Plan Review letter

December 13, 2020Attn: Robert FagenCity AdministratorCity of Cumming649 N. 44th StreetPO Box 100Cumming, Iowa 50061Re: Site plan review of proposed Kum & Go 0198 @ I-35 & Cumming Avenue Dear Mr. Fagan:The following review is an independent third-party analysis of the site plan for the proposed project in accordance with Chapter 165 Zoning Regulations as adopted by the City of Cumming. This review does not incorporate or encompass the review of any rules or regulations of the following as they are not regulated by Ordinance Chapter 165 of the City of Cumming Code of Ordinances: Traffic Study of any local, arterial, minor, major roads or any designated highways or connecting State and/or Federal Interstate systems, andAccess permits required by the State of Iowa Department of Transportation for development entrances onto any designated State of Iowa roadways, andEnvironmental Impact Studies including any drainage way, water shed or water detention/retention requirements of Local, State or Federal requirements, andSigns or Signage on the building or premises per Sign regulations as adopted by the City of Cumming and/or signage regulations by the State of Iowa Department of Transportation Highway/Interstate systems, andReview of any public improvements/infrastructure of the site and/or any related development supporting the site per for compliance with any rules or regulations as adopted by the City of CummingReview of the buildings or structures for compliance with Building and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of CummingThe scope of work consists of the development of land for the construction of a 6,015 square foot convenience store or “C store”, 1,272 square foot diesel fuel canopy, tanks and associated equipment, 3,264 square foot gasoline fuel canopy, tanks and associated equipment, trash enclosure and parking lot for pedestrian and commercial vehicle parking.Robert FaganDecember 13, 2020Page 2Building Use: Gas or service station – City of Cumming Ordinance Section 165.05 #64Based on floor plans dated October 9, 2020 the building contains retail sales area, food service area, indoor seating, kitchen, coolers/freezers, storage rooms, utility room and restrooms. The use of the facility is for …”retail sales of liquified petroleum products for the propulsion of motor vehicles, and including such products as kerosene, fuel oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, packaged naphtha, lubricants, tires, batteries, antifreeze, motor vehicle accessories, and other items customarily associated with the sale of such products.”… Accessory services such as car wash or repairs of vehicles (limited) are allowed though not offered at this site. The proposed use of the facility does not appear to meet the definition of “Truck stop”. City of Cumming Ordinance Section 165.05 #151 defines Truck stop as “a service station which is designed principally for the servicing and temporary parking of trucks.” Amenities customarily associated with “Truck stops” include vehicle serving bays for oil changes, replacement of parts, tire changes, vehicle wash bays, laundry services, lounge/waiting areas for drivers, shower/bathing services, vehicle scales, etc. None of these amenities or services are offered for tractor/trailer vehicles. The facility will offer differing classifications of fuel such as gasoline, ethanol and diesel for sale by use of pedestrian and commercial vehicles such as busses, RV’s and campers, construction related equipment and so forth. *Conclusion: The use of the building appears to be in conformance with the definition of “Gas or Service Station” per Ordinance Section 165.05 #64. NOTE: the property owner has taken additional measures to provide signage on the premises indicating “No Overnight Parking”. Details provided for on revised site plan dated November 30, 2020.Zoned District: The City of Cumming Zoning Map identifies the area of development as being located in a C-1 Zoned District classified as Highway Commercial. Pursuant to City of Cumming Zoning Ordinance section 165.18 (1) (B) Gas stations or service stations are allowed as a permitted principal use for the C-1 Zoned district. *Conclusion: The proposed facility use is within a Zoned District that allows for such use per Ordinance Section 165.18 (1) (B)Maximum height allowed 165.18 (4): = 35’ for the principal structure. Proposed height = 22’6”*Conclusion: The height of the principal building meets the requirements of Ordinance Section 165.18 (4)Bulk Regulations allowed 165.18 (5): = Front yard – 50’ Proposed = Front yard – 63.45 to Canopy Rear yard – 0’ Rear yard – 69’ plus Side yard – 0’ Side yard – 59.5’ East Lot Area – 20,000 sq ft Lot Area – 130,375 sq ft Lot width – 125 Lot width – 400’ plusRobert FaganDecember 13, 2020Page 3*Conclusion: The setbacks of the principal building adhere to the requirements of Ordinance Section 165.18 (5)Green Space/Buffer: City of Cumming Ordinance Section 165.29Based on tables 1 & 2 of Ordinance Section 165.29 a buffer is not required between the proposed property and adjacent properties. The land surrounding the site is identified as A-1 “agricultural” and thus no buffer is required. The Future Land Use map designates the land area surrounding the site as having a C-1 “Highway Commercial” use. The site does not and is not proposed as being adjacent to residential zoned properties. The garbage storage as noted per 165.29 (3) (E) will have an enclosure surrounding the area. Elevation plans dated October 9, 2020, indicate rooftop equipment located within a “screened” area meeting Ordinance Section 165.29 (3) (F).Sheet L1.1 of the site plan identifies landscaping being provided for the site. The landscaping proposed exceeds the requirements for such as outlined in Ordinance Section 165.29 *Conclusion: The amount of landscaping provided exceeds the minimum amount required per Ordinance Section 165.29Off Street Parking: The building is less than 10,000 square feet and thus is not required to provide a dedicated off-street loading space per Ordinance Section 165.47 (2). The site plan submitted does indicate an off-street loading space being provided. The loading zone is located at the rear of the building not visible to Cumming Avenue or the adjacent side street. The dimensions of the space are 12 feet by 60 feet and the surface consists concrete pavement. All of the requirements noted in 165.47 (2) A through D are being met. The principal building has a retail use with an area of 6,015 square feet. Pursuant to Ordinance Section 165.47 (2) (E) (9) 5 parking stalls per 1,000 square feet is required. 6,015/1,000 = 6; 6 x’s 5 = 30. 27 pedestrian vehicle parking stalls and 5 commercial vehicle parking stalls are provided on the site. The total amount provided is 32. The amount of off-site parking exceeds the minimum required amount.The off-street parking area consists of concrete pavement with the perimeter provided with curbing. Drainage of the off-street parking area is provided for. In accordance with Chapter 11 of the International Building Code as adopted per City of Cumming Ordinance Section 155.08 and the 2010 ADAAG guidelines the number of required handicap parking stalls is 2. The site contains 2 handicap parking stalls. The handicap parking and required adjacent access aisle dimension requirements are being met. The handicap parking stalls are located on the shortest possible route to the main entrance(s). The connection between the handicap parking stalls and building main entrance meets the provisions for accessible routes. Proper signage is noted as being provided on the site plan. *Conclusion: The amount of off-street parking provided exceeds the minimum required per Ordinance Section 165.47 (2) (E) (9). A dedicated off-street loading area is not required however one is provided and meets the requirements of Ordinance Section 165.47 (2). Handicap parking is provided and meets the requirements of the adopted Building Code and the State and Federal standards. Robert FaganDecember 13, 2020Page 4Site Plan Information: The site plan submitted appears to meet all of the requirements as noted in Ordinance Section 165.49.*Conclusion: Site plan requirements are being metArchitectural Performance Standards: Ordinance Section 166.05 (3) (I) Fuel Canopies: The fuel canopies have a front yard setback of more than 15 feet from the property line. The height of the pedestrian vehicle canopy is 21 feet measured from grade to the top of the wood band architectural panel feature. The diesel fuel canopy has a height of 19 feet measured from grade to top of canopy. Both canopies provide a height underneath of more than 14 feet. Flush down cast lighting will be provided for both canopies.*Conclusion: The pedestrian fuel canopy is being revised to reflect a height of 20 feet maximum. The Owners Architect and Engineer are modifying plans to reflect the proper height as required per Ordinance Section 166.05 (3) (I). Correspondence between the Owners representative and City Staff indicating such have transpired. The photometric plan details the exterior site lighting fixtures which are indicated as being the downcast type. The plan indicates the illumination levels on the site with light spillage not exceeding one-foot candle per square foot at the property line per the requirements of Ordinance Section 166.05 (3) (H)*Conclusion: The photometric plan appears to meet the requirements of Ordinance Section 166.05 (3) (H). Lighting is downcast, illumination levels are not exceeded and the lighting provides sharp, cut-off qualities preventing off-site glare. The principal building exterior materials is made up of stone panels, glazing, colored aluminum panels and brick veneer. The proposed design of materials and color scheme along with projecting elements and trim features would appear to meet the intent of the Architectural Design requirements listed for C-1 Highway Commercial zoning district per Ordinance Section 166.09 in guidance with 166.05 A through G. *Conclusion: Provisions of Ordinance Section 166.09 for Architectural Design Features are being met.In my opinion based on the plans, details and information provided for review the proposed site and building meet the City of Cumming Zoning Ordinance. With the exterior facade revisions and adjustment of the pedestrian fuel canopy height the site plan could be approved “subject to” with the remaining items verified by staff during the course of construction. My recommendation would be for such. If you have questions please call me at (515) 494-6351 or at pinevalleycc1@.Sincerely, Jeff Harden Jeff Harden, M.C.P. C.B.O. Pine Valley Inspections & Consulting, LLC5245 Pine Valley DrivePleasant Hill, Iowa 50327 ................

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