SELBY CITY COUNCILAPRIL 03, 2019, 7:00 P.M.REGULAR MEETING3409 MAIN STREETSELBY, SD 57472The Selby City Council met in regular session, Wednesday, April 03, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Jeff Kosters called the meeting to order. Present at said meeting were Council members’ Don Knecht, Crystal Rueb, Matt Hein, Jim Kihne, Casey Eisemann, Gene Perkins and Finance Officer Vickie Schulkoski. Also, present were Sharon Wolff, Public Works Superintendent Xavier Perman, Todd Goldsmith, Janine Klug and Vivian Witlock. PUBLIC COMMENTSSharon Wolff thanked the city crew for the wonderful job they did on the streets during the snow storm.AGENDAMotion by Knecht and seconded by Kihne to approve the agenda. Motion carried all in favor.APPROVAL OF MARCH 06, 2019, MEETING & MARCH 20, 2019, SPECIAL MEETINGMotion by Hein and seconded by Rueb to approve the minutes of the March 06, 2019, meeting and March 20, 2019, special meeting as written. Motion carried all in favor.CLAIMS LISTMotion by Perkins and seconded by Eisemann to pay the claims as read. Motion carried all in favor. CARDMEMBER SERVICE, Cell phone/training/supplies - $339.41; CASH, Postage - $13.90; CENTURY BUSINESS, Contract - $57.49; DAKOTA RADIO GROUP, Advertising - $150.00; DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Water tests - $15.00; DMC WEAR PARTS, LLC, Blade parts - $578.67; GOVOFFICE, Web page - $475.00; HARRISON, KELSIE, Water deposit refund - $175.00; HASE PLUMBING, Frozen line - $1,243.24; HEALTH POOL OF SD, Insurance - $1,629.36; HEARTLAND WASTE MGMT, Garbage - $3,302.25; JENSEN ROCK & SAND, Snow Removal - $3,478.00; JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL, Parts - $3.78; KEN’S WESTERN LUMBER, Keys - $4.00; KLJ Engineering, Engineering - $1,940.00; MDU, Utilities - $3,309.65; MUNICIPAL CODE, Ordinances - $1,500.00; PRASEK DISEL REPAIR, LLC, Dump truck repairs - $2,252.63; SELBY OIL, Tire - $487.83; SELBY RECORD, Publishing - $341.55; SERVALL, Mops/Rugs - $31.58; SHORTY’S, Fuel - $2,138.24; TRANSOURCE, Parts - $718.93; VENTURE COMMUNICATIONS, Utilities - $631.06; WALWORTH CTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE, Paper Service - $50.00.NEW BUSINESS COMPREHENSIVE PUBLIC HEARING – RESOLUTION 2019-01Motion by Eisemann and seconded by Hein to adopt Resolution 2019-01, Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried with Council members Knecht, Perkins, Kihne, Eisemann, Rueb and Hein in favor. GARBAGE BIDSThere was only one bid, which was from Heartland Waste Management. Motion by Kihne and seconded by Perkins to accept the garbage bid from Heartland Waste Management for $15.25 per household. Motion carried all in favor. STREET BIDSTodd Goldsmith with KLJ Engineering said the bid opening was held on March 28, 2019. The low bid was $945,639.28 from Lien Transportation out of Aberdeen. The city will have more loan money than the bid, so additional work will be able to be completed. Motion by Rueb and seconded by Hein to award the bid to Lien Transportation out of Aberdeen in the amount of $945,639.28, with USDA Rural Development’s concurrence. Motion carried all in favor. AUTORITY TO SIGN LOAN PAPERS AT BANK WEST FOR STREET PROJECTInterim financing will be with Bank West for the construction loan. The rate will be 4.65% for the term of the loan and the loan will not exceed 1 (one) year. Motion by Knecht and seconded by Hein to approve Finance Officer Schulkoski and Casey Eisemann to sign the loan papers for the Street Construction Loan at Bank West, using construction account #1009480713. Motion carried all in favor. SHOP GUTTERS, SHOP GARAGE DOOR & SHOP LIGHTSPublic Works Superintendent Perman said there are gutters on the shop, we just need to purchase down spouts. Council member Hein will talk to Cam Wal regarding the shop lights. CEMETERY HAY LAND BIDSThere was only one hay land bid received, which was from Kirk Miller in the amount of $151.00 per year for three years. Motion by Perkins and seconded by Knecht to accept the bid from Kirk Miller in the amount of $151.00 for three years, for a total of $453.00. Motion carried all in favor.CERTIFICATIONSPublic Works Superintendent Perman will be taking the next certification test in Huron on April 11, 2019. Public Works Superintendent Perman said he will be taking the driving portion of his CDL this month. CHRIS HETTICK ALLEY ISSUESCouncil member Kihne said Mr. Hettick’s landscape pavers are on the cities right-of-way. Council member Eisemann said he will contact Mr. Hettick regarding this issue. OPEN CONTAINER PERMIT FOR CLOVERLEAF BAR & GRILL (SELBY DAYS)Motion by Hein and seconded by Kihne to approve the Open container Permit for the Cloverleaf Bar & Grill for Selby Days. Motion carried all in favor. POOL ISSUES - JANINEJanine said they need to get parts for the sweeper. The council told her to get them ordered because it is maintenance. She would like to remove the carpet in the break room, which the council gave her permission to do. Janine would like to purchase umbrellas for the pool area for shade. This will be put on the next agenda. WATERWAYSouth Dakota State Department of Transportation owns the waterway. Council member Kihne will do some research on this issue and it will be put on the next agenda. MAY 1, 2019 MEETING DATEThe May meeting date will be May 8, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.XAVIER’S COMP TIMEPublic Works Superintendent Perman has 45.14 hours of comp time, which he will be using in April.Motion by Kihne and seconded by Eisemann to pay Dude Moak $17.50 an hour for the 31 hours for snow removal. Motion carried all in favor. ANNUAL REPORTFinance Officer Schulkoski said there is a copy of the annual report in the council’s packets. A copy of the annual report will be put in the newspaper. ALLEYSThe alleys will be worked on after the frost is out of the ground. Public Works Superintendent will contact Jr. Prasek about making a tool to drag the alleys. APPROVED TRAVELHUMAN RESOURCE/FINANCE OFFICER TRAININGMotion by Rueb and seconded by Knecht to send Finance Officer Schulkoski to the training. Motion carried all in favor. FINANCE OFFICERS REPORTThe canvass of the elections will be April 11, 2019, at 7:30 p.m. in the Finance Office.Finance Officer Schulkoski will be on vacation the week of April 15th. Motion by Kihne and seconded by Hein to take the Selby Motel to small claims for the Carlson repair bill, when the time has expired on the certified letter. Motion carried with Council members Knecht, Kihne, Eisemann, Rueb and Hein voting aye. Council member Perkins voted nay. PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORTThe council told Public Works Superintendent Perman to leave the streets like they are until the frost is out of the ground and to put up cones and barricades where needed. Public Works Superintendent Perman said he will be working on servicing the equipment this month and will also start on preparing the pool for the season. Finance Officer Schulkoski said the Surface Water Discharge Permit needs to be renewed. NUISANCE PROPERTIESThere were no nuisance properties at this time. COMMITTEE REPORTSThere were no committee reports. EXECUTIVE SESSIONMotion by Hein and seconded by Knecht to go into executive session to discuss personnel at 8:15 p.m. Motion carried all in favor. Present in executive session were Mayor Kosters, Council members Kihne, Perkins, Knecht, Hein, Rueb, Eisemann and Finance Officer Schulkoski. Mayor Kosters reconvened the meeting at 8:34 p.m. PUBLIC WORKS POSITIONWe have received two applications for this position. Interviews will be held Monday, April 8, 2019. HIRE FOR MOWING, SUMMER RECREATION & LIFEGUARDSMotion by Perkins and seconded by Kihne to hire Rick Gereau for mowing at $11.75 per hour. Motion carried all in favor.Motion by Rueb and seconded by Perkins to hire the following lifeguards: Macy Masteller, Assistant Manager at $9.75 per hour, Brandon Chase, Donavan Knecht, Ben VonWald, Wade Begeman, Ledger Hannan and Hayden VonWald at $9.25 per hour. Motion carried all in favor. Motion by Rueb and seconded by Perkins to hire the following summer recreation positions: Hayden VonWald and Ledger Hannan for baseball coaches (t-ball, peewee & midgets) at $9.50 per hour. Gavin Hannan for field maintenance at $9.10 per hour. Sophia VonWald and Kayla Gill as softball coaches at $9.10 per hour. Motion carried all in favor. OPERA HOUSE CLEANINGThere are two people that are interested in the cleaning of the Opera House.The personnel committee will have a recommendation for the April 11, 2019, meeting. Motion by Hein and seconded by Perkins to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 p.m. Motion carried all in favor. *NEXT REGULAR MEETING – May 8, 2019__________________________________________________________Vickie L. Schulkoski/Finance OfficerMayor Jeffrey KostersPublished once at the cost of $______Date minutes approved: ___________ ................

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