Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Supplemental Table 1: Smoking history among controls and lung cancer cases by lung cancer histology, Bay Area Lung Cancer Study 1998-2003 and Northern California Lung Study 2005-2008

|Histology |All |Ever Smoker |Never Smokera |Unk/Missing |

|  |N (%b) |n |% |n |% |n |% |

|Adenocarcinoma |2146 (35.6) |1631 |76.0 |411 |19.2 |104 |4.8 |

|Adenocarcinoma in situ (formerly BAC) |338 (5.6) |225 |66.6 |95 |28.1 |18 |5.3 |

|Carcinoma, NOS |492 (8.2) |405 |82.3 |51 |10.4 |36 |7.3 |

|Carcinoid Tumor |16 (0.3) |9 |56.3 |6 |37.5 |1 |6.3 |

|Large Cell Carcinoma |214 (3.5) |187 |87.4 |16 |7.5 |11 |5.1 |

|Mixed Carcinoma |123 (2.0) |98 |79.7 |18 |14.6 |7 |5.7 |

|Non-small Cell Carcinoma |818 (13.6) |682 |83.4 |114 |13.9 |22 |2.7 |

|Small Cell Carcinoma |675 (11.2) |622 |92.1 |22 |3.3 |31 |4.6 |

|Squamous Carcinoma |1121 (18.6) |1013 |90.4 |55 |4.9 |53 |4.7 |

|Other Carcinoma |89 (1.5) |58 |65.2 |26 |29.2 |5 |5.6 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Controls (n=2073) |--- |983 |47.4 |1071 |51.7 |19 |0.9 |

|TOTAL | |5913 | |1885 | |307 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Among Ever Smokers (N=5913) |

| | |Current Smoker |  |Former Smoker |  | | |

| | |n |% |n |% | | |

|Adenocarcinoma | |637 |29.7 |994 |46.3 | | |

|Adenocarcinoma in situ (formerly BAC) | |50 |14.8 |175 |51.8 | | |

|Carcinoma, NOS | |155 |31.5 |250 |50.8 | | |

|Carcinoid Tumor | |2 |12.5 |7 |43.8 | | |

|Large Cell Carcinoma | |86 |40.2 |101 |47.2 | | |

|Mixed Carcinoma | |36 |29.3 |62 |50.4 | | |

|Non-small Cell Carcinoma | |280 |34.2 |402 |49.1 | | |

|Small Cell Carcinoma | |329 |48.7 |293 |43.4 | | |

|Squamous Carcinoma | |441 |39.3 |572 |51.0 | | |

|Other Carcinoma | |14 |15.7 |44 |49.4 | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Controls (n=983) | |178 |8.6 |805 |38.8 | | |

|TOTAL | |2208 | |3705 | | | |

Abbreviations: BAC, bronchioloalveolar carcinoma

a includes 'never smoked', smoked, but not cigarettes, smoked but didn’t smoke 20+ cigarettes in lifetime

b percent of total cases

Supplemental Table 2: Years and pack-years of smoking among all cases and controls and those who were ever smokers; Bay Area Lung Cancer Study 1998-2003 and Northern California Lung Study 2005-2008

|Group |Histology |Years Smoked |Pack-years |

| |  |N |Mean |Std err |Median |N |

| |N |N- SHS|n |

| | |unk | |

Model |AIS |Non-AIS |OR |95% CI |P-value | |AIS |Non-AIS |OR |95% CI |P-value | | |214 |3555 | | | | | |66 |979 | | | | | |Age | | |1.01 |1.00 |1.02 |0.1328 | | | |1.00 |0.98 |1.02 |0.7043 | |Sex | | |0.68 |0.51 |0.92 |0.0117 | | | |0.92 |0.51 |1.66 |0.7871 | |Any SHS | | |1.08 |0.66 |1.78 |0.7490 | | | |1.42 |0.76 |2.65 |0.2711 | |Never smokers | | |Referent | | | | | | |Referent | | | | |Packyear QRT1 | | |0.94 |0.52 |1.68 |0.8326 | | | |0.65 |0.24 |1.78 |0.4034 | |Packyear QRT2 | | |0.76 |0.47 |1.23 |0.2662 | | | |0.17 |0.04 |0.74 |0.0183 | |Packyear QRT3 | | |0.36 |0.22 |0.57 | ................

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