Valparaiso University


David A. Myers

Professor of Law

Office Address:

Valparaiso University

Valparaiso Indiana 46383

Phone (219) 465-7864


Valparaiso University School of Law

Professor (1987–present); Associate Professor (1983–87); Assistant Professor (1980–83); Courses: Property, Media Law, Entertainment Law, Land Use; Agrarianism, Farming, and Sustainability; Seminars in Land Use, Entertainment Law, and Mass Media Law.

Visiting Professorships

University of Illinois, Spring 2006

Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis, Summer 1988

University of Arizona, Summer, 1984

University of Illinois Department of Agricultural Economics

Assistant Professor of Agricultural Law (1977–80); Courses: Agricultural Law; Farm Taxation (with Professor Bock), Veterinary Law (with Professors Bock and Uchtmann).

Law Clerk to the Honorable Maurice Rawlings, Iowa Supreme Court, 1976–77.



Nimmer, Marcus, Myers and Nimmer's Cases and Materials on Copyright and Other Aspects of Entertainment Litigation Including Unfair Competition, Defamation, Privacy Illustrated (8th ed. 2012).

Annual Supplements to Nimmer's Cases and Materials on Copyright and Other Aspects of Entertainment Litigation with Professor Paul Marcus and David Nimmer.


“The Common Law Under the Constitution and Within the Constitution: An Article on the Opinions of Justice Brennan and Justice White in the Defamation and Privacy Cases, with Suggestions for the Roberts Court,” (in progress) (2013).

“Dean John Cribbet: Midwestern Prophet of Property Law,” 95 Marquette Law Rev. 5 (2011).

“Defamation and the Quiescent Anarchy of the Internet: A Case Study in Cyber Targeting,” 110 Penn State L. Rev. 101 (2006). This article is based on a speech delivered at the Second Annual First Amendment Forum at the University of Leeds, England, on June 2, 2005, and also at a discussion forum sponsored by the Mainz Media Institute at Johannes Guttenburg University on June 9, at Mainz, Germany.

"Why is the ‘Jeffersonian Moment’ so Enduring?" 45 Drake L. Rev. 1 (1997)

"Some Observations on the Analysis of Regulatory Takings in the Rehnquist Court," 23 Val. U.L. Rev. 527 (1989).

"Agricultural Lawyers, Agricultural Lawmaking," 38 Ala. L. Rev. 625 (1987) (Presidential Address to the American Agricultural Law Association).

"Form and Content of American Pollution Law with an Emphasis on Pesticide Regulation," Proceedings of the Euro-American Agricultural Law Symposium and Third Symposium of the C.E.D.R., 4A Agric. L. Bull. 24 (G. Spring ed. 1986).

"Agriculture and Property," 34 Kansas L. Rev. 411 (1986).

"Farmland Preservation in a Democratic Society: Looking to the Future," 3 The Agricultural Law Journal 605 (1982).

"Open Space Taxation and State Constitutions," 33 Vanderbilt Law Review 837 (1980).

"The Legal Aspects of Agricultural Districting," 55 Indiana Law Journal 1 (1979), reprinted in 2 The Agricultural Law Journal 627 (1981).

"Wetlands: A Legal Perspective," in A Wetlands Policy for Michigan 1–13 (Michigan State University Cooperative Extension Service 1979).

Brief Reports and Comments

"Groundwater Issues Emerge as Focus of FIFRA Reform," 5 Agricultural Law Update 4–5 (April 1988).

"Genetic Engineering Experiment Opens New Chapter in Pesticide Controls," 4 Agricultural Law Update 6–7 (August 1987).

"Federal Court Holds NEPA Does Not Apply to Pesticide Registrations," 4 Agricultural Law Update 1–2 (April 1987).

"EPA Refines Review Procedures for Open Field Experiments," 3 Agricultural Law Update 3 (September 1986).

"Supreme Court Holds Firm on FIFRA Registration Laws," 2 Agricultural Law Update 1–2 (December 1985) (comment on Thomas v. Union Carbide, 473 U.S. 568 (1985)).

"Federal Court Requires Guidelines for Genetic Engineering Experiment," 2 Agricultural Law Update 4–5 (June 1985).

"Supreme Court Upholds FIFRA Registration Laws," 2 Agricultural Law Update 2–3 (December 1984) (comment on Ruckelshaus v. Monsanto Co., 467 U.S. 986 (1984)).

"California Court Approves Public Utility Extension Controls," 1 Agricultural Law Update 1–2 (June 1984).

"Supreme Court to Review Portions of FIFRA Registration Laws," 1 Agricultural Law Update 1–2 (March 1984).

Conferences and Public Presentations

Chair, AALS Section on Agricultural Law (2010), and moderator for the first part of the annual meeting program (co-sponsored with the section on Property Law) on “Changing Conceptions of Water in the Law,” in San Francisco on January 5, 2011.

Visiting Scholar in Residence, The College of William and Mary School of Law, February 12–13, 1998.

Participant, Anglo-American Agricultural Law Symposium, Oxford, England, September 18–20, 1995.

Chair, AALS Section on Agricultural Law (1991), and moderator for annual meeting program on "Jeffersonian Agrarianism: Its Meaning and Significance," in San Antonio, Texas, January 1992.

Inaugural Lecture, "Conjectures on a Functional Analysis of Regulatory Takings," Valparaiso University School of Law, February 25, 1988.

Speaker, AALS Section on Agricultural Law, Miami, Florida, January 8, 1988.

Moderator, panel discussion on pesticide regulations, annual meeting of the American Agricultural Law Association, Washington D.C., October 16, 1987.

Participant, Euro-American Agricultural Law Symposium, Plymouth, England, September 8–12, 1986.

Coordinator and Moderator, Sixth Annual Conference of the American Agricultural Law Association, Columbus, Ohio, October 3–4, 1985.

Speaker, Faculty seminar on the "taking issue," University of Arizona School of Law, August 30, 1984 (Visiting Rosentiel Scholar in Residence).

Teaching Awards

Michael and Dianne Swygert Teaching Fellowship, 2008–2010

Charles Gromley Distinguished Teaching Award, 1996


University of Illinois, J.D. 1976

Drake University, B.A. 1973


Chair, Task Force on Summer J.D. Course/Credit Opportunities

Career Planning Center Task Force

Alumni Relations Task Force

Chair, Crossroads Committee, AALS Section on Agricultural and Food Law (2011)

Chair, Tenured Faculty (2010–2011)

Speakers Committee (2004–2010) Chair (2005–2010)

University Faculty Senate (2001–2005)

Committee to Enhance Learning and Teaching (2001–2005)

Committee on Academic and Professional Standards (1986–90; 1999–2000)

Director of Concentrations and Centers Program (1998–2002)

Task Force on Recruiting Minority Students (2001–2003)

Curriculum Committee (1980–85; 2003–2004) Chair (1995–2000)

Chair, Ad hoc Committee on Program Development (1997–1998)

Chair, Judicial Clerkship Committee (1990–1996)

Chair, Placement Committee (1989–1996)

Admissions Committee (1994–1995)

Chair, Long-Range Planning Committee (1989–90)

Law School Dean Search Committee (1981–82; 1988–90)

Chair, Library Committee (1986–88)

Recruitment Committee (1982–83)

Honor Commission (1981–88)

Other Activities and Accomplishments

American Agricultural Law Association Distinguished Service Award, 1995

Elected Faculty Advisor by third-year class of 1992.

Advisor, Hispanic Law Students Association (1989 to present)

Summer School, 2007, 2000, 1998, 1994, 1992, Valparaiso University Cambridge Program (Entertainment Law).

Board Member, Caring Place Shelter (2001–2006).

American Agricultural Law Association (President, 1985–86; Board of Directors, 1981–84; Chair, Long-Range Planning Committee, 1987–88; Chair, International Liaison Committee, 1992–93).

Advisor, Valparaiso University Law Review (1983–88).

Reporter and editor on environmental affairs for AALA monthly newsletter, Agricultural Law Update (1984–88).

Professional Associations

Member, American Bar Association, Illinois State Bar, American Agricultural Law Association.

Widowed, with two children. My son, Jonathan, is a minister in Holland, Michigan. He and his wife, Rhys, have a son, Jack. My daughter, Kate, is a singer-songwriter, and a music therapist in Indianapolis. She is married to Nick Coffman.


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