ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY understanding the importance …

ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY understanding the importance of CPR

NAME ____________________________________________ Grade Section ________

_____ 1. When the heart beat and breathing have stopped it is called? PARENT’S

SIGNATURE ____________

_____ 2. When brain death is certain due to lack of oxygen it is called?

_____ 3. What carries blood away from the heart?

_____ 4. The heart is about the size of a ……….

_____ 5. How many chambers does the heart have?

_____ 6. Which chamber of the heart is the strongest?

_____ 7. Which chamber of the heart pumps the blood to the lungs?

_____ 8. Which chamber of the heart collects blood from the lungs?

_____ 9. Which chamber of the heart collects blood from the body?

_____ 10. Which chamber of the heart pumps blood to the body?

_____ 11. What is required by all cells of the body to carry out their normal function?

_____ 12. What is made up of the nose, mouth, throat, larynx, trachea, and bronchi?

_____ 13. Quietly stand up and sit back down 5 times. Then put the letters JJ on the

answer line. Be Trustworthy.

_____ 14. Where is the heart located?

_____ 15. A Baltimore researcher made the discovery of CPR in what year?

(answers CAN be used more than once)

A – left ventricle J – biological death S – 1960

B – right ventricle K – 1973 T – 5

C – left atrium L – windpipe V – 1860

D – right atrium M – left side of chest W – blood

E – veins N – behind the sternum X – 1/3

F – clinical / sudden death O – softball Y – 1 / 2

G – arteries P – man’s fist Z – 2/3

H – carotid death R – oxygen AA – 4

BB – airway CC – carbon dioxide DD – 2

JJ – ups and downs ZZ – zyphoid MM - angina

_____ 16. (T or F) When breathing stops the heart will continue to pump blood for

several minutes.

_____ 17. (T or F) CPR is only performed on a victim who has suffered a heart attack

and has gone into cardiac arrest.

_____ 18. Which of these can be reversed? A – clinical death B – biological death

19. The law that protects laypersons from lawsuits if they perform CPR in Good Faith is called….


20. When does brain damage begin on a person who does not have a pulse?

___________________________ minutes

21. Without oxygen to the brain, how many minutes does it take for brain death to be certain?

__________________________ minutes

22. A community wide system, which coordinates means of responding to sudden illness or injury is called?


_____ 23. The study of the human body’s structure can also be called? A – framework

B – anatomy C – skeleton D – physiology E - xiphoid

24. The name of the artery in the neck where you would take a pulse is called the ….

______________________________ artery.

25. The function of the heart is to collect blood from the body and pump the blood to the

__________________ where it picks up _________________, and then pumps the blood to the rest of the __________________.

_____ 26. How the human body functions can also be called ? A – nervous system

B – anatomy C – circulatory system D - physiology

_____ 27. Which system tells the body’s organs what to do and when?

A – respiratory system B – cardiovascular system C – nervous system

28. What percentage of oxygen is in the air that you breath? _______________

29. What percentage of oxygen is in the air you exhale? __________________

30. The tip of the sternum is called…. ___________________________

_____ 31. This builds up on the inner lining of the artery walls and is called atherosclerosis. A – bone marrow B – fatty deposits C – natural fibers

_____ 32. This occurs when narrowing of the coronary artery temporarily prevents an adequate supply of blood and oxygen to the demands of the working heart.

A – cardiac arrest B – stroke C – angina D – heart attack

33. Who is BLS? ______________________________

34. and 35. Name two OTHER causes besides a heart attack (cardiac arrest)in which you might have to perform CPR?

(1) ___________________________ (2) _______________________

36, 37, and 38. Name the three reasons why you can stop performing CPR?

(1) _____________________ (2) _____________________ (3) _________________

______ 39. Which part of the brain controls basic life functions, such as, heart beat, breathing, and blood pressure? A – Cerebrum B – Cerebellum C – Brain Stem

______ 40. (T or F) The pulmonary vein carries oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the heart.

41, 42, 43, and 44. Name the four life threatening conditions.

(1) _________________________________ (2) ___________________________

(3) _________________________________ (4) ____________________________

_____ 45. The best chance for survival of a victim in cardiac arrest is the combination of

A – calling 911 and advanced care

B – early CPR and calling 911

C – advanced care and CPR

D – early CPR and defibrillation

E – defibrillation and advanced care

46. and 47. Name two risk factors for a heart attack that CANNOT be change

1) ____________________________ (2) __________________________

48. and 49. Name two risk factors of a heart attack that CAN be changed.

1) _____________________________ (2) __________________________

_____ 50. (T or F) You do not have to perform CPR on a victim in cardiac arrest. However, once you start you must continue.

_____ 51 (T or F) It is better to know CPR and not need it, then to need it and not know it

52. The most common blockage of the airway of the unconscious victim is the ________

53. Your body contains about how many quarts of blood? __________

54. Name one thing that would make your heart beat faster? _______________________

_____ 55. What are the tiny air sacs at the end of the airway in which oxygen and carbon dioxide are transferred from the air to the blood and from the blood into the air.

A – arteries B – bronchi C – alveoli D – trachea

56. The average heart beat is between ________ and __________ beats per minute.

_____ 57. (T or F) A one way valve lets the blood pass from the ventricles into the atriums.

_____ 58. (T or F) For the blood to get from the heart to the lungs it must travel through the pulmonary artery.

59. The most common blockage of the airway of the conscious victim is ___________.

60.The immediate care that you give to someone with an illness or injury before trained help arrives to take over is called.


61, 62, 63, and 64 PLACE IN ORDER the 4 links of the AHA Adult Chain of Survival, which are: call 911------advanced care------defibrillation--------CPR

1) _________________ 2) ________________ 3) ________________ 4) ____________

______ 65. (T or F) Atherosclerosis can be caused by foods that are high in cholesterol.

Bonus 5 points - (if you wish – must get both parts correct)

According to Mr. McGarvey’s dictionary what does: Hand in Test

GYM stand for ________________________________________


NED stand for _________________________________________


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