Rental Application

Grandview Farms, Inc.

P.O. Box 1304, 186 College St., 3rd Floor, Burlington, VT 05402-1304

(802) 862-1611 • grandview.farms@

Parking Space Lease Agreement

1. Parties and Premises:

This Lease agreement is made on ____, 200_, between Grandview Farms, Inc. herein referred to as Landlord and ______, herein referred to as Tenant.

The undersigned hereby makes application to rent parking lot space number __, located at Center Street, Burlington, Vermont beginning on ______t and submits the following information:

2. TERM:

The initial term of the Lease is on a month to month basis beginning on the first day of ________ 200_.

3. Rent:

Tenant agrees to pay as rent _______ dollars ($_____) per month, payable by check or money order, without demand, in advance of the first day of each month. Rent will be considered late if not received by Landlord before the 10th of the month. Late payments affect the Tenant’s credit references.

4. Access:

Landlord may take over the parking space(s) when there are necessary repairs, alterations or improvements to be made.

5. Obligations of the Tenant:

In the event that the parking space(s) is included with an apartment that the Tenant rents from the Landlord, at the termination of the said apartment lease the termination of the parking space(s) lease will also come into effect.

6. Conditions Beyond the Landlord’s Control:

If the Tenant is unable to use his parking space(s) due to conditions beyond the Landlord’s control, such as snow storms, other weather conditions, or acts of God, the Landlord shall not be held responsible if it is unable to provide the said parking space(s).

7. Liability:

Each Tenant signing this lease shall be jointly and severally liable to Landlord for all obligations arising under this Lease. There shall be no liability on the part of the Landlord for any damages that the Tenant may suffer while using the said parking space(s).

8. Termination of Lease By Tenant:

If the Lease is terminated for any reason by Tenant, the balance of the Lease is due to Landlord.

9. Ordinances and Statutes:

Tenant shall comply with all statutes, ordinances, and requirements of all municipal, state and federal authorities no in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to the use of the premises.

10. Tenant’s Possession:

Tenant must have adequate insurance in order to protect his/her belongings.

11. All Conditions of Lease Agreement:

The conditions of the Lease are separate, the validity of each not being dependant upon the other. This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties. The breach of any condition of this Lease is to be considered substantial. This Lease is executed in two copies, each copy to be considered an original for all purposes. This Lease shall be construed according to the Laws of the State of Vermont.

In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this agreement the day and year first written above.


I, the applicant, hereby state that the above information is true.

Print Full Name:

Signature: Date:

Print Landlord Full Name: Marian E. Fritz

Signature: Date: ___________

Vehicle Information

Name of Renter: ____________

Home Phone: Cell Phone:

Business Phone:


Mailing Address:

Please list below all vehicles that may occupy your space(s). The lot is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your car must display a parking tag while parked in the lot or it will be towed at your expense. It is the responsibility of the Tenant to notify the Landlord regarding vehicle changes.

Please initial that you have read this paragraph: ________

| |Space # |Parking |Vehicle |License Plate Number |License Plate |

| | |Sticker # |Make & Model | |State/Province |

|Car #1 | | | | | |

|Car #2 | | | | | |

|Car #3 | | | | | |

|Car #4 | | | | | |

|Car #5 | | | | | |

|Car #6 | | | | | |


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