Platinum Membership—$2,000 - PGCAR

SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS?, INC.8300 Corporate Drive #100Landover MD 20785301/306-7900 301/306-8273 (fax)APPLICATION FOR AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIPPLEASE PRINT OR TYPE - Fill in ALL blanks or mark N/A where not applicable. Convert my existing Membership or sign up for a NEW Affiliate Sponsorship Membership - Select One Sponsorship Membership below (applications with payment for sponsor level are accepted before October 1st ONLY)Platinum Membership ($2,000)Corporate Platinum Membership ($2,275)Gold Membership ($1,500)Corporate Gold Membership ($1,775)Silver Membership ($1,000)Corporate Silver Membership ($1,275) Sign Up for regular Affiliate Membership Corporate Membership ($500 – up to 3 people)Basic Individual Membership ($327)Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Company Name OfficeAddress_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________City State Zip Telephone: Office () FAX () Home () Email: ___________________________________________________ My title or position with the firm: _____________________________________________Specialty: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Corporate Membership: 1)________________________________________________________2)_______________________________________________________(Provide names of additional representatives)I hereby apply for AFFILIATE Membership in the Prince George’s County Association of REALTORS?, Inc. enclosing my payment in the amount of $____________which may be deposited in the Association checking account. I agree to abide by the Association Rules and Regulations, the Constitution and Bylaws, including the obligation to arbitrate any existing or future disputes with another Member in accordance with arbitration procedures. I irrevocably waive all claims against the Association or any of its Officers, Directors, or Members for any act in connection with the business of the Association, and particularly as to its or their acts in electing, or failing to elect, advancing, suspending, expelling, or otherwise disciplining me as a member. I understand that Association dues are payable annually on the 1st of October and are not refundable. I agree to pay the established fees as long as I maintain membership. I have read and completed this application and understand and agree to all terms and conditions therein.Signature (Applicant)_____________________________________________Date_____________________________________( ) I am enclosing my check ( ) I am paying by credit card below(Circle one) VISA MASTERCARD AMEXName on card:____________________________________________________Card #__________________________________________________________Expiration Date____________CVV#______________Signature:______________________________________________________Date_____________________________________( ) Upon completion of this form, if you are a Sponsor Level Affiliate, please send a High Resolution Logo to Erica Kaleda via email at erica@ for website advertising and sponsorship banner (applies to Affiliate Sponsorship Membership only)( ) Upon completion of this form, if you are a Sponsor Level Affiliate, please forward the link to your website to Erica Kaleda via email at erica@ for website advertising (applies to Affiliate Sponsorship Membership only)Rev. 11/19 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP DUES BREAKDOWNSponsorship Memberships Accepted before October 1stRegular Affiliate Memberships Accepted Year-RoundPlatinum Membership—$2,000(Corporate Platinum—$2,275)?This level would include all benefits listed for Basic Affiliate Membership/Basic Corporate membership, plus:??Logo/sponsor name on a banner at all events and member orientations??The use of the classroom at PGCAR for 2 educational workshops per year??Advertisement on the website for up to 12 months (up to a $1,500 value)**??Recognition throughout the year via email and at events ($45 value)**??(3) representatives can attend the Legislative Breakfast, Holiday Charity Event, Top Producer Awards, Annual 5k Fun Run/Walk, and Installation for FREE ($285 value – Subject to an RSVP/Registration to the event)** If more tickets/registrations are required, they must be purchased.Gold Membership—$1,500(Corporate Gold—$1,775)?This level would include all benefits listed for Basic Affiliate Membership/Basic Corporate membership, plus:??Logo/sponsor name on a banner at all events and member orientations??The use of the classroom at PGCAR for 1 educational workshop per year??Advertisement on the website for 6 months (up to a $900 value)**??Recognition throughout the year via email and at events ($45 value)**??(2) representatives can attend Legislative Breakfast, Holiday Charity Event, Top Producer Awards, Annual 5k Fun Run/Walk, and Installation for FREE ($190 value - Subject to an RSVP/Registration to the event)** If more tickets/registrations are required, they must be purchased.?Silver Membership—$1,000(Corporate Silver —$1,275)?This level would include all benefits listed for Basic Affiliate Membership/Basic Corporate membership, plus:??Logo/sponsor name on a banner at all events and member orientations??Advertisement on the website for up to 3 months (up to a $450 value)**??Recognition throughout the year via email and at events ($45 value)**??(1) representatives can attend the Legislative Breakfast, Holiday Charity Event, Top Producer Awards, Annual 5k Fun Run/Walk, and Installation FREE ($95 value - Subject to an RSVP/Registration to the event)** If more tickets/registrations are required, they must be purchased.Corporate Membership—$500(up to 3 members of the same company)This level would include all the benefits listed for the Basic Affiliate Membership for up to 3 members of the same company. Registrations and/or tickets to events must be purchased.Basic Membership—$327(1 individual member)?This level would include all benefits listed for Basic Affiliate Membership for one member. Registrations and/or tickets to events must be purchased.??Access to the contact information of more than 2,400 PGCAR REALTOR Members??All Affiliate companies will be listed on the PGCAR Website??There will be a link to each Affiliate’s website??Opportunity to participate in all PGCAR social and professional events??Opportunities to teach at PGCAR??Develop long-lasting business relationships??Increase your profile in the Association and local community ................

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