Central Bucks School District

AP Statistics8.2 NotesFinding LRSL using the CalculatorUSING THE AIRFARE DATASteps:1. 2. 3. 4. If no r and r2LSRL Equation = 402590012573000Practice: Weight(lbs) and Fuel Efficiency of Cars(mpg)Draw and describe scatterplot.Using the Calculator find the LSRL. Add the line to the scatterplot. What is the slope? Interpret in the context of the problem.What is the correlation?How are the slope and correlation similar?Predict the fuel efficiency of a car that weighs 2865 pounds.Find the residual for that weight. R2 – The It is just the Gives the Interpreted: Or: Helps determine how Example: The correlation between first exam grades and second exam grades is 0.67. R2 = Interpretation:Residual PlotsPlotting residuals helps us see if If there is If a Always check the residual plot to Example: Weight vs Fuel Efficiency againTo make a residual plot on the calculator:Run the LinReg function first so that the residual list(RESID) is calculated! Graph: Computer OutputsMany different statistical programs will present a regression output. You need to be able to read one.149225018923000 ................

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