.S. Koretski |

|Lack of outdoor illumination in population centres results in increased | |The project will take into account necessity to provide outdoor |

|number of accidents on the road. Does the project envisage outdoor | |illumination of the road within population centres. |

|illumination of the road sections within population centres? | | |

Head _________________________________ V.D. Mytropan

(signature here)

Secretary _________________________________ O.M. Vasyliev

(signature here)

Annex to the minutes of public consultations in Pyriatyn town, 24.10.2007

List of people present at the public consultations

|№ |Name |Institution, post |Address |Telephone, fax |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

| |Riabokon O.P. |Head of Rayon Council |Pyriatyn town |2-03-42 |

| |Bugayov V.M. |Deputy Head of Rayon State Administration |Pyriatyn town |2-03-42 |

| |Ponomarenko V.I. |Chief Rayon Architect |Pyriatyn town |2-05-45 |

| |Bezhlibniy M.V. |Deputy Mayor |Pyriatyn town |2-01-81 |

| |Kochur L.V. |Rayon State Administration, general unit |Pyriatyn town |2-05-58 |

| |Turpan Y.V. |Rayon State Administration, organisational |Pyriatyn town |2-01-55 |

| | |unit | | |

| |Bogomaz L.P. |Rayon State Administration, organisational |Pyriatyn town |2-01-55 |

| | |unit | | |

| |Yoshenko V.M. |Rayon State Administration, financial unit |Pyriatyn town |2-15-38 |

| |Yarmolenko Y.V. |Rayon State Administration, financial unit |Pyriatyn town |2-15-38 |

| |Yakovenko K.U. |Unit for land resources |Pyriatyn town |2-04-02 |

| |Tyshenko V.V. |‘Geotekhnologii’ Ltd |Pyriatyn town |2-04-61 |

| |Mylenko V.M. |Ministry of Environmental Protection |Pyriatyn town |2-15-66 |

| |Nesterets T.D. |Rayon State Administration, legal unit |Pyriatyn town |2-04-29 |

| |Grytsai I.I. |Rayon State Administration, service for |Pyriatyn town |2-02-84 |

| | |children | | |

| |Voitenko L.V. |Rayon State Administration, service for |Pyriatyn town |2-02-84 |

| | |children | | |

| |Zaporozhets T.V. |Rayon State Administration, service for |Pyriatyn town |2-02-84 |

| | |children | | |

| |Pupchenko L.I. |Rayon State Administration, internal policy |Pyriatyn town |2-04-29 |

| | |sector | | |

| |Miseichenko T.S. |Rayon State Administration |Pyriatyn town |2-05-45 |

| |Leliukh V.M. |Rayon State Administration, head of education |Pyriatyn town |2-03-75 |

| | |unit | | |

| |Ivanov P.M. |Rayon State Administration, department for |Pyriatyn town |2-00-39 |

| | |economy | | |

| |Koval L.P. |Rayon State Administration, control unit |Pyriatyn town |2-05-58 |

| |Zaripov R.Sh. |Deputy of Rayon Council |Velyka Krucha village |68-433 |

| |Yakovenko V.P. |Agricultural products quality inspection |Pyriatyn town |2-05-37 |

| |Bezushko L.S. |Financial department, head |Pyriatyn town |2-04-67 |

| |Galik S.A. |Financial department, chief economist |Pyriatyn town |2-80-05 |

| |Musienko L.M. |Financial department, chief economist |Pyriatyn town |2-04-68 |

| |Naumenko V.M. |Financial department, leading economist |Pyriatyn town |2-06-72 |

| |Prymushko S.Y. |Financial department, leading economist |Pyriatyn town |2-05-43 |

| |Komarenko V.D. |Financial department |Pyriatyn town |2-15-74 |

| |Pavelko L.M. |Head of Velyka Krucha Village Council |Velyka Krucha village |68 – 348   |

| |Onyshenko O.V. |Head of Berezova Rudka Village Council |Berezova Rudka village |66-146   |

| |Yena N.Y. |Head of Oleksandrivka Village Council |Oleksandrivka village |2-21-40   |

| |Boiko V.G. |Head of Victoria Village Council |Victoria village   |62-566   |

| |Virchenko Y.O. |Head of Maliutintsi Village Council |Maliutintsi village   |5-32   |

| |Semenov V.M. |Head of Teplivka Village Council |Teplivka village   |63-125   |

| |Vasyliev O.M. |Head of Department for Road Maintenance, |Poltava city |50-25-25 |

| | |Automobile Roads Service in Poltava oblast | | |

| |Sherba V.A. |Inspector on road traffic, Lubny squadron |Lubny town |55-43 |

| |Bugayov O.V. |Private entrepreneur |Pyriatyn town |3-20-95 |

| |Irodovska N.O. |Private entrepreneur |Pyriatyn town |3-21-17 |

| |Misnichenko P.V. |“Vaston” Ltd. |Maliutintsi village   |8-093-72-82-301 |

| | |Fuel station М-03 km134 | | |

| |Kucha O.Y. |“Mini-STO” service station |Pyriatyn town |8-050-589-50-97 |

| |Payevski B.M. |JSC Motor Transport Enterprise No 15343 |Pyriatyn town |2-10-79 |

| |Musienko N.M. |TATNeft-Ukrnefteprodukt petroleum base |Poltava city |61-01-06 |

| | | |Pyriatyn town |2-04-41 |

| |Dubetski B.V. |Head of Rayon Council of Veterans |Pyriatyn town |2-02-89 |

| |Beldoi L.P. |“Valeria” Ltd. |Pyriatyn town |2-00-29 |

| |Shpuryk V.A. |Private entrepreneur, Deputy of City Council |Pyriatyn town | |

| |Bezborodov S.A. |Private enterprise “Nore” |Pyriatyn town |2-10-84 |

| |Chernyn V.G. |JSC “Ukrnafta” |Kremenchuk town |9-26-47 |

| |Groza O.P. |JSC “KNPS” |Kremenchuk town |9-26-03 |

| |Kallub V.V. |Director, ПРУСССДМ |Pyriatyn town |2-15-34 |

| |Deikun S.V. |Chief specialist, ПРУСССДМ |Pyriatyn town |2-15-34 |

| |Lebedev I.V. |Private entrepreneur, café, service station |Velyka Krucha village |68-415 |

State Road Service of Ukraine


Department of Roads in Poltava Region

36039, Poltava City, Kyibisheva Str., 22-a tel/fax: (05322) 2-05-46

e-mail: sluzhbador@poltava.

17.10.2007 # 02-05/432 Head of Piruatinskaya

State Administration

Mitropany V.D.

On Public Consultations

Dear Vasiliy Dmitrovichy!

State Road Service of Ukraine together with the World Bank are preparing a project ‘Road Safety Improvement Project’. In order to take into consideration of public opinion we were asked to carry out public consultations.

We are asking you to participate in public consultations and invite representatives of state authorities, nongovernmental organizations, business entities residing near M-03 Road Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskiy and other interested parties to discuss road rehabilitation of M-03 Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskiy at the stratch of Borispol-Lubny at the territory of Lubenskiy region of Poltava Oblast. Information on public consultations should be published in mass-media.

Our proposal is to carry out public consultations on 24th of October 2007 in Piryatin city at 10:00 at the facilities of State Administration.

Information of invited partitipants, cleared time and place of public consultations should be send to the Department of Roads in Poltava Oblast not later then 19.10.2007.


Head I.I. Tkachenko


Piryatinskiy Regional State Administration

Of Poltava Oblast

37000, Piryatin city of Poltava Oblast, Lenina Str. 42, tel: 2-05-85, fax. 2-04-53,

e-mail: pir_adm@poltava.

18.10.2007 # 02-01/1791

For letter # 432 as of 17.10.2007

Department of Roads in

Poltava Oblast

Tkachenky I.I.

On Public consultations

Confirming the public consultations will be carried out on 24th of October 2007 in Piryatin city in big hall of State Administration at 10:00 which will alowe to communicate and take into accout public opibion concerning project devoted to rehabilitation of road Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskiy.

Sending you list of invited partitipants: representatives of state authorities, nongovernmental organizations, business entities located near road and other interested parties (attached).

Attached: list of invited at 1page.

Head of state regional administration V. Mitropan.

List of Invited partitipants to public consultations for discussion of road rehabilitation project of Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovchaznky Road

| |Local Authorities and state organizations |

|1 |Head of Velikokruchanskoi village counsil |

|2 |Head of Oleksandrivskiy village counsil |

|3 |Head of Berezovorudskoi village counsil |

|4 |Head of Viktoriyskoi village counsil |

|5 |Head of Malutinskiy village counsil |

|6 |Head of Teplivskiy village counsil |

|7 |Head of city counsil |

|8 |Head of Regional Counsil |

|9 |Head of Veteran Counsil |

|10 |Heads of structural departments of state administration |

| | |

| |Company Directors |

|11 |CSC ‘Budinvest’ |

|12 |TOV ‘Ekzotika Servise’ |

|13 |TOV ‘SVF Kolo’ |

|14 |TOV ‘STAG’ |

|15 |TOV ‘Rust’ |

|16 |TOV ‘Ros Ukr Oil’ |

|17 |TOV ‘Malds Group’ |

|18 |TOV ‘Karina Center’ |

|19 |TOV ‘Valeriya’ |

|20 |TOV ‘Galnaftogaz’ |

|21 |TOV Poltavanaftoprodukt’ |

|22 |ATP – 15343 |

|23 |DRP-3 |

|24 |DAI |

|25 |‘Ukrtatnafta’ |

|26 |‘Chernigivnaftoprodukt’ |

|27 |‘Kremenchuknaftoprodukt’ |

| | |

| |Private Enterprises |

|28 |PE Prokopenko |

|29 |PE Irodovska |

|30 |PE Kycha |

|31 |PE Kycheriaviy |

|32 |PE Kostianiy |

|33 |PE Petrenko |

|34 |PE Nore |

|35 |PE Tsiluymo |

|36 |PE Nemiynoga |

|37 |PE Sitnik |

|38 |PE Rikun |

|39 |PE Gorbenko |


of public consultations on repair of automobile road

М-03 Kyiv – Kharkiv – Dovzhanski on Boryspil – Lubny road section

in Kyiv oblast (Boryspil, Baryshivka, Yahotyn and Pereyaslav-Khmelnytski rayons)

30 October 2007 Yahotyn town

|Head |G.S. Kuzmenko – Deputy Head of Yahotyn Rayon State Administration |

|Secretary |M.Y. Gezel – Deputy Director of Ukrdiprodor institute |

Present: representatives of rayon state administrations, Heads of Village Councils, heads of enterprises, private entrepreneurs (totally ??? persons as in the list attached).


Familiarisation of Boryspil, Baryshivka, Yahotyn and Pereyaslav-Khmelnytski rayons community with basic provisions of Roads and Safety Improvement Project which is being developed by State Automobile Roads Service of Ukraine together with the World Bank.


1. State Automobile Roads Service representative in Kiyv oblast V.R. Mannytski on attracting World Bank loan funds to improve automobile roads.

2. Chief Engineer of Ukrdiprodor state enterprise project M.V. Plysak on technical solutions to repair automobile road of state importance М-03 Kyiv – Kharkiv – Dovzhanski on Kyiv oblast territory.

3. ‘Geotekhnologii’ Ltd. representative Y.Y. Tyshenko on expected impact of planned road repair on environment and social sphere.

List of major questions asked and answers

|Questions | |Answers |

|Y. Radchenko | |Y. Tyshenko |

|Will protective green belt used against car emissions be regenerated? | |Requirement of 14 m for minimal distance of I category road will be |

| | |met. Funds are allocated to compensate for green belt removal. |

|V. Denysenko | |M. Plysak |

|Will the surface crossing on the 103rd km and crossroad on Pereyaslav | |All crossings will remain. |

|direction junction be kept? | | |

|M. Kharpov | |M. Plysak |

|It is suggested to correlate the project with general plan of Yahotyn | |I do not object. |

|town. | | |

|G. Kuzmenko | |M. Plysak |

|It is suggested to include into the project second railroad crossing and | |It should be done as a separate project. |

|road leading to industrial area. | | |

|Y. Klymenko | |M. Plysak |

|Will interests of land users and cafés owners be affected? | |There are two facilities, café on the turn to Lozovyi Yar and café on|

| | |the turn to Cherniakhivka village, which locations do not comply with|

| | |current traffic safety regulations. They are not likely to have |

| | |necessary compliance documents and must be moved. |

|Y. Klymenko | |Y. Tyshenko |

|Will 350 kg of discharge waters come into the Trubizh river? | |This is a calculated volume of rain and melt waters without cleaning.|

| | |All discharge waters will be drained beyond water protection areas |

| | |and cleaned. |

|Y. Klymenko | |M. Plysak |

|Is it possible to pass Bohdan Khmelnytski monument to Ukravtodor balance? | |This can be done. |

|A. Sarnatski | |M. Plysak |

|Will there be utility vehicles traffic through population centres? | |There will be not. Two lanes will be blocked and repairs will be |

| | |conducted. Traffic’s on the road itself. |

|M. Kharpov | |M. Plysak |

|Is it possible to pass project documentation to get familiar with it? | |It will be passed. |

|V. Kalutyuk | |M. Plysak |

|Will access route on the 106th km remain? | |Everything will remain the way it is now. We request heads of village|

| | |councils to close those ramps which are of little use. It should be 1|

| | |ramp per 5 km. |

|L. Romanenko | |M. Plysak |

|Will it be envisaged to have pedestrian and cattle crossing in Bohdanivka | |Passway for technical equipment will be envisaged. Two level |

|village? | |interchanges are not possible due to lack of funds; cattle crossing |

| | |is not possible due to lack of embankment. |

|L. Romanenko | |M. Plysak |

|Museum and mansion house of people’s artist K.S. Bilokur is located in | |We will do it. |

|Bohdanivka village. Is it possible to establish direction sign? | | |

|L. Romanenko | |M. Plysak |

|How to avoid vehicle failures? | |It is envisaged to establish weighing machines in order not to |

| | |overload vehicles. |

|Will it be a toll road? | |M. Plysak |

| | |No. |

|O. Pinchuk | |M. Plysak |

|Will existing crossing in Bohdanivka village remain? | |All crossings will remain. |

Head _________________________________ G.S. Kuzmenko

(signature here)

Secretary _________________________________ Y.E. Tishenko

(signature here)

Annex to the minutes of public consultations in `Yahotyn town, 30.10.2007

List of people present at the public consultations (office of Yahotyn Rayon Road Administration)

|№ |Name |Institution, post |Address |Telephone, fax |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|1 |N. Galvera |The Yahotyn Visti newspaper, |1 Pyriatynska St., Yahotyn |5-55-52 |

| | |correspondent | | |

|2 |F.V. Marenych |Deputy Head of Baryshivka Rayon State |1 Lenina St., Baryshivka |5-19-83 |

| | |Administration | | |

|3 |P.V. Vlasiuk |Baryshivka Rayon Road Administration |23 Torfiana St., Baryshivka |4-12-63 |

|4 |O.V. Bilash |Owner of café on the road |Kyiv – Kharkiv, 118 km |2-21-21 |

|5 |M.O. Kharpov |Chief Architect of Yahotyn Rayon |110 Nezalezhnosti St., Yahotyn |5-55-90 |

|6 |L.O. Romanenko |Head of Bohdanivka Village Council |11 Khmelnistkogo St., Bohdanivka |3-41-68 |

| | | |village | |

|7 |V.V. Stupak |Head of Rayon Department of State |109 Nezalezhnosti St., Yahotyn |5-46-80 |

| | |Automobile Inspection | | |

|8 |I.M. Marmul |Deputy Head, Department for Economy of |110 Nezalezhnosti St., Yahotyn |5-54-36 |

| | |Yahotyn Rayon State Administration | | |

|9 |L.I. Riabokliach |Chief Engineer, Yahotyn Rayon Road |6 Kiltseva St., Yahotyn |2-13-69 |

| | |Administration | | |

|10 |V. Galas |Head of Department for Land Resources of|108 Nezalezhnosti St., Yahotyn |3-66-46 |

| | |Yahotyn Rayon | | |

|11 |A. Kovalenko |Head of Panfily Village Council |1 Tsentralna St., Panfily village |3-51-46 |

|12 |V.G. Denytsenko |Head of Nechyporivka Village Council |1 Molodizhna St., Nechyporivka |3-70-65 |

| | | |village | |

|13 |O.V. Panchenko |Head of Cherniakhivka Village Council |5 Shkilna St., Cherniakhivka |3-21-31 |

| | | |village | |

|14 |Y.V. Klymenko |Deputy Head of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytski |53 Khmelnistkogo St., |5-35-20 |

| | |Rayon State Administration |Pereyaslav-Khmelnytski | |

|15 |Y.V. Radchenko |Unit for capital construction, ‘Romen’ |112 Filatova St., Yahotyn |58-78-102 |

| | |enterprise | | |

|16 |A.V. Sarnatski |Acting Deputy Mayor of Berezan |1 Frunze St., Berezan town |6-20-64 |

|17 |G.S. Kuzmenko |Deputy Head of Yahotyn Rayon State |110 Nezalezhnosti St., Yahotyn |5-50-50 |

| | |Administration | | |

|18 |I.N. Zamorski |Acting First Deputy Head of Yahotyn |110 Nezalezhnosti St., Yahotyn |5-56-74 |

| | |Rayon State Administration | | |

|19 |I.A. Korol |Head of Yahotyn Rayon Road |6 Kiltseva St., Yahotyn |5-10-87 |

| | |Administration | | |

|20 |V.Y. Kalutyuk |Yahotyn |Industrial area, Yahotyn |5-59-49 |

|21 |O.V. Pinchuk |Resident of Bohdanivka village |Bohdanivka village |34-1-82 |

Yahotyn News (‘Vesti’)

Regional Newspaper # 86 (10121) Saturday 27th of October 2007

Public Consultations ‘Concerning Rehabilitation of Motorway ‘Kiev-Dovzhanskiy’

30th of October 2007 at 12:00 in Yahotyn city Department of Motorways ‘RaiSHRBU’, at Kiltsevaya Str., 6 will be carried out public consultations, devoted to the discussion of capital reconstruction/rehabilitation of motorway M-03 ‘Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskiy’ at the stratch, which passes Kiev Oblast (in Barishivskomy and Yahotinskomy regions). Participating at the consultations will be local authorities, representatives of executive power, Department of Motorways (UkrAvtodor) of Kiev Region, Institute UkrGiprodor, and other interested parties.

Everyone is invited.

Newspaper – ‘Zoria Poltavshiny’

Friday, 19th of October 2007

Public Consultations ‘Concerning Rehabilitation of Motorway ‘Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskiy’

This October 2007 there will be public consultations carried out concerning Rehabilitation of Motorway M-03 ‘Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskiy’ at Borispil-Lubni stratch , at the territory of Piryatinskiy and Lubenskiy regions of Poltava Oblast. Participating in the consultation will be representatives oif state and nongovernmental organizations, business entities residing close to the motorway M-03 Kiev-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskiy and other interested parties.

Public Consultations will be carried out 24th of October at Piryatin Regional Administration and on 25th of October at Lubenskaya Regional Administration.


[1] Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was created in December 1991. At present the CIS unites: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.




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