Classroom Activity by NJ Educators••


|Title: Career Preparation |Author Information: |

| | |

|Content Area: Technological Literacy |Name: Greg Farley |

|Grade Level: 9-12 |School: Orange High School |

| |District: City of Orange |

| |County: Essex |

|Student Learning Objectives: |NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards |

|Students will be able to: |Content Area |

| |Standard |

|Identify career interests and aptitudes through use of |Grade |

|self-assessments. |Strand |

|Utilize websites to research career fields. |CPI |

|Prepare a written report utilizing word processing software | |

|regarding their chosen career field. |Career Education and Consumer, Family, and Life Skills |

|Produce a multi-media (PowerPoint) presentation to communicate | |

|information pertaining to their chosen career field to their |9.1 |

|peers. |9-12 |

|Create a resume and cover letter for their chosen career field. |A |

| |1,2,3 |

| | |

| |Career Education and Consumer, Family and Life Skills |

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| |9.1 |

| |9-12 |

| |B |

| |1,2,3 |

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| |Technological Literacy |

| |8.1 |

| |9-12 |

| |A |

| |1,2,5 |

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| |Technological Literacy |

| |8.1 |

| |9-12 |

| |A |

| |6 |

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|Purpose and Overview: |

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|The purpose of this project is to have students become familiar with the career planning process. In addition, students will be able to research |

|career fields and communicate findings in a written and multimedia format. The culmination of this activity will be for students to find a classified|

|advertisement for an entry-level position in their chosen field and to prepare a resume and cover letter that could be submitted to the employer for |

|that position. |

|Instructional Activity: |

| |

|Students will access and complete at least five career aptitude assessments (teacher may vary number depending on time allotted). Assessments may |

|include but are not limited to those found on the following websites: |

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|Students will develop a graphic organizer related to one of the State’s Sixteen Career Clusters found at

|The graphic organizer should include: |

|Name of career cluster, pathways, and specific examples of careers in each pathway. |

|View the career plan at for information on type of courses needed in high school. Write a paragraph summary |

|on how your current coursework is preparing you for one of the clusters. |

|Students will use their findings to select a career/career field to research. Research should include: |

|Description of career/career field including the nature of the work; |

|Required training and education; |

|Employment outlook; |

|Earning potential; |

|Related occupations; and |

|Demand for people entering the field and possibility of moving to positions with |

|more responsibility (career ladder). |

|Students can use the following websites to research their chosen career/career field. |

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|Students will compile research findings into a formal report utilizing word processing software. Students are to include a citation page of |

|resources. |

|Students will also use research findings to create a multimedia presentation to present to their peers. |

|Teacher will lead discussion on resume writing using articles from the following website . |

|Students will further research resume writing using the following websites: |

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|; and |

|. |

|Students will use the Internet to find an authentic entry-level employment opportunity related to their career choice. |

|Students will use word processing software to prepare a resume and cover letter for an entry-level position in chosen career field. |

| |

|Assessment Strategies: Rubrics for Holistic Scoring |

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|Use the New Jersey Writing Rubric found at . |

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|Career Awareness and Report Rubric |

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|Student Name __________________ |

|Date: _____________ |

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|  Career Research Report |

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|4 |

|3 |

|2 |

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|Completes all five personal assessment inventories. |

|Completes four out of five personal assessment inventories. |

|Completes three out of five personal assessment inventories. |

|Completes two out of five personal assessment inventories. |

|Completes one out of five personal assessment inventories. |

| |

| |


|Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings. |

|Information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs. |

|Information is organized, but paragraphs are not well-constructed. |

|The information appears to be disorganized. |

|The information appears to be disorganized. |

|There is no information to support topic. |

|  |

| |


|All topics are addressed and all questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each. |

|All topics are addressed and most questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each. |

|All topics are addressed, and most questions answered with 1 sentence about each. |

|The information appears to be disorganized. |

|There is very little to no information listed. |

|  |

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|All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in the desired format. |

|All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but a few are not in the desired format. |

|All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format. |

|Some sources are not accurately documented. |

|Sources are not documented. |

|  |

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|No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. |

|Almost no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. |

|A few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. |

|Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. |

|More than 5 grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. |

|  |

| |

This rubric may be used for self-assessment and/or peer feedback. The project grade will be based upon the following evaluation scale found at: .

|Resume Rubric |

|  |1 Point |2 Points |3 Points |4 Points |

|Criteria |Needs Improvement |Satisfactory |Good |Excellent |

|Introduction |Includes few of: |Includes some of: |Includes most of |Includes and is written with |

| |-why you are writing |-why you are writing |-why you are writing, |excellence: |

| |-position applying for |-position applying for |-position applying for |-why you are writing |

| |-proper salutation |-proper salutation |-proper salutation |-position applying for |

| | | | |-proper salutation |

|Main Body |Includes few of: |Includes some of: |Includes most of: |Includes and is written with |

| |-why you are interested |-why you are interested |-why you are interested |excellence: |

| |in position |-why they should hire you|-why they should hire you |-why you are interested |

| |-why they should hire you| |-Most of you qualifications |-why they should hire you |

| |-your qualifications are |-Some of your |are listed. |-all of your qualifications are listed |

| |not listed |qualifications are listed| | |

|Closing |Includes few of: |Includes some of: |Includes most of: |Includes and is written with |

| |-statement of |-statement of |-statement of appreciation |excellence: |

| |appreciation |appreciation |-request for meeting |-statement of appreciation |

| |-request for meeting |-request for meeting |-proper closing |-request for meeting |

| |-proper closing |-proper closing | |-proper closing |

|Conventions |-many spelling errors |-some spelling errors |-few spelling errors |-no errors |

|(Grammar/ |-few conventions are used|-most conventions are |-conventions are used |-all conventions used  expertly |

|Spelling) |correctly |used correctly |correctly | |

| | | | | |

| |  | | | |

|Appearance |Paragraphs do not line|Paragraphs do not line up.|A minor mistake of lining up |Everything lined up; very neat and |

| |up, different fonts |Same fonts are used |margins and text; maybe margins |clean. |

| |used throughout. |throughout. Letter has |are off, but uses correct Blocked |Perfect Blocked Business Letter |

| |Letter does not have |some components of the |Business Letter Format |Format |

| |most of the Blocked |Blocked Business Letter. | | |

| |Business Letter Format| | | |

|Total |

|  |1 Point |2 Points |3 Points |4 Points |

|Criteria |Needs Improvement |Satisfactory |Good |Excellent |

|Introduction |Includes few of: |Includes some of: |Includes most of |Includes and is written with |

| |*why you are writing |*why you are writing |*why you are writing, |excellence: |

| |*position applying for |*position applying for |*position applying for |* why you are writing |

| |*proper salutation |*proper salutation |-*proper salutation |*position applying for |

| | | | |*proper salutation |

|Main Body |Includes few of: |Includes some of: |Includes most of: |Includes and is written with |

| |*why you are interested in |*why you are interested |*why you are interested |excellence: |

| |position |*why they should hire you |*why they should hire you |*why you are interested |

| |*why they should hire you |*some of your |*most of you |*why they should hire you |

| |*your qualifications are not |qualifications are listed |qualifications are listed.|*all of your qualifications are listed|

| |listed | | | |

|Closing |Includes few of: |Includes some of: |Includes most of: |Includes and is written with |

| |* of appreciation |*statement of appreciation|*statement of appreciation|excellence: |

| |* for meeting | | |*statement of appreciation |

| |*proper closing |*request for meeting |*request for meeting |*request for meeting |

| | |*proper closing |*proper closing |* closing |

|Conventions |Includes: |Includes: |Includes: |Includes: |

|(Grammar/ |*many spelling errors |*some spelling errors |*few spelling errors |* errors |

|Spelling) |*few conventions are used |*most conventions are used|*conventions are used |*all conventions used  expertly |

| |correctly |correctly |correctly | |

| | | | | |

| |  | | | |

|Appearance |Paragraphs do not line up. |Paragraphs do not line up.|A minor mistake of lining |Everything is lined up. Very neat and |

| |Different fonts are used |Same fonts are used |up margins and text, maybe|clean |

| |throughout. |throughout. Letter has |a few margins are off, but|Perfect Blocked Business Letter Format|

| |Letter does not have most of the |some of the components of |is in the correct Blocked |used. |

| |Blocked Business Letter Format. |the Blocked Business |Business Letter Format. | |

| | |Letter. | | |

|Totals |  |  |  |  |


Framework for Technological Literacy

Classroom Activity by New Jersey Educator


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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