Shampoo Bottle mystery

Shampoo Bottle mystery

You travel often and have learned that your shampoo bottles often leak in your suitcase. You have decided to investigate this scenario. Using a plastic 3 mL bottle, you fill it with 2.5mL shampoo and seal it tightly before you leave Houston, TX (1.03 atm). You are traveling to Denver, CO where the pressure is 0.789atm. What volume does the air occupy in the shampoo bottle when you land? Has your shampoo bottle leaked shampoo this trip? Explain.

Hairspray and Ice

Your mom asked you to buy her some Aquanet hairspray in the blue plastic bottle on your way home from school yesterday. You forgot to take it inside when you got home. At 5am your mom needs her hair spray. You run out to the car and get it and find an arctic front has moved into Houston overnight. There is frost on the ground and ice crystals in the air. All you can think is “darn I wore shorts yesterday it was almost 780F (about 250C) now it has got to be 250F (about -40C)” As you bring in the hairspray you see the bottle said 600mL but the bottle appears to be shrunk. What is the new volume the hairspray occupies? Explain why this happened.

Vacation Clean Up

You celebrated spring break by camping on the beach in Galveston. You had lots of soda in cans (600 mL) left over and one rolled under the seat of your car. The average temperature during spring break was 810F (about 270C). You forgot about the soda and you are now celebrating summer vacation at the beach again. The average daily temperature is about 1010 F (about 180 C) but your car is more like 1240F (about 510 C). As you are driving to the beach you hear a loud boom and find the soda under your seat has burst. Using your knowledge of gas laws, find the volume of the gas/soda in the can and explain why it burst.

Marshmallows and Saltwater

Congratulations you have been chosen to be the first SCHS student to explore the deep sea! To help celebrate your teachers have packed you a special care package to take with you on your trip. In this package you have a container (.5L) of packed marshmallows (your favorite treat). You prepare for you trip and pack your treats on a perfect day in Houston (STP). During your trip, you take a short break when you reach a depth of 50 meters. You know there is a change in pressure as you observe one of the gauges. Based on what it says there is approximately 2.75 atms of pressure in your capsule. You take out the marshmallows and see there has been a change. Calculate the volume container now has and explain what you see happening to your favorite treat.


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