OUT OF HOSPITAL CARDIAC ARREST DATA ELEMENTS V. NEMSIS & NON-NEMSIS DATA ELEMENTS TRANSLATION TABLEOut of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Data ElementsOther SystemNEMSIS Program Data Elements*Data Element NameData Element DescriptionNon-NEMSISNationalNon-NationalNEMSIS Field NameCase NumberEMS Incident NumberE02_02Incident NumberIncident DateIncident DateE05_01Incident Onset Date/TimeEstimated Time of CollapseHours and minutes (witnessed only)XE05_01Incident or Onset Date/TimeE11_08Estimated Time of Arrest Prior to EMS ArrivalPre-Compressions Correct?Yes/No 200 initial compressions by EMS or adequate bystander compressionsXPost-Compressions Correct?Yes/No 200 post-shock compressions or continuous in a no shock rhythmXIntubation Delayed Correct?Yes/No Intubation was delayed for three cyclesXEarly Epi Cycle 1Yes/No Epinephrine given during the first five minutes after CCR initiatedE18_01Date/Time Medication AdministeredEarly Epi Cycle 2Yes/No Epinephrine given during six to ten minutes after CCR initiatedE18_01Date/Time Medication AdministeredEarly Epi Cycle 2Yes/No Epinephrine given after ten minutesE18_01Date/Time Medication AdministeredFollowed AHA 2005Yes/No Whether the EMS agency followed the American Heart Association’s 2005 guidelines for CPRXTime EMS DispatchedHH/MME05_04Unit Notified by Dispatch Date/TimeTime EMS Arrived SceneHH/MM Arrival of ALS unit at scene (not at patient side)E05_06Unit Arrived on Scene Date/TimeTime EMS TransportingHH/MM EMS depart sceneE05_09Unit Left Scene Date/TimeTime EMS at HospitalHH/MME05_10Patient Arrived at Destination Date/TimeTime EMS Defibrillation #1HH/MM or HH/MM/SS depending upon monitor capability and where data was obtained. Time, including seconds, if possible, that defibrillation was first administered by EMS personnelE19_01Date/Time Procedure Performed SuccessfullyNumber of EMS DefibrillationsTotal times EMS personnel administered defibrillationE19_05Number of Procedure AttemptsE21_10Total Number of Shocks DeliveredAsystole After Shock #1Yes/No Whether asystole was present after the first shockE19_08Response to ProcedurePAD AEDYes/No Whether an AED was being used on arrival of EMSXNumber of Layperson AED ShocksTotal times layperson bystander administered defibrillationE19_01Date/Time Procedure Performed SuccessfullyGender1MaleE06_11Gender2FemaleAgePatient’s AgeE06_14AgeAge PediatricIf <18 years, age in monthsE06_15Age UnitsIf Less Than 10 Years, Patient WeightWeight for pediatric cardiac arrestsE16_01Estimated Body WeightE16_02Broselow/Luten ColorOut of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Data ElementsOther SystemNEMSIS Program Data Elements*Data Element NameData Element DescriptionNon-NEMSISNationalNon-NationalNEMSIS Field NameRace1White/CaucasianE06_12Race2Black/African American3Hispanic4American Indian/Alaskan Native5Asian or Pacific Islander6Other7Middle Eastern/Arab/IndianPresumed Etiology1CardiacE11_02Cardiac Arrest Etiology2Trauma3Drowning4Respiratory5Other, Non-Cardio-respiratory6UnknownOut of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Data ElementsOther SystemNEMSIS Program Data Elements*Data Element NameData Element DescriptionNon-NEMSISNationalNon-NationalNEMSIS Field NameLocationLocation of Cardiac Arrest IncidentE08_07Incident Location Type1Single Family Residence2Apartment3Mobile Home4Physician’s Office/Clinic5In a Car/Road/Parking Lot6Jail7Park/Outdoor Recreation8Indoor Recreation/Entertainment Venue9Gym/Health Club10Open Field11Public Street/Sidewalk/Bus Stop/Alley12Hotel/Motel13Church14Store/Mall15Public Business/Office16Restaurant/Bar17Retirement Community or Complex18School19Golf Course20Federal/County/State/City Govt. Building21Dialysis Center22Nursing Home23Hospice/Long Term Care Hospital24Adult Care Home/Assisted Living Facility25Train/Bus26Fire Station/EMS VehicleWitnessed?Whether this was a witnessed cardiac arrest, seen or heardE11_04Arrest Witnessed ByArrest After EMSWhether patient went into cardiac arrest after arrival of EMSE11_01Cardiac ArrestOut of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Data ElementsOther SystemNEMSIS Program Data Elements*Data Element NameData Element DescriptionNon-NEMSISNationalNon-NationalNEMSIS Field NameCPR/CCC Prior to EMSWhether bystander CPR or CCC was being performed on arrival of first responding unit1No2Yes, Spouse3Yes, Other Family Member4Yes, Friend or Neighbor5Yes, Stranger6Yes, EMS/Paramedic Off Duty7Yes, Law Enforcement8Yes, Nursing Home/Phys. Ofc. Personnel9Yes, Nurse/Physician Off Duty10Yes, Employee of Arrest LocationQualityWas the bystander CPR/CCC being performed in EMS personnel’s judgmentX1Adequate2InadequateType CCC or TraditionalXAgonal?Whether the patient exhibited agonal respirations upon EMS arrivalE14_11Respiratory RateE14_12Respiratory EffortSkin TempCold, Cool, Warm, or HotE16_04Skin AssessmentSkin ColorCyanosis, Pale, Ashen, or PinkMottling?Yes/No, Is mottling present?LividityYes/No, Is lividity present?Maximum CO2Maximum ET CO2 value achieved during resuscitationE14_13Carbon DioxideE21_18Device CO2 or ETCO2E21_19Device CO2, ETCO2, or Invasive Pressure Monitor UnitsInitial Monitored RhythmPatient’s cardiac rhythm first monitored (AED or manual monitor/defibrillator)E11_05First Monitored Rhythm of the Patient1Ventricular Fibrillation2PEA3Asystole4NSR5Sinus Tachycardia6Sinus Bradycardia7Ventricular Tachycardia8OtherOut of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Data ElementsOther SystemNEMSIS Program Data Elements*Data Element NameData Element DescriptionNon-NEMSISNationalNon-NationalNEMSIS Field NameRhythm on ED ArrivalPatient’s cardiac rhythm upon arrival at EDE11_11Cardiac Rhythm on Arrival at Destination1Ventricular Fibrillation2PEA3Asystole4NSR5Sinus Tachycardia6Sinus Bradycardia7Ventricular Tachycardia8Other# of Intubation AttemptsNumber of times intubation was attempted, including a successful attemptE19_05Number of Procedure AttemptsIntubated on Arrival EDYes/No, Whether patient was intubated upon arrival at EDE19_14Destination Confirmation of Tube PlacementVentilation RateNumber of ventilations per minute documentedXVentilation MethodVentilation method used: bag-valve mask (BVM), non-rebreather mask (NRB), endotracheal tube (ETT), tracheostomy (Trach)D09_02Device Name or IDD09_03Device ManufacturerD09_04Model NumberMeds MethodRoute for administration of medication: intravenous (IV) , intraosseous (IO), endotracheal tube (ETT), or PIC lineE18_04Medication Administered RoutedTime Epi #1HH/MM, Time that epinephrine was initially administeredE18_01Date/Time Medication AdministeredE18_03Medication GivenLidocaineYes/No, Whether lidocaine was administered by the EMS agencyE18_03Medication GivenBicarbYes/No, Whether sodium bicarbonate was administered by the EMS agencyFluid BolusYes/No, Whether a fluid bolus was administered by the EMS agencyE18_05Medication DosageE18_06Medication Dosage UnitsEMS PacingYes/No, Whether cardiac pacing was used by the EMS agencyE21_05AED, Pacing, or CO2 ModeE21_11Pacing RateAutopulse?Yes/No, Whether autopulse was used by the EMS agencyD09_02Device Name or IDD09_03Device ManufacturerD09_04Model NumberTransporting AgencyCoded as per EMS agencyD01_01EMS Agency NumberD01_02EMS Agency NameE02_01EMS Agency NumberDestination HospitalInitial receiving hospital – Coded as attached, list expanded as hospitals are includedE20_01Destination/Transferred to, NameE20_02Destination/Transferred to, CodeHypothermiaWhether hypothermia was employed in the hospitalXOut of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Data ElementsOther SystemNEMSIS Program Data Elements*Data Element NameData Element DescriptionNon-NEMSISNationalNon-NationalNEMSIS Field NameResponseWhether patient had a return of any vital signs prior to arrival at EDE11_06?Any Return of Spontaneous Circulation1No2Pulse Only3Pulse and Spontaneous Respiration4Pulse and BP Only5Pulse, BP and Spontaneous Respiration, No Improvement in LOC6Pulse, BP Spontaneous Respiration & Improvement in LOCInitial Outcome1Cardiac Arrest was Called in Field, No TransportE20_10E22_01Incident/Patient DispositionEmergency Department Disposition2Cardiac Arrest was Called in ED3Patient was Admitted, Follow-Up for Outcome NeededFinal Outcome4Patient was Admitted, Death in HospE22_02Hospital Disposition5Patient was Discharged from Hosp AliveD/C ConditionPatient’s condition upon discharge from hospitalX1Not Discharged Alive2Poor, Severely Disabled3Fair, Home with Significant to Moderate Alteration in Lifestyle4Good, Home with Moderate to Minimal Alteration in Lifestyle5Excellent, Home with No Notable Medical Problems or Alteration in Lifestyle* = Italicized text indicates identified NEMSIS data element(s) as possible translation(s). ................

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