Career and Technical

Updated 1.2017

|Shoreline Schools |

|Course: Theatre Tech |Total Framework Hours: 180 |

|CIP Code: 500502 |Exploratory Preparatory |Date Last Modified: February 15, 2017 |

|Career Cluster: Arts, A/V & Communications |Cluster Pathway: Visual & Performing Arts |


|Performance Assessments: |

|Create Safety Diagram of Performing Arts Center |

|Students will demonstrate knowledge of safe practices on equipment and tools |

|Leadership Alignment: |

|Students work as a team to use counterweight system, safely |

|Students work as a team to safely hang lighting instruments |

|Students assess the safety needs of others in the Performing Arts Center |

|21st Century Skills: |

|Think Creatively |

|Reason Effectively |

|Collaborate with Others |

|Assess and Evaluate Information |

|Use and Manage Information |

|Be Self-Directed Learners |

|Be Responsible to Others |

|Standards and Competencies |

|Unit 1: Safety--Theatre and Shop |

|Industry Standards and/or Competencies |Total Learning Hours for Unit: 15 |

|Understand venues: Proscenium, round, thrust, Kabuki, arena, outdoor |

|Describe and demonstrate general safety procedures |

|Identify and demonstrate personal safety procedures |

|Define and demonstrate tool and machine safety procedures |

|Utilize tools and equipment safely |

|Practice proper cleanup procedures following construction |

|Understand and demonstrate theatre etiquette |

|Aligned Washington State Learning Standards |

|Arts |1.1 Understands and applies visual arts concepts and vocabulary |

| |1.3 Understands and applies visual arts genres and styles of various artists, cultures, and times. |

|Educational Technology |1.2.1 Communicate and collaborate to learn with others. |

| |2.1.1 Practice personal safety. |

| |2.3.1 Select and use common applications. |

|English Language Arts |SL--Comprehension and Collaboration (Standards 1, 2, 3) |

|Mathematics |G-MG-Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations (Standards 1, 2, 3) |


|Performance Assessments: |

|Students will demonstrate safe operation of tools and equipment in the scene shop |

|Students will plan and design scenery as needed for Fall Production and Spring Productions |

|Students will construct scenery as needed for Fall and Spring productions |

|Students will collaborate and build scenery with the middle school drama program |

|Students will build a flat |

|Leadership Alignment: |

|Students collaborate as a team and present design sketches to the class for a play. |

|Students will lead and teach basic scenic design and construction to middle school students. |

|21st Century Skills |

|Think Creatively |

|Implement Innovations |

|Reason Effectively |

|Use Systems Thinking |

|Solve Problems |

|Communicate Clearly |

|Assess and Evaluate Information |

|Use and Manage Information |

|Adapt to Change |

|Be Flexible |

|Manage Goals and Time |

|Work Independently |

|Be Self-Directed Learners |

|Manage Projects |

|Produce Results |

|Standards and Competencies |

|Unit 2: Scenic Design and Construction |

|Industry Standards and/or Competencies |Total Learning Hours for Unit: 50 |

|Script Study/Dissemination |

|Participate in creative team discussions |

|Build Flat |

|Construct and Collaborate in building scenic elements |

|Operate a variety of shop tools while demonstrating safety—both written and practical tests must be passed |

|Keep a clean and safe work environment |

|Aligned Washington State Learning Standards |

|Arts |1.1 Understands and applies visual arts concepts and vocabulary |

| |1.2 Develops visual arts skills and techniques |

| |1.3 Understands and applies visual arts genres and styles of various artists, cultures, and times. |

| |2.1 Applies a creative process to the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts). |

| |3.1 Uses the arts to express feelings and present ideas. |

| |4.5 Understand how arts knowledge and skills are used in the world of work, including careers in the arts. |

|Educational Technology |1.1.1 Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools. |

| |1.2.1 Communicate and collaborate to learn with others. |

| |1.3.2 Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media. |

| |1.3.4 Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. |

| |2.1.1 Practice personal safety. |

| |2.2.2 Use a variety of hardware to support learning. |

|English Language Arts |SL--Comprehension and Collaboration (Standards 1, 2, 3) |

| |L--Conventions of Standard English (Standards 1, 2) |

| |L--Vocabulary Acquisition and Use (Standards 4, 5, 6) |

| |RST--Key Ideas and Details (Standards 1, 2, 3) |

| |RST--Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity (Standard 10) |

|Mathematics |G-MG-Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations (Standards 1, 2, 3) |


|Performance Assessments: |

|Safely hang, focus, and operate a specified instrument with the computerized lighting controller |

|Design lights for a scene in a play (considering time, scenery, direction of light, and inventory of instruments) |

|Leadership Alignment: |

|Working in small groups, students will understand and interpret a light plot for hang and focus for various shows. |

|Students will analyze scripts to design appropriate lights and sets for productions and share that information with peers. |

|Students will collaborate with designers/director on lighting design for productions. |

|21st Century Skills |

|Think Creatively |

|Work Creatively with Others |

|Implement Innovations |

|Reason Effectively |

|Use Systems Thinking |

|Make Judgments and Decisions |

|Solve Problems |

|Communicate Clearly |

|Collaborate with Others |

|Implement Innovations |

|Assess and Evaluate Information |

|Use and Manage Information |

|Adapt to Change |

|Be Self-Directed Learners |

|Manage Goals and Time |

|Work Independently |

|Work Effectively in Diverse Teams |

|Manage Projects |

|Produce Results |

|Guide and lead others |

|Be Responsible to Others |

|Standards and Competencies |

|Unit 3: Lighting: Design and Technology |

|Industry Standards and/or Competencies |Total Learning Hours for Unit: 40 |

|Use appropriate specialized terminology |

|Select correct instrument for application |

|Identify basic instruments, their components and parts. |

|Interpret a lighting plot and select a color medium |

|Operate a follow-spot |

|Participate in a crew/production assignment |

|Use lighting console to design a cue/scene for a show |

|Operate manual and computerized lighting console |

|Practice and demonstrate knowledge of safety for instruments and electricity |

|Hang and focus a lighting instrument |

|Students will demonstrate how to select and install gel colors and gobo patterns |

|Aligned Washington State Learning Standards |

|Arts |1.1 Understands and applies visual arts concepts and vocabulary |

| |4.5 Understand how arts knowledge and skills are used in the world of work, including careers in the arts. |

|Educational Technology |1.1.1 Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools. |

| |1.2.1 Communicate and collaborate to learn with others. |

| |1.3.2 Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media. |

| |1.3.4 Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. |

| |2.1.1 Practice personal safety. |

| |2.2.2 Use a variety of hardware to support learning. |

|English Language Arts |SL--Comprehension and Collaboration (Standards 1, 2, 3) |

| |L--Conventions of Standard English (Standards 1, 2) |

|Mathematics |G-MG-Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations (Standards 1, 2, 3) |


|Performance Assessments: |

|Set up and safely operate sound system for performance |

|Leadership Alignment: |

|Students will use systems thinking when selecting and using microphones and mixer operations |

|Students will troubleshoot issues and collaborate how to solve the issues |

|21st Century Skills |

|Think Creatively |

|Work Creatively with Others |

|Reason Effectively |

|Use Systems Thinking |

|Make Judgments and Decisions |

|Solve Problems |

|Communicate Clearly |

|Collaborate with Others |

|Assess and Evaluate Information |

|Use and Manage Information |

|Adapt to Change |

|Be Self-Directed Learners |

|Interact Effectively with Others |

|Work Effectively in Diverse Teams |

|Produce Results |

|Standards and Competencies |

|Unit 4: Sound |

|Industry Standards and/or Competencies |Total Learning Hours for Unit: 15 |

|Use terminology appropriate to acoustical properties, microphones, and the recording of sound |

|Select correct microphone and its pattern, placement, and sound quality |

|Demonstrate how to connect and use mixers, EQ and processors |

|Create and operate sound effects |

|Create sound plot |

|Aligned Washington State Learning Standards |

|Arts |1.1 Understands and applies visual arts concepts and vocabulary |

| |1.2 Develops visual arts skills and techniques |

| |4.5 Understand how arts knowledge and skills are used in the world of work, including careers in the arts. |

|Educational Technology |1.1.1 Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools. |

| |1.2.1 Communicate and collaborate to learn with others. |

| |1.3.2 Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media. |

| |1.3.4 Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. |

| |2.1.1 Practice personal safety. |

| |2.2.2 Use a variety of hardware to support learning. |

|English Language Arts |SL--Comprehension and Collaboration (Standards 1, 2, 3) |

| |L--Conventions of Standard English (Standards 1, 2) |


|Performance Assessments: |

|Demonstrate painting techniques via scenic painting project |

|Leadership Alignment: |

|Students will collaborate and lead painting projects for scenic construction and scene painting tasks |

|Students will work together painting scenes for productions: Paint crew work days |

|21st Century Skills |

|Think Creatively |

|Reason Effectively |

|Make Judgments and Decisions |

|Solve Problems |

|Communicate Clearly |

|Collaborate with Others |

|Assess and Evaluate Information |

|Use and Manage Information |

|Adapt to Change |

|Be Self-Directed Learners |

|Interact Effectively with Others |

|Work Effectively in Diverse Teams |

|Produce Results |

|Standards and Competencies |

|Unit 5: Scenic Painting |

|Industry Standards and/or Competencies |Total Learning Hours for Unit: 10 |

|Demonstrate Dutchman painting techniques |

|Demonstrate wood graining, spatter, feather duster, brick, stone, marble, lining, distressing paint techniques |

|Understand MSDS, disposal, personal safety (knowledge and safety demonstration) |

|Demonstrate proper care and clean-up of equipment |

|Aligned Washington State Learning Standards |

|Arts |1.1 Understands and applies visual arts concepts and vocabulary |

| |1.2 Develops visual arts skills and techniques |

| |1.3 Understands and applies visual arts genres and styles of various artists, cultures, and times. |

| |2.1 Applies a creative process to the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts). |

| |3.1 Uses the arts to express feelings and present ideas. |

| |3.2 Uses the arts to communicate for a specific purpose. |

| |3.3 Develops personal aesthetic criteria to communicate artistic choices. |

| |4.4 Understand that the arts influence and reflect cultures/civilization, place, and time. |

| |4.5 Understand how arts knowledge and skills are used in the world of work, including careers in the arts. |


|Performance Assessments: |

|Students will create a costume design for a character (Sketches, Swatches, and Tracking Chart) |

|Leadership Alignment: |

|Students will collaborate and discuss the process for developing a design for a particular play. |

|21st Century Skills |

|Think Creatively |

|Work Creatively with Others |

|Implement Innovations |

|Make Judgments and Decisions |

|Solve Problems |

|Communicate Clearly |

|Collaborate with Others |

|Assess and Evaluate Information |

|Use and Manage Information |

|Be Self-Directed Learners |

|Manage Goals and Time |

|Work Independently |

|Work Effectively in Diverse Teams |

|Manage Projects |

|Produce Results |

|Standards and Competencies |

|Unit 6: Costumes |

|Industry Standards and/or Competencies |Total Learning Hours for Unit: 15 |

|Demonstrate Safety procedures in Costume Shop and with Costume Tools |

|Learn Costume Measurements |

|Create a Costume Plot |

|Research Costumes and period |

|Sketch costumes |

|Develop Costume Racks for production |

|Aligned Washington State Learning Standards |

|Arts |1.1 Understands and applies visual arts concepts and vocabulary |

| |1.2 Develops visual arts skills and techniques |

| |1.3 Understands and applies visual arts genres and styles of various artists, cultures, and times. |

| |2.1 Applies a creative process to the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts). |

| |3.1 Uses the arts to express feelings and present ideas. |

| |3.2 Uses the arts to communicate for a specific purpose. |

| |3.3 Develops personal aesthetic criteria to communicate artistic choices. |

| |4.4 Understand that the arts influence and reflect cultures/civilization, place, and time. |

| |4.5 Understand how arts knowledge and skills are used in the world of work, including careers in the arts. |

|Educational Technology |1.1.1 Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools. |

| |1.2.1 Communicate and collaborate to learn with others. |

| |1.3.2 Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media. |

| |1.3.4 Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. |

| |2.1.1 Practice personal safety. |

| |2.2.2 Use a variety of hardware to support learning. |

|English Language Arts |SL--Comprehension and Collaboration (Standards 1, 2, 3) |

| |L--Conventions of Standard English (Standards 1, 2) |

| |L--Vocabulary Acquisition and Use (Standards 4, 5, 6) |

| |RST--Key Ideas and Details (Standards 1, 2, 3) |

| |RST--Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity (Standard 10) |


|Performance Assessments: |

|Students will operate the rigging system including flying in and out a baton, loading and unloading weight, and hanging a piece of scenery. |

|Leadership Alignment: |

|Students will collaborate on the fly rail to safely and effectively bring in drops for performances |

|Students will work together to hang drops |

|21st Century Skills |

|Think Creatively |

|Implement Innovations |

|Reason Effectively |

|Use Systems Thinking |

|Solve Problems |

|Communicate Clearly |

|Assess and Evaluate Information |

|Use and Manage Information |

|Adapt to Change |

|Be Flexible |

|Manage Goals and Time |

|Work Independently |

|Be Self-Directed Learners |

|Manage Projects |

|Produce Results |

|Standards and Competencies |

|Unit 7: Rigging |

|Industry Standards and/or Competencies |Total Learning Hours for Unit: 15 |

|Apply knowledge of safety procedures for mechanical stage operation, including the flying mechanism |

|Apply accepted principles of theater technology to production situations |

|Apply knowledge of counterweight systems |

|Apply understanding of methods of counter weighting & problems loads varying as they are raised off the ground |

|Apply accepted principles of running a show- safety procedures, spiking lines |

|Aligned Washington State Learning Standards |

|Arts |1.1 Understands and applies visual arts concepts and vocabulary |

|Educational Technology |1.1.1 Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools. |

| |1.2.1 Communicate and collaborate to learn with others. |

| |1.3.2 Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media. |

| |1.3.4 Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. |

| |2.1.1 Practice personal safety. |

| |2.2.2 Use a variety of hardware to support learning. |

| |2.3.1 Select and use common applications. |

|Mathematics |MG-Apply geometric concepts in modeling situations (Standards 1, 2, 3) |

| |MD--Calculate expected values and use them to solve problems (Standards 1, 2, 3, 4) |


|Performance Assessments: |

|Students will submit a written piece explaining the role of the stage manager and his relation to the production team.  |

|Students will create a promptbook. |

|Leadership Alignment: |

|Students will lead other students in completing the procedures for rehearsals and performances |

|21st Century Skills |

|Think Creatively |

|Work Creatively with Others |

|Implement Innovations |

|Reason Effectively |

|Use Systems Thinking |

|Make Judgments and Decisions |

|Solve Problems |

|Communicate Clearly |

|Collaborate with Others |

|Assess and Evaluate Information |

|Use and Manage Information |

|Adapt to Change |

|Be Self-Directed Learners |

|Manage Goals and Time |

|Work Independently |

|Work Effectively in Diverse Teams |

|Manage Projects |

|Produce Results |

|Guide and lead others |

|Be Responsible to Others |

|Standards and Competencies |

|Unit 8: Stage and Production Management |

|Industry Standards and/or Competencies |Total Learning Hours for Unit: 10 |

|Apply understanding to set up and run rehearsal schedules |

|Define and demonstrate working with other departments to plan wardrobes, set design, scene changes, sound and lighting |

|Describe keeping the ‘prompt copy’ of the script which notes the performers’ positions on stage, script changes as well as the props, lighting and sound needed for each scene |

|Describe and demonstrate cueing performers to go on stage |

|Demonstrate the procedures for watching each show and dealing with any emergencies |

|Aligned Washington State Learning Standards |

|Arts |1.1 Understands and applies visual arts concepts and vocabulary |

| |2.2 Applies a performance and/or presentation process to the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts). |

|Educational Technology |1.1.1 Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools. |

| |1.2.1 Communicate and collaborate to learn with others. |

| |1.3.2 Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media. |

| |1.3.4 Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. |

| |2.1.1 Practice personal safety. |

| |2.2.2 Use a variety of hardware to support learning. |

| |2.3.1 Select and use common applications. |

|English Language Arts |L--Conventions of Standard English (Standards 1, 2) |


|Performance Assessments: |

|Students will identify a role in the production world, research and develop a presentation for pathways to developing and training for that job category. |

|Students will interview/shadow a technical theatre professional |

|Leadership Alignment: |

|Interview and engage a professional in the theatre world, and share knowledge with the class |

|21st Century Skills |

|Think Creatively |

|Reason Effectively |

|Collaborate with Others |

|Assess and Evaluate Information |

|Use and Manage Information |

|Work Independently |

|Be Self-Directed Learners |

|Be Responsible to Others |

|Standards and Competencies |

|Unit 9: Careers in Production |

|Industry Standards and/or Competencies |Total Learning Hours for Unit: 10 |

|Understand and Explore career opportunities in production |

|Analyze and present specific areas of interest |

|Aligned Washington State Learning Standards |

|Arts |1.1 Understands and applies visual arts concepts and vocabulary |

|Educational Technology |1.1.1 Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools. |

| |1.2.1 Communicate and collaborate to learn with others. |

| |1.3.2 Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media. |

| |1.3.4 Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. |

| |2.1.1 Practice personal safety. |

| |2.2.2 Use a variety of hardware to support learning. |

| |2.3.1 Select and use common applications. |

|English Language Arts |ELASLA SL--Comprehension and Collaboration (Standards 1, 2, 3) |

| |L--Conventions of Standard English (Standards 1, 2) |

| |L--Vocabulary Acquisition and Use (Standards 4, 5, 6) |

| |RST--Key Ideas and Details (Standards 1, 2, 3) |

| |RST--Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity (Standard 10) |

|21st Century Skills |

|Check those that students will demonstrate in this course: |


|Creativity and Innovation |Information Literacy |Flexibility and Adaptability |

|Think Creatively |Access and /evaluate Information |Adapt to Change |

|Work Creatively with Others |Use and Manage Information |Be Flexible |

|Implement Innovations |Media Literacy |Initiative and Self-Direction |

|Critical Thinking and Problem Solving |Analyze Media |Manage Goals and Time |

|Reason Effectively |Create Media Products |Work Independently |

|Use Systems Thinking |Information, Communications and Technology |Be Self-Directed Learners |

|Make Judgments and Decisions |(ICT Literacy) |Social and Cross-Cultural |

|Solve Problems |Apply Technology Effectively |Interact Effectively with Others |

|Communication and Collaboration | |Work Effectively in Diverse Teams |

|Communicate Clearly | |Productivity and Accountability |

|Collaborate with Others | |Manage Projects |

| | |Produce Results |

| | |Leadership and Responsibility |

| | |Guide and Lead Others |

| | |Be Responsible to Others |


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