Advanced Physiology of Exercise

Study Guide Test 2

Physiology of Exercise

PEMES 3153

Chapter 6. Cardiovascular System and Its Control (Interactive Physiology – Cardiovascular – Anatomy Review, Intrinsic Conduction System, Cardiac Action Potential, Cardiac Cycle, Cardiac Output)

1. Know the function of and be able to identify on a diagram (like Fig. 6.1) of the heart the following: R & L atria, R & L ventricle, pulmonary artery, aorta, superior & inferior vena cavas, pulmonary veins, pulmonary valve, mitral valve, aortic valve, tricuspid valve, R & L coronary arteries

2. Understand how the valves open and close and the relationship of the valves being open or closed and the cardiac cycle (when are the valves open and closed).

3. Be able to trace the path of normal blood flow through the heart and vascular system starting in the right atrium and returning to the right atrium.

4. Know the pathway of normal electrical conduction through the heart (Fig. 6.5).

5. Understand the basic process of depolarization and repolarization (Chapter 3, p. 72-73).

6. Understand the relationship of the electrical activity to the mechanical activity (ie. Contraction). On the Wiggers diagram (Figure 6.9) understand the timing relationships among the ECG, ventricular pressure, ventricular volume and aortic pressure. From the diagram be able to calculate stroke volume and ejection fraction (In Review, p. 151).

7. Understand the relationship of the normal electrical conduction through the heart and the ECG (Fig. 6.8). Know the electrical events in the heart that produce the P-wave, QRS-wave and T-wave of the ECG. Know the intrinsic rate of impulse generation from the SA node and why the resting HR is lower than the intrinsic rate of the SA node.

8. Understand the effect of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems on the heart.

9. Understand the basic anatomy of and the function of arterioles and capillaries and know what distinguishes arterioles from small arteries. Know which part of the vascular system is primarily responsible for the resistance to blood flow.

10. Know how the cardiovascular system distributes and redistributes blood throughout the body (Fig. 6.12). Know the typical distribution of blood flow throughout the body under resting and exercise conditions (know what tissue beds receive high flow and low flow, and how this changes from rest to exercise). Specifically know the percentage amount of the cardiac output to the muscles at rest and during maximal aerobic exercise.

11. Know the 3 methods tissue can intrinsically control blood flow.

12. Know how blood flow is controlled extrinsically via the nervous system.

13. Understand how arterioles control blood flow distribution.

14. Understand the relationship between heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output. Know normal resting values for each and the upper limits of values (max values)

15. Understand systolic, diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure and know normal resting values for systolic and diastolic and how to compute mean arterial pressure.

16. Know the effect of muscular activity on venous return and the importance of venous return to the heart’s ability to pump blood.

17. Know the normal percentage of blood that is plasma and formed elements.

Chapter 7: The Respiratory System and its Regulation (Interactive Physiology – Respiratory – all modules)

1. Be able to define the following: pulmonary ventilation, bronchi, alveoli, valsalva, maximum voluntary ventilation, minute ventilation

2. Be able to describe the mechanics of ventilation and know the primary muscles used for inspiration and expiration (Fig. 7.2).

3. Understand how O2 passes from the alveoli into the blood and from the blood into the muscle cell. Be able to define and understand the function of the following: partial pressure, diffusion, hemoglobin

4. Know the concentration of O2, N2, and CO2 in normal air.

5. Be able to calculate partial pressures given concentrations of gasses and total pressures.

6. Understand how partial pressures are responsible for directional diffusion of gases in the body (Fig. 7.6). Know the relative relationship (which ishigher or lower in the different parts of the circulation) of partial pressures of CO2 and O2 in the pulmonary circulation, the systemic circulation, and the muscles (Fig. 7.6)

7. Know the O2 carrying capacity of Hb and the amount of O2 carried in 100 ml of blood. Understand the term “percent saturation” of blood with oxygen.

8. Understand the Oxygen-Hemoglobin dissociation curve (Figure 7.9).

9. Understand the 3 methods used to transport CO2 and the relative amount of CO2 transported by each.

10. Know the effect of neural and humoral factors on control of ventilation.

11. Understand the concept of Arterial-Venous Oxygen Difference. Know the O2 content (ml O2 per 100 ml blood) in the different parts of the circulation both at rest and maximal exercise.

Chapter 8: Cardiorespiratory Responses to Acute Exercise

1. Understand the Fick Equation

2. Understand the concept of estimating maximal heart rate and know the potential error (Standard Error of Estimate) in estimating maximal heart rate and how to interpret the error.

3. Understand the response of each of the following variables to submaximal sustained exercise, submaximal progressive exercise, and maximal exercise: heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulmonary ventilation. Be able to identify the graphical responses of each of the variables to progressive exercise (Fig. 8.1, 8.3, 8.5, 8.7, 8.10, 8.13)).

4. Know representative resting and maximal values for each of the variables in #3

5. Know the mechanisms for increased stroke volume with exercise.

6. Know the difference in blood pressure response using large muscle mass (legs) versus small muscle mass (arms) (Fig. 8.7)

7. Understand cardiovascular drift and the probable cause.

8. Understand the ventilatory equivalent for oxygen, the ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide, and the ventilator threshold (Fig. 8.14). Know the relationship of these variables to the lactate threshold.

9. Understand and know what causes exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia (EIAH) and who is more likely to suffer from it.

10. Understand the central regulation of the cardiorespiratory system during exercise by Central Command (Insert: Central Regulation of the Cardiorespiratory System During Dynamic Exercise on p. 194).


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